Blackstone Code

Chapter 933: Son of the age

Recently, Congressman Langdon has been very moisturized, and now the entire Congress almost knows that he represents Lynch's interests.

Many of Lynch’s own affairs were handed over to Senator Langdon to run, which also made people have to take him seriously—because of Lynch.

This is the reason why some "sober" people burst out desperate roars at this country from time to time. Whether a congressman is important has little to do with his ability, but has something to do with the status of the capitalist behind him, which is distorted. The political system will end sooner or later!

Some people thought this way more than a hundred years ago, and people still think this way, but it is strange that the Federation has not become fragmented because of the “corruption” among these populations.

The reason is simple, because this country, this society, has the blood of capital flowing from beginning to end. It has become a toy of capitalists through and through, and it will not collapse because of the strength and weakness of individual capitalists.

As long as there are no problems with the capital system, there will be no problems with the country's political system.

"Thank you very much for Mr. Lynch's generosity. I must help me convey to Mr. Lynch my gratitude for his support of our cause."

"If Mr. Lynch is free, I would like to invite him to dinner to show my gratitude!"

The Director of the FBI in Buppen took the initiative to send Congressman Langdon outside the Bureau of Investigation building, and enthusiastically took the other's hand.

Just now, Congressman Langdon came to the door and expressed his support for the work of the Bureau of Investigation. He personally donated one million cash to the agents of the Bureau of Investigation.

This money is not a federal government financial appropriation. It did not go to the FBI public account, but went to the account of a club.

This club is used by the local Bureau of Investigation to assign some extra benefits. There is no specific name. If you have to find a name, it may be a name like "after-get off work club".

This is also one of the characteristics of the Federation, almost every government agency will have a separate internal club.

Some of the remaining financial appropriations each year will enter the club’s small vault in various forms.

On weekdays, this club will provide various benefits for the staff in the organization, such as free drinks, coffee and even parties and travel.

This is a very hidden welfare, but also a kind of unspoken rule.

Just like Lynch’s donation this time, it will not be so directly on the news and will not let anyone who shouldn’t know that everyone who is eligible to join the club is not among them.

They have the right to know who has donated so much money to the club, and they will understand who everything they enjoy comes from.

A reporter once worked undercover for a law enforcement agency for more than half a year, and finally succeeded in obtaining the qualification of an "old employee" and joined the law enforcement agency club.

It may be wrong to use the term undercover, but what he does is undercover work.

Then he exposed the club and the so-called welfare in the club. All this caused a great disturbance in the society. The main person in charge of that organization was directly removed from his post and the club was also banned. Everything seemed to be back to normal.

Unfortunately, the reporter would never be able to leave his wheelchair because of a traffic accident.

It was also from that time that various clubs needed a "sponsorship" system. Two or three people jointly elected a "novice", and this "novice" had the opportunity to join the club and enjoy the benefits.

In addition to this, they must meet a certain number of years of work and can withstand the background of the investigation. No one wants to let something like that happen again.

The lords of Congress actually also know this situation. The various clubs of the Federation are rampant in corruption, but they never take the initiative to mention it because their **** is not clean.

Various private equity funds continue to deliver benefits for them. If they want to expose others, they must first make themselves look like a clean person, but this is something they absolutely can't do.

After repeated gratitude, the Director of Investigation watched Senator Langdon leave. He knew why Lynch would donate money, because that night was not a conflict.

They failed to take Sanchez away. So far, Sanchez's wanted status is still "at large," but in fact he has been locked up in a secret prison.

If nothing happens, Sanchez may become the next extrajudicial fanatic who is not sanctioned by federal laws, and one of the past that the Bureau of Investigation and even the Director of the Local Bureau of Investigation are most unwilling to face.

Lynch gave them a small amount of compensation, and the little displeasure had long since disappeared.

Carrying some superficial infamy, can get some practical benefits, what else is not satisfied?

This is a million, how many people can make a million?

No, not many people.

While walking towards the elevator, the chief investigator was thinking about where to organize everyone to go to play during the mid-year holiday. One-tenth of a million is enough for this time.

Senator Langdon on the other side was already driving back in his car. During this time, he was running back and forth about Lynch's affairs, and he had vaguely noticed the biggest difference between the Senator and the House of Representatives-the father of the gold master.

Behind every senator is either a certain consortium or a certain family. Only people supported by these capital forces are eligible to compete for the position of senator.

Those idiots in the anti-audience chamber-of course he felt that he was not the same person as the others, so he naturally picked himself out of the ranks of idiots.

Behind the entire House of Representatives, almost no one has the support of large capital forces. They are ordinary capitalists and small chaebols. This is the key to why they cannot go further.

Capital is too important!

He clasped the steering wheel tightly, his mind was thinking about some very complicated things while driving the car.

It is amazing that at this time he can actually do both, driving smoothly while thinking smoothly.

After such a period of precipitation, he also wants to be a senator, wherever he goes, it is the focus of people's attention and the goal that everyone follows.

Only Lynch can help him.

As soon as he hit the steering wheel, the car quickly turned around and went to an unexpected place.

"Mr. Lynch, a Senator Langdon wants to see you..."

When the secretary outside the door spoke, it was like singing. This was a new secretary. The former Lynch had already moved away from the position of secretary to the president because of her inability to adapt to the arduous work under the new situation.

Of course, in view of the two years she has paid for the company, Lynch gave her a chance to continue to contribute and transferred her to the ordinary department.

Department staff were happy for a long time when they learned about this, and they were all happy for having beautiful female colleagues—some of them were happy for having new objects of control. Don’t forget, the culture of sexual dominance has become almost all of the federation. It can even be said that this is the most basic corporate culture.

The top management unconditionally control and demand from the bottom, female employees either leave the company to find a job at the bottom of the company, or just accept it silently.

It is possible to maintain a long-term dominated relationship with the company's management, but as a result, they can obtain stable promotion channels and wages several times higher than ordinary employees.

In the corporate dominance culture, high salaries are also one of the characteristics, otherwise those girls can't really be so low that they can all ride on them.

The new girl comes from a local middle-class family. She has been studying ballet before. In the past two years, she has realized that she has not developed much in dance and began to seek jobs.

The company’s personnel department selected five candidates, four women and one man, and Lynch chose her casually.

"When he comes in..."

Before long, Langdon walked into the president's office.

"It's done?" Lynch invited him to sit down, and Senator Langdon sat across from Lynch, separated by a huge table.

He nodded, "Mr. Secretary expressed his gratitude for your move. He hopes he can treat you to dinner when he has time."

Lynch smiled and waved his hand after listening, "This is something to deal with, you can't take it seriously."

"His identity is very sensitive, my identity is also very sensitive, even if we just sit down to eat a meal, stabbing it out is likely to cause unnecessary public opinion."

In the eyes of the public, the FBI may be the nearest and most authoritative law enforcement agency.

They don't trust the police because they think the police will collect black money.

But they believe that the FBI an inexplicable belief, it may also be because the FBI agents do not often appear in their lives. They don’t hear much about it. Related black material.

The more the people trust the law enforcement agency, the more the capitalists can't touch it easily. The director of the Bureau of Investigation must know it too, so this is just what the scene says.

After speaking, he paused for a while, and it was the end of this matter.

About ten seconds later, Lynch said again, "Immediately Catherine... is my ex-girlfriend, do you know her?"

Senator Langdon nodded, "I know, the presidential intern, the flower of the common people."

"Yes, that's her."

"Her internship will end in June, and there are still two months left. After that, he may work with Ms. Tracy on the feminist side for a period of time. Next year, I plan to let her run for the city of Sabine. Member."

When Lynch said this, Senator Langdon knew what he was going to express, and he went on to say, "I know some people in Sabine. This thing works very simply."

Lynch pursed his lips, "Then I will bother you to run."

"It's not troublesome. I just want to go back to Sabine City to take a look. There are still some procedures that haven't been completed, and they happen to be dealt with together."

When it comes to Sabine, Senator Langdon is a little bit emotional. Lynch, who was so humble at the time, has grown to a point where he can't understand it in only three years.

But to say how outrageous, but every step is so clear.

Many people study Lynch and want to find the so-called "logical loopholes", but they can't find anything. In the end, they can only attribute it to the Son of the Times.

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