Blade Dancer for Online Games

Chapter 3554: , Ended

With Lin Zheng's assurance, Yang Qi and Gurney Weir finally felt relieved. After finishing Yang Qi, she stared at her Chuankuan expectantly. I wonder if Chuankuan can transform into a little ancestor dragon. ? It's really exciting!

"Virtue——!" He knocked Yang Qi on the head funny, and Lin Zheng said, "Even if they digest quickly, they won't be seen right away!"

"It's okay! I can wait!"

"Really—?!" Lin Zheng teased him with his expression, "Then you don't want your fat sheep?"

Eh--? ! Yang Qi's expression was stunned when she heard that, she turned around abruptly, and saw a large number of half-dead enemy troops lying on the battlefield. Because the number of enemies was still quite large, there was no one to make up the knife for the time being. The most important thing is to paralyze the enemy’s combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

"No more?"

Lin Zheng's voice sounded again, and then Yang Qi screamed, "Who said I don't want it anymore!" After saying that, the undead was engraved and caught out, "Little ones, work!"

As Yang Qi's voice fell, a group of undead knights and Xiaolong Yang Ba ran out. The two dragons that just came out also looked quite majestic and mighty, but after observing the situation on the battlefield, they immediately shrank their necks! Looking back, the little fat girl yelled to Yang Qi in a bitter voice: "Sister! Are you calling us to come and throw the dragon? Sister Aska, they all went to the battle personally, what can we do when we go up!"

"I saw Goblins and Slimes! Are we going to deal with Goblins and Slimes?" In Yang Ba's opinion, they can bully these two things with the stuff on the battlefield. Up.

Just finished talking, this gave the little fat girl angrily bumped her head, this lady is a noble dragon, let's deal with goblins and slimes, that is too cheap!

"Those goblins and slimes are very powerful, you may not be able to beat them!" Yang Qi said solemnly, and the eyes of the little fat girl and Yang Ba suddenly became round.

"Even if you are the eldest sister, you can't humiliate us!" The little fat girl cried angrily. You said that the giant dragon could not even be beaten by the Goblin Slime. This is too damning!

"Oh! Then you look at this."

Looking in the direction Yang Qi was pointing, a group of younger brothers saw a slime and slapped it on the face of Krosser. They flew Krossell on the spot. You know Krossell Er is a great demon!

Seeing this scene, the little fat girl and Yang Ba immediately shrank their necks again. What kind of slime is this? It's too cruel!

After scaring the boys, Yang Qi said with a smile: "Okay! I didn't want you to fight those guys!"

"Then what did you let us over for?"

"Hey--!" Yang Qi excitedly pointed to the guys lying on the ground, "Our task is these guys!"

Therefore, there is a kind of little brother for any big sister. Yang Qi likes to fish salted fish. After following her for a long time, the little brothers become enthusiastic about this kind of thing. When they see those half-dead guys, The little fat girl and Yang Ba immediately became energetic, and the undead horses of the undead knight all screamed excitedly.

Spilling out the last rune killer, Yang Qi said the most rascal words in the most handsome posture and tone: "Go! Destroy those powerful enemies!"

They all lay on the ground and kicked their legs, but they are strong enemies! Seeing Yang Qi bring a ticket and kill him, Lin Zheng couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

"It's really enviable to be able to live out Miss Qiqi's mentality!" When she said this, there was a bit of envy in Mei Lin's eyes, making Lin Zheng couldn't help but look at her.

Perceiving Lin Zheng's gaze, Mei Lin smiled and met his gaze, "I mean it."

"I don't doubt this." There was a little suspicion in his eyes, "I'm just strange."

"What's weird?"

"A guy who always puts a smile on his face, who is envious of Kiki's girl?"

"Is this—" Merlin smiled, "To be honest, I am also very curious myself, why?"

Lin Zheng rolled his eyes when he heard it, and when discussing this topic with this old **** stick, he really found himself uncomfortable. It would be weird if he could get the real answer from her!

Too lazy to pay attention to this waste wood magician, Lin Zheng yelled at others and rushed to Yang Qi and the others. The half-dead guys don’t mean that they have no ability to resist. The dying counterattack of the Rank Nine powerhouse is also quite dangerous, Yang Qi is a killer who only cares about catching salted fish, so she can't stare well.

With all the members of the Ten Thousand Realms Chamber of Commerce killed in battle, the murderous object without anyone's command is not even the opponent of the Istrian line. The fierce creatures that burned oneself are very powerful, but when more people vacate their hands, waiting for these fierce creatures will only be destroyed.

Finally, the giant slime that Gou survived to the end was completely annihilated under the sword aura of the gods. At this point, the tomb of the fighters fought back, and the curtain fell, and everyone suddenly laughed heartily. The hearty and hearty victories are rare in a lifetime, and they are worthy of recollection in the years to come.

After laughing enough, a group of people began to greet the old, such as Maldini and Mostima, but they are all old acquaintances. I thought they were dead and souls. I didn't expect that when they met, it was really amazing. Very happy.

Yang Qi wasn't very happy. The Fat Sheep and Salted Fish had fished a lot, but apart from considerable experience, he didn't have a few pieces of equipment. But soon she became happy, because she touched the corpse of the male uterus and picked up the magic knife that fell from the male uterus. Yang Qi's eyes were bent into crescent moons, top epic equipment, this is!

Seeing Yang Qi happily scraping the spoils from those guys in the Ten Thousand Realms Chamber of Commerce, Istrian's series immediately couldn't help but laugh, although everyone knows that a big man like a male womb must have a rare treasure in his body, but No one cares, baby, they are not without them. As for the equipment, they only rely on Yonglin's craftsmanship, but the rough craftsmanship of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce is not to be appreciated!

Of course, the rescued fighters were somewhat irritated. There was no way. They were all too poor now, and all of their equipment was kindly gifted by Lin Zheng. But the eyes are hot, the people were killed by Shen Xiao and Xu Fu, no matter how thick-skinned they were, they wouldn't be embarrassed to get a share of the pie, not to mention that their freedom was brought by Lin Zheng.

"Nerdy--!" But he cheered, and he hung on Lin Zheng. After Lin Zheng hugged her tightly, but Lin Zheng happily drilled into Lin Zheng's arms, "Let's save people this time!" Upon hearing this, Lin Zheng smiled and said, "Not everyone has been rescued here yet. People, more people have been placed on the side of the fairyland for me. Speaking of which, we have to go there quickly. There are many people there who need treatment. The delay is long, and maybe it will be exhausted. ."

"Then go back!" Hou Yi smiled bravely on the side, "This time is a big victory. It's not a good time to celebrate it. By the way, it's also a good time for the fighter who is locked here!"

As soon as the voice fell, Brother Fifth smiled and walked out, "That's for sure! Then I will leave the food for the celebration banquet to me, and I promise that I won't let everyone down!"

The food at the fifth restaurant will certainly not disappoint, but the number of people attending the banquet is quite large. My sister-in-law couldn't help but be a little worried, "What about the ingredients?"

"Don't worry!" The fifth elder **** patted my sister-in-law's shoulder on the ground, and pointed his thumb back, "Hey! Isn't it all the ingredients here!"

Lin Zheng looked up, and he became speechless. The people of the Ten Thousand Realms Chamber of Commerce naturally had all kinds of monsters. At this moment, they lost their lives, and they showed their original form. This...For the fifth brothers, this There seems to be no problem with the ingredients at all, but Lin Zheng's words are not sensitive. When I think that these guys were still human before, Lin Zheng just didn't have that appetite!

In any case, many of the big guys who can be used as ingredients were carried by the fifth brother to the fairyland. As for the rest, all the rest was sacrificed to the shadow world. Such a good body, it is a pity to dispose of it casually. Now, it's better to leave it to Alicia and the others to deal with it best, as it can add a few powerful thugs to the shadow world.

"What about this tomb of the fighters?" Xun asked with some annoyance, "We have already killed the weapon spirit, it's hard to clean up this thing, it's too big!"

After listening, Lin Zheng laughed out, "Xun, do you remember Andwar Lanott?"

"Of course I remember! That smelly ring caused Xilu so badly, how could I forget him!" He was taken aback as he said, "Eh--?!"

Fett also became surprised, "My lord is saying that the spirit of the tomb of the fighters and the remnant spirit are hidden?"

"That's for sure!" Lin Zheng said confidently, "Any weapon spirit will leave himself such a way of retreat, even Axian and Slaughter!"

Axian held Xiao Xuanwu and nodded, "This is almost our instinct as a tool spirit. The first thing after we are born is to split up our own remnant spirit, and this remnant spirit often hides. In the core of the ontology, because this is the most important place of the ontology, and also the safest place, under normal circumstances, unless the ontology is completely destroyed, the remnant spirit can always survive."

"If you say that, at least finding the remnant spirit of that guy is equivalent to finding the core of the tomb of this fighter?!" Gurney Weir frowned and said, "But how can the tomb of the fighter be so big? Find him?"

"Well--! The place is indeed a bit bigger, but I don't have much difficulty finding him!" As he said, Lin Zheng turned his face away with a smile, "Is it Merlin?"

Under the gaze of everyone, the smile on Merlin's face finally turned helpless again, "Okay, okay! Although this is not something I am good at, I can still try it more or less, but first of all, I cannot guarantee turn up!"