Blackstone Code

~: one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nin

Lynch doesn't like gambling.

Fear of losing money is part of it, and part of the reason is that he knows that most gambling games can be cheated, and it can be done to a degree that others cannot detect!

When he was expanding his network before, he met a master of thousands of arts.

It is said to be anti-gambling, but it is actually teaching people how to change cards for a fee.

What he taught was the lowest level, and he never taught others his true skills.

But he likes to show off, to show off.

The one he remembers most clearly was when he shuffled and cut the cards himself, and then that guy shuffled and cut the cards again.

Then the pile of cards was in his hand, and the card he dealt was his second highest card and the opponent's first highest card.


This is also the reason why Lynch is not addicted to gambling. The water here is too deep. Even if he has enough brains, he may not be able to guarantee that he will win.

Even he doesn't think that he can win the game of cards. How can an ordinary woman who looks so stupid can guarantee that she can win?

Lynch was a little curious, "Didn't you participate?"

Serra shook her head. "They invited me, but I declined."

"You know, many people think I'm rich, but in fact you should know better."

"They win or lose hundreds of thousands in a game of poker. With this money, what can I do wrong?"

In addition to Youermei is still in operation, Sierra also has shares in two factories and a charity fund.

The overall worth is about 20 million.

This is the profit brought by Youermei during the period of rapid development, and now Uermi's business is shrinking.

A large number of new fitness and bodybuilding brands have begun to emerge, and it is indeed difficult for Youermei, which has had negative reports, to fight its way out.

Now as long as the directly-operated store has three months of losses, it will immediately stop operating.

Since the factory is basically all female workers, it has received support from the government, and each quarter has a dividend of 200,000 yuan.

The charitable foundation can guarantee a balance of income and expenditure, and distributes three to five million yuan in dividends a year, and then donates it after changing hands.

The working capital in her hand may only be three or four million.

She is very self-aware to participate in poker games that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars a game. Once she loses three or four times, she has to start thinking about selling the property.

"The chief among these games are some famous ladies, and those women from Gefla."

"They don't care about winning or losing, they just treat it as entertainment."

"But on our side, some people are really desperate!"

Sera felt a little emotional, but Lynch thought it was normal.

Aristocrats often continue to harvest wealth for hundreds of years, and it has been accumulated for several generations, dozens of generations, at least tens of millions, at most hundreds of millions.

And many of them are immeasurable properties, such as castles, manors, forest farms, and hunting grounds.

These things are priceless on Gefraben Island, because the land area there is small, and the large area of ​​high-quality land in the hands of nobles can no longer be bought with money.

So this part is not included in the wealth.

For these noble ladies who organize poker games, if they lose hundreds of thousands, they can just sell something, and some don't even need to sell anything.

And they may not lose!

For these noble ladies, winning or losing tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or hundreds of thousands is like their life. For those who are not qualified, this is fatal.

"Joanna really wanted to be part of the scene, she was very active in playing or organizing games, and she didn't win very often."

Sera shook her head, "I really don't know how long she can last like this!"

Lynch took this matter to heart, "The next time she organizes a game, tell me the news."

Sierra nodded in agreement, but didn't delve into it.

In fact, Sera's status in the circle of federal ladies is very special, not because of her wealth, nor because of her prestige.

Purely because she has a son named Lynch!

No one dared to underestimate her, who knew if offending her would attract Lynch's revenge.

If you offend the president, you may be warned.

But if you offend the capitalists, especially the big capitalists, they can even deprive you of the right to survive!

If it wasn't for Lynch, Sera might not be able to gain a firm foothold in the circle of ladies, and they wouldn't take her with them, let alone respect her.

Everything in the Commonwealth has a price, including people.

When a person does not have the value that others respect, everyone becomes very realistic.

After dinner, Sera left and drove the car by herself. She was in a good life and had a good mental outlook, so Lynch was not so worried.

In the next few days, the joint development company held several conference calls, and finally decided on Lynch's suggestion as the core, and negotiated with the federal government on some things about delivery privileges.

During this period, Queen Feline and Zegna came back, stayed for a few days, and then went to the west.

She may also realize that this may be her last "freedom".

Once she returns to the island, she will be "imprisoned" in the palace like a prisoner.

At the beginning of July, the exchange of fire on Peng Jieao's main battlefield finally came to a complete stop.

The long-lost tranquility made the soldiers on the battlefield cherish it. At the same time, Emperor Penteio sent his foreign minister to initiate the second truce negotiation with the Federation.

This time, the location is in the Federation!

Mr. Truman believes that putting the negotiation venue in a federal rather than a neutral area is partly to put pressure on Penteo.

Compared with the already turbulent and rebellious Penteio Empire, showing them the peace and prosperity of the Federation can deepen the impression that the Federation is invincible.

Secondly, as an inviter, placing the location in the Federation is essentially a display of strength.

After Peng Jieao protested to no avail, he still agreed.

They really couldn't hold on any longer. Not only were the federal people getting closer to the imperial capital, but more importantly, the survivors and rebels had discovered the weakness of the royal family's rule, and their actions became sharper.

If you think about it, the myth of invincibility is broken, and the internal groups that are forcibly condensed because of the profit from foreign wars will burst apart in an instant.

Now that many areas have fallen into the hands of the rebels, if there is no counterattack, Peng Jieao's internal problems will become more troublesome.

After the news came out, there was joy on the side of the Federation!

The war is finally over, like the clouds have finally been blown away, revealing the sun.

Bathed in the sun, people feel a kind of "new life"!

This also caused the stocks of the Federation to skyrocket across the board, and the Federal Industrial Index once again set a record for a single-day increase.

Seeing that everything was about to settle, Lynch suddenly called Mr. Truman.

This call surprised Mr. Truman, because they had only met each other not long ago.

But soon, Lynch's phone call gave him a lot of inspiration, and even Lynch was invited to the President's Office again to chat face-to-face with Mr. Truman.

"I pushed back a presentation, but even then our time was limited."

After Mr. Truman asked his secretary to deliver the takeaway coffee, he explained to Lynch.

Then he sat across from him, holding the coffee, and said seriously, "The things you said on the phone are not very detailed, now you can talk about them in detail."

Lynch didn't hide it either, and spoke his thoughts directly and carefully.

"Although Peng Jieao admitted defeat, its production and scientific research capabilities, including its military strength, have not been destroyed."

"It's not good news for us because they could start the next war at any moment."

"I have been thinking about how to solve this problem before, and I have never had any good ideas."

"The news of the past few days has given me some inspiration!"

Mr. Truman took out his notebook and pen. He had a cigarette in his mouth and squinted his eyes slightly.

The smoke of raw smoke is very irritating to the eyes, and because the amount of tar is greater, the discomfort will be stronger.

When he looked at Lynch, he looked up and raised his eyebrows, "Tell me."

"My idea is that we also invite those bereaved families and the new Penteo people's government to come and participate in the negotiations along the way."

After Mr. Truman finished recording the key information, he frowned, "Are you sure it makes sense to do so?"

Lynch nodded with a half-smile, "Of course!"

"They are also victims of Penteio's ambition to rule the world Now that the evil Penteo regime has been defeated by us, these victims should also get their things back."

"We should cede part of the Penteo land to these bereaved families and the Penteo people's government under multi-party negotiations, so that they can obtain all the rights to these lands."

"In this way, the Penteio government will always be in a state of civil strife and division. If we give these forces some support..."

Lynch needless to say the rest, Mr. Truman knows what the result will be!

Armed with the advanced weapons of the Federation, these forces that have an undying hatred for the Penteio royal family will definitely fight the Penteio government to the end!

Civil strife, division, opposition at the bottom...

It is conceivable that once it is really achieved, there is no possibility for Peng Jieao to stand up for at least thirty years.

As for the ability to wage war, it may be fifty years later!

"As for whether the Penteo government agrees or not..."

Lynch chuckled a few times, "That's not important, the important thing is to write these into the negotiated agreement."

"We reached an agreement with each other on a part, such as truce, compensation and so on."

"As for those things that haven't been negotiated and there are still differences, let's talk slowly!"

"As long as they are capable and our support is sent there, they can completely turn it into a fait accompli."

"Then we will go through negotiations step by step to complete the final conclusion..."

"Whether we do it or not, their war will continue!"

Mr. Truman fell into deep thought. It seemed unnecessary to do so, but he gave enough support to all the survivors and rebels.

No matter in name or in essence, it is of great benefit to continue to restrict the recovery of Peng Jieao's national power!