Blackstone Code

Chapter 725: A cup of coffee

Text 0725, a cup of coffee [This chapter is titled and updated by Mr_Crow-2/15]

Looking at herself in the mirror, Genia's expression was in a trance for a moment.

This time can be said to be her most carefree day. There is no need to worry about whether her emperor brother will find something to do for her, no need to consider those third-rate tabloids of the empire to make up some of her scandals all day long, no need to think about it. ...

All she needs to do is to play happily. The Federation people did not pay attention to her as an "imperial princess" as much as she imagined, so that she was a little bit disappointed at the beginning.

A person who has lived in the spotlight all her life will be very uncomfortable to leave the spotlight suddenly, but the change in her mentality is very timely.

Food, scenery, knowledge, these things made her live a very fulfilling day, and Lynch’s arrival made her even more fulfilled.

The carefree days are about to pass. When she returns to Gafra, she will "arm" herself again and turn herself into the rebellious imperial princess in the eyes of people.

She wiped the cosmetics. The federal cosmetics seemed more comfortable to use than Gevlar's cosmetics, and they had more functions and taste.

This is the slight gap between the two countries. Federal capitalists have targeted those women. They have used various methods to whitewash cosmetics and a series of related products. With the promotion of the feminist movement, these things have become The first choice of a lot of beauty ladies.

Everyone wants to have a beautiful face. They didn't know how to do it before, but now the capitalists let them know how to do it.

"I will miss you, Lynch." She added a bit of water. According to the magazines she read, it is very important to hydrate the skin before going to bed at night, especially for women in their thirties, if they don’t do that. , They will age quickly.

She refracted through the mirror, looking at Lynch in the mirror.

Lynch was lying on the bed watching TV. He noticed the woman in the mirror who was looking at him, and quickly turned away his gaze, "I will go to Gevlar with you."

Genia was a little surprised. She turned to look at Lynch, "Is it because of me?"

"Because I want to be blocked." Lynch told the truth.

It seems that this is not romantic. Through this time of getting along with Lynch, Lynch has realized that Genia is not the kind of unscheduled character, she is much wiser than people's inherent impression of her.

This is a woman who is good at hiding her true self, so some small sensational expressions will make Lynch feel very embarrassed.

They are all old foxes, and no one can show anyone.

"I thought you came back with me because of me!" She looked in the mirror again and applied some synthetic chemicals on her face.

She smiled. At first she was reluctant to approach this young man, but now, she felt a little inseparable from him.

Funny, humorous, and handsome. Sometimes Lynch’s mouth can be a bit mean, but more often it can make people very happy.

The more this happened, the more Jeniya understood that this was a man she couldn't control. This time was different from the past.

"It can be!" Lynch replied with a smile.

Genia didn't blame him for telling the truth, and even thought the "truth" he said was very funny, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Tell me about the process of being blocked, so I won't mess up the scene..."


Lynch got up early the next day. Today is Catherine's internship day. In fact, yesterday, Catherine came to Buppen a week ago.

The letter of recommendation from Mr. Truman is still very useful. Mr. President ticked Catherine's name without even considering it.

Of course, this has absolutely nothing to do with Lynch’s donation of 10 million yuan. This is not a money power deal. Mr. President simply believes that girls from the ordinary class of society should be given more opportunities.

The list of internships identified this time has a girl with an ordinary family background, which has also allowed Mr. President to gain more support in public opinion.

Mr. President also said that he will consider in the future to allow more children from ordinary classes to have the opportunity to get in touch with the core of this country and understand how this great country works.

Those who did not support him also felt that he did a good job in this matter.

Prior to this, the interns at the Presidential Palace often had some excellent backgrounds. They were either from a political family, a member of a certain major capitalist, or from a consortium in a certain place.

People don't pay much attention to these things. It's just a place for rich and powerful children to quickly improve themselves, and it has nothing to do with ordinary people.

But this time, the situation is slightly different. President Tracy of the York State Women's Rights Protection Association was the first to speak up for Catherine, and the local TV station in York State also broadcasted some family situations about Catherine.

Her mother works part-time at home. She works for the city hall and sells the textiles she makes to Lynch’s company, and then gets some handicraft expenses from it.

Her father worked as a warehouse steward in a warehouse. He worked eleven hours a day and had one and a half hours of rest. His monthly salary was just 300 yuan.

And she is a work-study public university student.

She has been unable to keep up with her studies at all through her own efforts, and now she has become an outstanding student among classmates, teachers, and professors.

The media interviewed not only this family of three, but also their neighbors, their colleagues and classmates.

It is completely impossible for anyone to pick a thorn in this regard, because Lynch did not give Catherine's family any preferential treatment, they are still crowded in the dilapidated little house, still working hard for the monthly salary.

Before these reports came out, Catherine's father's colleagues didn't even know that the warehouse clerk, who was silent, actively obeyed the requirements of her superiors, and often spontaneously worked overtime, was actually the father of Lynch's ex-girlfriend!

All-round exposure, without any special treatment, no one can find a problem.

The media did not evade the relationship between Catherine and Lynch before, and even emphatically talked about their relationship experience and the final breakup.

According to the report, Lynch provided the girl with the opportunity to go to school to thank her for the help she gave at the beginning of her business, and it was also a summary of her past feelings.

People didn't think that Lynch did a bad job because of this, but instead felt that Lynch was more flesh and blood than the capitalists they knew.

Then there are some selection conditions on how to become an intern in the presidential palace. I have to say that the federal government's efficient, clean and transparent selection mechanism ensures that there is no possibility of fraud in any link.

From a total of more than 10,000 letters across the country, through layers of selection, a large list was finally locked, and then handed over to Mr. President to finalize it.

Everyone is excellent. In the case that Mr. President didn't know who each name corresponds to, he only selected the final candidate based on some references. Catherine was lucky enough to be selected.

The whole society was touched by this girl’s efforts and her luck, so much so that she had a nickname-"the shining girl" before she had a formal job.

Today is the day when Catherine officially entered the job.

After review by the Security Committee and training for ordinary work, starting from nine o'clock this morning, she will be here for at least three months and no more than one year of internship.

a little nervous.

This is the feeling of Catherine at this time. She is standing outside the Presidential Palace in plain clothes, with the intern tag of "Presidential Palace Intern: Catherine" hanging on her chest.

Next to her were eleven young big boys and girls, all of whom showed a sunny smile to greet today's staff.

This is a ceremony, a process, and the people in the presidential palace need to confirm their appearance and name again.

Lynch arrived here before nine o'clock. The girl saw him and her eyes suddenly became full of brilliance.

After a brief exchange of eyes between the two, she refocused her attention on work.

Most of the staff in a hurry already knew them, some passed them blankly, and some smiled kindly at them.

No matter how the outside world evaluates this intern, every staff member knows that none of them are easy to provoke.

At nine o'clock exactly, the work began, and the twelve interns turned and walked into the presidential palace. They had each assigned their own jobs and were directly involved in their busy work.

Lynch tidyed up his clothes and walked towards the presidential the way, he didn't forget to take out his credentials.

The special adviser to the Security Council, the guard at the gate of the Presidential Palace just took a look and let it go, and didn't even stop it.

At first they checked whether Lynch had brought dangerous things into the presidential palace, but this guy came too many times and often went in and out of Mr. President’s office. In addition, he was a member of the Security Council and was in charge of the president. The security personnel of the government gave him an exemption from inspection.

As soon as I entered the presidential palace, I heard Mr. Truman's voice behind him, "I thought you would not come."

Lynch stopped in the hall and watched Mr. Truman wear his ID without hurriedly, while passing through the outermost security check line.

"It said on TV that you broke up...", he joked with a joke.

It was reported on TV, but Mr. Truman would never really believe what the report said.

If Lynch really had no relationship with Catherine at all, he would never ask himself to write a letter of recommendation for a girl he didn't know.

We must know that on some occasions, a letter of recommendation that can "guarantee" entry into the Presidential Palace has a private price of more than two million. There is still a price but no market, and a letter is hard to find.

Even if Lynch wouldn't pay any price for this letter, say two million, he actually owed Mr. Truman a favor, a favor worth at least a few million.

"People always miss the old."

The two talked and laughed and walked into the presidential palace. Not long after, Lynch saw Catherine, who was a little nervous, walking past him with a stack of documents.

"Who, will give me a cup of coffee later!"

He said with a smile.

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