Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 450

"My lord, please calm down your anger. Of course, your subordinates know that you have understood. They just want to remind you of the unrest in the area.

"Huh? Bother me if you know it. Is it a premeditated and knowingly committed crime?" The goat mask man did not know why, and his mood fluctuations instantly became much smaller. Because he was wearing a mask, no one knew his current face and expression.

The more such things are better, the better. Otherwise, why do you think I am "disputes, bloodshed, sowing the seeds of chaos, these kinds of things are better, so I should just stand by and watch?" the goat mask man said with a smile.

"Well, don't talk about it anymore, everything is under my control, no matter whether it is a rebellion or a war, it did not surprise me."

The goat mask man walked to the bronze mask man with a smile, tidyed his collar, and patted him on the shoulder.

You need to worry about it.

"Don't worry, go back to work, these things don’t need

..." Facing the sudden attitude of the goat mask man, the bronze mask man hesitated for a while and couldn't say anything.

The door was closed, and a cunning smile appeared under the goat mask.

"Let's take you to test the effect of my new medicine, huh, interrupted my thoughts, thinking that I can get out of my body?

While finishing his collar, the medicine was dripped quietly by himself.

"Well, counting the time, it's almost time." The goat mask man said to himself. "Fight, the more chaotic the better, it's also time to clean up the promotion of Xia Fu Zuo Meng


"My lord, please forgive Di Ling for her previous rudeness. This guy's speechless young Cavaliers showed a more stable performance, which is a far cry from the character of the girl who led the team before.

"Hey, what is it called being open-mouthed, giving me some face in front of the new White Sage will die, Andy?" The knight girl was very dissatisfied and muttered to the side. At this moment, she is kneeling on one knee, with both hands. Holding a seat high, one placed Xu Shi (a kind of extremely dense stone, very heavy) with a large head, and on the other, Bai Ji sat with her legs up, turning over her hands calmly. Magazine.

"It's easy to talk, and we can talk well in peacetime, with a broad-minded mind, and we won't mention any friction once it's exposed.

The young man named Andy was silent looking at Di Ling who was tortured with pain and Bai Ji who was calm and even wanted to laugh.

She deserves it. It’s not a good joke.

Three-frame novel

The other Templar knights put their heads aside, ignoring Di Ling's gaze for help.

"That, Lord Lassambo,

Di Ling looked up at the girl pitifully, her previous prestige vanished completely.

"Hmm, what's the matter?" Bai Ji didn't look at her either.

"I know it's wrong... and, look. Sir, don't you have more important things to do? It's not cost-effective to delay time on me, right?" "The curse can be removed. "Bai Ji said emotionally. "Surprisingly using curses can relieve yourself of the burden, do you think we can't feel it?" "

"Ming, Ming..., Your Majesty, if people are hard to tear down, and laziness is not allowed, how can this be..."

"From now on, in the name of the Templar Knight, I will sacrifice my loyalty and life to the Queen of White Sage. It is true that he will be the leader of the horse. Isn't this your oath?" The corner of Bai Ji's mouth conjured up. 3 A touch of playfulness.

The human knight king does not know where he is higher than you.

All the temples were stunned by the earth, and it is not clear why this lord of Lasambo would compare the human being on the earth.

The human knight king is very tall? How high is it?

"How about it, if you want to cancel the vow, I still remember now~

, Bai Ji whispered deliberately and blew into Di Ling's ear.

This grisly demon...

Di Ling did not answer, and the signs that the curse could respond to the disappearance proved her choice.

"Ah, don't look at us like that. We are really a very kind person, with a mind like the bottomless ocean. If you don't believe me, you can ask our subordinates.

Kalanti and Onda were silent.

"Then you guys, tell me what you're here for. Bai Ji is holding the handrail while holding her hand. "It's not logical that there is no head or tail, right?

The implication is that she will not easily believe

"Prior to this, your Highness, you must know our names. May I ask your name?

"Oh, it's impolite, I just remembered that we didn't introduce myself." Bai Ji Tiruo got up from the seat. "My name is Baiji Lasambo, the elder of the Scarlet Empire...

How can you admit that you are a blood princess? Don't say it, it's more shame.

Still very uncomfortable, let's say, it's strange to adapt...

"We won't introduce the family members, it's very complicated." Bai Ji Yuanmu.

Empty novel

"You, are you directly embracing?

. Can't be cold, SF

...Yes, how. "The corner of Bai Ji's mouth trembled.

Damn, I have to ask such annoying questions.

"Then, His Royal Highness Bai Ji, we always need to know what your immediate elders are...

"It's an Austrian shameless X, you don't need to mention it." Bai Ji shook her head, and suddenly showed a smirk that is not easily detectable, although every head-on confrontation with that stinky X-zi ended up with her own victory. (I think), but this does not prevent her from talking in the dark, because the guy can't hear it anyway.

Sniff, Austrian x son? ... Not only Di Ling and other Templar knights, but Kalanti, Onda, and Yu Zheng who were watching the show were all taken aback.

How can I say that my mother is...

"Uh, uh, what's the situation..." Andy rubbed his ears, wondering if he had misheard.

"You know what Chengmu knows, every time we kiss her, someone can make a new one." Bai Ji tried to say these words in a serious manner, but she discovered that she couldn't do it and couldn't restrain the loneliness of her mouth rising. In the end, he even laughed out loud.

Nodded, this was a daughter's normal speech to her mother. Just now, "Oh, that's it." The young Templar nodded that sentence and it turned out that he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, she's hardworking... Bai Ji smiled and said. "I'm all old, and I insist on getting up at 7 o'clock every day and going to the main brothels of the main capital on time to take turns to work~"

"You are not well-informed in Saplan, so go outside and make friends with kinsmen~Jihua Lili" Uh, uh? ! What does communication mean?

With a deep smile, the jade-like fingers made an OK gesture, and then passed the index finger through it.

All the temples were shocked by the earth, even Di Ling, who raised the seat, forgot the soreness and stiffness of his arms.

They began to doubt their beliefs.

With the sky above, have the descendants of blood spirits fallen to where they are today? If this is the case, can the brothers and sisters of the princess be saved now? ?