Blackstone Code

~: two thousand zero forty nine

【Black Stone Code】【】

The weather at the end of March is cold winter before the arrival of spring in the Commonwealth, but in Nagalil, the spring breeze is already blowing.

There is no chill in the cool wind, unlike winter wind, which can blow into people's bones and chill people's hearts.

The wind here is more like summer wind.

There is a strong breath of life hidden in the atmosphere, and the fishy smell of the soil has also become a fragrance.

"All Nagalilians thank you, Mr. Lynch!"

When he got off the boat, the local mayor of Slem had been waiting for a long time.

Catherine had a few meetings in the morning and didn't have time to come. The mayor of Slem took the initiative to meet Lynch.

Here he used honorifics, and Federation people are not used to using honorifics, he is not a pure Federation person.

He belongs to the second and a half generation of immigrants, and has been almost assimilated by the Federation. This time, he can become the mayor of Slem City, and Gladstone has played a large role.

After Gladstone came to power, he desperately needed **** supporters, but also money.

What about money?

When you have it, you don't feel how important it is to you, but every detail of your life smells of money.

But when you don't have it, you will find that you are living in hell!

The Progressive Party has its own fund account, which contains a lot of money, donations, donations, but the money belongs to the Progressive Party. It is inappropriate for Gladstone to use it for personal consumption or non-official consumption.

As the chairman of a party committee, he has much more entertainment than others, so he also needs to have a stable source of funds to support his various actions in the political arena.

Some people took this opportunity and became his pocketbook. In this way, they touched the ascending channel.

The father of the mayor of Slem City is considered a successful capitalist. He has tens of millions of property in the Federation, and it is said that there are many mines abroad.

He and Mr Patou were good friends and were now Gladstone's patrons.

And his son was naturally recognized by Gladstone, and after discussing with Lynch, he was on Catherine's big list.

It may seem like a complicated process, but for each joint involved, it's just a matter of a few phone calls.

The mayor of Slem City is about forty years old, he is of good mixed race, and looks a little handsome.

Of course, there is still a long way to go from Lynch.

Youzhuo's family environment allowed him to receive a good education, and his personal cultivation is also very good. When he praised Lynch, he could not blush.

Lynch smiled and nodded at him, but the young man who was following Lynch who was younger than the mayor was a little confused.

Perhaps seeing his confusion, the mayor of Slem City explained, "Mr. Lynch first proposed to clean the city and clean the streets."

"I was here before the Federation helped the people of Nagalil to realize the common prosperity of mankind."

"There is feces everywhere, human and animal, and there is dirty water with white foam floating on the side of the road."

"There are so many flies in summer that you have to wear a helmet when you ride, otherwise they will keep hitting your face!"

"Sometimes you can still see people sleeping in the sewage, or feral dogs eating the carrion of roadside dead people."

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【Black Stone Code】【】

"God created the world, but turned this place into a sewer!"

The young people around Lynch couldn't help exclaiming, "Oh my God, isn't this too bad?"

The mayor of Slem said with a smile, "But after Mr. Lynch came, everything changed, so we can see such a neat and clean port and streets here!"

As he spoke, he began to introduce himself. Lynch had met twice when he came last time, but he was not very familiar with him.

At this time, he introduced himself again, at least what name he could remember.

Lynch also introduced the people around him, "This is... Mr., he will fill a vacancy in the State Senate."

The mayor of Slem did not ask Lynch where the Senate vacancy was.

As far as he knew, every seat in the State Senate had its owner, and now there was another.

Either someone is going to **** off, or there will be an extra seat.

The former is unlikely. The newly formed state has just started to build and can firmly hold a state senator. These people are all behind the scenes.

Then there is more possibility to add one seat, and this is also a very great way.

At least it shows that behind this young man, there is a huge energy supporting him.

The two shook hands, and they got to know each other for a while. The mayor of Slem City also said very intimately that if you have any problems that you don't know how to solve, you can just find him.

Several people talked for a while at the port, and then left by car.

The planning of Slem City was done by Lynch, so the mayor does not need to have too many personal ideas on the city's development planning.

He just needs to cooperate with Lynch to build the city well.

With a leisurely job, he will be able to get a better promotion after returning to his hometown in a few years, and at the same time he can build a good relationship with Lynch. He has no reason to make any stupid moves.

The convoy turned around on the main road of the city, and the surrounding construction speed was very fast, regardless of the remote places.

The commercial core area of ​​the entire Slem has begun to take shape, which is the benefit of being willing to spend money.

After a circle, the convoy stopped outside the central casino.

At this time, the entire central casino is a huge construction site, and countless workers are completing their work according to the regulations.

In order to create a huge arena with a sense of beauty and history.

Lynch spent money to buy a foreign arena, then disassembled it and packed it over.

Now workers are reassembling these huge stone blocks!

Those stones are more than two meters high and five or six meters long. It is hard to imagine how people used these materials to build a magnificent arena in the absence of construction machinery in ancient times.

Even now, with construction machinery, this is not an easy task.

Because it still needs a simple expansion, and at the same time improve the supporting rooms and other facilities, it is not much smaller than a medium-sized stadium, and it still uses such a huge stone.

There are many supervisors on the construction site, and these people naturally gathered when they saw the boss coming.

The Nagalilians are lazy, but also sneaky and sneaky, so someone has to keep an eye on them.

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【Black Stone Code】【】

Otherwise, what can be done by one person in one day may require three or five people to do it for two or three days!

After briefly inquiring about the construction period and some ordinary things, Lynch and his party went to the casino again.

The central casino, also known as the Blackstone Casino, uses the most advanced prefabricated steel structure in the Federation as the main body of the building.

To put it simply, it is to use prefabricated steel building blocks and play a game of building blocks!

This kind of construction method and structure is on the rise in the Federation.

Because its construction time is shorter than traditional buildings, its strength is higher, and daily maintenance and the like are very simple.

Of course, it also has fatal shortcomings, but it is expected that such terrible things will not happen in this world, and the height of the central casino is not so high, so there is no need to worry.

More than half of the overall building has been completed, and it seems that the bottom building has begun to be renovated.

Lynch walked around the casino lobby on the second floor, which was very luxurious, and he was very satisfied.

The young people who followed Lynch were once again shocked by Lynch's wealth and generosity!

Standing in the back, he asked the mayor of Slem, "How much would it cost to build such a large building?"

The mayor of Slem City had a weird expression on his face. "Mr. Lynch said that at least two to three billion yuan will be invested to complete the basic construction, and then there will be additional investment. I don't know the exact amount."

"But that must be an extremely terrifying number!"

After the young man was silent for a while, a relieved smile appeared on his face.

He is the second son of the current president, and the president followed Lynch's suggestion and asked him to come to the state house here.

Of course, he didn't add an extra seat, and it wasn't that anyone would get out, it was an exchange!

He exchanged his position in the Federal State Senate for his position here.

The person who changed with him has no reason to refuse, and of course these things will not be announced to the public with great fanfare.

Walking around the central casino, I urged the construction workers to complete all the construction before August, so that the trial operation can start in summer, the peak tourist season.

Of course, this counts, and it is almost a year younger.

Everyone had a simple meal at noon, and stayed in the hotel next to the state government in the It is said to be a hotel, but it is actually more like a small hotel, everything is very simple.

Everyone rested in the afternoon, and in the evening, everyone sat together in the restaurant of the state government.

Catherine was sitting on Lynch's right, and Lynch seemed to be the real owner here.

He introduced the situation of the young people to Catherine and the professor, and everyone came to a conclusion about his guess.

The ingredients for dinner are very good, but the cook is not very good, and the characteristics of the food are not reflected.

But... the real good stuff, even when it's cooked a little easier, is delicious.

At night, Lynch leaned on the bed and lit a cigarette, and Catherine got up and walked to the bathroom.

The bathroom door was not closed, she sat on the sink and looked at Lynch, "How long are you going to stay this time?"

Lynch thought for a while, "Two weeks or three weeks, there are still many things waiting for me in the country."

"This time I came here partly because of that guy. I need the president's support on some things."

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【Black Stone Code】【】

"On the other hand, it's time to make rules."

There are many casinos in the federal mainland, both large and small, but they have never formed an overall industry scale.

Because most of the casinos are run by federal natives - the ones who thank the federal government for saving their original natives!

Federal people have complicated feelings for these natives, so everyone is playing their own game.

It doesn't matter if you do this in the Federation, but here, Lynch will not allow the industry to be in a state of chaos!