Blackstone Code

~: two thousand one hundred and ten

No wonder the ultimate goals of federal politicians are mostly senators, not presidents.

As a president, you can't profit for yourself so openly, but as a senator, there is no problem at all.

The money was not at all out of the ordinary, as it was all in the form of chips.

Federal laws do not stipulate that federal government employees cannot gamble, and the existence of the gambling industry as a special licensed industry means that its operators and participants are legal.

As long as the place where the gambling game involved is licensed, there is no problem of illegality.

Since there is no federal law prohibiting federal workers from gambling, is there a law prohibiting them from winning money?

This is obviously impossible, how can there be such a ridiculous law that does not allow others to win money at the gambling table?

Since they are allowed to win money, is the money won legal income?

The answer is... yes!

It's a legitimate income, and as long as they don't hide their income and declare it accurately, it's legal.

So what the **** is wrong with this?

They can take these chips to the casino for a round, and then ask the counter to transfer the money into their account as a "winner".

Casinos will have detailed records so that investigators can quickly provide these data when they need to inquire about it.

They can also take the money to play cards, maybe they can win more?

Even if you lose, it doesn't seem to be a big deal!

The large denomination chips that shone with golden light made every senator smile. What they want is not incompetence, but people's respect for them!

These chips are respect!

Whether it is Lynch or the mayor, it is difficult for them to hate, and some people even come forward and start to provide reasons for their different positions.

After all, everyone is not in the same pit, it is a matter of position.

But excluding the position issue, we are still friends!

With three days of free time and the small gift from Lynch, everyone was very satisfied.

Members of the House of Representatives get a little more, and the staff get a little less. No one has any dissatisfaction.

It seemed that the unhappiness with the local government and Lynch disappeared overnight!

The charm of money is really irresistible!

The next day, Gladstone received a call and found out what had happened here.

In his view, it is very difficult for Congress to win Lynch.

Because the York Gang itself is not a small group, if they go all out to merge with a certain group to achieve an attitude of support for Lynch, the threat from Congress will be completely eliminated.

In the final analysis, it still depends on who is willing to invest more costs and how much risk they can bear.

Don't forget, the Brothers Grimm were no good.

Although these people have been cleansed, gangs are gangs, and killers are killers!

There are a lot of dossiers about the Brothers Grimm, and when the day comes, no one can guarantee that Lynch will not use some extra-market means to resolve the internal disputes.

All the politicians who were assassinated in the history of the Federation lost in this respect.

And in this regard, capitalists seem to be born with a great advantage!

They have money and can manipulate gangs and gunmen, but politicians are restricted everywhere here.

But whatever the case, Gladstone had to give Lynch a call.

In addition to expressing congratulations, see if you can get some benefits from this.

The call got through on time at ten o'clock in the morning.

Lynch was reading the "Travel Guide", a semi-official newspaper that was already regarded as an authoritative newspaper in the local area.

What some people criticized the most was that the second half of such a heavyweight semi-official newspaper was almost entirely filled with call-to-action information.

But this thing is the characteristic of this place, and it is the second pillar industry with rapid development!

The tax rate of the call is based on the tax rate of Gefra, supplemented by the tax rates of some other legal countries, forming a stepped tax rate.

At least the tax rate is 22 percent, that is to say, from the first dollar earned, there are 22 cents to be handed over to the federal government.

Then, with the increase of income, in the end, about 45% of the tax rate needs to be handed over.

It may seem like...too much, but it's actually not that high, and it might even feel a little too low.

It is only a little higher than personal income tax, and it is similar to business income tax.

If you want to count other miscellaneous taxes, the taxable income tax is a little less than the business tax!

But for call girls, it's still a little... not easy to accept.

After all... right, they are the ones lying on the bed, and they are the ones suffering.

It is already very uncomfortable to share money with the so-called brokerage companies now, and to share money with the **** federal government.

Love one... and then a group of people waiting? !

But in another way of thinking, the formalization of the calling industry is the real purpose behind the high tax rate.

In order to reduce additional expenses, local brokerage companies have begun to carry out more detailed sharing methods.

It used to be that the girls got a sum of money after work and gave some of it to the gang.

Now it's the guests handing over the money to the gang, and after a cycle is over, they give the money to the girls in some different hierarchy or something.

Basic salary, plus commission.

Look, is it becoming normal?

Then the brokerage company pays taxes uniformly, and everything becomes corporate and formalized, which helps to control and manage the overall market.

It is precisely because it is taking the road of formalization that people can see its huge development potential.

Tens of millions of taxes are just the beginning, what about the future?

Perhaps its taxes will exceed all expectations!

The sun rose from the east, and the whole city was bathed in sunshine, and at the same time began to recover.

Lynch stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the city, surprisingly calm.


Gladstone's voice came from the receiver, and Lynch knew what this guy wanted to say.

Congress failed, and he had to find another way to get something good.

Greed is not shameful, greed that fails is shameful and ugly.

"There's nothing to congratulate, we're just holding on to what's ours, and that's not something to congratulate."

Lynch's words were a bit choked, he meant that the robber's failure to succeed was not worthy of congratulations, but only sadness.

Although the words were choking, Gladstone kept smiling and even laughed out loud.

"Are you angry, Lynch, because I didn't help you?"

Lynch didn't speak, he could only continue on his own, "Actually, I have done a lot of work, but you know, once they enter Congress, they may not listen to me."

"Just like Senator Langdon, do you think I asked him to do what I asked, would he listen to me or to you?"

This example is on point, and Senator Langdon will definitely listen to Lynch.

This has nothing to do with their camp, only their position.

Lynch also sneered, "You are very good at finding reasons, and you did a good job!"

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Gladstone knew that this level had passed. He had talked to Lynch before and said that he would contribute, but in fact he didn't contribute much at all.

Lynch lost, the Progressive Party has the most seats in Congress, and the Progressive Party will definitely get more benefits from it.

And as the chairman of the party committee, he can naturally get a lot of benefits.

If Lynch wins, as he and Lynch are friends, it is natural that he will get some capital from it.

Who let him still have this extremely important political status?

Anyway, neither the left nor the right will lose, what's wrong with being thick-skinned?

These days, being able to eat enough is the most important thing!

Slem's current market is so good, it needs Lynch's help during Connor's election.

The election of the president is always inseparable from money. Whoever has more campaign funds is more likely to win.

After all, the role of money is too great!

"There's a banquet at the end of the year, you know, the general election is a year away, and we have to get ready."

"The Conservative Party has also received the support of many people, and it is said that there are also mysterious investors joining."


Lynch picked up his words, "So you called me early in the morning just to ask me for some money."

Gladstone wasn't angry either, with a playful smile on his face, "Don't speak so harshly, this is our common cause."

"You don't want the next president to come to power to be from the Conservative Party, do you?"

Lynch has contacts with the Conservative Party, but not many.

It can only be said that it is a normal contact between big capitalists and politicians, not to mention **** supporters.

In fact, the Conservative Party does not lack financial support, just take the upcoming general election as an example.

The "mysterious investor" that Gladstone calls is actually a large group of foreign forces.

This time, the Federation showed its face fiercely on the international stage, but it also put heavy pressure on many countries in the world.

What if the federal government plans to go further?

What if they become dragons?

Anyway, there are no armed groups in the world that can sanction and counter them. What if the federal people want to rule the world?

Fortunately, the current ruling party is a very radical Progressive Party. Would it be better if the Conservative Party came to power?

At least everyone... can relax a little bit.

Isn’t the isolationism of the Federation or escapism in the past very good?

Even if it is impossible to continue to isolate now, it should not be a problem if it does not expand externally.

So more than one secret alliance of countries allowed a large sum of money to enter the Federation and bet on the Conservative Party.

As long as the Conservative Party can win the election, everyone's safety will be guaranteed.

It is said that the money is a lot, and there is no additional budget limit.

Lynch can know so much purely because of Blackstone Bank.

Blackstone Capital and Blackstone Bank are no longer a single institution in the federal territory, and Lynch is actively expanding its international business.

Naturally, there were also some people who wanted to make friends with Lynch, so there was some information exchange.

Gladstone still doesn't know who those mysterious investors are, but he knows that their campaign has already had a terrible opponent!