Blackstone Code

~: two thousand one eighty

It is normal financial speculation to operate stocks or index futures as a financial commodity.

But if you spend money, especially if you spend a lot of money to buy stocks, this is not financial speculation, it is business investment!

The purpose of buying a company's stock is to make money through the increase in the stock, and no one will think there is anything wrong with doing so.

But once the purpose of buying stocks is to control the right to speak of this stock, then its behavior will deteriorate.

This involves relationships such as acquisitions, which need to be reported to the Financial Management Commission in advance.

The Financial Supervisory Commission does not agree with the fact that foreigners hold stocks in important core industries of the Federation.

Of course, they won't say that you can't do this, because the stocks you buy are special, and we don't welcome foreigners to hold shares.

They will tell the other party that this may be related to the high level of confidentiality of the country or the company, and these foreign capitals can only be allowed to enter after confirming whether these investments are suitable.

Part of the core industries of the North Industries Group can be said to have run through the process of federal industrialization. The technologies, patents and metallurgical formulas mastered by these enterprises cannot be measured by money.

These things can even determine the strength of the relationship between countries in backward regions!

Everything brought about by industrialization cannot be explained in a few words.

The person who asked this question obviously had this kind of thinking.

If they can become shareholders of these enterprises, it is not too much to ask to see the blueprints of certain machines, right?

They have already become shareholders, one of the owners of the company, why can't they even look at their own things?

Rhyme glanced at the two and frowned.

He is no stranger to those government officials and has often dealt with them.

Especially those government officials of the FSC.

Federal government officials have a characteristic, within the scope of safety, they may be extremely greedy.

Lime's investment company will also often be investigated, for example, whether it is involved in insider trading and the like.

This kind of thing is very common in the federal financial game circle, and the FSC is also very strict in its investigation.

When Rhyme didn't make a mistake, they might ask for something.

For example, give him a call and ask him if he knows a certain investment company, and then ask him if there is any transaction between him and this investment company.

They will say these words very vaguely and ambiguously. In order to know more, sometimes people don't mind promising something.

For example, a little colorful piece of paper, or some inside information.

In fact, in many cases, these things are not given much, and sometimes there is no need to give money directly, as long as you invite the other party to play a game, but you happen to not go.

In fact, most of the time, after they spend their money and promise what the other party wants, they will find out immediately.

The "big things" these people talk about have nothing to do with themselves!

They dared to do it because Rhyme was not involved.

When the issue that he may be involved in it really explodes, no one will disclose the information to him in advance, and those people will not speak out until he is arrested and investigated!

These problems also reflect a real phenomenon. In the federation, as long as you don't cross the line, no one will offend you no matter what you want.

It doesn't matter if what you do is not so appropriate, or even a little bit illegal!

There are a lot of sexual harassment cases in the federal workplace that rise every year, but what is the result?

Maybe the person who harassed them will be punished, but will the person being harassed feel better?

The reason why the law does not punish these people too heavily is because they stand on that line and have not yet crossed it.

But once this line is crossed, the problem will become serious.

Lime shook his head, "This matter is very difficult, if you want to hold shares in a sensitive company."

"First of all, you need to report to the Financial Supervisory Commission. When the Financial Supervisory Commission considers that you are qualified and suitable to hold stocks, you can make public acquisitions."

"And, even if you get approval, buy stocks, and become actual shareholders of the company."

"You also have no right to interfere with the company's operations, nor can you obtain the company's core secrets!"

The person who hadn't spoken before explained, "We understand what you said. We mean to entrust you or your company to do this."

"I have learned about the current status of some federal companies. There are many behind-the-scenes shareholders of local companies who point to overseas capital."

"Our idea is also the same, with overseas capital holding a similar local management company, and this company holds this part of the stock."

"We will put a representative into the shareholders' meeting or even the board of directors. Is there any problem with that?"

Lime froze for a moment, but continued to shake his head, "You don't quite understand."

"Let me give you an example. I registered a company overseas and hold shares in a domestic company."

"First of all, this company should not be too sensitive, and secondly, the Financial Supervisory Commission can use their channels to understand the composition of overseas companies."

"I'm always me. I'm in the country. If I act recklessly, they can be unreasonable."

"But you"

If the federal government takes direct action against foreign investment, it will be another diplomatic dispute.

It happened before, when the federal government picked some good ones to deal with, and there were many not so easy ones.

For example, the aristocratic forces from Gefra, and the aristocratic business from other countries, the federal government lightly let them go.

Now that the federation's status in the international community is getting higher and higher, they want to maintain a positive image of the federation.

Therefore, the flexibility on some individual issues has gradually become less flexible.

The two stopped pressing, and returned to the crowd after thanking Lime.

Lime thought about it and decided to talk to Lynch.

Some of these people were found by Lynch.

Lynch holds shares in several banks and is also well-known internationally.

These people may have had some contacts with him, or they may be business partners for something. Lime didn't know what Lynch was thinking. He had to communicate with Lynch.

Lynch was not surprised when he received the call. Foreign capital's investment in the Federation was divided into two parts.

Some of them really want to make money, money will depreciate, if the money is not allowed to roll up and continue to expand.

The last one-hundred-dollar banknote has only the purchasing power of the one-dollar banknote in the past, and the Federation is the region with the fastest economic growth, not one of them.

So these people gather here just to make money.

There are also some people who want to gradually erode certain companies through investment, so as to obtain some commercial secrets they need.

For regions that are backward, or even do not have their own research and development capabilities.

Even a production line that the Federation has eliminated for five years is full of awesome high-tech for them!

The better the time, the more serious the security problems of the Federation in various senses.

He thought for a while, "Just pretend you don't know about this matter, and don't interfere with other things."

"Of course, if you want to join in, it's not impossible."

There was a momentary desire to join in Rhyme's heart, but soon he cut off the desire that had just arisen.

He dare not do that.

He now has a very thorough understanding of the capitalists. If the capitalists suffer a loss, they will not pretend that nothing has happened and let it go.

They will retaliate, and they will retaliate violently!

These people are foreign capital forces. They may have awe of the Federation, but they lack enough awe for ordinary people in the Federation.

Lynch can bear revenge, but he may not be able to.

He skipped the subject without even asking.

He lives comfortably now, holding tens of millions in cash, although the money belongs to clients of investment companies.

But he has actual dominance, and this feeling is not something ordinary people can feel.

So much money pooled together, or cash, is intoxicating to think about.

He is satisfied with his current life, rich, status, and respected by people.

Other than a slight limp in his leg, he feels impeccable!

That being the case, why take the risk?

Lynch was very satisfied with Rhyme's advances and retreats. Whoever earns what money, don't try to earn wealth that doesn't belong to you, otherwise there will be no good end.

North Industries Group suffered a sniper attack and a heavy blow in the financial market, dragging down the entire Federal Industrial Index.

Domestic and foreign capitals have become ready to move.

Such a huge cake, even if you only have a small portion for yourself, it will definitely satisfy many people!

Compared with domestic capitalists who plunder purely for the plunder of capital, foreign capital wants to obtain opportunities for the development of their own industries!

Even some blueprints and theories that may have been eliminated by the Federation are very precious to them.

The development of industry is sometimes very cruel, that is, constantly burning money into it.

Small countries can't afford to burn, so they can only rely on stealing and cheating.

Lynch is a person with a sense of social responsibility and national responsibility.

He definitely didn't want to exploit these people's money, but just wanted to remind them in his own way.

Don't even think about putting things that they shouldn't take in your pockets!

Towards the end of the week, the first court hearing began.

Affected by the "falling against the trend" of the federal industrial all the people in the federation know about the Norinco Group and their attempt to murder the president.

According to them, it was an attempted murder, but the specific outcome depends on the trial process.

As a result, a court trial suddenly attracted the attention of the whole country and even the whole world, and many TV stations were talking about broadcasting it. This is the first case in the Federation!

After much deliberation, Mr. President decided to broadcast the trial process after meeting with several justices for half an hour.

Of course it is paid.

The cost of the broadcast will be used as a scholarship to motivate outstanding law students who have outstanding loans.

Everyone said it was a good decision, but a lot of people overlooked one thing.

Even if the family who can go to law school takes a loan, it is not too heavy for them.

The story of rich people subsidizing rich people is happening every day, this is the federation!