Blade Dancer for Online Games

Chapter 2387: Dageol

Before Treya came out, many villagers had learned from Halsey's mouth that Treya had a daughter, but everyone did not believe that Treya had lived here for a long time, always Alone, a daughter popped up suddenly, who believes!

But now Treya herself said it. Not only does she have a daughter, but also her daughter and her husband, the man who is standing next to her now! This……

The villagers widened their eyes. Although they are all god-men and their lives are relatively long, god-men will also die of old age and illness. But the young face of Treya does not look like a mother-in-law. !!

At this time, Lin Wei smiled and nodded to the villagers with a smile, "Hello everyone! Nice to meet you!"

Immediately after Lin Ying's words fell, a sharp-eyed child found Xi Lu who was caught by Lin Ying, and he cried in surprise: "Look! There is a young lady on her brother's back!"

"Really yeah!" The other children made a curious voice.

"Sister is sleeping!"

"It looks a bit like Sister Treia!"

"Sister Treja, is that your sister?"

Listening to the children's words, there was a gentle smile on Treia's face. The children were still young, and some didn't even know what the husband meant. After returning to God, she smiled and shook her head. She is my daughter! "

This made the children choke immediately, um, sister's daughter, what should it be called? But Sister Treia's daughter looked much better than them!

Seeing their own baby son confused, the parents who came back showed a funny expression. A few parents stepped forward and pulled up their baby son, rubbed their heads pettifully.

In order to gain the trust of the villagers, Lin Yi said: "Xilu and Treya have been separated for a long time. Over the years, we have been searching for Treya's traces. Fortunately, we are finally here today. I found her here. Here, Xilu and I sincerely thank everyone, and thank you for your care of Treya over the years! "Having said that, Lin Yi bowed deeply to the villagers, and he was really grateful. Villagers, if there were no villagers to accompany them, Treya's life would be even more lonely. In the environment of long-term loneliness, no one can guarantee that Treya will do anything extreme.

Feeling Lin Zhi's sincere emotions, the villagers finally put away their hostility towards Lin Ying, and even said that they dare not be taken into account. When it comes to this care, it should be that Treya cares for them. If there is no Treya's guard, this The village has long since ceased to exist, Treya, but the patron saint of the village!

Yes, patron saint! The villagers who reacted were suddenly shocked. Treya, like their ancient ancestors, was an immortal god. It must be this way! Only in this way can we explain why she looks so young but already has an adult daughter!

Treia saw the sudden changes in the villagers' minds and knew her identity. She probably couldn't hide it, but speaking, Treya herself never deliberately concealed her identity, but now, everyone sees herself in her eyes. There was a little more awe, which made Treya a little regretful.

After sighing slightly, Treya said, "So everyone, I need to go out with Yiping now, rest assured, we will be back soon!"

Hearing what Tria had said, Halsey was the first to return to God and immediately shouted, "I'll go with you!"

Therea looked at Halsey, looking at his firm look, but shook her head, "I don't need Halsey, I and Yiping pass by!"

Halsey showed a bit unwilling and said, "Why ?! I should be stronger than that man, why can he go but I can't?"

"No, it's not necessary!" Tria said calmly. "We need to get to and from the destination as quickly as possible. If there are too many people, it will affect the speed of action. So Halsey, although you are kind, but It's really not necessary! "

What more could Halsey say, his partner around him clapped his shoulders, and when he turned around, he shook his head at him, with the powerful strength of Treia, he didn't need him at all Help, if he insists on keeping up, he will not be a burden on Treia instead. It may be the opposite of what Halsey expects!

After understanding the meaning of his companion, Halsey could only sigh reluctantly, and then said to Treia: "Well then Treya! Although I don't know where you are going, I still ask you to be careful. It's been too dangerous in the wild recently! "

"Well!" Treya nodded slightly, "Yes!"

The village is gradually getting farther and farther. However, from time to time Lin Lin looked back, but he could still see some villagers standing at the entrance of the village. Among them, Halcy's tall body was particularly conspicuous! Looking back, Lin Yue said to Treya: "If Halsey is really unacceptable, why not just reject him?"

"I refused to say it many times!" Said Treia, helplessly, "but useless!"

"Really an infatuated guy!" Lin Ying laughed,

"Yes! Yes!" Xi Lu's voice suddenly sounded in Lin Mao's ears. This silly girl didn't know when she had woken up. After a rest, her spirit was called vigorous now!

Listening to Xi Lu's voice, Lin Yan laughed his head back, "Wake up!"

"No--!" Said, Xilu's small face was stuck on Lin's back, and said with a smile: "It's so cold outside, I don't want to leave Xiaowo!"

This girl! After shaking his head, Lin Ling looked at Treya, "Look, this girl is too lazy to save!" Then, in Treya's smile, she said angrily: "You If not, how can I fly? We have a long way to go! "

"Hurry up?" Xilu heard a moment of curiosity, "Yes, Zi Gefei, where are we going? Mother?" Then he blinked his eyes and said, "Are you going to start a new adventure?" She likes it very much, of course, be sure to fly with Sige!

"Almost!" Lin Lin said with a smile, "Want to see Hella later, what do you think of this journey?"

"Eh- ?!" Xilu heard a scream, "Why go to see Hella? I heard that Hella was very scary there!"

Lin Ye listened, but did not answer Xilu, but looked at Treya. After all, the name of Hella, he only heard about it in mythology, as to what kind of virtue is Hella in this world This is really hard to say, at least Treya has already said, unexpectedly a good person!

Facing the eyes of the two, Treja smiled and said, "Go and know!"

That being said, of course you know when you go, but fortunately, retaining the mystery will make this journey a little more fun. After returning to God, Lin Yan said, "Now clear, lazy? Hurry down, the road is still long!"

"I don't!" Xilu hung around Lin Mao's neck, "I let Coco and frosting come!"

This silly girl, after seeing Treya, became even more coquettish! In Lin Yi's helpless smile, he heard Xi Lu shout, "Coco! Icing!"

As soon as the words fell, a golden magic circle opened in the air. At the next moment, the cocoa and icing sugar who were pulling the golden chariot screamed and rushed out of the magic circle. As soon as I saw the two Lin Lin, Coco and icing The bark immediately became more and more joyful, and in a few steps rushed to Lin Ying in front of them.

"Okay, okay!" Lin Ye smiled at the excited two guys, "It's not been a long time since I met, here I'll introduce it to you, this is the goddess Treya of Goddess, Xilu's mother ! "

Listen, Coco and Frost's eyes immediately showed surprise, the goddess Treya goddess! After returning to God, Coco and Frost hurriedly lowered their heads to express greetings to Treya. Regardless of whether Treya is a goddess or not, the identity of Xilu's mother deserves their respect!

"Good! Good!" Treia touched Coco and Frost's head with a smile, and then looked at Lin Mao with some curiosity, "What goddess?"

"Oh! This!" Lin said with a smile, "In the world of Xilu, because of her image, a goddess believed in you was born. Now the goddess is very amazing. Is already the largest religion in the world! "

"That's it!" There was a helpless smile on Treia's face. No wonder she has inexplicably increased a lot of faith recently! It turned out that the root of the girl was Xilu.

"Mother, don't you like it?"

Treia shook her head. "It's just that I haven't had the experience of being believer. I don't know what to do as a believer."

"It's very simple!" Lin Yan laughed. "Basically you don't need to do anything. The pope of the goddess will arrange everything very well. You just need to meet the pope and see what you need in the future. He will let you know where you are! "

"Huh! Huh!" Xilu nodded again and again. "Kuba managed the goddess very well!"

If you don't need to do anything, then what use is this goddess? Treia was a little at a loss, because she had no experience of being faithful! Forget it, after shaking her head, Treya laughed: "If you have a chance to go back, see you Kuba again! For now, let's solve Yiping first!"

"Yes!" After hearing Teria's words, Xilu hurriedly said to Lin Ying: "Qige, why are we here? Why must we go to see Hella?"

"Get in the car and tell you on the road!"

After boarding the golden chariot, Coco and Frost sped up in the air. Along the way, Lin Ying told Xilu the purpose of this trip. Speaking of it, if it was not Lin Ying, Xilu himself had forgotten the world. Tree thing. What's more, Xilu was born on the tree of the world. For her hometown, Xilu still attaches great importance to it. After clarifying the situation, she quickly jumped out of the nest. It does not seem to be enough to show that she is right. World Tree's Attention.

Looking at Xilu with a tense face, Treia smiled and pushed her back to the nest. "There is still a way to Hella's side, it's cold outside, and then sleep!"

"Don't be afraid!" Xilu said with a smile, "I have a small lamp made by Zigefei for me!" Then, Xilu lit her small lamp. For a while, all the severe cold was given to Xiaolu. The enchantment of the lamp was cut off.

Feeling the warmth in the enchantment, there was a dull expression on Treya's face, Xi Lu this girl! Some cried and couldn't look at the grinning Xilu, so she stretched out her hands and rubbed her head, the girl really became more lazy and seemed to spoil Yiping! However, this is also good!

When Treya smiled, Hil suddenly called with a look of surprise: "There is a bridge in front of it! It's so beautiful!"

Upon hearing this, Treia looked up, and then said: "There is the Dageol River, the border between the country of fog and the country of death, and the bridge is the only bridge that can reach the country of death!"

"Is that the crystal bridge with a hair hanging in the legend? It seems to be dangerous!" Xilu asked with a look of surprise.

Tria laughed as she listened: "It's the bridge, but it's not true to hang it with a hair, it's just a rumor from the outside world!"

"So too!" Xilu nodded. How could a hair hang a bridge? It must be a deceit! "The monster that keeps the bridge or something, is that a rumor?"

"If this is the case, you will know later! Look, it will be here soon!"

While talking, the crystal bridge in Xilu's eyes was close to him. The Dageol River is a very wide river. Under the dim light, the black river flows turbulently. On the water, a golden bridge spans the two places. In terms of bridge architecture, the existence of this bridge is totally unreasonable! Because it stretched straight across the vast river, but not even a bridge pier! If a normal bridge were to be built like this, it would have collapsed long ago!

In the exclaiming sound of Xilu, the golden chariot was getting closer to the bridge. At this time, it can be seen that there are a lot of wandering souls slowly passing through the bridge, a group of skinny guards, holding spears in their hands, etc Various weapons are maintaining the order of the dead. The approach of the golden chariot caused the idea of ​​the dead and guards near the bridge. They raised their heads and looked at the shining golden chariot in the air.

"It feels a lot like the Naihe Bridge in the Eastern Land House!" Lin Ying sighed, staring at the bridge.

"Well!" Treya nodded. "In the past, the management of the dead kingdom was very sloppy, but after the gods dusk, Hella launched a series of reforms to the dead kingdom, because I don't know exactly what to do. What to do is to refer to things from the land government and hell, and then integrate into a system belonging to the country of the dead, and the current management mechanism of the Daguiol Bridge is learned from the Nai He bridge of the land government of!"

"Hey--!" Lin Yan was surprised, "Did Meng Po Tang also learn?"

"No!" Treia shook her head. "But the dead nation has its own way to erase the memory of the dead!"

While talking, someone on the bridge flew towards the golden chariot. Before Lin Ling could see what was coming, he heard a childish voice and shouted, "You are Who? I do n’t know if the kingdom of death cannot come by casually? ”

Well--? !!

Hearing this voice, Lin Yue and Xilu opened their eyes wide, and Treia laughed, "This is the legendary Mordgood who cares about the bridge!"

Isn't it? !! According to legend, the faceless vampire monster is such a little loli? !!

Appearing in front of Lin Ling's eyes was a little guy who looked only about ten years old. He was about the same as Lin Fei's family. He was wearing very cute leather armor, a horned helmet over his head, and a big fork in his hand. There was a serious expression in Wu Yo's big eyes. Well, she was doing her business!

"Hey!" Modgud cried dissatisfied. "Have you heard? I ask you guys!"

"Don't she know you?" Lin Yue said curiously to Treia.

Treia shook her head. "Moldgood's ability to recognize people is very bad. As far as I know, she can only identify people, only Hella!"

I go! Face blinded to this extent, this little guy is also no one!

When Lin Ling was unable to vomit, Hiluo, who had come back, stretched out her hand, took out a piece of cake, and smiled and said to Mordgood: "Little sister! I have a very delicious cake here!"

"Gum-!" Mordgood stared at the cake and swallowed, then shook his head quickly. "Don't try to buy me a cake! I don't want to say who you are, I'm welcome!"

Listen, when Xilu's little hand is stretched out, another piece of cake is taken out. If there is a piece of loli that cannot be solved by the cake, then another piece! Looking at the two pieces of cake in Xilu's hand, Modgud gave up his responsibilities instantly, and flew to the chariot with a "punch-", grabbing the cake with both hands and stunned, took a bite, small face A happy smile immediately appeared on the scene.

Hehe! Hil looked proudly at Mordgood, reached out and held the little guy in his arms, what a cute little guy!

"Even if you give me a cake, I won't let you go!" Mordgood said vaguely, and after taking a bite, it was delicious!

"Moldgood!" Treya called, and when she heard her voice, Mordgood looked at her, chewing the cake in her mouth, and stared at Treya curiously. After staring at Treya for a long while, Mordgood, who took another bite of the cake, said with a stunned expression: "Oh! I remember!"

I remembered?

Thereia was curious, "Well, who am I?"

"I don't know!" Modgude shook his head, watching Lin Ying and Treia crying and laughing for a while. After swallowing the cake, the little guy said, "But I should know you, who are you?"

"Treya!" There was a look of helplessness, "This is the 387th time I have introduced you!"