Blackstone Code

~: two thousand zero thirty five

On the weekend night, Lynch was invited by Gladstone to the Progressive Party spring party.

The Progressive Party meets every two years, or twice in four years.

The first gathering was just before the end of spring break the year after the president was sworn in.

The second gathering came after the summer break of the President's final year in office.

There were quite a lot of people invited to the spring party, not only party insiders, but also many celebrities in the society, including some journalists and media friends.

The main purpose of the spring gathering is to give some newcomers to the Progressive Party some chance to make friends, and sometimes it may be to send a signal for certain things in the party.

For example, the change of candidates for important positions in the party will also be disclosed at the spring party, but it will not be done immediately. There must be a process.

The autumn gathering is to make various preparations for the next year's election.

There will be more people attending the autumn party, and there will be more heavyweights. This is related to the major events of party elections and cannot be sloppy.

The Conservatives actually have a similar habit, the Progressives and the Conservatives in the Federation to some extent.

In addition to different political ideas, many other things have shadows of each other.

As for the Socialist Party... who cares?

As an important party sponsor of the Progressive Party, Lynch was naturally invited, and the scale of this gathering will be very large.

In fact, the spring party was held last year, but it was held again this year, which is related to some subsequent changes in the federal political arena.

There are still two years to go before the vice president becomes president, but in fact, it has already begun.

From the moment Mr. Treman was killed!

Progressives don't like Mr Truman, who represents the interests of the military, not the politicians.

The interests of politicians are often tied to the interests of capitalists. Mr. Truman used the basic base of the Progressive Party to do what he wanted to do.

During Mr Truman's tenure, the Progress Party's popularity among capitalists has declined.

This is actually not surprising at all, at least there has never been anyone in the Conservative Party who likes to target capital and capitalists so much.

Now that Mr. Truman has left this world, while the Progressives are relieved, they also have to prepare in advance for the general election two years later.

Under the premise that the current president has no way to adjust the large structure of the federal government, continue to use the convenience of the Progressive Party as the main brains of various departments of the federal government as much as possible to make arrangements in advance.

Lynch arrived at 5:40 in the evening. He had to find a female companion for himself. A female companion was actually one of the highlights of such an occasion.

Madam politics has never stopped in the Federation, and that short intestine is sometimes more useful than money!

Penny still played the role of Lynch's "person next to him", but to the surprise of others, there was another girl—Slanie.

The eighteen-year-old girl was tall and slender, with fair skin, and her youth was blooming wantonly from top to bottom.

It's like a small sun, so eye-catching!

For Lynch to bring two female companions in a fair manner, no one can blame him, or condemn him on a moral level.

There is no such opportunity in etiquette.

After all, he is still very young, and he is not married. This is his life, and the Federation people like it very much.

They value freedom and privacy. You can give someone a slap on the street and tell him that you were joking with him, and the other party may forgive you.

But if you try to dig into the privacy of others, even relatives, you may turn your face directly.

Lynch had one on the left and one on the right, and walked in just like that.

Gladstone immediately greeted him. His current position as the Chairman of the Progressive Party Committee is becoming more and more secure, and his mentality is somewhat different from before.

Instead of shaking hands, the pair embraced as a way to show others how close they are to each other.

It is said that politicians are hypocritical, but so are capitalists.

Petunia took Slany's hand obediently, and moved aside with Gladstone's wife.

Women should not get too close when men are talking.

No matter what Ms. Tracy and Landa do, this world is still dominated by men.

"I'm sorry about Truman's matter..." Gladstone pursed his lips, "I've been keeping people watching over there, and we won't let go of any clues!"

Lynch also nodded solemnly.

So far, whether it is the federal government, the upper class, or the middle and lower classes of society, there is a consensus.

That is, the death of Mr. Truman was definitely not as simple as the whole incident showed. A military family member shot and killed Mr. Truman in front of 40,000 people.

This sounds like a **** joke!

First of all, the pistol he used to kill is a military-made pistol, which is not sold to ordinary people. The number of this gun has been wiped, and so far no information about this gun can be traced.

Who provided it, and whether there are other things hidden behind the provider.

Secondly, within 72 hours before the president decided to give a public speech, the sports center went through strict security checks, and the entire venue was sealed off for a long time.

Who brought these weapons in, how they were brought in, and how they were hidden in the water tank are all a mystery.

The security committee reported that before 10:00 am on the day of the public speech, they also conducted a routine inspection of all toilets and water tanks, and found no weapons at that time.

Was someone paid to help the assassin bring the weapon into the sports center, or was someone lying about it?

Regardless of the possibility, this is not something an ordinary military family member can do!

Coupled with the subsequent accidents or disappearance of some experts and scholars involved in drafting the Amendment to the Anti-Monopoly Act, this is obviously a premeditated assassination.

But apart from many doubts, no one can find anything useful, which has also become the reason for the delay in solving the problem.

Some people are suppressing the detection process, while others are artificially creating difficulties.

The relationship between Lynch and Mr. Truman is very good, and Gladstone thinks this is a good opportunity to strengthen the relationship with Lynch.

There might be something shady about taking advantage of a dead man, but politics is never honourable.

The two "waited in silence" for a short while, just a few seconds, and then Gladstone's expression became lively.

"Everything will be fine, Lynch."

"Exactly, I want to introduce a friend to you..."

Gladstone beckoned to other places, and a guy who looked to be in his fifties walked over with a glass of wine with a smile.

He looks very energetic, neither skinny nor fat, which is in line with the aesthetics of the federal people, the kind of person who knows at a glance that this guy belongs to the elite class of upper society.

He extended his hand, shook hands with Lynch, and introduced himself, "You can call me Connor, Connor Jeston."

"Previously served as governor of the state, now the governor's job is over, currently unemployed..."

Unemployment is just a joke, but he also indirectly expressed something in this way.

For example, he is very likely to be one of the candidates launched by Gladstone to participate in the election two years later. The governor's career gives him a lot of bonus points.

At least he knows how to cooperate with capitalists instead of attacking each other.

With such a solemn introduction by Gladstone, anyone will arrange for someone to investigate this guy's past experience after returning.

His palms were dry but hot, and the Commonwealth did not like cold palms.

According to surveys, in canvassing activities that face voters directly, voters are more accustomed to voting for those with warm and warm hands.

Because "their hearts are not dark."

The ghost knows that there is a direct relationship between the dark heart and the cold palms, but don't expect the stupid federal people to correct this point of view, even if they themselves know that this statement is untenable.

Gladstone also explained at this time, "Connor is very capable and energetic, and I know him well."

"I've heard that the Conservative Party is very interested in the general election in two years time, we have to prepare ahead of time."

"We will have time to sit down and chat later, your suggestion is very important to I know that in the past few years when Mr. Truman was in power, many policies have your shadow , we need you more than before, this time!"

Gladstone's expression was so direct that they almost wrote "we care about your opinion" on their faces.

It is said to be asking for advice, but in fact it is more about fornication and the exchange of interests in order to gain Lynch's support.

The rapid development of Blackstone Bank has become unstoppable, and the six major federal banks have also become the seven major federal banks.

Just because of the 4 billion debts owed to him by the Gefla government, and some things he got from Penteio later, Lynch's worth has already exceeded 10 billion.

If you count the central casino he invested in Slem, according to his public prospectus, it will not exceed ten years at most, and his assets will double again!

Even if only one percent of the turnover of hundreds of billions of dollars is left over each year, that's still a **** billion!

Of course, these are the best trends, but no matter what, Lynch is definitely a heavyweight in the current federation!

Moreover, Lynch is not alone, and the support of the Blackstone Department will also make the Light of Tomorrow Consortium a supporter of Connor.

The **** isn't he sitting still?

As for the benefits of the transaction?

Isn't that what everyone is doing?

Lynch nodded slightly, and after Connor gave Lynch a business card, Lynch left first.

There are other guests behind, and they have to continue to repeat this routine.

In the distance, Gladstone's wife, who had already helped Penny and Slany to integrate into the core circle of high-class ladies, also returned to his side, ready to welcome the next couple of gentlemen and ladies who came to the party.

Mr. Truman left so quickly that it took only two months, and people were discussing who would completely cover up his existence.