Blackstone Code

Chapter 970: The capitalists are ashamed to commit su

The interview is still going on.

"Mr. Lynch, many people think you are a legend, because in a few years you have achieved goals that many people can't accomplish in a lifetime. How do you feel about this?"

Momo looked at Lynch, saying that he was a legend was not a compliment, he was the most brilliant legend of this era, not one of them.

Many people always say that there is no chance to make a fortune in this era.

This is not like in the first generations, when the entire Federation is full of "gold", and you can quickly accumulate amazing wealth by doing any business.

Whether it's doing legitimate business or doing those improper ones.

Even if you just buy a few pieces of land and put it now, it is still a considerable astonishing wealth.

The same is true for the middle generation. The acceleration of industry and the advancement of science have allowed all walks of life to enter a period of rapid development. People have more opportunities and ways to access wealth. Many ordinary people have become just because of some small opportunities. Rich man.

This is what people think now. It used to be easy to make a fortune. Unlike now, all walks of life are becoming saturated.

The so-called entrepreneurship at this time is actually grabbing food from other people's jobs. What you will face is not only commercial competition, but also opponents' retaliation.

Many people think that there are no wealth myths in this era, but it took only three years for Lynch to tell people that making money is not a particularly difficult thing.

As long as there is a dream, motivation, and a little bit of aura and courage, everyone has the possibility of making a fortune.

People looked at him with some fiery eyes, no one knew how much money he had right now, but he must be very rich.

Lynch thought for a while, "As you all know, I broke up with my girlfriend three years ago and her mother took her away from me."

"Before that day, I didn't think my life needed to be changed, but after that moment, I realized that I and my life needed to be changed a little bit."

"People need to have dreams and the courage to realize them. The biggest difference between me and you, and more people, is that I have tried to take my first step."

"There are many firsts in your life, the first love, the first breakup, the first business venture, you have to bravely challenge the past, challenge the cowardly yourself, and then defeat them."

"You have to do that because you need to change your life. If you don't do that, nothing will change."

"Courage, determination, this is my idea, the reason I can succeed..."

"Overcome the timidity in your heart, and you can embrace the future."

The same words spoken from a homeless person and from a successful person like Lynch have completely different effects.

The tramp said that it was just they farting.

But Lynch said, this is the secret of success, inspiring and shocking the soul.

Everyone began to applaud again, and Mo Mo was also applauding. After the applause rang for a while, Mo Mo's question suddenly became tricky. It can even be said that the previous question was actually digging a trap for Lynch.

"Very wonderful thoughts, Mr. Lynch, I am very curious, in the process of your success, did anyone go bankrupt because of you and end up wandering on the street?"

"During the course of your business, have you ever exploited and oppressed labor? Have you given them enough care?"

The atmosphere in the studio suddenly became a bit unusually solemn. In fact, this question is not only difficult to answer, but also stings the hearts of some civilians.

In front of these capitalists, they do not have any protection or sense of security. This problem can easily arouse conflicts between capitalists and laborers.

Such a sharp question is also in the style of "Don't Talk About Current Affairs", and people also want to see such topics, although sometimes they do get hurt.

In the past, capitalists were asked questions like this. At that time, the capitalists said very nicely, but soon Momo produced a series of evidence to overthrow the capitalists' "performance" and make the capitalists leave the show angrily.

This time the same question was given to Lynch, how would he answer it?

Everyone is waiting.

Lynch also understood why when he was putting on makeup, Momo reminded him whether to look at the desk book. This was a kind reminder and a trap!

Because you know these questions in advance, you will prepare the answers in advance, and this is exactly what allowed the program group to succeed——

Faced with such an embarrassing question, the guests can answer fluently, the audience will not think that these guests can answer so quickly is well prepared, they will only think that these people are used to lying.

Then being overthrown will give people a very special feeling. The lies are exposed on the spot. The effect of the program is very good, but the guest experience will certainly not be too good.

Lynch didn't see it, he didn't know this, and naturally he didn't prepare in advance, he was thinking about it seriously.

"Is it difficult to answer, Mr. Lynch?" Momo looked at Lynch, "Or you can't remember how many people went bankrupt in the process and lived on the streets?"

There were some suppressed exclamations in the audience, and there were two things that were most intolerable to the Federation.

The second thing is the loss of freedom.

The first thing is personal financial bankruptcy.

If someone treats them this way, then they will definitely hate this person.

Lynch glanced at Momo and smiled, "I am indeed thinking, but what I am thinking is different from what you said."

He changed a sitting position to make himself more comfortable, and then took out a pack of cigarettes, "Can you?"

Momo nodded, "Of course, this is your freedom."

There is sweet freedom everywhere, and even smoking on the screen is allowed. This is the Federation of Freedom.

Lin Qi lighted a cigarette, took a sip, exhaled a little bit from his nose, and then switched to exhale through his mouth. He licked his lips. "There are about a dozen gentlemen who went bankrupt in the process, but they They are not ordinary people, they are all capitalists."

"The most famous is Mr. Herbert. He not only went bankrupt, but also committed suicide by jumping off the building."

Momo interrupted him, "I know about this. I heard that he owes you and the bank a lot of money and can't pay, so I chose to die."

Lynch shook his head, "This is only a part. He owes a lot of people's money. He can only use this way to escape."

"However, in the past few years, there has not been an ordinary person because something similar happened to me, or another simple way to communicate. If I hold a sickle in my hand, I will not wave at an ordinary person."

"On the contrary, I myself come from the bottom of society. I know everyone's hard life. I will not do that to make their lives more difficult."

"On the contrary, I will provide them with more help within the scope of my ability."

"If anyone of you pays attention to some policies of Sabine City, you will find that the development of family workshops is my promotion."

"In the most difficult period of the first two years, I gave more than 50,000 families the opportunity to work. At that time, my own business was not very large."

"At least close to 200,000 people have directly or indirectly received the changes brought about by this job, so that they can pay the bills for each instalment. No one is driven out of the house because they can't pay these things."

After listening carefully, people began to applaud spontaneously. The audience even stood up to show their respect to Lynch.

After saving so many people, he must be a good person. Everyone hopes that he can meet a good person when he is embarrassed, not a vicious person.

After the applause, Momo looked at Lynch with a smile, "People like you very much."

"Because I am very real and sincere, I disdain to use lies to deceive others to achieve my own ulterior motives. I am who I am. What can I say."

Momo nodded, "There is another question, I noticed...In Sabine, you took some workers' houses by some means. Is there such a thing?"

"Yes!" Lynch admitted without hesitation and nodded. There was another exclamation at the scene. Some even stood up and made contemptuous gestures and said some swearing.

Momo doesn't control the scene. This is the demand of the show. Only when the audience's emotions are mobilized, the ratings will be high and the topic will be topical. She will not stop it immediately.

After the booing continued for a while, Momo said again, "I have been paying attention to you. There is no other expression on your face. You always keep smiling. Do you think this is a good thing or a glorious thing?"

Lynch nodded again, "Of course, but I need to explain."

The scene fell silent again, and Lynch looked at the audience and the camera lens.

"The cause of the incident was that these workers stole the materials from their factory, secretly started to produce a bunch of goods and then sold them. They also divided the money. This is an act of theft."

"The operator of the factory initiated a lawsuit against them. In the past two years, everyone knows that the money they got through illegal means was quickly used up. They can't pay back the money, and the court is going to auction their house in accordance with the law."

"I bought these houses..."

There have been some discussions on the scene. If what Lynch said is true, then in the eyes of most people, although these people deserve sympathy, they did make mistakes.

Sometimes people don't make sense But most of the time, people's three views are still correct.

Lynch continued, "I didn't drive them out of their house. Instead, I gave them a stable job."

"They can use their wages to get these houses back. They only need to pay a small amount of money each month, which is the same as the installment payment."

"In fact, it can be said that I took their house, but emotionally, I don't think I did it wrong."

"If I don't do this, the bank will drive them out. They will live in the park with their family and become one of the city’s homeless people."

"I saved them from having to bear this and gave them a job. Did I do something wrong?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a burly guy with a beard stood up and said, "Mr. Lynch, we support you!"

