Blackstone Code

Chapter 713: I say one sentence

"Blackstone Code (

The sound of a cannon brought the entire Federation's attention to the TV.

As all the fleets participating in the joint military exercise arrived at their designated locations, the joint military exercise officially began.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. In order to make this joint military exercise look more valuable, all participating countries are divided into two camps. It is precisely that the Federation and Gefra are not in the same camp!

Some people say that this is a coincidence, some people say that this is not a coincidence, but no matter whether it is a coincidence or not, everyone knows more or less the deep meaning behind it, including those tramp.

The TV in the street window is on for 24 hours, and the radio stations are all related to the joint military exercise.

Even the trading volume of the three major federal exchanges was temporarily stagnant because of the first sound of the joint military exercise-there was really no trading volume for such a short moment.

Lynch was also watching this joint military exercise, along with others, as well as Mr. Truman, some people from the Navy, some people from the Army, and they gathered at Mr. Truman's house.

In order to show the importance he attaches to the cause of national defense, Mr. President will watch this military exercise together with civilian generals in the Ministry of National Defense today. At the same time, he will also have an on-site commentator.

Mr. Truman did not follow, and there was no need for him to be present today, so he invited some military personnel to his home to watch the exercise together, and found a reason for this.

It is said that it is to experience a large-scale TV together. As a sponsor of the TV, Lynch will naturally be here.

Everyone was attentively watching the changing scenes on the TV. Lynch suddenly asked a question, "What happens if someone shoots a non-target ship?"

He was afraid that he could not say it clearly enough, so he went into details, "For example, during a confrontation, some exercise ships from the opposing camp suddenly hit our ship with a single shot. What will happen?"

"Will a war break out?"

"So who and who are in the same group are sorted according to the current camp?"

In an instant he moved everyone's attention away from the TV and back to him.

The soldiers are a little confused, and Mr. Truman has also lost the ability to think in a short time. They have never considered this issue.

After all, this is a multi-country joint military exercise. Although it is a live-fire exercise, it is unlikely that the situation mentioned by Lynch will occur.

There was indeed an exchange of fire between the two sides. At the beginning, the possibility of misfires was considered. Therefore, the target ship is separated from the exercise ship. They are not in the same place. Even if the accuracy of the head is poor, it is unlikely to be accidentally injured.

Mr. Truman came back to his senses. He and several other soldiers exchanged opinions briefly with their eyes, and gave Lynch a reply, "This is unlikely. The entire exercise process has actually been discussed. We just Just follow the script."

"The actual exercise actually started three days ago. It's just that everyone's attention was not enough. The content at the time was voyages and rapid entry into the battlefield. The current project is a small-scale encounter."

"The two sides of the exercise basically had no chance to meet on the battlefield. They were separated in two sea areas, and then attacked the target ship separately."

"The picture we see now is actually a visual illusion, so it is unlikely that the situation you mentioned will happen."

"Next is the battlefield support and landing battle, and the final battle."

After listening to Mr. Truman's explanation, Lynch slightly solved some of the doubts in his mind. He was slightly relieved, "If this is the case, it would be great. After all, we only have one fleet..."

The expressions of everyone in the room except him changed a bit. Mr. Truman frowned and thought for a moment, got up and walked to the study, and dialed the phone.

Mr. President was also watching the exercises at this time. He was surrounded by some invited and influential celebrities, and of course various military officers from the Ministry of National Defense.

The Ministry of National Defense arranged a special person as Mr. President and these people from all walks of life to explain the exercise. There were also many reporters on the scene, and the scenes that took place here were also inserted into TV programs from time to time.

The Colonel's explanation was not small, and everyone in the room could hear it. It was not difficult to see from the smiling faces of people that everyone was in high spirits.

From the beginning of the exercise, the Federation’s performance was very good. This is not a boast or something. The Federation’s warships performed very well in terms of data and their performance was also good. The maneuverability during long voyages and battlefield insertions ranked in the top three in the exercise. .

Not being able to rank first is not because of the problem of the warship itself. In the final analysis, it is the problem of the sailors and warship commanders. They have not participated in any large-scale naval battles and obviously lack some experience in this regard.

Some people think that deduction can improve the commander's commanding ability. This is actually just a consideration.

The simplest question is that "hit" in the deduction means a 100% hit, but in actual combat, it may not be possible to hit.

The battlefield cut is also, how to quickly and effectively enter the battlefield and form efficient firepower to directly intervene in the war is not just a few words, holding a few warships in your hands like a child playing a war game can explain the problem.

In terms of timing and specific angle of entry, a slight deduction was made.

But it doesn't matter. The Federation has not considered getting full marks in this military exercise, as long as there is an average score.

After all, the focus is on participation, isn't it?

Suddenly someone approached Mr. President at this time and said something in his ear.

Mr. President was a little surprised. After he confessed to others, he gave an admiral in the room a look, and the two walked to a small room together.

There was a phone on the table, and Mr. President answered and said, "I am with...Admiral, I will transfer the phone to the outside..."

He put down the phone as he said, and then pressed a button, and now the voice in the receiver went from the receiver to the speaker of the phone, which could be heard throughout the room.

"Mr. President,...Admiral, this is Truman. We were also watching the exercise just now. While watching the exercise, Mr. Lynch mentioned a hypothesis. Is it possible that accidental injuries will occur during the exercise... …"

The unnamed general immediately denied, "No, accidental injuries are unlikely. The offensive and defenders are actually in two parallel seas and cannot see each other. It is unlikely that others will accidentally hurt us, and we will not accidentally hurt others. ."

"It's not possible, it's possible, isn't it?" Mr. Truman's voice was serious, and it looked a little weird through the horn, but the atmosphere in the room became serious.

The unnamed general hesitated a little, and finally agreed with Mr. Truman's opinion, "It is indeed possible, but this possibility is like being hit in the head by a pie falling from the sky."

Mr. President seemed to think that Mr. Truman on the other end of the phone made a fuss. He chuckled and said, "This should not be a problem that can bother us, Truman, I believe they can do a good job."

Mr. Truman said, "We only have one fleet, and the new warship is still under construction. If, due to some accident, our warship encounters a ‘mistaken attack’, it will be a devastating blow to the national defense security of the Federation!"

Mr. President, who was still very relaxed, immediately realized the seriousness, but in the final analysis, they are still a bit "cowardly."

The battle with Gevlar was forced to a desperate situation and had to go to war. From the beginning, they had not considered winning the battle head-on, including the use of submarines.

At that time, the requirement of the Ministry of National Defense was to cause a fatal attack on Gevlar's fleet even if it was a collision.

If it weren't for the submarine's meritorious service, it would be the Federation fleet that would most likely be annihilated.

Destroying the title of invincibility in the world of Gafra and destroying their entire fleet, this kind of hatred is definitely not a few words, some political compromise can be resolved.

Just like a "coincidence" in this exercise, Gefra and the Federation were divided into two camps.

If they suddenly attacked the Federal Fleet with the "wrong mark", the unsuspecting Federal Fleet could be devastated in an The Gevlars lost a fleet, they There are other main fleets that can continue to frighten the entire Western Ocean.

If the Federation lost this fleet, they would only have some training ships left.

If "shameless" can re-emerge a country and cause a newly promoted power to decline, Mr. President suddenly felt that if he replaced himself as Emperor Guevula, he might not do so.

The smile on Mr. President's face narrowed, "What do you think, Truman, shouldn't you call this call just to tell us that the fleet may be dangerous, right?"

"Yes, Mr. President, I hope you can authorize the commander on the front line to enter a state of second-level war from this moment, and once we encounter ‘shelling’, we will immediately counterattack, instead of waiting for authorization!"

Mr. President raised his head and glanced at the Admiral, who nodded slightly, expressing his agreement with the idea.

"I see. Your opinion is very important. I will communicate with the frontline commander immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Mr. President asked the Admiral again, "If the things that Truman worries about happen, can the warships and personnel we have now support the national defense security of the Federation?"

"Also, how long will it take for our new fleet to serve?"

The admiral shook his head, "Now what we have left are some training ships, the batch that was eliminated more than 20 years ago, but there is not much value."

"If someone invades us at this time, we will completely lose the initiative, and the coastal line will be completely fallen into fire."

"Even our new warship will be destroyed without a chance to enter the water, Mr. President."

Hearing this result, Mr. President did not hesitate to put up the phone, "Help me transfer to the Joint Military Exercise Operation Command..."