Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 452

"You violated the tribal ordinances by raising private soldiers and dead men secretly among the people in an attempt to rebel and usurp the power. Do you really think that nobles like us are eating dry food, don't you notice it?"

"I really can't bear it? It is the people of my Green Armored clan who founded the school and took in the orphans. Has our consent been obtained?"

"I want to intervene in everything. Take a kick, you think you are the chief of the tribe? Just an outsider, this is the end of your nosy! Come on, take him down for me, push him to the downtown area and beheaded on the spot." If you want to continue to sit firmly under the buttocks, you have to use tyranny to suppress Qianshou's thoughts.

The truth that the nobility is the sky is deeply imprinted in their hearts and cannot be erased.

As for whether these criminal charges are true or false, it doesn't make any sense.

However, his order did not receive a response. When the nobles turned their heads in doubt, an iron spear was thrown into the tent. Immediately after, trolls equipped with various weapons and preparations rushed into it and took the nobles down. . Guts? ! "The nobles were pushed to the ground by the humblely dressed trolls before they realized what was going on. They were frightened and glared at the calm and composed beak.

"What did you do to the Beak? What about our army?!

"It's just a little magic." Carelessly drank the drink on the table, the bird mask man walked slowly to the head of the troll nobleman. "A magic that conforms to people's hearts.

The other party has already planned to decapitate himself, so poisoning the drink seems unnecessary.

"Where is our army? Where is our army? Why don't you come to rescue it?!" The nobles yelled in a panic, and the low-level civilian rebellion was completely beyond their imagination. , The sudden political change made them unexpected, "Army? As you can see." The ugly face approached.

The troll leader looked at this close-up mask in panic. Although he couldn't see his face, he knew that the mask man must be laughing. "What... this is impossible! The army is only loyal to us, how can it be? .can……

"Yes, but you overlooked a little." The beak man shook his finger. "The army is also made up of the civilian class.

"You guy, actually bought my army?! Bastard! You shameless country thief! Bought my people and my army, a fellow without honor!", "My lord, in fact, I don't plan to Someone didn't do it deliberately when things were done so absolutely.

"You said that I bought it, let's just buy it, think about it, you guys gave such a simple channel to someone, didn't you?" The Niaomian's voice is neutral, which makes people indistinguishable. Out of men and women.

"Let’s reflect on it. Why are you in desperate situation today? Even your own ministers ignore you. "Goodbye everyone, I am afraid that the next time we meet will be in the next life." "

"Wait, wait! Keep me alive, I can give you money, a lot of money! All my money is for you, bypass me for a lifetime" The troll aristocrat who recognized the reality begged the other side for mercy.

"Hey, noble sir, how come you still can't recognize the facts?" The bird-faced man helped his forehead helplessly, leaned down and patted the face of the troll.

"After you die, aren't these properties all mine?... The wool came out of the sheep. The savings that you savages and fat people anointed are all mine? A 22 "You, you can't That's it.

"Hurry up, these noble lords were somehow dignified before they were alive, and they will go down quickly and neatly." Out of benevolence and righteousness, the birdman kindly asked.

It’s not your own business whether you can do it or not. The civilians hold a knife for the first time, and their skills may be unsatisfactory several times. It’s not listed... "High Priest, High Priest~" A faint voice came from outside the account, petite The figure jumped into the tent, and got close to Wuzui.

"I have said it many times. I want to call my husband or teacher outside. Why don't you remember me, little guy." The bird-faced man looked helplessly at the vitality in front of him, and kept shaking to himself. Asian cat girl with tail.

"Oh, I know the high priest.

"I've said... Forget it, didn't you let this girl wait for me in the school? The disobedient child will be punished." The **** scene is not suitable for the character shaping of the child. This kind of scene is too self-explanatory. So much so that it is numb, but I can't like it all the time.

"Woohoo, Lanka is not the kind of naughty cat. It's those uncles wearing bronze masks who are looking for Mr. High Priest." The catwoman "It turned out to be like this, and Lanka performed very well this time." I see. At the moment of the letter, the tone of the bird-faced man changed to a different grade, rubbed the head of the Yamao girl, and opened the envelope to get the inkpad.

The Yamao girl looked at the letter curiously, although she could not understand what was written on it, nor did she understand it, she just wanted to take this opportunity to approach the Umian and act like a baby. PSE Wenzhi Ceng is a cat girl's nature, which is similar to some clingy kittens.

He couldn't see clearly the expression on the face of the bird-faced man, and after a quick glance, he indifferently folded the letter and put it on fire. Is the messenger still there? "

"Huh? The bronze masked uncle who delivered the letter? He's still waiting outside. Let's let him come in and see the high priest."

"Yeah." The bird face calmly looked at the Yamao girl who ran out of the tent like this, and fell into deep thought.

After a while, getting permission, the man wearing the bronze mask walked into the tent.


"Forget it." The bird-faced man was arrogant and looked at the man calmly. ‘Why are you sending this kind of news now? "

The man in the bronze mask made his feet weak in fright, and hurriedly knelt down. "Subordinates, subordinates are only ordered to do things, and they don't know the rest. The subordinates don't even know what happened in Saplan...

"Saplan, whose jurisdiction is this place?"

"To the high priest, it is a goat sacrifice."

The bird-faced man sighed lightly. "A few days ago, you sent the information sent by the explorers in the Scarlet Blood Domain. "Go on."

"Obviously!" The bronze masked man hurried out of the tent as he received an amnesty.

"High priest, what is written in the letter? Did something happen~? Tell Lanka, okay?" The Yamao girl looked at the bird-faced man with a naive face.

The bird-faced man laughed dumbly. In this world, she is probably the only one who has the courage to say this to him.

"Sapland, in a place you haven't been to, there is something wrong, but it shouldn't be a big problem." The bird-faced man pinched the Yamao girl's nose.

"Ugh, Saplan, is this place very important?

"Say no. It's important, but there is something special... Thousands of years ago, a strong man who was strong enough to sit with the fourth-order species and the fifth-order species fell.

"Me? I can't compare with her, I'm afraid, only the ancestor **** can be compared with that devil.

Chapter 31 ~ Prayer and Miracles

With the force of decay, the army swept across the sky like a flood that broke the bank. The city gate was broken by giant beasts, and the few remaining soldiers were easily resolved without much resistance. It was a one-sided battle, and there was nothing worth mentioning. local.

The speed of the remnants of the wind swept away the remaining resistance forces in the city, leaving behind the reliable troops to guard the only city gate, and the rest of the troops began to clean up the mess.

"Take down these ugly buildings!" At Di Ling's orders, the Templar knights and the blood army jointly destroyed the ancestral temples built in various places in Tiandu.

Soldiers armed to their teeth rushed into the temple, destroyed the reliefs and the octopus statue enshrined in it, and smashed the altar to pieces.

"Hahaha, cool, so cool! A bewitching monster, you also have today!" Di Ling laughed loudly as she stepped on the dismantled stone sculpture.

"Wait, wait! You are going to be condemned by God for doing this! Your ancestor will be furious, and will punish us at that time! Are you trying to make the entire Saplan state uneasy!?" The ancestral temple priests on the side were about to split their eye sockets.

"What does this big octopus's rage have to do with us? It was originally not a good thing. Building temples with such spicy eyes everywhere, and its heart is shameful." Di Ling sniffed, and cut the stone carving without support. .

"Ahhhhhhh! You, you!" The local ancestor gods blushed with anger, creaking and struggling, trying to die with Di Ling.

"Old man, save it, be careful to flash to the waist.

Despite her subordinates' misbehavior, Bai Ji sat on the stone table that was turned over, quietly reading the book, did not object to stop, and did not applaud, "Master Bai Ji, do you need to dismantle the entire cult temple in Tiandu? "The young Templar knight respectfully said. In his eyes, this young Highness is so similar to the legendary White Saint.

"Before you clear the obstacles, it's up to everyone." Bai Ji kept her eyes on the book.

"If there is a hindrance, how should we deal with it?"

"Treat them equally." Bai Ji glanced at the shattered stone statue and commanded indifferently.

"I'm observing the order, I'm disturbing you." Andy bowed and stepped back.

"My lord, a lot of people gathered outside the cult temple, as if they were deliberately trying to stop us, what should we do?" The Templar reported to Andy.

"How to treat the supporters of the evil god, do you still need me to teach you?"

"Understood, sir." The Templar knight who was ordered withdrew.