Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 195

"What I hate is that despicable and shameless demon armor man!" Xiaosha gritted her teeth as the conversation turned around. "And that brutal and domineering group of trolls" They killed my closest person and made my hometown desolate..."

"Won't forgive them...

Ji Bai remained silent, and the biting cold wind seemed to intensify at this moment, and the cloth was blowing.

"But, what if I have more hatred, I can't do anything at all... Xiaosha just feels weak, sitting on the ground with her knees crossed inward, with dry tears and tears remaining on her face. At a loss.

Once again set foot in the homeland, but as a foreigner, Xiaosha naturally has a lot of feelings here.

A lot has changed here than many years ago.

But this time, when he came here as a revisitor, looking at this desolate town, the negative emotions in his heart and the pressure accumulated over the years broke out in an instant. Mouth) oyCEz Xiaomeng "Sorry, uncle, it seems that you are treated as a tree hole... Xiaosha wiped the corners of her eyes with her sleeves, and said with a hint of politeness.

"After so many years, it is still vivid, maybe I was too careless...

"The hatred of subjugation has nothing to care about, only to give up everything." Ji Bai said abruptly at this moment.

"Since you hate, then keep their faces in mind, the so-called lying salary..." Ji Bai squatted down and sorted out the slightly messy bangs for Xiaosha.

…Uncle, I don’t need someone to comfort me… But thank you anyway. "Xiaosha wiped off the last tear and forced a distressed smile.

Ji Bai stood up silently and looked at the sky.

It's getting late, so I have to find a hotel to stay overnight. Sleeping on the street is commonplace for Ji Bai, but now I am not alone, so I can't just come here.

Looking back and sweeping the two sides, it can be called a shabby building. Ji Bai has no idea whether there are any hostels or other buildings in this town.

Time passed by inadvertently, and the dark night sky under the curtain shone with stars at its starting point. The low houses and pedestrians on the road were all covered with a dark tulle.

At the end of this small street, I finally found the slightly outdated hotel at A.

There are better options than sleeping on the street, and Ji Bai is not picky, and leads Xiaosha into the hotel.

The proprietress of the inn is a slightly blessed cat-eared person, with a kind eyebrows and a kind-eyed look who looks good to talk.

Although the wooden wall and floor look a bit shabby, they are wiped and maintained very cleanly, and the environment is unexpectedly comfortable, relative to the average economic level of this place.

Naturally rented two rooms one

Xiaosha should be taking a shower in the room at this moment, and the sound of water rushing from the next door can be heard.

Should we say that cats love to be clean?

Ji Bai sat on the edge of the bed, looking out along the French windows, draped in a curtain, and had fallen into a sleepy town. He hadn't looked away for a long time.

Although it is not late at night, Ji Bai, who is accustomed to going to bed early, has not the slightest drowsiness until now.

Stand up and walk back and forth in the room.

Own, is this restless?

Maybe it's time to sleep.

You have to keep your spirits up.

Since one year, Ji Bai's unruffled personality has changed greatly. Keeping his body clean, taking a bath every day has almost become his must-do homework.

However, today, when he can't sleep all night, he broke the habit of the past.

He didn’t take off his armor or even slept on the bed, so he leaned to the side of the bed and activated the long-lost "Ji’s Sleeping Method."

Closing his eyes, darkness fell, and the trance was accompanied by a slight discomfort in the body, and a feeling of a world away slowly spread.

"Mr. Cavalier, do you believe that love at first sight meets unexpectedly?" In the noble and elegant palace, the golden cymbal girl in the gorgeous long skirt asked him.

"These, for Liu Xia, are illusory." After a moment of silence, he said dumbly.

"Yes~" The blonde girl in the noble dress smiled, her furry cat's ears quivered.

"The concubine body originally didn't believe it~~" With that said, the girl turned her head a little lostly, and looked at the water lilies in the pond. "Anyway, thank you for coming from afar and bringing the friendship of the Human Federation. If you can, The body hopes that the two sides will always get along.

"Your Highness's thoughts, I will convey it." He nodded.

"This is a shame! It is not only a shame to me and the Temple Association, but also to everyone who is a god!"

"After paralyzing us with the illusion of peace, we will not declare war. The gang of beast ears outside the barrier are deceiving me and no one in the Human Federation!"

"Defend our dignity, defend our territory! The knights of the Temple Association, the servants of the gods and gods, you have the opportunity to make contributions and defend our country!"

"I don't think it's appropriate to do this." After reading the words of indignation from above the temple, there was a response from below, and the dark silver figure stood out untimely and poured cold water on everyone.

"Your Excellency Tianhui, what do you mean?" the emissary asked dissatisfiedly. For a while, the entire Temple Association air seemed to freeze, and all eyes were directed at him like a sharp spear.

The reading made the priest beside him glance indifferently at the dark silver knight who stood up, and said nothing.

"We should ask them clearly the reason for the war, shouldn't we? I believe that the leader of the Yacat tribe is not such an unreasonable person." Ask them clearly? ! Haha, the facts are here! When I was paralyzed, they took the opportunity to take away our territory and tortured our people! These are all indisputable facts. 3 Heavenly Pavilion King wants to ask for a reason? ? If someone is not talented, he will tell you for the group of beast ears that they do this to expand their territory! "

Reading out the words that made it possible to fight for reason instantly won the approval and support of countless knights and clergy sitting down, and for a while, he leaned forward to condemn the isolated dark-eyed knight.

"The Purple Glazed Pagoda is the proof that the human race has passed on through the ages! Now, we have been bullied by these outsiders and we are in a safe place. How decent are we??."

"A small sub-cat can ride on top of us, what is this?! I'm not even afraid of trolls!"

"Radiant Knight, do you have your own position, or do you mean that the beast-eared barbarians have given you any advantage to help him speak like this?!"

Looking at the agitated colleagues in front of him, the Dark Silver Knight knew that his own will could only be overwhelmed by the current.

…That’s how it is. A few days later, there will be a negotiation meeting with the group of orc ears. You have to seize the opportunity to do your own job. Facing the orders assigned by the priest, the Dark Silver Knight remained silent.

"Tianhui, I know what you are thinking." The priest sighed, and patted Dark Yin Qitu's shoulder, his face was kind and kind.

"It's inhumane, it's unjust, but, do you think they will tell you justice and great truth? No, no, otherwise, why did they seize the border outside the border without saying a word? Let thousands? Human civilians are homeless, this is already a sin of indignation. "In this negotiation, they will surely use the lives of the people to threaten the Alliance of Mankind... Tianhui, think about it, a barbarian race that has treacherously and undeclared will fight with you. Do you talk about benevolence? ? Don't be deceived by the kindness they showed, that way, they will be right in their arms, "If you want to stop the dispute, you must start the dispute, arrogantly fear the might and not the virtue." The priest's eyes became deep.

"Remember, as a knight, you are a human knight, not a cat knight.

"Human justice is the justice of knights, don't you want to watch those thousands of civilians become homeless?"

"The essence of the knight is to obey the order, and then to be... child, go back and think about it." The priest sighed.

The battle between the two sides has not come yet... do so, not by the knight...

No...for justice...can a knight do whatever it takes?

The Dark Silver Knight could not get the answer.

"My lord priest, why don't you appoint others to go? He blatantly opposed...

"Hehe, don't you know? It is rumored that the princess of the Asian cat clan is powerful, but she appreciates him very much. Sending him can wipe out the other's warning." The priest sneered secretly.