Blade Dancer for Online Games

Chapter 2272: In the abyss

After returning to God, the people staring at the three-dimensional image rejoiced. It seems that there is nothing wrong with this direction. As long as you go on, you can see me!

However, Ibis said suddenly, "Reconciled intelligence shows that I am fighting another powerful opponent, and from the analysis of the fighting situation, I currently seem to be at a disadvantage in the battle!"

Disadvantage? !! This is not good news, isn't Xiaoyou boasting about 狻猊? Say it's a little more time, it's not a problem to unify the entire burial cave! The **** was coquettish, Lin Lin absolutely believed in Xiaoyou's judgment, but now how can he fall into a disadvantage? !!

"Is there any way to see what's going on below ?!" Liu Li asked frowning.

After hearing that, Siniang said: "I can capture some environmental information in the battle area, and let Ibis generate dynamic stereo images, but the interference of poisonous fog may not be clear!"

As soon as the words came down, Yang Qi had said in a hurry: "It doesn't matter, hurry up, you can probably see one!"

"Well!" Si Niang nodded, then launched the investigation mode, and quickly fed back the intelligence she had collected to Ibis.

With the information of Siniang, the three-dimensional image projected by Ibis quickly changed. There was originally only one image. Soon, more environmental images appeared around her, and she also Then acted. Judging from its constantly changing position, it really looks like it is being suppressed by the opponent. It looks like it is only in passive defense and waiting for an opportunity to find an attack. What about its opponent? Why hasn't it been revealed yet?

"The energy force field of that thing is very chaotic and it is difficult to accurately capture its form!" Siniang said distressedly.

Listen, Lin Yan encouraged: "It doesn't matter, you can get a rough look, you don't need to be so accurate!"

"Ah, okay! I'll try again!" Lin Ye's encouragement gave Si Niang a huge motivation. Although the host said, it would be like a rough look, but Si Niang still wanted to make her as good as possible Opponents come back.

It didn't take long for a black spherical object to appear on the opposite side of the puppet. Is this puppet's opponent? Its opponent is a ball? !! When everyone was surprised, the black sphere began to deform, with one end protruding upwards and one end extending from all directions. At first it became like a jellyfish, but gradually the jellyfish deformed again and became something like an octopus. That's the octopus claw, it looks like it's a bit more!

"Hmm--! That's about it!" Si Niang said, staring at the dark octopus.

"The opponent is a big octopus!" Xiao Meng cried in surprise. "I feel uncomfortable, why can't I beat him?"

"I don't know!" Si Niang shook her head for a while, and said with some discouragement: "From the information collected so far, the target should be the form of energy body, which has a strong ability to interfere with Ibis's investigation because there is no way The shape of the target is clearly observed, so it cannot be judged! "

The words of Siniang kept everyone frowning for a while, and the mood became even more irritable. Soon, Dong Dao said, "It's not an issue for us to look at it! It's serious to hurry up and help!"

"I'm afraid it's too late!" During the talk, the puppet in the stereo image has been hit by the enemy several times, but the puppet still doesn't seem to have any intention to attack, and he doesn't know what the guy is taking care of .

"It came here in strips, so there can't be any close people taken hostage?"

Hearing Yang Qi's muttering, Lin Yan's eyes flickered sharply, and he took a closer look at his opponent, and finally found something awkward! "Who said it would be impossible ?!"

After hearing Lin Biao's words, the crowd fell on him with curiosity, and then saw Lin Biao pointing his hand towards the right side of the big octopus. "Here, did you notice? This side seems to be less After a few tentacles, and then you pay attention to the head of the chin, you can see it? It has been paying attention to the position of the big octopus, so although it is a bit difficult to understand, but from the current situation to infer, 狻I should have caught some relatives and friends who were caught by my opponent. I ca n’t do my best in the battle. I can only passively defend and look for rescue opportunities! "

Looking at Lin Yan's analysis, everyone showed a sorrow. "But ..." Xiao Mo frowned. "Even if we know the reason, then we can help you! If you come close, you may be It will hurt your relatives and friends! "

"This requires a bit of cooperation!" As he said, Lin Yan's gaze looked towards the abyss outside the cave. When he saw this, he could not help but jump into the hearts of everyone he knew well.

At that time, Fet called out, "Sir! No! It's too dangerous! Did you forget the accident before?"

Looking back, Lin Yi smiled at everyone who was scared. "This burial cave is indeed a little evil gate, but although it is a evil gate, it only deprives the ability to float. It's bottom, so as long as I'm careful, there shouldn't be any problems! "

should? !!

Hearing this word, Xiao Mo's eye was immediately drawn, eyebrows were raised, and they were ready to get soared, so that Lin Ying could eliminate this risky idea! But Lin Ling rushed before them and said, "This is the best way at the moment! Only in this way can we ensure that our relatives and friends can be rescued, or even if we rush down, it will just be deadlocked!"

"There must be another way!" Brenhild shouted loudly, and Xiao Meng beside him should nod with him for a while, "That's it! Isn't God Stick can illusion? Is it very powerful? The moon is near the Xijiang River, and it must be able to subdue the big octopus! "

But Lin Yan shook his head for a while. "Illusion has a very limited effect on evil spirits. It has no effect on that guy, and it is not certain! And Yueling Xijiang, no one knows how far that guy has mastered time and space, no matter Which one is not good, and that is the result of the chicken flying eggs. We cannot take this risk! "

After speaking, Lin Yan looked at the crowd and smiled confidently, "What are all the expressions? It's not a life or death, you just think I'm going rock climbing!"

"Climbing ?! They have a protective rope, how about you? Besides, it's a few kilometers high, and it's as steep as a 90-degree angle. Can you climb this thing ?!"

Listening to Yang Qi's questions, Lin Ye knew that without persuading them, there would be no way to continue. Now that the situation is urgent, he can only explain as soon as possible. At the moment, Lin Ye showed the erosion claws instantly, and then One claw grabbed it down the stone wall. Although the rocks here are quite hard, Lin Yan's eroded claws caught them deeply.

Pulling his hand out of the stone wall, Lin Biao said, "In addition, you forgot, can I still control my own gravity? As long as I use it well, going from here, the safety factor is still very high!"

This demonstration really reassured everyone, "But I'm afraid there will be any accidents on the road, master!"

Hearing the words of Siniang, Lin Yan looked at her with amusement. "Then you talk about it, from the cliff down here, have you detected any possible objects?"

"This ..." Si Niang hesitated, "It seems ... it seems like nothing!"

"Isn't it ?!" After laughing, Lin Yan said to the crowd: "Okay! It's so decided, I will act from here, you can kill as soon as possible to attract the attention of the big octopus, to At that time, I will take the opportunity to succeed. It depends on you! "

Lin Ying said this, even if everyone agreed with his decision, although it was a bit risky, this operation was inherently dangerous. You know, they are now the most vicious evil spirits on the battlefield. In the lair! "But in this way, we have a shortage of manpower! If we encounter an enemy of the previous size again and again, we alone can't break through!"

When Yang Qi listened, she said, "You can ask Weier for help. She said that she was very interested here, and the elite of the Knights of the Round Table should be here at this time! Although the concentration of grievance here is very high, However, with the help of Quwu Dan, it should still be able to support it for a period of time! "The number of ghost clothes is limited, but there are still a lot of Quwu Dan. It is not a problem to cope with this time!

Lin Ye nodded in agreement. There was nothing he could do. The Alliance's elite all ran to Broken Sky. At this time, a helper was needed. Naturally, he could only find Genivel. Fortunately, knights, they helped others but they helped them. Here comes the virtue!

"Brother——!" Feng Wu couldn't stare at Lin Yan with a cry, "You better not let Weier know what you think, or she will definitely ask you for trouble!"

"Who's afraid of that mother-in-law!" Lin Yan said disdainfully, of course, that is, talking about his mouth, and thinking about it, if that mother-in-law really explodes, Lin Yan can only retreat! After speaking, Lin Ling walked towards the abyss. "Then the rest will be left to you. I'll go down first! Oh yes, remember to keep the Knights of the Round Table in a balance of resistance so that they can To some extent resist the erosion of grievances here! "

"Hey-- ?! Anything else?" Yang Qi was curious, "How do you know?"

Lin Yan heard a smile and said, "Go back and go to the forums and you will know. Now this ancient battlefield has been treated as a large copy, and the trick I just said is what they found when they attacked the battlefield. It was them. The credit is not mine! "

"That's it!" Yang Qi said with a sad expression, "It's a pity! What a great topic!"

"Go!" Xiaomo hit Yang Qi with a funny smile, when this dead girl, still thinking about water stickers! "Hurry up and contact the teacher, we are running out of time!"

"Don't be too impatient. I have followed the old general for so many years. The soldiers should have the patience. I think it still has it! The current situation is stuck, and it will not be easy to risk! In short, you should be cautious. Anxious to do bad things! "

"I see! You need to say it ?!" Liu Li stared at Lin Mao angrily and said, after that, he urged: "Be careful, don't mess around!"

"Got it, I make a difference!" After grinning, Lin Ying turned over and jumped into the abyss. Although they had been prepared for a long time, everyone could not help but see this scene, Brenhill De and Xiaomeng, a few stupid girls, rushed to the side for the first time, and looked down nervously, and then, they saw Lin Zhi who had been stuck on the cliff under a dozen meters.

Lin Yan looked up at the girls, and waved them, and saw that he was very skillful. Brenhild was relieved, and when they looked back, they told everyone what they saw, so that everyone can take good care of them. Be prepared for the next move.

Through Feng Wu's feedback, Lin Ying can clearly understand the actions on the other side, and Feng Wu can also tell everyone about Lin Ying's security situation, so that everyone can feel at ease.

It is indeed a round table knight who fought for justice. It was only a short time after receiving the notification. Ganiweier summoned the elites of the knights, and then used the transfer of fairyland through Fengwu to come to the ancient battlefield. It ’s less than five minutes before and after it arrives on the battlefield! I have to say that in terms of obedience and efficiency, Lin Ying is quite convinced of the Knights of the Round Table! Thanks to Gu Niweier, the mother-in-law can call such an elite, really Lin Yan is a bit envious. Compared to them, the players in the Dragon Park and the Alliance are more like the bandit's den. Well, I do n’t know. Will the atmosphere in the league be changed after the desolation?

Just as Lin's thoughts were running wild, on the other side, the re-integrated team had quickly killed the bottom of the basement! With more people, there is more room for everyone to choose from! Even if you encounter large-scale evil forces, you can take advantage of the complex terrain of the dungeon to divide the entire evil force into pieces, and the efficiency is quite high!

Seeing that the large troops were about to be killed from the dungeon, Lin Ying had successfully reached the intended location and ambushed. He took Zhetian Pill and was wearing black armor. If he didn't take it very seriously, it would be difficult to detect him.

After thrusting the erosion claws deep into the stone wall and fixing his body, Lin Biao carefully turned and looked down. At a glance, a huge body was reflected in Lin Yi's field of vision. It was about 400 meters away from Lin Yi. Lin Yi did not dare to get too close, lest he should attract the guy's attention, the distance of 400 meters It ’s good. When you wait for action, you can use the streamer to get closer instantly, so you do n’t have to go any further!

A closer look at the guy, it really looks like a giant octopus, it is close to the steep stone wall, there are eight octopus claws, the claws of this goods look more than twenty, waving quickly, you can see people dazzled !! Compared to the flexible tentacles of this product, Lin Yan's eyes are more frightened!

This monster has only one eye, but that eye, extremely huge, a dark sclera, and a **** iris with a serpent-like golden snake pupil, just glanced at the corner of the thing, Lin Ling felt a chills all over his body. Instinctively telling Lin Biao that the thing is definitely more than just looking at it!

In order to avoid being noticed by the monster, Lin Ling tried to restrain his sight as much as possible, and took his attention away from that creepy giant eyeball. His eyes fell to the right side of the monster, which they had guessed before. Yes, where are my relatives and friends.

Looking at it, Lin Ying was surprised. At the position of the monster, he really bound a figure with two tentacles, but what surprised Lin Ying was that it turned out to be a big turtle? !! What a joke is this!

Uh wait! Lin Biao took a closer look, but saw that the tortoise was as dark as ink, and it was unnecessary to know that this must have been the result of long-term erosion of resentment, but why did the turtle's head have horns? !!


The name emerged from Lin Biao's mind at a glance. Except for the hegemon, Lin Biao couldn't think of it. What other turtle's head had long dragon horns, what? You said there are dragon turtles? !! What kind of dragon ancestors of the Dragon Turtle that can't be mixed any more can make Xie desperate for this? What a joke!

Thanks to the monster being captured by the monster, it is precisely by virtue of the monster's incomparably hard tortoise shell, that gave them enough time for Lin and Lin Ling! The monster's two tentacles, which are bound by the underlord, are constantly shrinking. Under great pressure, the tortoise's tortoise makes a sore voice. A few hundred meters away, Lin Yan can hear it. Become another Dragon blood, have long crushed this guy to pieces!

But even so, the underlord is uncomfortable. After all, the tortoiseshell is not the house. Under the squeeze of the tentacles, painful roars are emitted from the tortoiseshell from time to time, and every time the underlord Growling, Lin Yi found that his actions would be followed by a little irritability. Every time this time, his judgment would always be wrong, and he would then be hit by the octopus monster.

It seems that I also know that if I go on like this, even the tortoise shell that is amazingly defensive will be completely crushed. It is because of this that I will expose my impatience! However, since the defense under the hegemony can support such a long time, why don't you just rush to save people?

Lin Biao thought and thought, there is only one possibility left. Obviously, the monster has the ability to kill the killer. At present, the tentacle attack should be unlikely, except for the tentacle, the octopus monster gives Lin Yan feels the most dangerous, that big eye! This discovery made Lin Mao more and more careful. He didn't doubt the speed of his reaction at all, and even if he didn't dare to act rashly, it was enough to prove that the speed of the monster's eyes must be quite amazing!

(End of this chapter)