Blackstone Code

Chapter 885: Then I go?

It was getting late, and Lynch walked out the door and glanced at his watch, and he walked towards his room.

"Help me tell your chief that I'm going to rest, and I'll talk about something tomorrow."

Lynch would like to thank everyone in this world for using the same language, otherwise just communication will become a big problem.

For example, two soldiers who didn't understand what he said held a gun at his head and made him "dogs". It would be terrifying to think about it.

Sometimes the superiors are easy to persuade, but it is difficult to persuade those rigid and inferior. Of course, they dare not adapt.

As soon as he opened the door, Lynch knew someone had come and there were too many details.

He frowned slightly. He looked in the direction of the bedroom. There were some splattered blood stains on the wall. As these blood stains slowly fell, they drew vertical blood stains on the wall.

He walked in, glanced at the piercing female manager who was lying dead on the bed, and then exited the room. He didn't even talk to Petunia to confirm whether she was in an accident.

The ghost knew whether anyone was hiding here, and he also knew that the death of the manageress was a warning given to him by the beret.

He planned to tell Lynch in this way that everything was still under his control.

Lynch returned to the sofa in the living room and sat down. After ten or twenty minutes, he was ready to rest, when the beret suddenly broke in.

With a very hypocritical smirk on his face, he raised the bottle in his hand, "Hey, friend, don't you mind drinking with me?"

Several soldiers rushed into every room from behind him. Lynch nodded as if nothing had happened, "Yes, but I can't drink too much."

"It's ok……"

The beret was like a real drink. He didn't say anything, and poured a glass of wine to Lynch, a full glass.

The federal people are very strange.

They like to use some large vessels to hold the least amount of liquid, such as a square cup.

Each square cup has a capacity of at least 450 milliliters, but the federal people never give it a chance to fill it up. In many cases, there may only be about 100 milliliters of liquid.

Even if ice cubes are added, it will be too early to be full.

The more luxurious the appliance, the more so. Some experts believe that this aesthetic originated from a certain ancient nation.

Gradually, people have become accustomed to this kind of thing, a cup that may feel very large, with only a small amount of liquid in it.

Like the cup in front of Lynch, it was the only time he had seen it in the past few years. It was full and overflowing.

"I can't drink so much."

Lynch didn't serve it. He knew that as long as he picked it up, he must finish drinking it.

In fact, in terms of Lynch's drinking capacity, this bit of wine is nothing. In his eyes, a wine with a degree of more than 30 degrees and a degree of 40 degrees was no different from mineral water.

But he can't drink, it's a question of attitude.

The soldiers who broke into the room and searched around came out at this time. They got out no matter how they got in.

There are no redundant people.

The beret pulled out his pistol and slapped it on the table, "Drink or not?"

"When you hold a gun against my head and open the insurance, I will drink it, but not now."

The beret temporarily lost the ability to think because of Lynch's answer.

After waiting for seven or eight seconds, he suddenly laughed, "You are such a **** funny person, Lynch, what you just wanted to express is that you are also afraid of death, right?"

Lynch really nodded, "I am particularly afraid of death. I am very courageous when I don't feel death. When I think I will die, I will bow my head."

"You are the first person to admit this, you are such an interesting person!" The mood of the beret looked unstable and moody.

Many dictators have this trait. Most of them are lunatics in people's mouth. This is not to say that the beret has the potential to become a warlord, but he seems to be "coincidentally" in character.

He put the gun away again, and didn't force Lynch to drink the full glass of wine. "I just made a joke with you, my friend, how could I do that?"

He picked up the glass in front of him, and the full drink spilled out, dripping on his hands, knees, and expensive carpets.

Just a big sip, put the wine glass down after drinking, he wiped the hand with the wine on the clothes on Lynch's chest, "Since you don't want to drink with me, then I will leave."

After speaking, he smiled and got up, looked at Lynch condescendingly for a while before turning and leaving.

Lynch lay on the sofa again, lying quietly, as if nothing had happened.

The next day, Lynch took a shower in the morning, changed into clean clothes, and chose a tie that was not so bright-a bright tie would make him look younger, and what he needed now was convincing maturity.

He checked in the mirror and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with him before he left the room.

He lived with the corpse at night, of course he slept on the sofa, and the corpse slept on the bed.

But he is not afraid, just a dead man.

He has been doing his own business since the morning. Some people are very disdainful of his behavior, and some people are very grateful for everything he has done for everyone. This apparently contradictory emotion has indeed appeared in different people.

People who feel that Lynch is not good always regard him as a partner of the robbers and turn around to squeeze their wealth. This is indeed not an experience worthy of repeated recollection.

At this time in the captain's room, a group of people were destroying various instruments and meters inside. They even hit the rudder in one direction and locked it on the rudder rack.

The purpose of this, of course, is to prepare to evacuate.

Just like what Lynch said, they don't actually get much cash from this group, and now they can only hope that Lynch's check will be cashed and his words will count.

The beret will not stay here for too long. With so many rich men in the Federation missing, he can guess what the Federation is like now.

They must have dispatched the navy to look for the ship everywhere, and the longer he stays, the more dangerous he becomes.

Sitting on the small stage on the first deck, he quietly looked at the junction of sea and sky in the distance, his gaze seemed to extend infinitely along the sea horizon.

"Leader, we have destroyed the captain's room." It was his adjutant who came, who was actually a more pleasing dogleg.

Today, the dog leg has some thoughts of his own, "I think we should set fire again, so that it is safer."

The beret glanced at him sideways and kicked him. "Whoever dares to set fire, I will kill him by myself."

In Marillo, all warlords, big or small, are involved in the smuggling business.

Of course, the big warlords are called "foreign trade", and only the small and medium warlords are called smuggling.

For smuggling, we have to mention shipping, which is also the most convenient method of smuggling.

The long coastline of the Confederation cannot have maritime police everywhere, they always have a way to get in.

On the sea, many times I can't tell the direction, let alone find something.

But if there is a plume of smoke at this time, it will immediately attract everyone's attention.

The dog leg was kicked by the beret and staggered a few steps before he scratched his head and walked back in embarrassment.

"Let people prepare some pockets, although we can't grab cash this time, but those rich people have good things in them."

"Take everything on them and do it right away."

The dog leg was still scratching his head, "If anyone resists..."

The beret squinted at him again, "I bought you a gun for you to hold and play with. If someone resists, won't you kill those people?"

Soon, the soldiers were divided into teams of three or two. They entered different cabins with sacks, forcing everyone to hand in any valuables they carried with them.

Facing these robbers who finally looked a bit like robbers, the emotions of the rich became a little lighter.

This is weird?

No, it is not surprising if the robbers intend to kill them.

The robbers can kill them first, and then take the valuables from their bodies. Now they don't do that because they really don't plan to do it.

This is the only good news in this period of time, and the rich are also very cooperative, although it is a bit painful.

Lynch took a million from them. They didn't feel the pain, because one million was still far from their psychological bottom line, and they didn't think it was a heavy contribution.

And that money also bought a small amount of shares in a company, at least there won't be much psychological reaction.

But these personal accessories are different. Some are orphans, or even things passed down from ancestors, like jewelry on ladies, some of which are more than one million.

In the face of life and wealth, some people make wrong judgments and become negative teaching materials. People know how to choose.

What people didn’t expect was that they didn’t even let go of their clothes!

This made everyone feel very ashamed, they were almost naked, exposing the most primitive appearance and state.

Old men with sagging skin, women with drooping horoscopes, men who wished to put a water glass in their crotch, and women who were so loose that they couldn't find the slightest amorous feelings.


Lynch may be the only one who escaped this embarrassment, but it doesn't matter if you ask him to get rid of Anyway, he is not the one who has inferiority.

The sudden decision of the beret made Lynch realize that the beret was going to leave. In fact, from the beginning, the beret had not really mastered the absolute initiative on the ship.

He couldn't get the cash, the transfer check couldn't be used casually, and he had offended so many wealthy people who couldn't be killed. After calming down, he finally understood that he had messed up!

If this kind of thing is placed a hundred years later, it is definitely not a problem, and the money will be credited with the touch of a finger.

But in this era, you robbed a cruise ship on the sea and hijacked a group of wealthy people without cash. What can you get?


Since he can't get anything, the beret doesn't intend to waste time any more, he intends to retreat.


Lynch touched his chin.

Do you want him to leave?