Blooming America

Chapter 1473: Lao Wang's Journey to Hope Country (Part

Spring is always refreshing.

"Ah, America! A free country! The hope of mankind!"

Lao Wang got off the plane and burst into tears.

I finally came to this longing country.

Since twenty years ago, Lao Wang has been preaching about the United States, even when he was knocked down in the bullpen, he remained unchanging.

However, one day, he was rehabilitated!

From that moment on, Lao Wang decided to imitate his ancestors and become a big traitor.

Of course, this time he looked for the master, instead of learning from his father choosing Japan, he chose the most powerful country now, the United States.

And now, I finally came to the hopeful country of my dreams! Beacon country!

Here is the hope of mankind! Here is a beacon of freedom!


Los Angeles, the second largest city in the United States.

"Ah, the jewel of the West Coast, the beautiful city of angels. Look, you can breathe the fresh air exhaust, and it is more fragrant than the fresh air of a dictatorship!"

When Lao Wang saw the city, he knew that his choice was absolutely not wrong.

Only my Great America can create such a prosperous city with modern momentum!

"Mr. Wang, welcome to America."

Agent a was already waiting outside at this time.

"Sir, hello, hello!"

Lao Wang immediately looked at each other, bowed again, and smiled again.

The agent was a little uncomfortable by Lao Wang's movements, and the strange English sounded weird no matter how you heard it.

"Mr. Wang, please get in the car first, your training has been arranged."

"Great, great..."

Lao Wang nodded excitedly.

And the agent a looked at this person with emotion. They can now be said to have gathered a large number of conscientious intellectuals in the two opposite countries to spread American ideas. But what makes him a little uncomfortable is that these people always like to exaggerate America into a heaven on earth.

It’s okay to be praised. But I don't know why. After hearing such blatant compliments... Nima, what's the swelling feeling like being ironic? !

But the disgusting words of these people... the other party seems to be really sincere.

This kind of very dark pig teammate has caused disgust in the Soviet Union. For example, Solzhenitsyn, a dissident, is now standing on the Soviet side and pk with those people. This is enough to explain the failure of these people.

Therefore, they must use new methods to train these people.

After getting in the car, Lao Wang was very excited. He has been studying English for ten years, isn't it just to wait for this day?

Pan Wang Shi, Pan Wang Shi.

Now that I have finally come to Hope Country, this is simply a dream come true!

"We need about two hours to go to Divano. We will arrange accommodation for you later. The rest of the itinerary is here, you can see for yourself."

The agent handed over the list of tomorrow's training course to the other party.

Perhaps because of the Ark Group, China and the United States in this world have closer exchanges at this time, and there are more and more people like Lao Wang, and A also knows that this is an opportunity.

China does not have the headaches of the Soviet Union, but in order to prevent such a situation, they must train their business personnel.

"Excuse me, sir. What's the main thing about my training this time?"

"You will get the title of a PhD in economics recognized by the school district, and then we will appoint someone to help you write a thesis, and use public opinion to promote you as an economist in the new era."

Lao Wang was stunned by what the other party said: "But I don't understand economics at all!"

An economist recognized by the school district, this honor is extraordinary! But the problem is. Lao Wang doesn't understand economics at all!

This time, Lao Wang's name for going abroad was to study in the United States, but he originally thought that he just had to fool around. But the other party actually said that he wanted to promote himself as the economist of the new era? !

"So we hired a few real scholars to help you write the thesis... As for your task. It's actually very simple. It's just to participate in our training."

Hearing what the other party said, Lao Wang was relieved, so he asked again: "Can you tell me. What is the specific training situation like?"

The agent thought for a while, and then said: "In fact, there is nothing but to guide public opinion, using methods such as secretly changing concepts and showing some facts to achieve the goal... Let me give an example."

The agent said: "If there is a murder in your country, you can call it'the world is going down.' If the country catches the murderer, you can start from the perpetrator's point of view and proclaim that the other party is.' Passionate killing' or something like that, if your country executes the other party, it's the'cruel and bad habits of the barbaric country'."

Lao Wang's eyes lit up: "This trick is high!"

But then he became suspicious again: "If our country reports something related to your country, what should I do?"

The detective didn't care much: "If our country catches the murderer, then you will promote the'U.S. police heroes catch the enemy.' If we sentence the opponent to death, you will promote'the kingdom of hope will let justice be done.'"

"So that's it." Old Wang was really convinced.

After the two asked and answered, the car quickly arrived at Divano.

"Director, I have already brought people."

After getting out of the car, the agent took Wang Yushi into an office and saw a middle-aged man in a neat suit.

"Can this person do it?"

The director is meeting with guests at this time.

Lao Wang noticed it. It was a blonde girl with a bulging head and a back curl. She looked pretty!

There was no decoration on the girl, just a clean white dress.

At this time, the other party was sipping coffee on the sofa, his movements were elegant and skillful, and he couldn't say it was a lady.

This director will really enjoy it!

I don’t know if they had that before they came here...hehe...hehe...

The director was disappointed when he saw Lao Wang's face like a **** and a traitor. He knew that this man named Wang was the illegitimate son of a traitor in the past. Although this person is somewhat famous, his appearance seems to be too...that wretched, right?

Is it possible for such people to gain the trust of the people and become public intellectuals and public opinion leaders?

To give hope to such a person, I am afraid it can only be counterproductive!

"Sir! I am a big traitor! I am Wang Jingwei's third son. The word traitor is nothing more appropriate than me!"

After Wang Yushi heard what the other party said, he was immediately anxious.

"I was born an American, died an American dog, my lord, you can't drive me away!"


Catherine, who took advantage of this opportunity to come to join in the fun, squirted out the black tea in her mouth after hearing these words.


The whole person has been drained...

Well, resume the update. (To be continued...)