Blooming America

Chapter 1055: If the problem cannot be solved, then el

On September 1st, when Catherine just arrived in New York early in the morning, she received a call and rushed to the hospital in a hurry-her mother was about to give birth.

However, when Catherine came to Columbia Hospital, she saw her dad shouting on the phone outside the ward.

"Damn it, I said it, just do this!"

He hung up angrily.

"Where's mom?"

Catherine asked immediately.

"It's going to be produced soon, I'm in it..." Bruce didn't seem to be in a good mood: "It just happened at this time..."

"What happened?"

Catherine asked curiously.

"It's just something about the umbrella company. Some things have happened on the mercenary side. There has been some chaos on the North African side recently, and conflicts have occurred in many places. If Chapter 1055 can't solve the problem, then eliminate the problem! It's all fighting."

"That place is like that, don't care."

Catherine's comfort could not ease her father's face.

Unlike her father, Catherine is in a good mood these past few days.

A major earthquake that attracted worldwide attention occurred in China, and the United States has finally received news recently—the feelings are that they have been informed by the American research institute!

They were immediately attracted by the news that they could predict earthquakes several days in advance, and by the way found the disaster prevention center established by Catherine.

But the news they got was not so good-a hacker named Neo destroyed their data in the North American Computer Center, including the backup of their server, all at once.

The staff originally had an impression of the data in it, but they couldn't tell exactly what it was. Without data comparison, they couldn't understand the ins and outs of the whole thing.

In the end, this matter has become a query about Neo's origins-but obviously, they will never gain anything.

And Catherine. It can be regarded as returning the lie to Yuan.

World peace is really great, fortunately fortunately~

"But your face is not good, Dad."

"If Chapter 1055 can't solve the problem, then eliminate the problem!...Forget it, anyway. You will know about it. Because some people in Africa don't follow the rules..."


"They help certain militants and want to seize the rights of certain countries, and some even simply want to indulge these countries... Yes, it is in various senses of indulgence and control."

Catherine raised her brow, which was really true.

These people did it, it was really cool, but they didn't see it. If the behavior of these people is guarded by the Federation zhèngfǔ, how sad they will be next.

Although these people are just a mercenary organization on the surface, in fact, they still have inextricable connections with those arms companies.

Just like umbrellas in Africa.

They can always win more with less and have very few casualties. Compared with that, the number of enemies killed by them is disproportionately high. This is because the protected soldiers are well equipped, they have armed helicopters, armored vehicles and howitzers. There are also big killers such as fuel-air bombs, and most of their enemies only have light weapons and not much heavy equipment; on the other hand, it is also because the soldiers of the umbrella are veterans from the Vietnam War. They are well-trained and have high military quality, and most of their opponents do not have enough training. Among the young men who were captured, there were many children who sent out a rusty AK and a bunch of bullets. They sent to the front line as soon as they learned to shoot. , It’s okay to deal with the common people or the army of the same level, but it’s too far to deal with well-equipped and well-trained mercenaries.

Once a parachute mercenary was in a mine, only more than 60 parachute soldiers withstood a week-long attack by thousands of military forces. During this period, parachute soldiers always adhered to a principle: never enter a mine without helicopter fire support. Combat area.

And these. It's all because the umbrella company has enough money to buy equipment.

This is true for Catherine's umbrella, and even more so for other mercenaries with the support of arms dealers.

Mercenaries can attract many experienced foreign veterans. On the one hand, because of high salaries, it is not easy for veterans to find a good job-especially those from special forces, except for fighting. There is no other skill that can make a lot of money. On the other hand, it is also because of good benefits.

For example, umbrella companies have "full drug protection". In fact, if there is a "work-related fatal accident" during the battle, drugs and medical care are free, and insurance companies lose money if they fail. And the umbrella company also has an extra pension at a fair price.

Although it seems that the mercenary group and the arms dealer are not together anymore, the relationship between them is still inextricably linked.

Once this happens, things are different.

In Africa, many countries use mercenaries, but in fact, many local zhèngfǔ have no money to hire mercenaries. However, in Africa, many companies provide credit guarantees for zhèngfǔ. The salaries of mercenaries are actually paid by these companies. , And when mercenaries regain a mining area, these companies will be able to obtain between 30-60% of their mining rights.

This is the general profit model for mercenaries in Africa.

The entire mercenary industry is also formed in this way.

But now, there are people who are not abiding by the rules and want to benefit from the black uncles through cao. This is already crossing the line.

"The most important thing is that the Moscow Hotel recently didn't know why, a lot of things have happened... God knows what will happen in the end."

"Probably related to Blair's death."

Bruce hesitated for a moment, and then he could only think so.

If it weren't for this, who would have known how things would turn out to be like this?

"But these people will not last long, because they will only cause a series of problems."

Catherine comforted her father like this.

"If it can't be resolved, leave it to me, and I can help resolve it..."

"If there is no way to solve the problem, we will eliminate the problem!"

Catherine said so.

"Eliminate the problem..."

The old man looked strange, he had realized what Catherine was talking about to eliminate the problem.

"We have excellent arms, and we also have very strong manpower. Whoever wants to disrupt the order, we will kill whoever, eliminate the problem at the source, and the problem will be solved."

My wife is giving birth, and my other child is shouting and screaming here. For a while, Bruce's mood is really chaotic.

For Catherine, the company's model is worthy of reference.

As for things like cao countries... Catherine has no interest in Uncle Black. If you change to the United States or something, Catherine might think it's good, but if you are in Africa, you can avoid it.

The symbol is "Paladin" (n)-the "knight" in chess. The full name is ues, which is translated into Chinese as "execution result". The original name of Strategic Resources Co., Ltd. was n, abbreviated. The parent company is one of 32 subsidiaries. The businesses of these subsidiaries cover mining, air transportation leasing, security, etc. These subsidiaries are registered in different places, some in South Africa and the Bahamas. , There are also in the Isle of Man (Semi-Autonomous Region of the Commonwealth). The surface customers of are all internationally recognized legal zhèngfǔ//The fastest text update, no pop-ups, no ads//, the most famous customers are Angola and Sierra Leone, but in fact, the real customers are those multinational companies that extract natural resources, such as Dai Beers Diamond Consortium (DeBeers), British Petroleum (BP), Texaco Petroleum, Gulf Chevron Petroleum, etc.

This company, founded in 1989, is regarded as the ancestor-of course, Catherine has already taken possession of this ancestor and created an entire era-since the 1990s, the company's business has been booming. In 1994, it sent a small, fast-deployed mercenary force with good air protection and armor. It quelled the crisis in Rwanda within a few days and easily earned tens of millions of dollars.

Since the civil strife broke out in Sierra Leone in 1991, the armed forces have been on a fierce offensive, and the zhèngfǔ army has been retreating steadily. In desperation, zhèngfǔ signed a two-year contract with him in 1995. Send 300 mercenaries to assist the zhèngfǔ army. Within a few months, the militants were defeated, and they had to sign a peace agreement with the zhèngfǔ army.

Of course, the company paid a lot of money. Not only did it earn 1.2 million dollars a month, it also got the right to mine the diamond mine. Soon, Papua New Guinea came to the door again and asked to help it encircle and suppress dúlì's armed forces, which have been around for 9 years. This time, the contract was interrupted due to a coup d’état in Pakistan, but still made a high profit of 36 million U.S. dollars.

In June 1998, the company again spread the "good news": its assistance to the Angolan zhèngfǔ in the past two and a half years finally made the armed forces agree to negotiate. Angola zhèngfǔ paid 60 million US dollars for this, and the price paid was only the death of 20 The most important thing for us now is order. We must eliminate the problem at the source! "

Catherine shouted again.

"Okay, okay, Kate, stop talking about this topic..."

Today, Bruce doesn't seem to be too good to say this.

"Um... that's right."

Catherine also felt that she was in the hospital and said these words at this time, it was really not a place.

"I really don't know if my mother will give birth to a boy or a girl..."

Catherine looked at the inside of the hospital, somewhat lost.


The update is complete today!

Roar~! ! !