Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 506

The conservatives and the neutrals were shocked. They never thought that Her Majesty the Queen would actually imprison the respected Terran ministers in prison. "As for the replacement of the two officials, the position of the public minister is to be determined, and the position of the head of the Patriarch of Reifno will be in accordance with the regulations. The eldest son will succeed and take over." The queen ordered.


"My complexion is not so good, Xi." The girl with purple hair came to the conclusion without looking at the attendant behind her while holding the tea, and sighed slightly. "It looks like something terrible happened, right?

"Second Miss, the Lord Duke has been taken to prison by Her Majesty the Queen.

The purple-haired girl's hand holding the teacup trembled, and she faintly noticed something was wrong last night when her father did not return.

"Not only the Lord Duke, but also Duke Delan's meeting this morning, everything happened too suddenly." Xun wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I don’t know what happened. Her Royal Highness and her subordinates were found guilty by the courtiers. Her Majesty gave an oral statement to deprive her of the title of the princess, issued a wanted order, and arrested her ministers. Now the wanted orders have been issued to all the princes and kings. , Her Royal Highness's reputation plummeted."

"Kacha!" The white porcelain cup in the girl's hand fell to the ground and shattered into a pile of debris.

Chapter 27~

Even though there is no turning back in the bow, do you really want to do this?

The white-haired man sat on the lonely throne and looked down below, except for the empty hall of the palace.

"Hehe...The thick black fog was born with a burst of laughter, and lingering around the white-haired man, there were continuous and disturbing magical noises.

"Why, this time I started to install people? It's not like you, my dear Prince Ziling??" The boiling black foam rolled like some kind of liquid medicine, and finally formed the head of the goat mask man.

The white-haired man looked at the goat mask man meaningfully. Although he was very dissatisfied with the mask head who was interfering with his thinking and gesticulating his behavior, he did not show his style.

He knew this was futile. It was just an illusion made by the other party using the liquid medicine. He himself was a thousand miles away. Even if he destroys this disturbing quiet phantom, it will not help. It will not have any effect on the other party, but it will still Get a few jokes of sarcasm.

It's as if I'm just a clown who doesn't know what to do.

"What are you doing?" Prince Ziling said coldly.

"Hey, what you said, why can't I come? Tsk tsk, look, now you finally sit on the throne of dreams, don't I, as a collaborator, even have the qualifications to see my own achievements? "The goat mask man speaks yin and yang strangely, making people unstoppable.

The cockroach who could only hide in the dirty and dark corner, Prince Ziling was very disdainful of the masked man in his heart.

However, the mystery succumbed to the higher mystery, whether it is out of curse, technical assistance, or maintaining the status quo, it is impossible to break with these unknown guys of unknown origin and purpose.

Prince Ziling is confident that by virtue of his talents, he will not be swept around by the opponent. No one in this world can use him, except for "Um, it is understandable. Prince Ziling's strength is not the same as that of the past. This temper is naturally going to rise a lot, hahaha, understandable and understandable.

"Of course, someone dare not forget the help of the medicinal sacrifice. Without the help of the medicinal sacrifice, there is no such thing as my Ziling today." How could Ziling couldn't understand the meaning of the other party's words, and his tone was a little dull.

"Oh, it turns out that you still remember that nobles have forgotten things. I thought you had forgotten this matter after successfully stealing the country and went to Ao." The mask head laughed.

"Your kindness, Ziling is not unforgettable, but I want to correct it. It is more appropriate than stealing the country, reforming the new and eliminating bad governance. Ziling has never meant treason, and will not make anything that violates scarlet. The bottom line of the empire's interests." Zi Ling said faintly with his chin resting on his hands.

"Oh, okay, okay, if you want to think so, this sacrifice will follow your idea, after all, you all like to do it, and you are all willing to do it, right? He succeeded to the throne by his own will, hahaha.

"Medicine sacrificial rituals can be said to be business. It has been polite for so long." Zi Ling didn't seem to plan on arguing with this noisy masked man on this issue, and even pulled the topic away.

"Okay, since Prince Ziling, oh no, your Majesty Ziling" is so urgent, then I might as well open the door... Your Majesty Ziling should remember to make an agreement before cooperating with me, right? "

……of course I remember. "Ziling frowned slightly.

"His Majesty Ziling is now sitting on the throne of the Scarlet Empire, looking at the world, no one has the ability to **** the throne with you, then "Of course, am I the kind of person who speaks nothing?" The king keeps his promises, and he will do what he says. "Zi Ling turned his head slightly. "But why are you in such a hurry?" It's not that I won't give it to you, so why bother? ’

"Haha, use it in a hurry, just like what Prince Ziling said, your country is dying and you are in desperate need of a strong medicine, so, you need such a thing very urgently." The goat mask man's head drifted around and was annoying. Wandering in front of Prince Ziling.

"I hope that Prince Ziling will not forget it, but even if Prince Ziling has forgotten, we are still in the know, and the countermeasures are endless. You must understand that I have done a lot of homework before cooperating with you.

"Of course, I know, of course I know." Zi Ling pinched his eyebrows and sighed heavily. "Those 30,000 people are not a small number. Let me make it together. Now is the most critical moment. There can be no mistakes. The conservatives underneath are watching me closely. Although the power seizures seem to cooperate with me on the surface, in my heart I don't know what I'm making...

"Prince Ziling, this is your business," the goat mask man's voice became cold. "I don't want to care about your country's grievances and grievances, and I am more lazy to listen to it.... I remember the promised things are more than these?’

"There are also the three treasures of blood in the Scarlet Empire treasury, aren't they?"

"The things in the treasury are a little bit troublesome. After all, it was passed down from my Scarlet Empire through the generations. Can it be delayed for a few days?" Huh? Prince Ziling is planning to turn back? Oh ha ha, that’s okay, but I think the effect of the bottle of dissolving potion given to you is about to expire, right? The silver dagger enchanting liquid will be out of stock. I dare to pack a ticket. Only I will refine this kind of liquid in the entire continent. Without them, what should you do? My Majesty Ziling? "

...I will find a way, the things must be handed in on time, is it okay? ? "

"Haha...well, of course there is no problem, then, wish us a happy cooperation?" The goat's head formed by the black mist liquid medicine gradually dispersed. In the palace where no one was around, the white-haired man breathed a sigh of relief, and then beat it fiercely Throne armrests.

"Dirty bugs that can only hide in the dark corners, would you dare to order me? 5...Wait, you must get them all back in the future!" The majestic curse that shook the roar shattered the jade pillars in the hall.

After capturing the queen, two princes, the White Thorns family, and his own family, as well as the bloodlines of the desolate royal family, Ling's strength is not what it used to be.

This way of greatly enhancing the concentration of his own blood makes him fascinated and addicted. Even if it is a crooked way, he can no longer look back. Looking around, the entire Scarlet Empire is already in his own pocket, and no one can be his own. opponent.

In the end, as long as you catch the princess and let her force her blood to be passed down, you are equivalent to having a way to infinitely enhance your blood!

Soon, no one can stop this world...

The stars in the sky revolved, and a drizzle hit the cold armor, splashing broken beads at the starting point, and the hazy fog obstructed their sight.

I glanced at the map at hand, and looked at the city gate hidden in the rain and fog.

"Mr. Bai, the front is Bolton Town, the last checkpoint in the Kingdom of Staunch, and when you go out, you will see an unobstructed plain." The raindrops wet the eyes of everyone, and Kalanti explained to Ji Bai while sitting in the carriage.

It has been several days since Clay City, the main city of the Kingdom of Staunton, had been gone. They climbed over the mountains and hurriedly hurriedly arrived at the last checkpoint of the Kingdom of Staunton.

The rainy season is here, and when the rainy day is full, riding on a high horse looks at the bright and transparent city ahead through the seam of his helmet. "The rainy season in the Yamao Kingdom comes and goes quickly, and the rain is generally very violent. Enjoying the romance in the rain, you will catch a cold, Mr. Qi." The blonde cat-eared girl looked at herself with a smile, and quietly leaned her body closer.

"This umbrella is too small, um...Mr. Cavaliers won't let me catch a cold, right?" The girl blushed, as if she had made some determination, and snuggled into her arms.

"Mr. Bai, Mr. Bai?...Next?"

The soft call made Ji Bai recover from a trance, the raindrops hit her eyes, and her eyes were dim. The shy cat-eared girl with cymbals had turned into a silver-brown girl. She was holding an umbrella, looking suspiciously away. Of yourself.

"Well, okay, where did you just talk about it?" The Iron Helmet lifted up slowly. "Out of the city ahead, it's a plain, right? Let's go.

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Ji Bai rushed forward. He didn't want to sleep on the street outside the city. When the rain wasn't too heavy, he went to the city to rest.

Although he is not sure whether it is wise to enter the city now, he has to prepare for the worst at any time. If he guessed correctly, he should be on the most wanted list of the Kingdom of Staun.

Ji Bai is not stupid enough to wear the same armor to enter the city, and the armor style has been changed to the blood family plate armor style.

No one knows what he looks like, even if someone wants to frame himself with bad intentions, there is nothing he can do.

As the sound of the rain ticked, the sound of horseshoes approached, and the light on the top of the city became brighter in the mist.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes, the guards who were about to close the city gate paused, and looked at the approaching figures in the rain suspiciously.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, we are tourists passing here to the Principality of Referno. Can we go into the city to take shelter from the rain? I am very grateful." Please show me the customs clearance certificate and your identification documents. "The guards didn't say anything, they were released into the city after a few routine checks were completed, but one of the guards looked at Karanti a few more times and showed nothing.

The sound of horses' hoofs slowed down, and slowly entered the city and deepened.