Blood of Mercury

v2 Chapter 199: true desire

The moment Kelmora kowtowed to Roland, his body trembled violently as if struck by lightning.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, he was rapidly aging. The muscles on his body began to atrophy, the skin turned black, the blue veins on his forehead burst out, and he endured the great pain without saying a word.

The Pope is kowtowing to any being other than his own master god, which is equivalent to exalting him to the same position as his own master god. If the object of the kowtow is not a higher existence than his own master god, then this is quite serious blasphemy.

The so-called pope is God's spokesman on earth.

The Pope's kowtow is almost like a kowtow for his own god.

The moment Kelmora knelt down, he began to weaken. And when his forehead touched the ground, the poisonous fire from Ra ignited his soul.

The pain of his soul being burned made him almost whimper. That is the punishment of the gods for the apostates.

If it weren't for the fact that Roland's divine grace was taken away by Roland at this moment, the divine grace ignited at the same time was enough to burn him to ashes in an instant.

Even if there is no divine grace left in his body at this moment, it is only the difference between burning and baking. If he separated his chest at this time, he could see that with his internal organs as the center, large areas of the bones had turned charred black, and the internal organs were corroded by the strong acid dripping from the bones. At this moment, the excellent physique of the golden rank made him suffer for a longer period of time.

However, even after enduring this level of torture, Kelmora still did not scream.

Bean-sized beads of sweat kept dripping from his forehead, and it fell to the ground and shattered in half. His face was as pale as paper at the moment, his whole body was trembling constantly, and his bones were creaking and screaming that outsiders could hear.

I'm dying

Kelmora has no doubts about that.

Not only will he die, I am afraid that he will not be able to return to La's kingdom of God, and will only fall into hell. Even if you can return to the kingdom of God. The moment he kowtowed, his merits as the Pope had vanished.

But no matter how much torture he had to endure after his death, he still did not regret his kneeling just now.

Roland was right... that was indeed a miracle that Rasuo could not give him, and a miracle that no **** could give him.

Just when her mother's hand touched her old, wrinkled face. Kelmora remembered...

In the very beginning, before becoming Ra's pastor. what do you want

Yes, in the beginning...

"Mom, why do we have to pay taxes to the lord if we have no money?"

Kelmora, who was only eight years old, pulled her little head out of the field with difficulty, and asked her mother, who was sweating profusely under the scorching sun, "Why does Lord Lord eat meat without working every day?"

Hearing such childish words, the eyes of the ordinary-looking middle-aged woman darkened slightly.

But she still smiled, lowered her head and replied, "Because we are all little people... We are little people, we can only do what little people can do and eat what little people should eat. This is the rule."

"This rule is too bad! Isn't such a small person a small person all his life!"

Kelmora puffed up and replied with dissatisfaction.

His mother just smiled helplessly: "Then, little Kyle. You say, which is more valuable, cow or chicken?"

"Of course cows are more valuable." Without hesitation, Kelmora replied.

"That's right," the mother nodded. "Then why are cows more valuable?"

When she asked this question, little Kelmora was stunned.

He is not the kind of child with precociousness, even a little duller than his peers.

thought for a long time. He hesitated to answer: "Because... the cow can pull the cart? And the cow is bigger... with more meat?"

"Roughly the same."

The mother smiled calmly and patted Kelmora's head: "Little Kyle, we are chickens. Lord Lord is cattle. In any case, chickens can't be sold for the price of cattle."

"What if that happens?"

Little Kelmora asked reluctantly: "Sister Kemira told me that there will always be a contingency in everything."

Hearing this sentence, his mother suddenly raised her head and looked at him fixedly.

That focused look scared little Kyle.

His first reaction was whether he had said anything wrong, making his mother angry.

"So, do you want to be big, little Kyle?"

the mother asked seriously.

Kelmora, who had never seen her mother so serious, was frightened.

"I dare not..."

He wrinkled his nose in grievance, whimpered and replied, "I don't dare, Mom..."

But unexpected. He felt his mother's warm and rough palm gently caressing his cheek, and her eyes were full of surprise and relief.

"Little Kyle. Don't be afraid. No matter what you do, Mommy will support you."

She smiled gently. Holding little Kyle tightly in his arms: "Tell me, do you want to be a big man?"

The long-lost warm embrace made Kelmora stunned.

At a young age, his father, a businessman, was killed by Kalar's road-robbers. From the time he can remember, it was his mother who pulled him up alone.

It was not until later that he understood that the smile before his mother was called pride.

Until now, little Kyle was hugged by his mother for the first and last time.

The warmth he could never forget.

At that moment, he made up his mind.

Anyway...Kelmora also wanted to be hugged by her mother again.

From then on, he made up his mind: "...I'm going to be a big man."

"I'm going to be great!"

"I'm going to be a big make my mom proud and make people look up to it!"

But until his mother died of a disease when he was sixteen, he didn't find out what his real wish was...nor what his mother's real expectation was.

When he strengthened his will and held the desire of "becoming a big man no matter what", he became a pastor, bishop, district bishop, and archbishop of Ra, and then entered the cardinal group and became a cardinal. I finally understood what my mother really expected when I was young.

She didn't ask him to get ahead. She just wanted him to be happy.

However, by the time he realized this, it was too late.

It is impossible to see my mother again. The only possibility is that after his death, he may be able to meet his mother in Ra's kingdom of God, although the chance is not great... After all, his father is the **** of the contract.

And today, Kelmora met her mother unexpectedly.

Not an illusion, nor an undead, but a real mother, whose dress has the fragrance of red wheat and mint leaves.

The great miracle of summoning the deceased from the dust allowed Kelmora to complete the knot of her heart for more than 80 years.

Now, even if he dies, he has no regrets in going to hell.

But just as his soul became fragmented and his will began to he felt a cold and soft hand gently touch his forehead.

"Kelmora, you can't die yet"

In Roland's soft prayer, a great will that completely overrides the God of the contract rushed into his mind along Roland's fingers, and rose along some mysterious connection!

The burning pain of the soul subsided in an instant. Like cold spring water pouring into the body, Kelmora's pain was instantly relieved, the wounds of her soul were healed, and her mind was instantly repaired.

A drowsy sense of ease filled his mind and spread to all the mercenaries and priests of the contract gods around him centered on his precepts.

"No! You can't do that"

Before he lost consciousness, he seemed to hear the angry roar of the God of Contract in his mind?

But that has nothing to do with him. Now Kelmora just wanted to get a good night's sleep.

Maybe... when he wakes up, he'll see his mother again. (To be continued.)