Blackstone Code

Chapter 752: charming

Karen is an ordinary Gevlar citizen. He has a decent job and has saved some money over the years.

Some time ago, when Yuanrong gold coupons became popular, he didn't follow up immediately. After all, everyone was too unfamiliar with this thing.

Every month rebates 8% of the total investment. How can anyone believe this kind of nonsense?

If the rebate is really so high, why should these people lead others to make a fortune instead of secretly hiding to make a fortune?

Karen felt that if he mastered a business that could bring, 5% net profit every month, he would not tell anyone, he would only make money on his own.

He is not the kind of person who has big ideals. He may have the shortcomings that many ordinary people have, such as vanity, selfishness, a little greed, and sufficient vigilance.

He did not buy the first issue.

In the second period, he still didn't buy it.

But there are some people around him who have bought them. They talk happily every day about how much gold coupons they bought and how much interest they can return to themselves every month.

Karen is like many people ideals, and he is still full of doubts about this, he does not believe these are true.

But the first month, the second month, the third month, the fourth month!

When these people were able to get an 8% rebate of their total investment every month for four consecutive months, even no matter how cautious they were, Karen fell.

There is no way, everyone is making money, only he is as timid as a fool, and missed these opportunities because of distrust, and even is out of place with the people around him. He feels that he is stupid.

Within these four months, he was able to recover 30% of his cost. He is really stupid!

So he took all his savings to buy the fourth installment of gold coupons and became a new member of the "golden coupon circle".

Everyone was talking about the changes that gold coupons brought to life, and the yearning for the future, until someone appeared.

This man sold all his properties and put them into gold coupons. The house and the land in the country were all sold to buy gold coupons.

In his words, the wealth he currently possesses is not enough to make him earn the same figure every year, but Yuanrong gold coupons can.

If he has one hundred thousand, he can make one hundred thousand, and if he has one million, he can make one million.

Don't care how they make money, as long as they pay enough interest every month, that's it, even if they go to grab the bank to make money, it has nothing to do with them.

Incited and persuaded by this person, people in the circle began to sell houses to buy gold coupons.

Although they don't have a house, they live in high-end apartments, eat high-end food every day, and become the kind of people that people admire the most-high-class people.

This stimulated more ordinary people like Karen. Karen also sold the house and the land in the country with the approval of his family, and bought all the Yuanrong gold coupons.

He has already begun to imagine his bright future. He wants to live in a big house, hire maids, those who don't wear underwear, and eat all kinds of delicious food.

The most important thing is that he doesn't need to go to work, he doesn't need to work busy in the workshop, he can get a lot of interest every month, and squander endless interest.

The whole family is dreaming of such a beautiful dream. The influence of realizing the golden vouchers is so big that many people are fascinated and crazy.

It’s just that the accident came so suddenly that it didn’t take long. Yuan Capital’s stock market was delisted, assets were frozen, news broke one after another, and even the president of Yuan Capital committed suicide in fear of crime.

All this is telling people that they have been cheated.

For people of this age, this kind of scam is actually not clever, but it is not so backward, because the accuracy of its interest payment does make it easy for people to quickly turn from distrust to trust.

Especially when other people are "making money", you can only see that the sense of isolation abandoned by society makes some people ignore the risks, join them, and expand their investment, which eventually becomes a disaster.

Karen took his family and other people to the Imperial Capital together. They demonstrated outside the Chancellor’s house and asked the Chancellor to resolve their losses.

Newspapers, the media, and even the suicide note left by the president of Yuan Finance Bank (letter of repentance) all pointed the finger at the chancellor.

If it were not for him and his men to accept bribes to allow a company with many doubts to be established, operated and listed, how could there be so many victims?

If they did not choose to collect the money as invisible when they discovered the problem at the beginning, but conducted an in-depth investigation, wouldn't such a thing happen?

But they collected black money and allowed the company to officially operate and go public, so they created so many victims.

In the words of the media, Yuan Finance is a wealth killer, and officials of the Department of Finance and the Minister of Finance are accomplices!

They can only come here to vent their dissatisfaction and try to find solutions.

But that's it, those powerful and powerful still don't want to let them go. Now the presence of the police makes people even more angry!

Before that, they had heard a saying that behind the round financing was actually greedy nobles plundering people's wealth.

Because the revenue and expenditure of the war did not reach equilibrium, the nobles incurred huge losses. They introduced a front-stage figure to harvest the wealth of the people. Therefore, the company that has obvious huge problems can pass the audit so smoothly. They It's just a group.

People had some doubts before, but the presence of the police at this moment seemed to make them feel that this was the truth.

Karen, who had no way out, stood in the crowd, his hands clenched into fists.

He sold his house, sold the land left to him by his grandparents in the country, he sold all the things that could be sold in the family, and now he has nothing-he repurchased the interest and invested the gold coupons. Go in.

If this demonstration fails to solve his problem, he, his family, wife and children must live on the streets and become homeless!

These nobles not only want my money, but also my life!

At this moment, this mediocre man broke out. He suddenly rushed out of the crowd and rushed toward the pressing armed police. With this rush, he rushed out of desperate survival, and rushed out of the determination to resist tyranny!

The crowd who was forced to retreat seemed to pause for a moment because of a person's charge, but soon someone followed suit, and the people roared angrily and rushed to the police who were unwilling to leave the last power to them. phalanx.

A riot broke out just like this outside the house of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

No matter who is behind this riot, his goal has been achieved.

Not only at home, but maybe the whole world will begin to pay attention to this riot, paying attention to the most important role in the riot-the chancellor of finance!

When rebuked by the emperor, the chancellor did not show any anger or despair.

When he met the Prime Minister at the gate of the palace, facing the Prime Minister’s malicious targeting, he only treated him indifferently.

When faced with those incompetent subordinates, he calmly arranged various coping methods.

Even in the first second, he felt that this was just a landscape leading to a solution and victory.

But at this moment, his face showed anger, and his eyes were filled with despair.

Some people plan to kill him completely!

"Whose person is that?" Lynch, who was watching the excitement not far away, was a little surprised, "Did we arrange for someone?"

The sergeant was also a bit at a loss, "I didn't arrange this person... I'll call to confirm."

He said that he entered the room inside and started to call to make sure that the first person to rush out was theirs.

Lynch continues to watch the riot that has come to an end. Once these mobs are suppressed, the emperor of the Gevlar Empire will face a situation that is not easy to handle.

If the Chancellor of Finance is not dealt with, the people will not agree and will not settle down. Maybe the victims will continue to assemble, and they may appear outside the palace next time.

Even if the people respect the royal family and the emperor’s majesty very much, but if their personal interests are really violated, let alone the emperor, it’s useless if God comes, especially in the case of the awakening of group consciousness. A larger-scale riot broke out.

If the Chancellor of the Exchequer is dealt with, it means that the whole situation has begun to slide towards out of control.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer stays in his position, even if all his subordinates are removed, but as long as he stays in this position, it means that the struggle between imperial power and power has not yet entered a fierce battle.

Once he takes the blame and resigns or is dismissed from his post, the struggle between power and imperial power will begin.

The power held by the royal family over the years has obviously overwhelmed the power held by the nobles. Once the prime minister starts to fight the emperor to fight for power, the nobles will have to stand on their own feet again.

If you don't want to lose financial power to the prime minister, then the royal family must take out enough benefits to convince the nobles to support So even if they take the financial power, they will also lose a lot of benefits.

This makes the Chancellor of the Exchequer a role that cannot be guaranteed and cannot be lost, unless His Majesty the Emperor is willing to make a concession and let the Prime Minister hold this post, which is not so easy.

The more chaotic the upper-level situation in Gevla, the financial and economic aspects that are most directly affected, will inevitably continue to fall.

As long as they fall, Lynch will continue to make money, and the group of supporters around will continue to support him, doing several things in one fell swoop.

On the afternoon of the incident, the Prime Minister appeared on TV. In front of the host, he stated that he would impeach the Minister of Finance to His Majesty the Emperor and would request the Ministry of Internal Affairs to conduct a thorough investigation of the crimes committed by officials of the Department of Finance.

This move is tantamount to a signal to declare war. He is declaring war to the Chancellor of Finance and the Royal Family!

Of course, this is not for **** justice, it is just for power!

Fascinating power!