Blooming America

Chapter 1398: "evolution"

"oh, I understand now."

Wheeler hung up.

"It looks like everything is going well. But... my research and physiology shouldn't have much to do with it, right?"

Wheeler was a little skeptical.

John Archibald Wheeler famously said: “If you don’t find anything strange in a day, it’s not a day.”

But only Wheeler could say this, because weirdness is commonplace with him. As one of the top theoretical physicists in the 20th century, what his elders deal with every day are the warping of time and space in Einstein's theory of relativity, or the vague uncertainty and impossibility in quantum physics. They are all strange things that can burn the brains of mortals.

This is the case. On that day in 1978, even Wheeler was shocked. For the first time, a very strange idea flashed in his mind to test our expectations for the behavior of photons. Pushing forward half a century from then, quantum physics has come up with a shocking insight-it turns out that light has a dual character, and sometimes it exhibits particle nature, as if it is composed of a group of discrete and definite trajectories. , And sometimes it shows people with volatility, indeterminate form, extending in space. Of course, it was actually discovered in later physics that everything in the quantum world has such a dual characteristic.

The question that made Wheeler rack his brains also arises from this: which side the light shows, what determines it, and when to make a choice.

The test proposed by Wheeler could not be realized in the laboratory soon, but when the experiment was finally completed, the results obtained were very strange. Now, this experiment has been repeated again, but it only makes the quantum fog even more tangled. Perhaps it is time to give up the specious understanding of these results. Forget the fluctuations, what particles to throw away, and abandon the either-or creed! "Reality" is more confusing than this.

Is the essence of light particles or waves?

Hawking said that the world is made up of waves and particles, and all we see are illusions.

Wheeler said. There are no waves or grains in this world.

Imagine an explosion, two fragments flying out in two opposite directions. The explosion obeys the conservation of momentum, and the mass and velocity of the two fragments are therefore related. But if you don’t know anything about the conservation of momentum, you may easily come to the conclusion that measuring the properties of one fragment determines the properties of the other fragment, without knowing that all results have been determined when the explosion occurs. Is the quantum world also controlled by a similar hidden "reality"?

Wheeler's thought experiment turned out at this time. In order to solve the problem of "what tells the photon how to behave", he used an upgraded version of the double-slit interference experiment. In this thinking experiment, the photon has to choose one of the two paths of an interferometer. At the other end of the interferometer. The two paths either rejoin or no longer meet. If the two paths do not meet, that is, the interferometer is "on", measuring photons is equivalent to placing a detector behind one of the two slits in the double-slit experiment. You will see a single photon follow this or that path to the end. The two paths are completely equal, and the probability of which one goes is 50%.

Alternatively, the photon can also be measured after the paths converge. This state is called "closed". In this case, the results you observe will depend on the length of the two paths in the interferometer. If the two paths are equal in length, and the peaks of the light waves reach a certain detector at the same time, and constructive interference occurs, then 100% of the photons will hit this detector, and there will be no signal from the other detectors. but. By changing the length of a path, you can break the wavefront synchronization and change the interference at the detector from completely constructive to completely destructive, so that it cannot receive any photons. This is equivalent to a double-slit interference experiment where you move from a bright fringe to a nearby dark fringe.

The change Wheeler made is that he delayed the choice of "how to measure photons," and we can wait until the photons have entered the interferometer. Then choose whether the interferometer is "open" or "closed". In this way, it is impossible for a photon to "know" whether it should choose one path or two at the same time—if it is as expected, it is either a particle or a wave.

This experiment was paid attention to by the Hive Lab.

This is why Wheeler is now suspicious.

Because what they are concerned about is not Wheeler's inquiry.

It's the experiment that Wheeler did.

What they are concerned about is the quantization of thinking.

The characteristics that Wheeler discovered are somewhat similar to those of the human mind when thinking.

There are brain waves in our brain all the time. Every neuron in the brain has a voltage. When ions flow in and out of the cell, the voltage changes, which in turn stimulates neighboring neurons to change. Many cells can be stimulated at the same time to produce brain waves.

By "opening" and "closing" to control the path of photons, they can change the limit of photons.

This is not a light brain.

This is completely different from the optical brain that uses light as the transmission unit.

This is using the photon itself as a processing system.

Through interferometers and photons, it is as if through human thinking mode.

Once the problem of "how the photon works" can be solved, it means. It seems that it is possible for humans to use photons instead of electrical signals for thinking.

This will bring huge changes to the world.

Try to think about it.

Still a person's thinking mode can exist in quantum form, then, does this person's ** still have an impact on this person?

the answer is negative.

In another sense, this is...immortality.

Of course, they can't control the length of time quantum exists, nor can they maintain its existence.

However, this does not hinder their research.



Catherine yawned.

This is the plane to China, and Catherine and Lisa are sitting in the first class of the plane.

As for this, there is no one at all.

Because Catherine wrapped it up directly.

Catherine's words caused Andropov's whole body to fall into chaos.

Of course, Andropov is not the only mess.

Catherine was messed up herself.

"As a result, I have to revise the plan now..."

Catherine thought so. At this moment, she was closing her eyes and sorting out the archive.

I have to say, soaking one's body in formalin... No, it's so right in the sink.

because of this. Catherine is now fully able to use the neutrino communication technology and the expanded brain system to access the Internet and program anytime, anywhere.

Although Catherine turned her plan into a mess, it seems that until now, this plan seems to work...

"What's wrong, Kate?"

"Slightly tired..."

Catherine felt light and light, as if her soul was about to leave her body.

I went to bed too late yesterday.

"Then take a good rest, Kate."

Lisa seems to be in good spirits, and she is deciding to expand her clothing business to China.

Of course, Catherine's goal. It's just another one.

"As far as you are concerned, my side is in a lot of trouble..."

Catherine murmured a few words.

Lisa sells clothes, and the cost is not much.

And Catherine talks about business here, often billions, tens of billions. The two parties cannot speak the same day.

"If I can, I plan to deploy the Internet in China... It's a pity..."

Catherine shook her head.

I originally planned to interconnect the world, but the Chinese side seems to be preparing for research. Although the two sides have discussed it, Catherine wants to carry out nationwide network installation, but it is also difficult.


Catherine yawned again.

"what's happenin?"

Lisa couldn't help but looked at Catherine worriedly.

"It's a bit strange, the more I surf the Internet these days, the more tired I feel..."

Catherine rubbed her eyes.

"If you surf the Internet too much, you will be tired."

Lisa was a little funny.

"No. It feels different from before..."

It seems to have started since I connected to the extended brain.

Or, not a class, but a strange feeling of exhaustion?

Catherine could not describe this feeling.

But this strange feeling did make Catherine feel unable to sustain herself.

But if it is not a fully immersive Internet mode, but the use of a monitor, it seems to be completely irrelevant.

This is really strange.

"Go back and ask Jenny. She should know."

Catherine murmured and shook her head.

"I didn't expect it to be like this..."

I don’t know why, Catherine seems to have thought of when she first came into this world...

"Strange...what's wrong with me?"

She shook her head, and then went on to dig out her plan.

Catherine's plan is not just for negotiations in China, but Catherine also intends to incorporate and explain the concept of seele to the Chinese.

After that, Catherine will go to Japan.

But isn't it, Catherine is now paying the price for her casual restraint.

A "transnational" plan. Catherine had to toss back and forth in this world.

In order to make her actions more organized, Catherine simply put together a plan that was entirely her own.

This plan, of course, is the plan of the Mohai Building.

Such an awesome and exciting plan, although Catherine had an infinite headache before, but what a wonderful thing to think that she could make this plan a reality!

"Right. Maybe I should really make a kind of l..."

Catherine murmured again.

l Of course it is the kind of solution Catherine had thought of before.

"The Soup of Life" was perfectly used by Catherine to fool poor Mr. Andropov.

And at this time, the other party should have been entangled by his own plan now, right?

Haha, it's really interesting to think of here...

Catherine suddenly found out that perhaps she was really awesome.

Even such thoughts would come to mind.

"But it's a Although this idea is perfect, this kind of evolution is not what I want..."

Catherine murmured.

"Hmm...what plan?"

Lisa asked.

"What plan do you say? My plan is of course the best in the world~ You just wait for a good show. I am absolutely sure that there will be a surprise~"

By the way, maybe the previous plan...can also start to unfold?

Catherine found that she is really happy now. Although she is still a little far away from her dream, at least she has undergone tremendous changes from her previous life.

Change is the best step.


Today’s festival...
