Blade Dancer for Online Games

Chapter 696: , Ferry

and many more! Lin Ling suddenly returned to God, right! Everyone came out, why is the Brahma still alive? Looking up, the monk coming out of the temple ... hey? Why is she a woman? !! Lin Biao wiped her eyes, and she still saw a girl coming out of the temple, and the girl's costume made Lin Biao messy in the wind! She wore a dark blue turban on her head. When she glanced at it, she thought it was a nun, but she always felt that her skirt-like thing looked like her uncle? !! What kind of look is this? The combination of Chinese and Western? Personalized creative dress? Or is it that the so-called "monk" in the phantom is this shape?

The girl glanced blankly, turning a blind eye to the cowardly monsters around, and then said lightly, "Daddy, aren't you saying someone is coming?"

Lin Ying was wondering who the girl was talking to, and suddenly she saw a cloud of fog and lilac clouds around her, which looked a little weird. What surprised Lin Zhi was that the rain and fog changed rapidly, It turned into the head of an old bearded man.

&of! I spread my body just now and found that someone came over, it was a person, not a monster! Said the bearded voice, dull.

After he finished speaking, the monsters around him were a commotion. There would be monsters here. No one knew that someone was mixing in. It was so shameful that he must eat him if he caught him!

Lin Yan was vigilant. What exactly was that beard? He didn't see the big beard, and he came in invisibly, but he was all found! What happened to the body?

&there! Although I can't see it, I can feel someone there! A cloud of fog around Beard's face pointed to Lin Ying's location, and found that Beard's direction was actually beside him. Suddenly the eyes of the bears skyrocketed, and a paw shot towards Lin Ying. Fortunately, shadow The gesture was not stealth, and the horrible claws passed through Lin Zhi's body, slamming it on the ground, shaking the ground for a while.

& Boss! You fool me? No one at all! "Stared anxiously at the bearded man.

& Hates lying, there is someone here, but we can't see or touch him, the sneaky guy is definitely not a good guy! "

& Dad, you are too extreme! The girl said blankly, "This includes you and me as monsters. Even a human being has the talent to dare not come upright, and hides it just to ensure his own safety. I'm right ? Hidden person? "

Lin Ye didn't stupid enough to answer, but stared at the girl quietly, not sure if it was a coincidence. The girl just looked at where Lin Ye was, and her calm eyes stared at Lin Ye, right? ? Could she detect the shadow gesture? It doesn't make sense!

& Bar Daddy

!! It looks like this person is a coward, and can't do anything bad! The girl suddenly retracted her eyes, turned around and returned to the temple. Lin Tiao suddenly fell into a blue veins, who is a coward? Bastard !? In the presence of a group of jealous guys, do you dare to expose yourself?

Seeing that the gate of the temple was about to be closed, Lin Ying flew in as soon as he accelerated. The girl "嘭 ——" closed the door as soon as possible, and the beard immediately showed an angry expression, "Be careful! That guy is coming in!"

& Take care of his dad, this coward is nothing to be afraid of! I'm afraid it's just mixing in and stealing things, anyway, there is nothing we can steal here, just him! "Said the girl indifferently.

&Row! Exclaimed Beard. "You are still here!" You are a girl, what if he peeped at you? !! "

& Just show him, I wo n’t lose anything because of it! "

&Yes indeed! You will lose, the most precious girl's martial arts! Cried the beard anxiously.

& A kind of thing is not gone by a look, if he wants to attack me directly, I don't mind breaking him directly! "

& Beard blushed and patted the girl's head, "How can a girl's family say such a word, take it back for me!"

& Dad you are confused, how can you get back what you said! "The girl who was photographed with her head still looks expressionless." That's it! I'm going to take a bath first, and then I'll ask the abbot about the Dharma! "

& Beard flew up in a hurry, "Why is this child so ignorant? It all said that the sneaky human is in the temple, can't you take a shower today?"

&Row! A dirty body will affect my perception of the true meaning of the Dharma! Daddy, boil water! Otherwise I won't need you! "

& Child, **** me off! "

Not to mention that Beard is angry, Lin Yan is also angry! -Damn, I really went to take a peek at you to take a bath today, I see what expressions you will know afterwards!

Lin Ling followed the girl in angrily, looking around, Lin Ling not only wondered, the architectural style of this temple is a bit strange, not very similar to the Chinese style, but no matter how strange, there is no strange girl in front of her, a girl It's weird that the child lives in the temple. What's even weirder is that this girl just reported herself as a monster. A monster learns what Dharma is.


Looking at the girl who was starting to undress in the bathhouse, Lin Yan was sweating a lot and meowed a pussy. He really came over unknowingly. If Xiaomo knew this kind of behavior, they would not know if Others are destroyed, is it better to run away? Xiaoxi took a bite at his neck. Although he couldn't see the little guy who was also in the shadow pose, was he protesting his pervert? Lin Ye touched Xiaoxi's little head, and then he was firm for a while, but he couldn't. At this time, he felt as if he was afraid of the girl, and resolutely didn't leave, while staring with his eyes widened.

The girl's movement stopped suddenly, she turned her head and looked at where Lin Ying was, she definitely found it! Lin Wei screamed for a while, otherwise it would not be possible to look at him twice! But it ’s okay to make you so breathy. Brother is staring at you now. I see how you take a bath!

& A suit fell to the ground, and immediately, the headscarf was untied and put away, and the water-blue micro-curly hair spread out and looked very beautiful! The fair-skinned and tender girl ** was displayed in front of Lin Ye without a cover. In Lin Ye's expression of astonishment, the girl slowly walked into the hot bath, at which time Lin Ye finally recovered Come, the first reaction is anger! Completely ignored! Everyone knows he's here. This is Hong Guoguo's provocation and contempt. Don't be a satyr who is not a man, a bastard.

Yep! When the satyr people still don't make a mess, Lin Ye extinguishes the fire and stares at the girl in the bath. Don't look at her always expressionless, accidentally in the bath will be quite troublesome! After whipping for a while, half a small face was sinking into the water. "Grumbling—" he was spitting bubbles by himself, as if he was very happy. Lin Ying had a dead face, but it was this girl. Amusing.

Suddenly, the Brahma in the temple disappeared. At this moment, the girl in the pool stood up, "It's time to ask the abbot to ask the Dharma!"

She got out of the bath wetly and stood in front of the bath towel. She was silent, Lin Ying was stunned, what was this doing? Ready to dry yourself? What bath towels do you need? !! It seems not, she started, grabbed the towel, covered her head, and ...

When she saw that the bath towel tied a knot on her, Lin Ling no longer knew where to vomit!

After struggling for a while, it seemed to be tighter, so she stopped struggling and stared blankly at where Lin Biao was. "When are you going to come and help me !?"

& Is the attitude of asking others? Lin Lin said angrily.

& Begging you! Anyway, Dad will come to help me anyway! I just want to hurry up to the abbot! "

& Is just asking for someone! ? Lin Yan could not cry or laugh, lifted from the shadow gesture, came forward to untie the bath towel entangled in her body, and after so much trouble, she had dried up all over the body, but her hair was still wet, and she dried her hair. , Originally wanted to flash people, but when she saw how she was wearing clothes, Lin Yan's mouth could not help but tear up, "I said, you used to dress like this before? Lin Lin said, staring at the girl who tried to dig her head into the sleeve.

&thing! Slowly, it always succeeds. It's too slow. Dad will come and help me! "Speaking, she had already drilled her head through the sleeve, and she seemed to feel wrong, and now she was about to take it off. Lin Ying knew for the first time that it was such a research-oriented thing to wear clothes!

She stepped forward and pulled out her head, and put her clothes in order before putting on her. Seeing the girl who even prepared to wear her underwear, Lin Ling felt that she was going crazy! Dress her with her little feet, straighten the skirt, and finally put on a headscarf, which is fine, just like before!

Looking down at his clothes, "Well! Much faster than Dad! Thank you!"

& Go invisible, lest your dad see me desperately with me! Lin Ying reluctantly said, saying nothing, he went directly into the shadow posture.

& For your help, let me tell you my name! My name is Ferry, you can chase me! The girl said calmly, "But it won't be successful, because I'm a monk!" "

"..." In a variety of senses, people can't talk about it. Do you really want others to chase you? Also, a monk? Your three thousand worries are still on your head.

& Going to ask abbots, do you want to go together? Asked Ferry.

Lin Ling returned to God and immediately said, "Go! I just have something to say to the abbot!"

&Well! Ferry blinked his eyes, and was about to leave the bathhouse, then said, "Although I don't know if you have anything to ask the abbot, but I think you better not disturb us when I discuss the Dharma with the abbot!" "

& Abbot get angry? "

& I'm angry! "
