Blade Dancer for Online Games

Chapter 2276: , Ecstasy

Under the serious expressions of everyone, the octopus monster issued a crazy laugh. This time, it burned its potential. Even if it did not die afterwards, its strength would drop sharply, and it paid such a huge price. How can it be reconciled when people wait for annihilation? !!

At this moment, in the huge eyes of the giant's chest, Morin sent out a cold and brutal killing intention, and then burst into a rage: "Get up! My servant!"

As the octopus monster screamed, the dark purple flames gushed out of it instantly, and quickly radiated from under its feet! Where the flames passed, a strange plant quickly emerged from the ground. Within a short time, a dark purple sea of ​​flowers surrounded all of Lin Ling's all of them.

"What is this ?! Disgusting !!" You Ruo shouted in disgust. There is more than one person in the same mood as her, and even Lin Ling is too tired to see these flowers!

I saw that these flowers had dark purple petals, and the dim color was not very pleasing. What was even more disgusting was that there were several human-shaped faces surrounded by several petals. Those faces were like the rotten corpses, or the ones that were tortured to death, and the puffy faces showed a sad and sad expression! Below the flowers, there is a calyx-like calyx, which is connected to the pedicels of the flowers. It looks like a white bone, and the leaves that spread on the white bone are like two rotten lung leaves, and they even shrink in a drum. With agitation, along with the lungs slamming, a plume of dark purple smoke spewed out from the mouths of the dead bodies, and in a blink of an eye, it was surrounded by dark purple smoke.

In the midst of these smoky clouds, a dying arm quickly stood on the ground, and in a blink of an eye, a dead corpse surrounded them. Immediately after these dead corpses came into contact with the smoke, their dried-up bodies quickly swelled like air balloons, becoming sturdy men with big arms and thick waists!

"Damn !!" Looking at the enemies around him, he could not help but swear!

"This is ... the realm ?!" Lin Ye suddenly realized that the disgusting flowers on the ground were not created out of nothing, and their essence was the concrete representation of realm power!

He nodded, and said with a very poor look: "The rules of the Wanfu Caves are weird. Not only can they not be floated in any way here, even the realm will be severely suppressed here!"

As soon as Lin Yi heard this, he immediately tried to open his own field. Sure enough, the field was greatly suppressed, and he could only cover it within half a meter of his body! This time, even Lin Yan's face became worse! The octopus monster connected the ground vein with tentacles, which means that when it was connected, it was already integrated with the Wanfu Grottoes. In this way, the suppression of the foreign objects in the Wanfu Grottoes would be a dummy! It just means that here, there is only one octopus monster, and it can use its field powers freely. This is really bad news for Lin Ling and them!

"Brother-in-law, I'm dizzy!" Ye Lan said abruptly. As soon as the voice fell, Lin Jian's sword blade bow suddenly burst into a bright light. As the light converged, immediately a faint purple purple energy flew from everyone Out, converged on the blade of Lin Ying's sword.

"Eh ?!" Ye Lan was surprised, "well again!"

"What's the situation ?!" Yang Qi frowned and asked, she has the red lotus real fire bodyguard, any energy harmful to her will be purified completely, so although I know there is a problem with the strange flower smoke, but I don't know what the specific situation is!

When Yang Qi inquired, Lin Ye had noticed his status. In his status bar, a deduction status in the countdown was displayed, 10 seconds! After 10 seconds, you will be affected by the "Ecstasy" effect, reducing all attributes by 30%, and continue to take 1% of soul damage.

damn it! !!

Immediately after discovering this situation, Lin Yan scolded himself. The "salvation" effect of the Spirit Sword took 15 seconds to start, which means that every 10 seconds, they would usher in weakness every 5 seconds. At this stage, in the situation where the enemies are now serving, these 5 seconds are enough to get them into a state of utter danger.

Seeing Lin Yan's complexion changed, the octopus monster's huge eyes immediately showed his crazy pleasure, "Even if you can offset the ecstasy once, in my field, you will only have a dead end!" As soon as it fell, the octopus monster picked up the giant sword in his hand and it was a chop, and a huge flame of sword flew at him! While resisting the sword gas attack, the red light flashed around the sturdy evil spirits around the crowd, roaring and attacking everyone!

"Qiki! Burn out these things !!!" Lin Ying shouted, and rushed out with his sword and bow! After Yang Qi was behind him, he had to rush out, and after hearing Lin Yan's words, he stopped abruptly. Immediately, Yang Qi lifted his foot sharply, and accompanied Honglian's real fire to consolidate. Stomping down on the ground!

"Boom--!" There was a loud noise, and the golden-red red lotus was like a wave, rushing quickly towards the Quartet!

Upon seeing this, the octopus monster immediately laughed wildly: "My ecstasy flowers do not invade the fire, just because you Mars wants to burn them ?!"

But as soon as the words fell, the face of the octopus monster was crackled, but when the real fire of Red Lotus was passed, all the covered strange flowers were burned out instantly, even with the smoke emitted by the strange flowers. , Has been purified completely! This scene made the octopus monster's mad laughter come to an abrupt end, as if it was being pinched around his neck. It was uncomfortable, and the huge eyes were full of incredible colors!

This time it was the turn of the grandma to laugh, "Cyclops, how about you continue to blow ?! It's still invincible, I'll scream!" Talk about it, a swift claw will stop the evil in front of it. The spirit patted, and then roared, rushed straight to the octopus monster! It knows that it is useless to kill these evil spirits. This is the burial cave. There are buried bones in the ground. Only by solving the original figure of the octopus monster can this battle be completely ended! !!

In the face of the attacking tadpole, the octopus monster who returned to God immediately waved his sword and was chopped out. When he was parried and confronted by the tadpole, the octopus monster screamed fiercely: "You thought you burned a psychedelic flower Is it over? !!! Dreaming !!! "

As soon as his voice fell, the dark purple flame radiated from the ground again. Suddenly, the ecstasy flower that was burnt by Yang Qi opened all over the ground again, followed by the ecstasy effect on everyone, and started the countdown again. !!

Soon, everyone in the battle with the evil spirits was affected by the ecstasy effect again. Although Lin Ling's spirit sword was quickly purified, Yang Qi looked anxious for a while. She had very clear attributes of the sword. Do not want to solve the threat of these weird flowers. The continuous 5-second weakness period will consume them under the attack of those evil spirits!

However, without waiting for Yang Qi to come up with any method, an evil spirit slammed towards her suddenly, holding a thick-backed sword slashed by the flames, and fiercely chopped Yang Qi's back during the attack! Yang Qi in the distraction failed to avoid it in time. She was stabbed stabbingly. Thanks to her being thick and thick, and the evil spirits were just ordinary attacks, this was not hacked to death!

Returning to God, the angry Yang Qi slammed her elbow behind her, and the heavy elbow instantly repelled the evil spirit that had attacked her, and immediately "swipe", and pulled out the hook on the sword. Snake sword, turned around and hit with a puncture and nailed it! The evil spirit raised the flame knife in his hand and tried to attack the piercing attack immediately. However, the piercing power of the piercing piercing is too powerful. How can this kind of temporarily formed weapon stop the piercing piercing? !! At the moment, Yang Qi ’s sword front did n’t even have a bit of lag, and it directly penetrated the evil spirit ’s blade, stabbing past the cause and effect of the evil spirit ’s chest!

In the eyes of observation, the causal point of the evil spirit collapsed instantly, and then the evil spirit in front of Yang Qi's eyes quickly collapsed and disintegrated like rotten clay, and turned into dust and scattered in front of Yang Qi.

At this moment, a warm light fell on Yang Qi, and immediately the blood value of her being chopped off instantly pulled back. With such a powerful healing power, there is no one other than Lilith!

"Thank you Lilith!" Yang Qi turned around and said, but turned around and saw Lilith shrouded in a green light, Youru stood beside her, holding the heart of the building wood in her hand The hippie smiled, quite proud. As soon as those **** dark purple smoke approached that turquoise light, it was immediately purified.

This discovery brightened Yang Qi's eyes. As long as Lilith can maintain the heyday, their condition will not be too bad! And Lilith also laughed at this time: "The task of supporting me will be left to me, but you have to solve the trouble as soon as possible, I can't work long alone!"

"Well! We will!" After nodding, Yang Qi rushed out with a pair of swords! Yang Qi's goal is not to surround the evil spirits around him. It is useless to kill these guys. Is there still a constant emergence under the ground? !! Therefore, Yang Qi's target is a giant octopus monster!

After calming down, Yang Qi can be considered to find the weakness of the octopus monster! Although the goods are connected to the ground veins, and this opens up the realm to suppress them, but as the price of connecting the ground veins, the octopus monster can be considered to be stuck in place, otherwise, it will take a lot of effort to open the area and call it. All the evil spirits have to be cured! You know that these are not in vain. The earth veins will not provide it with power, and the consumption is all from itself. It does not have such a large amount of content to play repeatedly! That being the case!

"Xiao Linzi! One piece! Kill this bastard!" Yang Qi had already rushed to the octopus monster, and was dealing with the tadpole octopus monster, and immediately chopped at Yang Qi without hesitation. !! But I thought Yang Qi was big enough, and that was a big mistake! In the face of the chopped sword, Yang Qi swung the left-handed Hook Snake sword directly, and the sturdy weird force directly flew the blade. At the next moment, Yang Qi leapt forward and fell to the blade. On the smooth blade, Yang Qi's wings slammed. Although she couldn't fly, Yang Qi burst into a sprint speed. In an instant, Yang Qi was like a bullet, marking a golden red. Streamer, the big eyes of the octopus monster flew away!

Where can I find the octopus monster? Yang Qi, such a small thing, dare to attack it, and the offensive is so fierce! Before his reaction came, Yang Qi's sword had been chopped down towards it, chopping dreams! !!

The huge grey sword fell fiercely on the eyes of the big octopus. Directly hitting the soul's damage immediately made the octopus monster scream angrily. In an instant, the flames of its armor suddenly burst out. Become a flame giant, burning Yang Qi close at hand!

"The **** is dead !!!" The octopus monster roared, and the two flame tentacles entangled towards Yang Qi in an instant, and the most powerful kinking force broke out, and Yang Qi was hanged to pieces! However, in the face of an opponent who can directly force the flying giant sword, this action can not help but seem to have some IQs! As the tentacles contracted, Yang Qi gave a loud scream and a full-blown power broke out, breaking the tentacles of the octopus monster directly!

The octopus monster will continue to attack Yang Qi, bursting fiercely, the sharp dragon claws burst out of the golden light, and tore away from the tentacles of the octopus monster, tearing all the tentacles that attacked Yang Qi in one fell swoop! And Yang Qi fell on the claws of the puppet, took a chance to turn over, and this landed on the top of the puppet.

"Uncle Xun, just leave this octopus monster to us to deal with it. You go and let everyone out. This guy's field is too annoying!"

He narrowed his eyes and thought that he had heard it wrong. Now he avoided the attack of the octopus monster and said, "I said girl, are you kidding me ?! Let me go and fight you guys to deal with this guy?"

"Yes!" Yang Qi nodded surely.


"If you fight with that guy like this, you don't know how long it will take to win, or even a tie, and Xiaolinzi and I are sure to kill this guy!" After explaining, "Of course, this is not to say We are better than you, uncle, but sometimes the little ones have their advantages! "

I love to hear these words, and Yang Qi is full of confidence, it is ready to see what Yang Qi's ability to boast so Haikou! Immediately Fei Fei stepped back and said, "Well then! I will leave this guy to you for the time being, but once you have a disadvantage, I will take over as soon as possible!"

"No problem !!" Yang Qi smiled with confidence, jumping from the **** after saying, "So uncle, please!"

"Take care of yourself !!" After saying that, I took a paw and patted Yang Qi, Yang Qi's feet fell on My paw, and with the help of My skill, I shot at the octopus monster instantly. go with!

"Girl Huangmao, you're too mad!" Yang Qi and Xun said, how can the octopus monster not hear, one did not reach the ants even after seven revolutions, even daring to brag to kill it, this is a contempt for it! At this moment, facing the Qi that came again, the octopus monster was suddenly angry and soared into the sky. In a flash, the flames on his body split into the tentacles of the sky. The tentacles in the dance changed into a large sword of flame, "Go to death "!" In the roar, the sky's shadow of the sword went towards Yang Qi, and if it was really a hit, Yang Qi was 90% finished! However, Yang Qi trusted her man very much!


"Come here! What is the name of a ghost!" As soon as the words fell, a huge black fire sword flew past Yang Qi. In a moment, the dense sword shadow that cut to Yang Qi was harvested by Fire Sword in one fell swoop. A big piece! In front of the gap harvested by the fire sword, Yang Qi's figure quickly passed through the past, and in an instant he killed the octopus monster.

Facing the approaching Yang Qi, the octopus monster's eyes burst into a frantic and frantic killing. In the next moment, a gray beam shot towards Yang Qi without any warning! But since Yang Qi dared to attack it directly, naturally she took into account this nirvana! For a moment, Slime, who had been lying on Yang Qi's shoulders, jumped out at an alarming speed, and his open mouth was a suck!

As the direct blood of the originator of the West, the potential of the metal variant is amazing, let alone the little guy Yang Qiyang has already activated the blood of the ancestor, and his swallowing ability has been greatly improved. Today, as long as it is Energy attack, there is nothing that it cannot swallow, even if it directly destroys the energy of the existing characteristics!

With the little guy's suck, the light beam sprayed by the octopus monster was immediately forced into the stomach by the little guy, and in a blink of an eye, the little guy who was only the size of a small ball turned into a behemoth! Yang Qi slammed into it, and suddenly the whole person was trapped in the soft body. At this moment, Slime who swallowed all the beams spit out suddenly, giving it the energy it swallowed in his stomach, and immediately reflected it back. The octopus monster that was caught off guard roared.

"Hey! Good job!" Yang Qi reached out and caught the slime, and the praised boy immediately happily "Cree! Kree!" It turned into a dragon battle armor attached to Yang Qi, the little guy is still very aware of the situation, it knows that what Yang Qi needs now is a faster speed, not an attack!

During the fall, a sudden growl of ghosts and gods exploded on Yang Qi. The next moment, a huge arm stretched out from the dark shadow beside Yang Qi, and pinched on the head of the octopus monster. Yang Qi swayed towards the octopus monster and landed lightly on the shoulder of the octopus monster.

At this moment Lin Biao ’s soul-binding lock flew and Yang Qi immediately reached out and grabbed him. This brought Lin Biao to his side. When Lin Biao approached, he complained with dissatisfaction: “Ca n’t fly or ca n’t Using Moonstep is really inconvenient! "

Lin Yan heard a smile and said, "You won't be able to fly there or walk in the moon. You haven't lived for more than 20 years. Why isn't it inconvenient to see you ?!"

"Who said? If I could fly there, how much money would I have to save on taxis for so many years !?"

As soon as the words came down, Lin Ling walked towards her with a forehead, this mother-in-law, a crooked belly! "Okay! Don't play tricks, just do it!" After that, Lin Yi turned abruptly and struck the sword of the Octopus on the neck with a single blow. When the sword exploded, the octopus monster was hysterical. The roar rang: "Dogs, men and women, I want you to be broken!"

Uncle, why are they called dogs and men again! ? Lin Ye and Yang Qi felt a bit upset. At the moment, both men waved the blade in their hands at the same time, and the dragon cut and split the sky! !!

With the flash of two dazzling swords, the octopus monster's head was cut into three in an instant. At the next moment, two huge dragon claws suddenly stretched out in the void, as the two men's swords waved down, fiercely. The ground patted the head of the octopus monster, "Boom--!" With a loud noise, the whole head of the octopus monster burst!

(End of this chapter)