Blackstone Code

Chapter 702: divorce

"Blackstone Code (

The sudden ringing of the telephone ring always makes people feel very sensitive, and sometimes it can make people frightening.

Looking at the phone for two seconds, Lynch picked it up.

He had just picked up the pen to write something before answering the call, and now there was an ink dot on the letter paper in front of him, and no other words.

"it's me……"

"I'm Nell..." The voice of Lynch’s father appeared on the phone, and then fell into a brief calm, and then the voice rang again, "If you have time, it’s better to go back to the Federation. Me and your mother. I'm going to get a divorce."

Lynch didn't feel any surprise for the arrival of this day. The marriage of Nell and Sierra came to an end the moment Lynch came into this world.

For many ordinary people, marriage is not a choice of love, but a choice of society.

This is also a problem that most people face-"The other half of my marriage is not the person I love the most, but the person I can't live without."

It sounds mysterious, but this is the truth. If Lynch did not come into this world, then the ending of "Linch" would be to break up with Catherine, and then mature after several brutal beatings by the society.

Marrying a woman who may not be beautiful, but fits to live together and spend this life quietly.

It is possible that he will cry sadly late at night, or he may regret all the past after a certain drunkenness, but this is life, the life of ordinary people.

Nell and Serra's lives are like this. They may not be each other's favorite people. Nell needs a woman to start a family, take care of him and enable him to be free from housework after get off work.

Serra also needs a man who can make money so that she can have a stable life, and she doesn't need to show her face and endure other people's colorful eyes to do some lowly work.

The two have dated several times since they met for the first time. They didn't find anything they couldn't bear in each other, and the marriage was decided.

It is not the achievement of love, nor the tomb of love. From the very beginning, there is no love. Love is just a lie that gives each other peace of mind and admits this relationship.

This is to make do with life, just to make life go on.

If Lynch didn't show up.

But Lynch appeared. "Linch" was replaced by Lynch. From this moment on, the lives of Nell and Sierra came to an end. They became rich and they would not want to "keep the life going." And continue to improvise together.

With money, Nell began to have the right to choose happiness. He became obsessed with those young and beautiful girls, who in his eyes were happiness and love.

The same is true for Sierra. She may not behave as straightforward as Nell. She has learned to do hair, beauty, and fitness with the wealthy wives in the community.

It sounds a bit...Many people always think that people will not become so different, but people become so fast.

Serra also met a very talking young man a few years younger than herself, and established a new relationship.

If you want to use a simpler and more intuitive way to summarize the relationship between the two people, you can find out from the number of times they roll the bed.

Before Lynch became rich, there were almost two or three times a week, sometimes more, especially when the factory was under pressure and the work was harder.

But in the past year, the two have not lived in between.

This time, Nell returned to the Federation during his vacation and talked to Sierra about this issue. Both parties said that they could end the relationship and pursue what they believed to be true happiness.

When he heard this news, Lynch’s heart did not fluctuate too much. He had seen too many such things, and this is precisely the privilege brought by money-you have the right to choose what you think belongs to you. Happiness instead of improvising.

Look, poverty is so sad that you don't even have the right to choose happiness.

"I know, I will come back as soon as possible." Lynch responded calmly.

The communication between the two fell into silence again. After a while, Nell whispered, "I'm sorry, I didn't discuss with you before this."

Lynch curled his lips, "You are adults, don't say sorry to me, let's talk about other meetings."

After hanging up the phone, this feeling was amazing. He asked the sergeant to book himself the day's ferry ticket. By the next night, he had already set foot on federal land.

Without disturbing too many people, Lynch returned to Sabine overnight. He slept on the train all night. At noon the next day, he had already appeared at the station in Sabine.

When he came back this time, he didn't alarm anyone. Many people still think that Lynch is still in charge of work in Ameria, and no one knows that he has actually come back secretly.

In the villa for Nell and Sierra, Lynch met them both.

I have to say that at this time, whether Nell or Serra, and the two people deep in Lynch's memory, there have been very distinct changes.

Nell looked a lot younger. Without heavy manual work and all kinds of industrial oil pollution, he could clean himself up.

Sierra is also a lot younger. She doesn't need to revolve around various housework now. She has plenty of time to maintain her skin and figure.

She even has time to exercise and do some Jiu-Jitsu.

The changes between the two people from the inside to the outside make it really difficult for them to continue to get together. The past time was not a precious wealth. Rich is wealth, and poor is not.

Maybe they will miss them at some time in the future, but they will never yearn for it. No one wants to live a poor life.

In addition to Nell and Serra, there are several lawyers in the room. Lynch gave them a lot of money. Nell is now more or less a successful person, and Serra has an extra amount in her account every month. Income.

They have the money to hire a private lawyer to handle the divorce. Of course, this divorce case did not bring much income to their lawyers. This is not a litigation divorce, and there is no oil and water.

When the three met, the two eldest were a little embarrassed. Lynch sat directly on the sofa. He picked up the unfolded agreement on the table and looked at it quickly.

He didn't care about the divorce issue, but directly saw the issue of the final division of property. This was his concern.

It seems that the two parties really broke up peacefully, and both made a certain degree of concessions on the issue of property division.

Nell was willing to give Sierra the villa Lynch gave them, and Sierra didn't need a penny from Nell, either now or in the future.

Overall this is good, because Lynch is an adult, so his rights are taken out of this agreement.

Looking at it roughly, it did not involve his own content, nor did it divide the current shares of Nell and the company's content. Lynch approved the agreement.

After he put it down, he looked at the former couple sitting across from him and nodded, "No problem, when do you plan to go through the formalities?"

A divorce by agreement is not a divorce in litigation, as long as they go to the Social Service Bureau to complete the divorce procedures, it will end their two decades of marriage.

Nell looked at Serra, Serra pursed his mouth, and in the end Nell stood up first, "Why don't it be today? I still have a lot of things to do on my side. We have gotten a batch of new equipment and are debugging. I can't walk away."

The changes in Nagalil's political system and the presence of federal troops have made Joint Development Corporation and federal investment businessmen more at ease, and Lynch has also increased investment.

In addition, they barely repaired two roads some time ago, and now heavy machinery can be transported, and some machinery with higher production capacity and more efficiency has begun to be transported to Nagalil.

The cement factory has also ushered in some new machinery, these things are still very different from the old machinery, Nell is a little worried if it is not for the divorce is too important, he may not be willing to come back.

With Nell’s explanation, the three of them went to the Sabine City Service Bureau together. The service bureau staff did not recognize Lynch with sunglasses, but thought this young man was very See more A few glances.

In the Commonwealth, relationships and family are very, very personal issues. Even very close people will not easily touch other people's issues, let alone the staff of the Social Service Bureau.

She didn't say anything for the two of them to go back and think about it, calm down and so on, but after getting the confirmation of the two, she completed the divorce certificate for them.

The two divorce certificates fell into the hands of the two. Both the former husband and wife were quite emotional at this time.

Standing at the door, Nell suddenly opened his arms, hugged Serra, and said softly, "I wish you freedom and happiness, dear."

Serra's eye sockets were a little moist, and she didn't know if she was reluctant, or some other emotions were at work.

They didn’t get divorced because of hatred, but their feelings faded. Without hatred, there will naturally be something that reveals their true feelings, “Thank you, I wish you freedom, and I wish you happiness!”

The two let go of each other, just like their blessing to each other, wishing each other freedom.

"I should go now, I let someone book a ticket for the night..." Standing on the steps, Nell felt a little bit of loss when he felt a moment of relaxation.

Serra nodded, "I won't keep you anymore. I will let people collect your things and send them to you, if you don't leave me a fake address."

Nell suddenly felt embarrassed, but then his eyes were a little red. He pursed his mouth and said with a smile, "This time it won't be fake."

Only the two of them knew this. They crossed the line after dating a few times. Serra was pregnant, but Nell was not ready, so he gave a fake address.

Life is like a circle, a reincarnation, turning around and returning here, and then a new or not a new beginning.