Blooming America

Chapter 1387: One thousand nine hundred and eighty-fou

Catherine got in this Soviet-made car. (M)..

She yawned.

Last night, Catherine had a sudden whim, and then ran to the Kremlin.

Well, it was just a whim.

The sunrise in the Soviet Union is no different from the United States.

In other words, unless in the Antarctic Circle or the Arctic Circle, there seems to be no difference between sunrise and sunset.

It's just that when the car drove to the street, what Catherine noticed was this atmosphere completely different from that of the United States.

Unlike the United States, on the streets of Moscow, there are few high-rise buildings as dense as the United States.

Of course, it is not the garden-style architectural style that the school district advocates.

This is another feeling.

" there any problem?"

Catherine found that the driver seemed to observe herself through the rearview mirror from time to time.

"Uh-no, nothing. Sorry."

The other party is a typical Soviet, probably because he is honest and understands English, so he is now serving as Catherine's temporary driver and translator.

After all, Catherine strongly urges that no other people be accompanied in the car, so she can only use this compromise method.

"What's the matter?"

Catherine found out that this guy blushed.


In the bold and avant-garde America, Catherine's dress is not out of the ordinary, but in the Soviet Union, it is slightly avant-garde.

More is February now.

"Aren't you... cold?"

Of course, the Soviet Union is not as conservative as China. When the miniskirt trend is sweeping the world, the Soviet Union is no exception.

But Catherine's dress clearly shows the feeling of "demeanor but not temperature".

"Ah, it doesn't matter, I'm different from you."

Catherine waved.

To be precise, Catherine is more afraid of heat than cold. Because of the small heat dissipation area, at this time. Catherine said that she had no pressure at all. It was just a cold wind, and Catherine's body was able to adapt.

"Is that... a priest?"

Catherine was surprised.

This is not in Moscow yet, but at this moment, Catherine found out. I actually saw...Father?

and many more. Goats?

What is this?

"That is the traditional custom of Armenia. They are probably offering sacrifices to lambs."


Catherine seemed to understand that her feelings are from the Soviet minority. (Net m full text novel update fastest)

The Republic of Armenia, referred to as Armenia. It is a small mountainous country in Asia located on the border between Europe and Asia and the Caucasus. It is also one of many republics that became independent after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Of course, at this time, this place is still part of the Soviet Union.

Although the car drove very slowly, the Armenians gradually disappeared from Catherine's vision.

"Is this a student in school?"

Teenagers in twos and threes wear black button-down school uniforms. Girls wear long skirts and blue dresses, in groups.

For a while, compared to the previous road, this place is obviously very lively.

Almost near the school, Catherine found that bright red slogans were hung on the street.

"Realize education reform!"

"Follow the general secretary's line!"

Each slogan represents the determination of the Soviets to reform.

Although it was a few years later than China, that Andropov seemed to really intend to do so.


Using mild methods is ineffective in this country. Catherine had no doubt about this.

At least, in Catherine's imagination, there seems to be no similar method.

Unless General Secretary Yuri turns out to brainwash the high-levels of the Soviet Union, this is pretty much the same.

But the real world is not "Red Alert"...

Gradually. There are more houses, and there are more houses of all kinds with unique Soviet style.

"Take me to a more prosperous downtown. By the way, I heard that there is an interesting GUM department store in Mexico. I want to see it."

Catherine ordered so.


The driver used the walkie-talkie to tell the other two **** cars, and then. The car began to accelerate.

The GUM State Department Store is located on the east side of Moscow's Red Square, behind the Kremlin. "Gum" means "National Department Store" in Russian.

This is a must-visit attraction in Moscow...

"and many more--"

At this time, Catherine saw a farmers' market.

"dried fruit".

On the blue sign, read this in Russian.

"I'm going to have a look, please stop."


The other party spoke Russian to the intercom again.

After that, Catherine was put down.


Looking at Catherine in a black windbreaker outside, the driver seemed to think something was wrong, but...what was wrong, he couldn't tell.

What's going on here?

On the other side, Catherine has entered the market.

Although it is a "farmer's market", Catherine found that there did not seem to be many products to choose from.

When Gorbachev was Minister of Transportation, he successfully destroyed the transportation environment of the Soviet Union, which resulted in the dilemma that the crops rotted in the ground but could not be shipped out, while the other side was extremely short of food.

On the streets of Moscow, large-scale and imposing marble buildings can be seen everywhere; on both sides of the wide and neat asphalt road, rows of trees, lawns, and flower beds constitute the unique scenery of Moscow.

But if you want to buy a pack of cigarettes, you often have to go a long way in Moscow-because there are not many kiosks and canteens on the street. The Soviet Union did not allow private individuals to set up stalls and sell goods in public places.

The farmer’s market is also managed by the state and has a fixed location. It only sells agricultural and sideline products, meat, milk, eggs, fish products, fruits, flowers and various vegetables. Private sales of industrial products or daily necessities such as clothing, shoes and hats are not allowed.

It's like this place where Catherine is now.

Seeing Catherine get out of the car, of course the interpreter followed Catherine.

But obviously, they are redundant.

Catherine just swept the place completely and got in the car again.

"Let's go."

Catherine pouted.

Now the Soviets are only facing the dilemma that there are goods and cannot be deployed. Although there are also shortages of materials, if the transportation problems can be solved, at least it will not be so difficult.

And now Gorbachev is in charge of agriculture.

Wait until a few years later. The Soviet Union's agriculture will inevitably all rot, and it will be a good show when that happens.

"Could it be that the Soviet Union had offended the map head in the previous life, so the map head has come back for revenge in this life?"

Catherine suddenly had an infinite malicious guess...

Don't say, this is really possible.

If it is replaced by someone else, even with the support of Western countries. But few people have been able to dismember Zurich so completely...

Stop and go all the way. By the time it was close to the Red Square, it was already half past eight.

The exterior walls are pasted with marble, chandeliers hung in the entrance hall, and magnificent. The side buildings on both sides or four corners are relatively short, the main building in the center is tall, and the top is a thin spire. This is the typical style of Russian architecture.

The more I go to the city. The more I can see such a building.

Originally, Catherine planned to visit the All-Russia Exhibition Center, but time is running out and Catherine can only temporarily abandon this plan.

At the entrance of Moscow's largest department store, Catherine did not get out of the car, but only asked the driver to stop. Then she quietly looked at the pedestrians passing by outside the window.

Because it is winter, many people wear overcoats, and one by one, large Russian-style overcoats wrap the pedestrians on the street.

Their clothes are mainly blue and white, and occasionally I can see two people wearing red or other colors. Most of these people are women.

The buses passing by from time to time remind Catherine of China in the 1990s.

"This is the Soviet Union."

Catherine murmured.

"Is this the Soviet Union?"

She looked at the end of the road.

The boxy car does not have the feeling of the 21st century at all. This style of car has begun to decrease in the United States, but in the Soviet Union, this is still the mainstream.

"Excuse me. What is that?"

Catherine suddenly noticed that not far away, there seemed to be something strange, similar to a vending machine.

To be honest, Catherine had seen a lot of this stuff, and she was really curious at this time.

"That's a carbonated soda vending machine. Madam." The driver dutifully answered Catherine's question: "The cup on the left is for drinking water, and the one on the right is buckled for disinfection."

At this time, the Soviet Union did not have disposable paper cups.

"By the way, may I ask, what's the scene of the marriage of the Soviets? I'm very interested."

Traditional western wedding. Usually presided over by priests, but this is the Soviet Union. Catherine was really curious.

"Usually, we will swear an oath or sign a marriage document in front of the Lenin Statue, then go to the square to lay flowers at the tomb of the martyrs, and then go home or go to a restaurant for dinner..."

Well, change the soup without changing the medicine.

Catherine looked at the sky.

"Now, what's your name? I don't seem to know yet."

Catherine asked suddenly.

The driver looked at Catherine through the rearview mirror and opened his mouth. After hesitating for a long time, he said, "Sergei Mihakrovich Brin."

"What do you think of this country?"

Catherine looked out the window. With those faces, Catherine could neither see the decadence of losing the future, nor the vigor of embracing the future.

That is a kind of "daily" that has adapted to everything.

After Sergey heard these words, his voice seemed to be octaves higher.

"I am proud of my We defeated fascism, we let Western aggressors expose their ugliness, we have the best system in the world, and we also have the most perseverance in the world. Will."

"Are you from the Soviet Union?"

"I, Sergey, will always be loyal to my motherland, and I will fight for my career for life!"

"Then cherish it...Now, it's time to take me to see your General Secretary Andropov..."

Catherine glanced out the window again.

This is 1984.

In the Soviet Union in 1984, reforms were underway...


The second one today!

Good luck! I will definitely get back the morals!

There is one more thing, wait for me to get up and do it again...