Blackstone Code

~: Three thousand thirty-three

The politician who has been the most malicious to capital in the past three hundred years has been hung on the wall of the presidential palace forever, and will then re-enter the time of capital carnival.

Federals are stupid.

How stupid is that?

It is so stupid that I can't find words to describe it. Until now, more than 70% of the people in the Federation don't know how to file taxes correctly.

The remaining 30 percent is just knowing how to fill out tax forms without mistakes.

Television has been around for some years, but about 40% of people don't know how to change the channel.

Thirty percent of people are not sure about the correct way to use the phone, and they can't even make the correct call to the police.

This is Federal.

They have created a lot of miracles internationally, but in the final analysis, they are still so stupid.

Stupid people have the way of stupid people to understand the world, watch TV, read newspapers, and learn about the world through some "mouthpieces".

They don't care whether the "world" they know is the real world, they only believe what they receive first-hand.

Just like the alien craze in previous years, some people claimed to have seen aliens and took photos.

In the end, including those who spread the rumors, they all admitted that the photos were taken by some special methods, and the purpose was to pay fifty yuan for the manuscript fee.

But there are still many people who firmly believe that aliens do exist, and the reason why the contributors changed their words was that they were coerced by aliens.

A large number of people still believe in medieval sayings such as what is the round sky and where is the sky, so the influence of the media has become extremely important.

People have a very shallow understanding of "authority", and even think that as long as it is shown to them by newspapers or TV, it must be correct and authoritative!

It's dumb, but federal.

Mr. Truman is a thing of the past, Congress is at work, and some provisions that are not conducive to capital are likely to be changed.

Capital has regained the upper hand, and Lynch does not think that in the future, more politicians who are as obsessed with certain positions as Mr. Truman will enter the federal political arena.

A Mr. Truman makes capital and capitalists so embarrassed that they will be more vigilant than ever before about the emergence of a presidential candidate like Mr. Truman!

Once they appear, face their crazy attacks!

During the conversation, the two had already walked into the studio hall. The first program was similar to Lynch's "Millionaire", a comprehensive puzzle program.

After Lynch watched it for a while, he shot the show dead.

Firstly, it does not have the arrogance of a millionaire, and secondly, there are already several similar programs, both on- and off-stage.

The market is saturated and there is no need.

The second program was a fighting program. The program producer told Lynch and Momo without hesitation that the concept of this program came from "Tactical Squad".

But what it pursues is more extreme personal combat power. Fighters from all over the world will gather together to try their best for a supreme glory and huge wealth.

After reading a part of the content, Lynch took it as a reservation and entered the follow-up link.

The third…

the fourth…

Most programs have shadows of other programs, and people still don't know how to open up a new entertainment variety show market.

In other words, Blackstone TV lacked such spiritual program producers, and Lynch was not very satisfied.

After the first round of programs were finished and three were left, all the others were shot. At the same time, Lynch called the top management of the TV station, held a meeting, and talked about the expansion of Blackstone TV to three channels.

"Next, our core office space will be relocated to the outskirts of Bupain, because it can no longer support the production of more of our programs."

"But the scene of the news channel will stay here, which is the first channel."

"Channel 2 and Channel 3 are going to the country, and other than that I'm not optimistic about the ability of the company's showrunners."

"We can hold an event and turn it into a program to promote to the society, the name is called..."

He paused as he spoke, as if he was thinking about it, obviously such a question didn't require much of his time.

"...It's called Star Producer."

"Everyone can sign up with their proposals and ideas, and we will provide start-up funds ranging from 5,000 to 20,000 yuan based on the script they provide."

"Then take what they filmed and show it to the audience, and let the audience vote."

"Votes are available in newspaper or Herald magazines that are published on specific dates, and telephone voting is also available."

Lynch obviously stopped at this point, and everyone began to discuss and express their opinions.

I have to say that everything will be very easy to solve in the hands of Lynch, including this "Star Producer" program.

Everyone knows that the society will give it a lot of enthusiasm. After Lynch proposed that it will not be held for a long time, it has a certain popular foundation.

Because it is not a long-term program, everyone who wants to succeed will come up with their best ideas as soon as they come up.

There are not many opportunities, and if you lose them, you will not come again. It must be a very exciting program.

And it just lengthens the time of the program itself, so that after the comprehensive entertainment channel starts broadcasting, there will be no programs to broadcast.

"In addition, people have a sense of pride after the Federation won the war, which is a good thing."

"We need to make people realize that the people of the Commonwealth are better than the rest of the world."

"This program will be broadcast as an important program in the next period of time."

"I want you to establish branches in all nineteen states of the federation, and we will select 'supernova humans' to perform on stage throughout the federation."

"Whether it's singing, magic, acrobatics, any technique that can show you are superhuman, including whistling and the like."

"As long as most people can't do it, you can sign up and participate in the competition. The grand prize will be a three-month performance contract at Slem Central Casino!"

"And this program is called "Federal Supernova"..."

The construction of the central casino is faster than Lynch imagined. The people of Nagalil have completely let go of their self-esteem and laziness in the face of money.

More than 20,000 people rush to work on the progress of the central casino every day, which makes the progress of the central casino far exceed the construction period of other people's construction.

Around the second half of this year, before the end of the summer vacation, the construction of the central casino will be completed.

Lynch's plan for it has more things for people to enjoy than gambling, including opera, dance, and various performances.

These strange actors can not only get a good reputation, but also contribute to Lynch's business, how wonderful!

Thinking of this, Lynch knocked on the table again, "Also, you guys have to find a way to plan a gambling show, the name can be "Almighty God of Gamblers" or something like that."

"Hold a world-class invitational tournament with a total prize money of three million..."

When people heard that the total bonus was six million, most people gasped.

Momo was even more worried, "Is it like this every quarter?"

Lynch nodded, and she said pointedly, "Last year, the profit of the TV station was not three million. If we spend three million..."

I haven't finished talking, if so much money is spent, the TV station will have negative equity.

For this problem, Lynch already had a solution, "The money is exclusively sponsored by Slem Blackstone Casino."

Then there is the production and content of the TV drama channel. Lynch is very interested in cultivating his own original content group, which should also be included in the TV station's follow-up development plan.

This high-level meeting lasted until close to the end of get off work. As the federation is about to enter explosive development, all layouts must be made in advance.

One step late, one step late, it will be too late if you want to catch up later.

Before leaving in the evening, Momo invited Lynch to dinner, and Lynch did not refuse.

The dining place is at Momo's apartment, which is less than a kilometer away from the TV station.

The apartment is very large, more than 200 square meters, high-end apartment brand, hotel-style management.

Most of the people living here are the elites of the middle class. They are used to enjoying such high-quality services in their eyes, and they are also satisfied with the sense of superiority brought about by their high status in society.

Momo called in advance, and when the two arrived at her apartment, there were already cooks in the restaurant making dinner.

There is also a dedicated waiter doing service next to The dinner is very rich, of course this is not important.

After the dinner was over, the two entered the private area. Without the owner's permission, the service staff of the apartment would not enter this area.

Sitting beside Lynch, Momo moved her hands around Lynch's body. Her fingers were very slender and flexible, and she easily opened the zipper.

Lynch looked at her with a strange expression, "I don't want mine to smell like steak."

Momo rolled her eyes and got up, went to the bathroom, rinsed, and then came back to finish the unfinished work.

She put her arms around Lynch's neck and whispered in his ear, "I want a baby..."

Lynch didn't agree immediately, but asked instead, "Why did you suddenly think of this?"

Momo continued to give on the fantasy grassland full of banknotes, "I don't like other men, and I don't plan to get married in this life, but I will grow old, I have to have a child, whether it is a boy or a girl, in the future There is always one to rely on."

In fact, she didn't tell the whole truth, she was afraid that Lynch would kick her when she got old and faded.

Especially at today's meeting, whether it's the production of the program or the future development of the TV station, there is almost nothing that can make Lynch appear "difficult"!

Everything can be solved easily!

Momo was very worried. Lynch obviously didn't have much energy to take care of the TV station, and she was a little trustworthy to be in this position.

What about later?

When Lynch got tired of her aging and didn't want to see her, would he kick her away?

At that time, what should she do?

But when there is a child, the situation is different!

She can let the child inherit the TV station, and the child is also Lynch's descendant, he will not refuse!