Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 223

If you don't delegate power, then slowly steal it.

"Hey... the civilian shook his head helplessly.

"Sir, what is the key reason for this failure?" Jin Xuan asked abruptly.

"Probably, Referno's sense of smell is too sensitive." The civilian rubbed his chin.

"Well, the dog's nose is very sensitive, but this is not the point." Jin Xuan evoked an unpredictable smile.

"So, Master Jinxuan thinks...

"There is a ghost.


"Just in the lord's fort of the Principality of Setis, there is the inner ghost planted by the dog." Jin Xuan grinned, showing her sharp fangs.

The outer city of Nolan.

The two waves of completely unequal forces continued to confront each other, and the scene fell into a deadlock.

Facing the heavily armed and aggressive vampire warriors, the non-legged people of the cats felt their hearts beating in their throats.

The lives of the entire city are now pinched by the vampire in the palm of his hand. As long as the other party's finger moves, he can crush himself to pieces. This is no joke.

The members of the Fuxing Society were full of vigilance and resentment gaze directly on the dark silver figure, and the resentment condensed into substance seemed to tear him to pieces on the spot.

"I'm sorry you, my name is Xun, I am ordered by Lilias, the daughter of the Scarlet Empire Duke and the Scarlet Queen, to give the city a jade slip to take over the city of Nolan." After his eyes stopped on the strange knight, Xun stepped forward, neither overbearing nor overbearing to introduce himself. "From now on, every plant in Nolan City will be attributed to the name of the Leferno family of the Scarlet Empire.

"As long as you pay your taxes on time, you will be able to find peace in this city. The Referno family will give you fields and houses, and protect your safety in your own name. If you want to leave, we will not reluctantly. , Just need to remember one point.'

"From now on, you are the citizens of the Scarlet Empire, the citizens of the Principality of Lefno, then you need to follow our laws and our system, if you violate it, you will be severely punished." Xun's expression remained as usual, like It was the judge who had no sadness or joy in the court and pronounced torture on all the Yamais present.

After confirming that the other party didn't intend to hurt themselves, the Yamao people breathed a sigh of relief.

Falling from the freedom to regain sovereignty. To fall into the **** again ruled by foreigners will inevitably make people feel disappointed and heartbroken.

However, it is better to die than to live. They can still get their lives back after the rebellion. They are already very content.

I still hope that the blood clan can be better than the trolls, so as not to leave them with bones.

The faces of the members of the Fuxing Society were volatile, they opened their mouths to say something, looked at the black armor behind Xun, and wisely closed their mouths.

Suddenly, the scene became deadly tranquil, like a pool of still water without waves.

It seems that Qi is just a routine work done by Abe. After reading out the relevant regulations, he will go back to the house regardless of the crowds of cats with different looks.


A dull voice broke the silence, not loud, but like a boulder thrown into the water, raising the dry layer. "Sir, but what's the question?" Xun tilted his head slightly to look at the knight in the broken armor.

.Red Hound Banner, are you a subordinate of the Leforno family, one of the big vampires? "In the eyes of everyone, Ji Bai slowly stood up.

"Yes, I don't know what the husband can advise." Qi was unmoved.

...You two, go back to your mother. "Slightly slowing down, Ji Bai panted slightly and touched the heads of the two kittens beside him.


"Don't worry about your mother."

…All right. The two kittens nodded obediently, their little paws stroking Ji Bai's armor with nostalgia, and then their calves stepped back to their mother's side.

Ji Bai took a deep look at the people who also looked at her, and Xiaosha, who was still in Naer's arms with her teary eyes, walked towards her death not far away. "Kou Dingwan felt that someone was walking towards him, and Xun did not turn around.

"Qiangqiangqiang!" A sharp knife light swept across the edge of the iron helmet, and the sharp wind swept Ji Bai's face like an invisible sword.

"Mr. Stay." Xun gave a faint warning, and the tip of the long sword was less than an inch from Ji Bai's neck.

"Whether you want to build a relationship, or use tough means to make conditions, you are still free. It's just useless.

…Is there really no discussion? Can't it be accommodating? "

"Please go back." The response was only three cold words.

"You are a strong man, (You shouldn't be killed here, otherwise, I ask if you mind teaching you what it is like to commit a crime under the Scarlet Empire." After that, Xun withdrew the long sword.

...That's it. "Ji Bai thought for a while, staring at the figure who wanted to take the army into the inner city, without saying anything, grabbed her by the wrist, unpreparedly, pulled her over and faced him face to face.

"Really, can't it be accommodating?"

…I am a little embarrassed when I die.

However, as her gaze swept across the seam of the helmet, the scarlet light that clearly deliberately released coercively, the hand that stretched towards the long sword at the waist suddenly solidified.

"Bold pariah! Really so courageous!" Ji Bai's actions angered the vampires, and they drew their swords one after another, wanting to smash the corpse of this pariah who dared to offend the martyred.

…Stop it all! "With a stern death, all the soldiers stiffened, staring at each other, and looking at the stranger Yu-sama whose expression became strange for unknown reasons.

Knowing that Yu had come to understand, Ji Bai, no, the person hiding in the armor also slowly let go of his martyred wrist, and took two steps back.

"Give it to me, kneel down!" Xun took a deep breath and ordered.

…All the soldiers felt confused, but the military order was not to be violated, and they did not dare to neglect, they took back their swords and spears confusedly, and all members knelt down on one knee.

Pe mouth CE; i rule

Xun touched his chest and calmed down a little bit. When he was about to kneel down, he was stopped by the armor man in time.


The armor man shook his head and pointed to the corner not far away.

"Yes." Xun Xin understood, and nodded slightly.

The soldiers kneeling on the ground were terrified. What's the matter with the appearance of your own adults who are better than hamsters? ?

What is the origin of this armored man?

The Yamao was also confused. Because of the distance, they didn't hear clearly what the two people were saying. They saw a crowd of vampires kneeling on the ground.

what's the situation? ?

"You continue to kneel, and I will go back." The icy command immediately interrupted the brains of the soldiers.

In the perplexed eyes, Xun carefully followed behind the armored man like a little daughter-in-law, and walked into the corner of the blind spot of everyone's vision.
