Blackstone Code

Chapter 7: It is not evil that makes darkness, but

   "Wealth gleams with golden light and will attract all those who are lost in the mist of poverty!"

   "They may not get enough wealth to make them shine, but they can change their lives somehow."

   This sentence was said by Lynch. In just a few days, the entire Sabine masthead knew that there was someone who could quickly turn change into whole money, and it was still profitable.

   A large amount of change is constantly rolling in Lynch’s pocket and turned into whole money, not only by the newspaper heads, but also by some newsstands and retail stores.

   3% of the profit does not require any effort, and there is no risk. Perhaps this profit is only three cents of profit in the eyes of many people.

   But when the principal is large enough, this will also become a considerable figure, one hundred yuan, one thousand yuan, just give the money to Lynch, and then get more money back, it's that simple.

  According to various bills of the Baylor Federation on wages and working hours, as well as specific adjustments to the regional bills, an average worker in Sabine City earns about 200 to 300 yuan a month.

  If the nature of the job is more dangerous, the salary may be higher, but there are still relatively few types of work, and the salary is almost like this.

   Ten yuan is already equivalent to a worker's work day, but there is no need to pay any labor for Lynch. You only need to give him the money, and then you can get the money.

  Some people really don't like it, but more people like it.

   A large amount of change began to gather and appeared in an orderly manner in Mr. Fox’s laundry.

   Just a week later, when Lynch pushed the trolley into the laundry shop controlled by Mr. Fox, two guys in black woolen trench coats, formal clothes, waistcoats and white shirts appeared in front of him.

This also made him understand why Fox first said that he does not look like a member of the federal government department, because he lacks the outfit that can be seen through at a glance, and the faces of these people wishing everyone to know their specific identities. Arrogance.


   The person blocking the trolley yelled Lynch’s name casually as usual, and then lifted the placket of his windbreaker to reveal the wallet that hung on the pocket inside.

   Half of the wallet is in the upper pocket on the inside of the windbreaker, which prevents it from falling randomly, and the other half with the ID is hanging outside. The FBI people are like this, they will find it very handsome to do so.

   As for why there is such a stupid idea, it is probably because it has something to do with some popular movies in the past two years.

   The actors are really handsome in doing that, but ordinary people will only feel stupid if they move these things into reality.

   "I'm an investigator from the Federal Revenue Service, I need your cooperation..." There is no room for negotiation, and the tone is not just as tough as it is, it is also thorny.

   Lynch smiled and asked, "Should I raise my hands?"

   In fact, from the very beginning, he knew that he wanted to deal with these people, and not only this time, he would continue to deal with them in the future, but he didn't expect that he would be targeted so soon.

   This is the game. The golden light of wealth will not only attract those who are eager to bathe in the golden light to be able to mix some benefits, but also ordinary people who are eager for wealth, but there will also be some picky "bad guys."

   These words of him sounded like they were mocking two investigators. Generally speaking, people always associate raised hands with firearms.

And obviously these two investigators are not qualified to wear weapons. In the Baylor IRS system, investigators are also the lowest-level employees, far inferior to the above "agents" and "agents", although many people I am curious why the tax bureau needs "agents".

The guy behind Lynch grabbed his wrist with one hand, grabbed his back collar with the other, and pushed him against the wall to give him some great taste. The pedestrians on the street immediately moved a certain distance away to avoid being caught in it. .

   Some people left, and some people stopped to watch the excitement.

   The investigator who had spoken to Lynch once again presented his ID and dispersed the crowd. He pushed Lynch’s trolley, and his companions led Lynch and his trolley into the alley on the side of the road.

   There was a little embarrassed Lynch rubbing his cheekbones. When his face was pressed against the wall, he touched the wall. It hurts, maybe some bruise, but he didn't care much.

   An investigator was flipping his trolley, opening the box of the trolley, taking out some old clothes and throwing them on the ground, as if looking for something.

   Another person asked, "Recently you and Fox are walking very close. Are you serving him?" He also took out a small notebook and a pen, seemingly ready to record something at any time.

In fact, the Federal Revenue Service has long been eyeing people like Mr. Fox, but this "staring" does not mean that people like Mr. Fox must be brought to justice. Where there is light, there will always be darkness. This is not dark. Characteristics are the characteristics of light.

   If there is no Lynch, maybe this kind of strange but very socially demanding balance can be maintained for a while, until the new local tax bureau chief takes office, or the current chief needs some merits, then they will find Mr. Fox trouble.

   But the problem is that now there is one more Lynch, Mr. Fox, and Lynch, some of their strange actions are speeding up certain things out of control.

   Catch a tax evasion criminal, and the amount involved is huge, in the federal tax system is definitely a huge credit, the kind that can get promotion opportunities.

   But if Mr. Fox is allowed to get out of the quagmire..., no one will praise the current head of the local taxation bureau, but will only wonder if they have any behind-the-scenes transactions.

  In addition, there have been some possible personnel changes within the Federal Taxation Office of Sabine City, and some people can't sit still.

  As soon as these signs appeared, the local Federal Revenue Service immediately began to take action. After checking Lynch’s identity and what he had done recently, they roughly figured out the problem between him and Mr. Fox.

In the eyes of these experienced agents, Lynch is just a lucky kid. He accidentally discovered a way to make money. If Lynch is used as a breakthrough point, it is very likely to cooperate and directly win Mr. Fox. This group of people.

   But the first thing they had to do was to figure out what Mr. Fox and Lynch were doing, and whether it was the same as they thought, so there was this "attack."

   Facing the fierce investigator Lynch, he always kept a smile. A smile can draw the distance between people and let people relax their vigilance, "Can I know your name?"

   The investigator he was facing with a suddenly stepped forward and punched Lynch in the stomach. In a moment, his stomach was turned upside down, and there was a nausea urge.

"You don't need to know my name, you just have to answer the question, understand?", the investigator grabbed Lynch’s hair and asked him to bend down and look up at himself, "I'm asking you again, you and What are Fox’s transactions and how did his money get into the bank..."

The muscles on Lynch's face trembled, and he straightened up slowly, his smile reappeared on his face, he gestured like a pistol with his right hand, pressed his chin, looked at the investigator and said, "You Do you have a gun, give me a bullet and try..."

   The investigator did not respond to his words for a short time, and then he was embarrassed, but when he met Lynch's gaze, it was as if he was poured into a basin of ice water, and the fire was completely turned off.

   There was expectation in his bright and clear eyes, and in accordance with the content of his tone and a little bit of madness, the investigator's heart shrank suddenly.

   He can clearly feel that this person is crazy!

   He swallowed subconsciously and looked away, but then turned back, staring at Lynch, pushed him away, and shouted, "Answer the question!"

   He actually already had some timidity, but he used this way to cover up his timidity while keeping a distance from Lynch. He didn't want to expose his true heart to an older child who had just left school for a few years.

   Lynch looked as if nothing had happened, raised his head slightly, facing the wide sky above the alley, showing the brightest smile.

   "May I know your name, sir?"