Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 85

"Then let's get out of here quickly!

"Before this, there is something that needs to be solved." Ji Bai took off the clothes in the cloth armor and put it on Xiaosha, covering her body, inserting the fangs and long sword ~ ​​on the ground, drew the dagger and walked towards it. Those little tents made of tattered bark.

"By the way, fellow robe, your injury?"

It's okay.

Xiao Mu and Huo Lei were puzzled, but they still followed.

Kicking open the bark door, Ji Bai leaned forward and got in.

Feces and dirty excrement can be seen everywhere.

. "...:..."


At the bottom, a girl from the human race who had been stripped of her clothes was wearing a piece of torn fur and lying alone inside. What is shocking is that this girl has neither hands nor feet, her eyes are hollow and hideous. His scars covered his entire face. If it weren't for his breath and heartbeat, no one would think that he was a living person.

With beautiful sky-blue eyes, perhaps this girl was a very beautiful little girl before she was caught.

"This, what is it... Xiao Mu stared at the extremely miserable figure in a daze, Xiaosha's pupils contracted, and she lowered her head not to look directly at her with lingering fears.

It seemed that the girl who had heard the familiar language, the eyes of the girl who lost her limbs slowly focused, her head slowly tilted, she saw the three people who came to her, and the iron helmeted man with a dagger squatting in front of her.

"Yes, relief?" a low and gentle voice came from the iron helmet.

"Ji Qian...what are you going to do first?" Xiao Mu faintly felt something wrong, but Huo Lei frowned and said nothing.

"Uh..." The girl seemed to understand what Ji Bai meant. She tried her best to speak, but her throat was already necrotic, she had to use her last strength to light her head desperately.

"Huh." Silently, the dagger pierced into the flesh.

The girl half-opened her tired eyes, forced a grateful smile, and fell asleep peacefully.

Xiaosha slowly closed her eyes and rolled her head, Huo Lei's brow furrowed deeper.

"Senior Ji! You, you killed her!?" Xiao Mu looked at Ji Bai slowly withdrawing the dagger in disbelief, and fell into a daze.

"Why... be so cruel... don't understand, Xiao Mu, who was on the battlefield for the first time, didn't understand why Ji Bai would act on a child who was already very unfortunate: "Let her die, perhaps be cruel, and let her live is called cruel. "Ji Bai stood up slowly, without explaining too much.

Chapter 54 ~ The Night of the Sewer

"It's helpless for human brothers to do this." Huo Lei comforted Xiao Mu.

Ye Jing, really cunning and dirty creature...

"No, compared to the chaotic demons, especially the trolls, their torture methods are too low." Ji Bai threw the dagger out and plunged it deeply into the bark.

Horley sighed deeply.

"It's safe to enroll in the scholar, let's bury her on the spot." Xiao Mu resisted tears and suggested.

Ji Bai did not object.

"Uncle Xianshi, can I go out this way?" Xiaosha nestled weakly in Xiao Mu's arms and asked when she looked at the figure walking in front.


"Did you still choose the path intuitively."

"Haha." Xiaosha smiled helplessly. "I really regret that I promised your entrustment. I knew it was so, even if the remuneration was doubled again...

Even so, Xiaosha's tone didn't contain much complaint.

Looking at Xiao Mu who was holding herself, full of worries, Ji Bai who calmly opened the road ahead, and Huo Lei who flanked to prevent surprise attacks, Xiaosha felt that she felt more secure at this moment than ever.

Is this the feeling that a companion cares about protection? Surprisingly good...

"It's getting late, make do with one night on the spot." Looking around the corridor, Ji Bai turned and said to everyone.

Hearing this, Huo Lei put down the burden he was carrying, took out a stall from inside and spread it on the ground.

Xiao Mu carefully placed Xiaosha in her coat on top, while Ji Bai re-ignited the torch he had snatched from the goblin, and hung it on the four self, just enough to illuminate the area where she was staying.

"The food I brought can barely survive tomorrow." After sorting out all the food that can fill his stomach, Huo Lei folded his arms and knees a little bit distressed.

"I thought I had brought more food and water before...".

"Prevent goblins or other creatures from attacking at night, Huo Lei, you and me take turns to watch the night." After placing the last torch, Ji Bai returned.

"Good Le!

Xiaosha was wearing Ji Bai's coat, her eyes half-opened blankly, she didn't know what she was thinking.

The season is in the middle of winter, and even though the demon species is not much colder than humans, it still has a few traces of coolness. The clothes originally worn have lost the "cold resistance ability". "Ji Bai put the fuel he had brought together, lit it with a torch, and the warm shelter dispelled a little bit of cold.

Horley skewered some dry food with ready-to-eat meat, intending to grill it on the fire.

Dry food and instant meat sprinkled with some salt did not mean to taste the taste, and everyone just wanted to make do with filling their stomachs.

"Then...Senior Ji?" Xiao Mu tentatively asked.

"Huh?" Iron helmet turned to Xiao Mu.

"Before, I'm sorry, 50A one

"What are you talking about?" Ji Bai tilted his head in confusion, not understanding what Xiao Mu was referring to.

"That's just... I said that Senior Ji was too cruel

"It's okay, it's just the truth." Ji Bai shook his head and continued to remain silent.

...In fact, this is the first time I have accepted a commission since joining the Knights for a year. "Xiao Mu said embarrassedly with her hair.

"I don't understand many things, just blindly use my own shallow subjective judgment...".

"So, please forgive me, Senior Ji

SF Light Novel

"Being insulted and tortured like that by the goblins, I think, even I myself don't have the courage to live... Maybe, to her, being alive is really painful.

"Looking at what you look like, it must not be the first time you have come out to explore, right? Obviously just joined the group for less than a month...

"That, Senior Ji?"

"Stop talking, that guy is already asleep." Xiaosha patted Xiao Mu on the shoulder.