Blackstone Code

Chapter 930: Dolphin hero

The busy day was finally over. Master Lin sat in the living room and took a break. The reporters in the TV station said ridiculously stupid things, and the ridiculous faces of the politicians turned the TV show into a comedy.

At this moment, the glamorous agent of the Security Committee suddenly walked out of the corner of the living room, both holding guns in their hands, and opened the insurance.

Austin quickly pulled out a body armor from under the sofa and asked Lynch to put it on.

Lynch was very obedient while wearing a body armor, while calmly asked, "Did someone come?"

Austin nodded solemnly, "The community service company just said that the smoke alarm for a vacant house has sounded..."

She said to help Lynch tidy up his body armor, "This is definitely not a false alarm. Someone intends to use this method to draw the attention of the guards, and their target is likely to be you."

"This is my first time wearing a body armor, and I hope it will be the last." Lynch said casually, but Austin did not understand the deeper meaning of this sentence.

She continued to talk about what she knew, "The Security Committee sent two agents to check, and there will be news soon..."

The gunshots from a distance made Austin a little nervous, she quickly pulled out the pistol from her holster and blocked it in front of Lynch.

If it was just a bait used to attract people's attention, there shouldn't be gunshots.

The sound of gunshots meant that there might have been a battle, which was not in line with their judgment just now.

Lynch watched Austin stand in front of him so nervously, he said softly, "Actually, I am safe."

Austin ignored him, maybe because he didn't figure out the meaning of this sentence, or maybe he felt that Lynch was too careless.

In fact, Lynch’s meaning is very accurate, he is not dangerous, because the stocks are now in his hands.

This is the Federation. Anyone who wants to do something here must follow the rules of the Federation, whether it is within the rules or outside the rules.

As long as their goal is always on those stocks, then they can't let Lynch surprise!

Once Lynch had an accident, they might never get those stocks back.

The reason is simple. Lynch has long since separated from the family and lived independently, and Sierra and Nell have been divorced. In a sense, these two people are not important in the inheritance of Lynch’s estate. One side.

On the contrary, Lynch’s legacy is more likely to be formed by the capitalists in the company he founded, setting up various foundations in his name, and then looking for him some unfulfilled wishes.

For example, funding the poor to go to school, with the idea of ​​greater sentiment as the goal of the foundation's operation, in order to reasonably and legally achieve the purpose of embezzling Lynch’s wealth.

When they feel that the time is right, and directly use the foundation's poor operation and bankruptcy as a reason to end the operation of the foundation, no one will care about where the money has gone and whose pockets it has entered.

What if someone wants to compete for these inheritances?

Those capitalists will definitely try to solve the person who caused the problem for this money, astronomical wealth.

So Lynch was actually quite safe. No one would be stupid enough to shoot him at this time, especially the dangerous man Sanchez.

At this time, the seemingly dangerous, but unfortunately, Sanchez was already lurking in the bushes in the backyard of this villa. He faced a result he did not want to admit, and his infiltration operation failed this time.

He is not facing the security level of ordinary rich men and ordinary rich men. The agents with the latest standard rifles on the top of the villa and the balcony on the second floor are enough to make his scalp numb. What is even more frightening is that the huge searchlight makes the entire yard more than during the day. It’s still bright.

Not to mention a person sneaking over the fence, over the court and swimming pool, and then crawling along the turf for 20 meters and approaching the house. The moment he just stood up, maybe a bullet would penetrate his head.

These protective forces were not shaken at all by the smoke alarm in another house, and they did not even pay attention to what happened far away.

Damn it!

At this moment, Sanchez suddenly felt that he had made a stupid decision to find Lynch by jumping out of the car, but at the same time, there was no alternative.

Once he is sent back to Marillo, his father will absolutely deprive him of all power, because he messed up this matter, he will be excluded from the center of power, and his brother and sister will not let him go. .

It is very likely that these siblings, who usually seem well-behaved and sensible, will quietly kill their father before they regret it, so as to prevent their father from regretting in the future.

From a long time ago, the competition between brothers and sisters has begun. As there are fewer and fewer adult brothers and sisters, everyone has an idea in their minds——

The last one left must be the heir.

There is no warmth in the warlord’s world. Anyone is a prey that can be hunted. For the sake of power, his father can kill anyone.

Sanchez didn't want to accept the reality of failure, let alone be locked in a dungeon and then died in despair.

He wanted to fight for it, but at this point, he felt hopeless.

He can't get in at all!

Have to think of a way!

The brain was stirred quickly at a speed he had never tried before, the sound of the firefight in the distance had ceased, and the stupid tool man tramp could not bear the horror brought about by live ammunition.

At this moment, Sanchez stood up sweaty.

The vision of human beings is very strange, or the vision of animals is very strange. For static things, people's observation ability will be infinitely weakened, and it is even difficult for them to distinguish some salient features in some photos.

For example, a rock leopard on a cliff, for example a white dog in the snow, but for dynamic things, it has a significant advantage.

Within the scope of this snow-white light, as long as there is a slight movement of something, it can attract people's attention.

When Sanchez stood up, three weapons were pointed at him, and at the same time they reported to the people in the room that Sanchez had been found.

Sanchez held his hands high, his pistol in his hands, slowly walked out of the bushes, and then knelt on the court.

He slowly put his weapon on the ground, holding his hands high, and the two soldiers slowly approached here with their guns.

"Lie on the ground, put your hands where I can see!" a soldier shouted loudly.

Sanchez did. He felt that he could not die for the time being, "Don't shoot, I have put my weapon on the ground, I surrender!"

He slowly lay down on the ground, spread his arms, a soldier came over, bound his hands, and then he was pulled up half-lifted and half-carried.

"I want to see Mr. Lynch, I have important things to tell Mr. Lynch..." This is the only way he can think of now.

Will die when I go back, stay?

The Federals caught him either sent back to Marillo or thrown into prison, or he lived here as a tramp for his whole life, but no matter which one he wanted to choose.

After enjoying the enjoyment brought by power, how can you endure being careful and aggrieved?

Not long after, an agent who had left came back, and at the same time he drove him to the villa, knowing that he was right.

Lynch sat on the sofa and said that he was actually safe, and even Sanchez had been caught, but he never took off his body armor.

The most surprising thing is that Sanchez actually stood up on his own initiative, which also made Austin a little confused. If he was here to talk to Lynch, why would he set off alarms elsewhere?

"He might want to sneak in at first, but soon he realized that he couldn't do it, so he changed his mind, which is normal." Lynch lit a cigarette, and then it was time to use his brains.

While talking, the embarrassed Sanchez was escorted into the living room by two agents. Lynch glanced at him, “Take off his clothes and leave him a pair of underwear. I don’t want to see him from wherever he is like a magician. Conjure up a weapon."

Austin twitched at the corner of her mouth. Sometimes she thought Lynch was weird, and what he said was often the opposite of what he behaved.

Just like just now, he kept repeating that he is Now it is interesting to strip Sanchez's clothes for safety.

What's more interesting is that there are two little dolphins printed on Sanchez's underwear.

This is a well-known animated image of the Federation, which is loved by children between the ages of three and eight.

"Unexpectedly, you like to watch Kunst and Queenstine, and you still put them..." Lynch couldn't help but smile a few times. Kunst and Queenstine were the names of the two dolphins.

Their images in continuous cartoons are biased towards marine heroes, and they often fight various deep sea monsters.

There was no embarrassment on Sanchez's face, and this irony had no effect on him.

A cold-blooded guy covered in scars and tattoos wears such childlike underwear, the contrast is not small.

Lynch waved his hand, "It looks like you don't know how to appreciate my humor, but it doesn't matter, I heard you want to see me?"

Sanchez nodded.

Lynch said again, "Before the FBI came here to send you back to Marillo, you have about five minutes to tell me what you want to see me for and what you can do for me."

Sanchez looked at Lynch, "I'm a little thirsty, bring me some water..."

Lynch did not agree, "Wait until the FBI, you can ask for anything to drink."

"But here, no!"

He raised his watch, "You have four minutes left."

In fact, these few sentences took less than a minute. This was just a punishment. It was Sanchez who wasted one minute of everyone's time first.

A lot of words flashed in Sanchez's mind, there were various requirements, various conditions, but all of this came together in the end, and there was only one sentence left—

"I want to live!"

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