Blooming America

Chapter 1249: Renault and the Space Carrier

"The Hyperion?"

Renault was surprised. www.)

As an astronaut who has just returned from the moon, Renault believes that humans will be able to enter space one day, but when he saw this plan, Renault was still shocked.

More importantly... I'm very likely to hold an important position on the Hyperion.

"Relax, buddy. The Pentagon hasn't approved it yet. Besides, now that the economic situation is not good, the plan may be shelved by then."

Renault thought for a while, and felt that it was the same. The joyful feelings that had just been ignited disappeared all at once.

Finnelli patted Renault on the shoulder.

"Jim, it's not necessary."

Renault shrugged.


He put back the document he had given himself.

"But... this plan is really... very good."


Or the space carrier Hyperion.

It exists just like an aircraft carrier, but there is one difference...this thing is floating in the air, in other words, it is in the orbit of the earth.

Of course, this is just an ordinary plan.

Regarding this plan, the Pentagon thinks that the cost is too high. The 5 billion fund is just for a space carrier, which is really not worth it.

At least in their opinion, this is not worth it.

The space carrier is three times the size of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier. The price of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is $725 million.

The gap has reached nearly 7 times the size, no wonder the opponent ld can't help it.

This space carrier was designed by professionals from NASA and the Pentagon military.

This ship has three nuclear fission engines and can operate in space-but it can't enter the atmosphere yet.

In the real world without "anti-gravity", the atmosphere is an insurmountable obstacle.

Renault thought for a while, and thought it was probably for this reason.

"If the Hyperion can sail freely in the sky, that would definitely be another matter..."

He murmured.

The space carrier is a large-scale air battle group with carrier-based aircraft as the main weapon and as its air activity base. Relying on a space carrier, a country can be far away from its homeland. Do not rely on local airfields to exert military pressure and conduct combat operations.

The Hyperion appeared as a flagship machine. Of course, in addition to the Hyperion, there is another design...

This time. It can enter the atmosphere, but the price is... 10 billion...

And this price is still bare metal, not including carrier-based aircraft.

But Renault believes that this plan is feasible.

Due to its identity, Renault knew it and didn't believe it. Renault didn't know anything about all the designs. But Renault's personal abilities are outstanding. So it is valued.

He is likely to be able to enter the space carrier service... as long as the Pentagon agrees.

This mothership, named "Ark", is relatively small in size.

The "Ark" space carrier can reach the world without geographical restrictions.

It can carry 80 fighters, fifteen medium bombers, five medium-sized early warning aircraft, ten helicopters, and a number of high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. There are 400 personnel.

The onboard structure is a new lightweight material, for now, that is, toughened carbon nanotube fibers, and all the heaviest decks on the ship are lightened structures. Separate sealing treatment is implemented in the cabin, and four super large emergency parachutes are used for forced landing. A variety of new advanced technologies on board. Such as temperature regulation, oxygen circulation, ultra-small nuclear power, large sealed compartments and stealth systems, various avionics radars, and so on.

The power system consists of a nuclear power plant, a small backup nuclear generator, and four large wind engines. Two large jet booster engines, and two medium-sized accelerators at the back.

The protection system is protected by the airborne air defense system and various aircraft on the ship. It is equipped with four unmanned defense towers in a radius of 400 kilometers, equipped with air-to-air missiles and laser systems for omni-directional tracking protection, plus space-based follow-up lasers. The launcher implements long-range defense.

Of course, the so-called ultimate defense is domestic strategic nuclear weapons.

The advantage of the space carrier is that it does not need an old catapult system, and all 100 aircraft enter the operational state within 15 minutes.

The landing system is a multi-layer, two-way air pressure resistance to stop the aircraft within 100 meters, if coupled with the old draw rope and aircraft retarder, it is safer and more reliable.

The magnetic suspension landing and hoisting system is currently being studied. It is more efficient, convenient and safe, but the technical difficulty is very high.

But Renault heard that they hired a magnetodynamics expert named...John Searle to solve this problem specifically.

I heard that this person's skills are pretty good.

"Tikas, you said, if we really can get on the space carrier one Or maybe we get on the space carrier and travel the universe?"

"Haha, Jim, you can really make a joke. Traveling in the universe? Maybe it will be possible in two hundred years, but now...impossible."

Compared to Renault, Finnelli is more open-minded.

In other words... it's more realistic.

In Finnelli's view, such a plan is indeed used to scare people... But at best, it is used to scare others.

Finnelly didn't think such a plan was so wonderful.

Finnelly, of course, believes that this plan is very useful, and that the United States has the strength to complete this plan... But, this thing seems to be useless?

There is no doubt that the United States has the highest technology in the world.

But what about other countries?

When the United States and the Soviet Union were planning a manned mission to the moon, other countries were just able to take a look.

Soviet Union?

Uh... this is possible, but the Soviets' enthusiasm for space is completely inferior to that of the United States.

Since the last moon landing, the Soviets have put their plans on the space station project. Although they also landed on the moon, the number of times is still in the single digits.

"I really hope that one day, I can see some wonderful things... well, that would be really good. If one day, I can go into space..."

Compared to Finnelly, Renault has been dreaming about one day that he can go into space.

One day, I will be able to travel in the universe...

This feeling. It's something Finnelly doesn't have.

But for Renault, this is the reason why Renault has become an astronaut-he has always had such a dream.

Of course Finnelli understood Renault, and he patted Renault on the shoulder.

It's not just because of this.

Before, Renault's wife and children. He died in a car accident, so Renault pinned everything he had in space. As far as Finnelli was concerned, he knew what Renault was in.

"Perhaps you should find a good girl."

Finnelli said so.

"Um... By the way, I know a nice girl, her name is Sarah Louise Kay... Hey. Jim! Jim Reynolds! James Reynolds!"

Just as Finnelly was talking again, Renault was already far away, and the other party didn't seem to want to talk about women.

"I hope you never talk about this issue... Mr. Ticas Finnelli."

"Okay, okay. If you want..."

Finnelli shrugged.

"Okay. I hope so too."

There is no doubt that Renault loves his wife deeply.

After his wife died, Renault found that he had completely lost his sense of other women.

At this time, Finnelli said that he would introduce a woman to himself. Of course Renault opposed it.

"Remember to put things away."

Renault looked at Finnelli still holding the file in his hand. So he took it over, went to the side, and put the document back in its place.

"Maybe one day... we can start our adventure in a completely different world... in a completely different universe..."

"This may just be a dream. Jim."

"Then let this dream never wake up, I like the feeling of dreaming."

The other party and Finnelli left together.


Of course, this plan has not been passed, whether it is 5 billion or 10 billion, the Pentagon feels worthless.

So afterwards, the Pentagon simply rejected the plan.

But at this time, the Pentagon suddenly had a flash of inspiration: Oh, it seems that this plan can be used to deceive the Soviet Union?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to drag the Soviet Union into Star Wars and bring them down?

Unlike before, this plan is completely foolish...

The Pentagon quickly came to such a clever conclusion... the result. It seems to be similar to the historical "Star Wars".

Of course, as for the original drawings and plans, they directly entrusted them to the raft company to continue production. As for the Pentagon itself, there is not much interest in this plan.

-Even if there is. They believe that the world that really needs a space carrier may already be fifty or a hundred years away.

Now, this is not necessary at all.

They don't need to prepare in advance for fifty or a hundred The high deficit has already caused them to face great problems.

If they don't have such a high deficit at this time, the Pentagon might still think this plan is good at this time.

But it is a pity that the accumulation of wealth since Nixon has faced tremendous changes during the Reagan era...

Of course, as the drawings were handed over to the raft company, the corresponding series of technologies were naturally given to them. Anyway, they were a series of technologies that were not used or simply not used.

But in name, this plan is still the Pentagon's.

After all, this is meant to bluff the Soviets...


First today.

PS: Do you think I will tell you that China already has a 20 billion soft sister coin space carrier plan...