Blooming America

Chapter 1210: The base is under the sea

This is a humanoid robot with a height of 1.7 meters, showing a beautiful female appearance and a well-proportioned figure.

The robot is covered with silicone skin from head to toe. White and green markings are clearly visible. She has knee-length boots and elbow-length gloves. She has markings on her shoulders, like bikini markings covering the bottom of the chest and crotch. .

This robot is very human-like, but there is a little difference: there are only three fingers and an extra thumb instead of a little finger, and her feet have no toes, have a high boot, a charging port like a wall socket and a collection The data port is at the back of the neck.

The robot's hair is made of short emerald green solid silicone by her creator, and it glows with the reflection of the light on the top of the warehouse. However, there are obvious marks on the robot's face that are least human-like.

It has a green lips. Behind the lips is a funny mouth. The inside of the mouth is covered with white solid blocks and cut into canine teeth. The robot has no nose or eyes. Inside a long black photoreceptor belt, you can see electromagnetic spectrum marks like eyeballs.

"Are we going to send this thing to the moon?"


The aft engineers admired their masterpieces, and they were a little unhappy when they heard such a sentence.

However, when they glared at the coming, they quickly put on a pleasing expression-without him, the other party was a staff member of the Pentagon and the main supporter of their plan.

"Sir, our machine has a very powerful bionic ability. This is a machine made according to human proportions! And her strength is much higher than normal people!"

Then, the engineers began to show the Pentagon visitor their new technology: from walking and plugging in a longer plug, using an electric stove to make a grilled cheese sandwich with bacon and pepper.

"What I need is a robot that can help us build a lunar base. Not a robotic maid!"

The other party was angry.

"Please calm down, we just want to explain the purpose of this robot!"

The engineers were sweating coldly.

"This robot has more power than a weightlifting machine. In extreme cases, she can lift more than ten tons of equipment! It is very helpful for the construction of the moon base!"

The engineers began to show.

First of all, the boots began to change and became a regular drill bit, which was inserted into the ground. This is a design for the robot to have problems when lifting heavy equipment.

After that, the opponent's arm also began to be replaced with a cutting chain saw. After that, the robot starts to work on the steel plate placed in front of it.

Seeing this, the other party was a little more relaxed.

"Except for those unnecessary functions, you are actually doing pretty well."

Here is finally a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, they finally let off each other, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Almost played off..."

The controller also came down from the other side at this time.

"I thought they might be interested in this robot. She can do a lot of things."

"She is like my wife! I think of her as my wife. I will design her so beautifully!"

"Asshole! t-001 is mine!"

"What are you doing! When did my wife become your girlfriend!"

But it's a pity that this belongs to the romance of engineers. For others, they obviously don't take it too seriously...


And this time, it is also in sta

aft company. It's just in another area, and Catherine is in the engineers to discuss another possibility.

"If liquid breathing is really possible, we should be able to dive deeper. If it is a submarine that has been filled with breathing liquid, it is possible to go down to the deepest trench in the world!"

Yes, Catherine didn't think about the environment of the universe at this time.

Because of the application of breathing fluid, Catherine considered another application.


Eva plans to be placed in the Antarctic. Catherine thought about it, but she still seemed to be so unsafe.

But... another plan may be feasible.

The sea.

In other words, the bottom of the sea.

Ever since I bought a private island, Catherine has actually had such a plan-why not be able to create a deep-sea base?

But speaking of it, deep-sea bases also have many inconveniences.

First of all, the most important issue is the pressure in the deep ocean.

However, with Leonard's amazing discovery of carbon tetrafluoride, this seems to be resolved.

Secondly, there is the problem of raw materials, which seems to be able to be solved by passing through the islands.

Seeing it this way, Catherine found that the whole plan seemed good.

"We can have an undersea base."

Catherine said.

"Space may be very good, but now, we need to go to another place-the ocean."

Going into outer space is a waste of money, but in the deep sea, once the base is built, the transportation cost will be much better than that of space.

"You guys come up with a plan as soon as possible, it will be interesting..."

In fact, not only Catherine, but even the U.S. military, have done such research.

In 1972, the U.S. Navy issued a report discussing "undersea ports."

The title of the report is "Deployment of Underground Naval Facilities."

This document enumerates the possibilities for future naval installations to establish secret underground strike forces.

From tactical to practical underground-many land or island naval bases are facing austerity caused by the development of surrounding civilian communities and real estate projects.

These squeeze the scope of operations of naval installations in all aspects.

The logical solution is to establish underground bases, because the expansion of surface development projects may restrict the operation of military bases.

therefore. Then there is the navy base plan.

The most interesting thing is the main content of Chapter 81 of the archive, which states the following: The secret underground facility may one day be required for future development, such as playing a greater role in the maritime business. Improve the efficiency of satellite reconnaissance systems. To perfect the surveillance system, it is undoubtedly necessary to uniformly command and dispatch the operation and deployment of all underground facilities in accordance with regulations to make it effective for the country. The confidentiality of any systems required for underground deployment must be clearly stipulated.

Catherine also studied this document before thinking about the plan.

In the archives, it is also disclosed: This permanent and indestructible strategic missile system of the ocean base is also the first line of strikes against possible nuclear deterrence and the protection of the communication system as the basis for its support. This may determine The importance of the troops stationed in the key points of the underground or subsea facilities supporting the elements.

In other words, the plan was at the beginning. It is likely to be a plan for Area 51 under the sea.

Someone in later generations also said that the so-called seabed is actually a product of the US military's seabed base.

But who knows how things are going?

At least Catherine is now ready to build her own base.

After speaking, Catherine also left, and the engineers began to plan.

From some perspectives, the deep sea and space are similar. Moreover, many of the space simulation experiments are done in the deep sea.

In other words, for sta

As far as aft is concerned, there are no obstacles at all.

In fact. Deep-sea bases or something seems to be more convenient.

After Catherine left, she rushed directly to Van Hill.

Catherine had already asked the other party to stop the Centaur and Catwoman experiments that were being studied, and instead began another aspect of research-that is, the specialized body of a mermaid.

And here, Catherine just wants to listen to the other party's plan.

"In the design of our specialized cyber body, the calcium in your bones will gradually decrease until your bones disappear completely. The skin and flesh surrounding the bones will be reshaped until your back completely resembles It's as smooth as the fish."

Van Hill was painting on paper at this time.

And Catherine teased: "I really can't tell, I thought you were a weapon expert at first."

"Actually, I was a biology major before, but I found that I can't seem to find a job, so in order to live, I have to continue to borrow money to study..."

If you can't find a job, you can only rely on your study loan. This is a peculiar phenomenon unique to the United States, but Catherine did not expect that she would have done so in the 1980s.

She thought this was something in the 21st century.

"Go on."

Catherine was still waiting for her mermaid body.

——Although she wants a deep-sea base, Catherine does not want to be banned by the deep-sea base.

And a mermaid plan may be able to make Catherine's idea even more wonderful.

Therefore, the plan to specialize the cyber body must be carried out.

"The changes in your legs are similar to but the leg bones will not disappear completely, but they will become more flexible and look like the spine, just like the tail of some fish. Your ankle bone and The foot bones will completely dissolve so that your tail can remain straight and smooth... But you will never be able to stand upright on the ground again."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a cyber body."

If you want to go ashore, it's a big deal to change your body.

"Then, in the process of specialization, your respiratory system will become the same as some amphibians that can breathe in air and water so that you can live in the water, but this organ needs too large a place, your ears You may need to make room for it, in other words, your ears will disappear, so you will become completely deaf."

"With sensors, this is not a problem."

Catherine smiled and waved.

Because it was almost done, Catherine left the matter to Van Hill, and Catherine didn't care about the rest of the matter.
