Blackstone Code

~: two thousand one seventy

The next news is about single mothers who are currently hotly discussed in society, and it is said that legislation is being promoted.

The federation suddenly lost more than one million marriageable young people, which also means that more than one million marriageable women may not be able to find their other half to marry.

And the more than one million families who have already sacrificed and the more than one million women who can't find their other half and part of their families may completely perish!

This is the explanation given by the experts.

Look, some boys from single-child families died on the battlefield, and their parents were generally in their forties.

At this age, don't consider whether you can get pregnant. Even if you get pregnant, there is a risk of miscarriage.

Even if there is no miscarriage, the risk is very high, and there is a certain probability of one dead and two dead.

Eventually the four grandparents and parents would be the end of the family, and no family would be born after them.

In addition, some one-child families among the more than one million, because their daughters cannot find a marriage partner, the final result is the same.

More than a million indigenous families are facing a dire crisis of severance, and experts may not be good at research, but they are definitely good at selling anxiety.

So single female families, as well as single mothers, began to come into people's sight.

The federal government strongly encourages such news and encourages outstanding men to donate sperm for the reproduction and inheritance of these families.

At present, many hospitals have begun to establish sperm banks to deal with some social situations that may occur.

At the same time, some single-parent pregnant women also stood up and accepted interviews from the media.

These women have all the characteristics and advantages of women in the new era.

They are independent, strong, and can live well without relying on men.

Some of these women have jobs and are doing well.

They can support themselves, including raising an additional child or even several children.

People have seen from them the unique bravery, perseverance, and great maternal brilliance of women in the new era, making each of them shine!

The federal government will also give them certain assistance, such as longer maternity leave, more financial subsidies and the like.

This has also led to capitalists being reluctant to hire pregnant female employees, because they can enjoy paid maternity leave after a period of time.

You send her money, she doesn't need to work for you, capitalists don't like that.

It seems that one or two is innocuous, but in fact this number will not be too small.

So the content of the news is related to this incident. A company fired a female employee who had just started maternity leave. The female employee thought this was unreasonable, so she hired a lawyer and sued the company to court.

Since the federal government has not passed legislation to clearly define who is justified in this situation, the lawsuit has been fought for a while and has not yet come to a result.

"Who do you think will win in the end?" Penny asked Lynch.

Lynch replied without hesitation, "Of course it's that lady."

"Why?" Penny was a little puzzled, ever since she started getting involved in capital operations.

She has gradually begun to **** into some corners of the capital, and she is very clear that this matter is like a "switch".

Once the lady wins the lawsuit in this matter, the case will be used as a reference when there are similar cases in the future.

And it is likely to change, pushing for changes in new legislative content, which is not a good thing for capitalists in the entire capitalist society!

Therefore, the capitalists will use some means to make the employer the ultimate winner.

After all, one side is just a pregnant single mother, and the other side is a large group of capitalists who are invisible or present. She can't win!

Lynch shook his head slightly, "You see what many people see, but you don't see something deeper."

"When this lawsuit is known to everyone, the person who can decide its final outcome is already on the lady's side."

"There is public opinion on one side, and the power of capital on the other. No matter who it is, it will eventually bow to the raging public opinion."

"And the more violent this matter is, the longer it drags on, the smaller the capitalists' chances of winning."

Most of the bottom of society will stand on the side of single mothers. Empathy makes them have a natural vigilance against the upper class and antagonism that they themselves have not noticed.

Conspiracy theory is actually one of the most direct manifestations. People always feel that those big shots have bad intentions based on this class antagonism.

So when capitalists "bully" a weak single mother, the bottom of society will stand by her side.

We all know that the main body of this society is not those golden spiers that account for only 1% of the total population, nor those upper-middle-class societies that account for 5% of the total population.

It is ninety-five percent of the bottom society, and it is these bottom people who make up this society.

When they are not united, they can be manipulated arbitrarily.

But when their wills come together, eventually all must step aside.

This lawsuit can be reported and reported for a long time. In fact, it is not just a "single mother" in people's eyes.

There are Lynch, Landa and others working, otherwise the TV station would not have reported such news for a long time.

While chatting about appearance and essence, the phone rang suddenly.

Lynch went to the corner to pick up the phone, and put it back after a while.

A call came from the nephew of the FBI director, who told Lynch that some people had been arrested on suspicion of premeditated murder of the federal president.

The case was interrogated by the military. After the trial, the people and evidence were handed over to the FBI. After the FBI had various statements and evidence, it was easy to apply for judicial support.

At this time, those in the Ministry of Justice did not discuss whether the military's methods were in line with the procedures, and directly gave the approval.

But it is a pity that this arrest did not capture any very important big bosses, and they avoided risks through some means.

Only a few scapegoats were caught, but even so, it hurt the vitality of these consortiums.

It's nothing more than an exchange of interests, a compromise. To avoid such a big danger, you have to give up some interests severely.

Lynch called Mr. Wardrick, made an appointment to meet, then got dressed and left.

The meeting place is at Mr. Wardrick's villa, which is actually not far from Lynch's place, and you can walk there.

But it was too cold outside, so we still drove there, which was on the other side of the villa area in the middle of the mountain.

When entering Mr. Wardrick's villa, Lynch breathed a sigh of relief when the heat wave hit his face.

"It's just that the road from the side of the road to the door is so cold that people are freezing to death. I really wonder how those people who don't go home can endure such cold weather."

Those homeless people are really able to survive, maybe they have already begun to adapt to such bad weather.

Mr. Wardrick invited Lynch to sit down in the living room, which was heated and had a fire in the fireplace, and he was alone in the house.

Mr. Wardrick and his family actually preferred living in the manor to the villa.

The house in the manor is big enough, with more facilities and equipment, and after getting used to living in it, a small house like a villa will feel somewhat cramped.

Mr Warderick doesn't return to the suburbs every day because of work.

"Any good news?"

"It's such a cold day and I still have to come and say it."

Mr. Wardrick brought Lynch hot coffee, and he sat on the sofa casually and asked.

Lynch recounted the news he knew that there had been problems with the internal structure of these consortiums.

Some enterprises were seized, and some board members or shareholders were taken away for investigation and even detained.

Many people or companies from the North Industries Group were involved.

And these people are also the biggest competitors of Ankerk Industry. They control the entire industry self-discipline committee and also prohibit Ankerk Industry from participating in the auto shows of various industry organizations.

A smile suddenly appeared on Mr. Wardrick's face, "It looks like we'll be able to do it soon?"

There is still a process from arrest to trial, but this process will not take too long.

Lynch nodded, "So we can take the lead in launching..."

Lynch asked Mr. Wardrick to collect a lot of evidence of these people's "monopoly". There are testimonials and physical evidence.

But these evidences can't nail them to monopoly, because they have not violated any form of monopoly that has been identified as monopoly in essence.

Their monopoly is more secretive and more difficult to deal with.

I won't supply you because there is a large order that has not been completed.

You are not allowed to participate in the auto show because you are not a member of the industry committee.

You say that people are targeting you, but this is actually a misunderstanding. These are just reasonable and legal means of commercial competition.

You want to say that they are unreasonable, but they left a hole-sharing technology according to their rules.

It may be said that this is a method, but they did not leave any chance.

In normal times, a lawsuit is meaningless.

These people are not can't afford a lawsuit.

They can also form a huge team of lawyers, and everyone just burns money for each other.

At the end of the fight, nothing is left, what it was before, and what it will be like in the future.

So before Lynch asked Mr. Wardrick to collect evidence, but did not disclose it, what he was waiting for was the opportunity now.

They simply cannot handle Mr. Wardrick's offensive now, and public opinion will not be on their side.

Wardrick suddenly became flushed, he was really fed up with these people's targeting.

Ever since they came up with the crash test, using their strongest car to hit Ankirk's cheapest car, and exaggerating the results, it has indeed caused a lot of trouble.

After swallowing his anger until now, he was finally able to fight back, and spit out the depression in his chest, and Mr. Wardrick felt that he was several years younger in an instant!