Blooming America

Chapter 1542: Dress

"Eh, but isn't this completely closed?"

Lisa looked under Catherine and couldn't help but touch it with her finger, but she slipped in.


Catherine took a step back calmly.

"Deep into it... You can't even see it on the surface."

"Because it's black..." Catherine put down her skirt.

"Of course, it fits perfectly. I remember looking at the data at the time, and it seems to have been deep into the sub... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Jenny's mouth was tangled in Catherine's hair.

Catherine breathed a sigh of relief when Jenny stopped talking.

But this kind of feeling is really peculiar. Wearing such tights on the body envelops oneself, giving people a very subtle feeling. In fact, not only is there in the front, but also in the back.

This set of universal interfaces gave Catherine the feeling as if it were a second skin. It's just different from my previous equipment, this device has a very tight feeling on the body, just like a real latex suit.

And Catherine's own figure, under this tight latex jacket, is also more prominent.

"Why is it so tight?" Catherine was a little awkward: "This feeling is like being hugged tightly all over the body, and it's very awkward to move. Especially the neck, I feel a little trouble breathing."

Although the figure is very good, but the shape of the body part can basically be seen, which is a bit embarrassing. But there was still a little excitement.

"Miss Edson, this is to make the nerve and the interface perfectly match, so it is so." At this time, the person in charge has already walked in: "As for the neck, it is because you have not turned on the head equipment. So the material is on the neck. Because there is more material, it is tighter."

"So that's it." Then again. Catherine can breathe without relying on the trachea, but if you breathe like a normal person, it feels smoother. At this time, Catherine noticed that the person in charge was holding a suitcase, and she asked: "Is this the equipment?"

"Yes, plus you modify the uniform, there are three sets of alternative clothes here."

Catherine nodded.

"Okay, Kate, take off your clothes, I want to see the clothes you designed yourself!"

Lisa is quite interested in Catherine's design.


Catherine was a little embarrassed.

Because the clothes completely highlight the relationship between the figure. She suddenly discovered that if she was wearing the clothes she designed, the bumps could be completely exposed. This shame is absolutely exaggerated. What's more, under oneself... Is this about the same?

But also, after the other party took out the costume, Catherine realized that what the other party took out was a blue latex jumpsuit covering the upper body, similar to a high-fork swimsuit underneath. It's just that the edges are fixed by metal. On the top, the shoulders are designed with folds, leaving room for shoulder movement.

As for the arm. I use the same latex gloves as my body, and the edges of the gloves are just covered by clothes. In addition, the arm can also be equipped with two metal gloves accessories.

As for the lower body, this is a pair of stockings that are the same blue. There are socks on the top, and high heels on the bottom, if you want to fight. There are also offensive equipment to choose from.

In addition, this costume has a decorative hat.

"Well, it's not bad." Except for the color, this s feels good.

"Eh, but Kate, is the chest really okay?" Jenny looked at Catherine's chest with some worry: "Although it’s nice to dress in private, would it be a bit...uh...over it? ?"


Catherine only discovered that because the tights outside was still very close to the body, so... uh, bumps.

"Ahem..." Since this is a pure story, Catherine decided to diverge from the subject: "Don't talk about this first, tell me first, how should I control this universal interface on my body?"

"Just use your will. But if you want to wrap your head, you need to shield your hair. In addition, this uniform outside is bulletproof, although the preparation for you is just decoration Sexual, but if it is handed over to your private army, the effect should be better to use."


Catherine's universal interface, most people can't use it, let alone the designed function. For Catherine, it is okay to make a set of clothing directly with the universal interface on her body, but for others, it is not.

"Then I will give it a try."

Catherine did not shield her hair, but directly stretched the latex to wrap her face, like a ninja mask.

Catherine was able to sense that when her heart surged, countless signals were sent out, and then entered the universal interface, prompting the other party to move.

And this dress will also transfer the surface touch to Catherine's body, allowing her to have a subtle feeling through this dress. At this moment, the person in charge's cell phone rang, and after saying sorry to Catherine, she left.


Although they are all women, they are strangers after all. The situation just now was indeed a bit embarrassing.

"This dress feels good."

Lisa touched Catherine's clothes: "It's better than normal latex."

"It is true. But it is very troublesome if others wear it. If I come, there will be no problem."

The human body will continue to accumulate waste on the surface, but if it is Catherine, then there is no need to worry about this at all, there is no problem for how long the clothes are worn.

This is also the difference between ordinary people's suits and Catherine's equipment and the difficulty of design. Catherine does not need to consider the adverse effects of clothes on the body at all, but others cannot ignore it.

"It's the bump on the chest..."

Catherine's whole expression changed to>_

"Isn't it pretty good, shameful to play..." Jenny finally stopped laughing at Catherine's embarrassed expression: "Kate, don't forget, the universal interface has a certain deformation ability!"

"Ah, yes..."

Catherine suddenly realized, the next moment. Her chest surged, and then the bump disappeared. Catherine nodded in satisfaction. In this case, this piece of equipment would be much better.

"Let me see the second set..."

The blue and white backless dress and beret look very good, and there is a coat outside.

"This is a daily action outfit, I remember it seems to be our design." Lisa has worked with this side, and she has some understanding of the clothes she designed.

"Why does this dress have such a strong sense of sight? I've definitely seen it somewhere."

"Of course, because the inspiration comes from Kate's game."

"Uh...I remember."

This dress is really a "military uniform". It's just the uniform of the world unity and organization in the "Apocalypse" that Catherine once pulled out for the arcade machine. Well, more strictly speaking, it is the Noelle's s outfit in this game.

"This dress is more suitable than Kate you designed." Jenny resolutely complained.

"Cut, I just modified the first candidate equipment a little bit. Although this outfit is more beautiful, the material and coverage area are too large to put it on the universal interface."

Indeed, except for Catherine herself, the direct contact area between the clothing on the surface of other people and the universal interface should be as small as possible. Unless they also have Catherine's phantom energy.

As for the third set, it is a coat, a pair of boots and a belt. It meets the requirements.

"Well... why do I feel like I am going to the street wearing this suit, and there is a feeling of exposing play?" Well, it feels more austere than Catherine's in this outfit.

"Miss Edson, have you tried these designs?" At this time. The person in charge who had finished the call came in again.

"Well, the effect is indeed okay. The first set of daily equipment should be positioned, if external actions are required. The second set will be used as casual wear..."

The second set is actually very good. Although it cannot be used when on duty, it can be used as casual wear on weekdays. not to mention. Catherine felt that with a slight modification, in the future, she could set her own American error as a military uniform.

Well, I believe Roy Dazuo will like this mini skirt design.

"Well, let's try is, this is our highlight, isn't it?"

Indeed, relative to the ergonomic content, this is the real play. However, if Ida were here, she would probably think that the ergonomic content just now was the real story...xd (advertisement 90 degrees clockwise).

"By the way, what is the design of this is?" Jenny didn't know much about Catherine's plan.

"Didn't you explain it when you were in the car, it's just the future air combat equipment." Catherine said with a smile.

"Of course I know it is air combat equipment, but do you really think that this kind of thing can appear on the battlefield in the future?"

Catherine's goal is to turn is into the future battle standard.

In fact, Catherine also considered the costume of the figure of the dance me, but from the aesthetic point of view, Catherine still shamelessly chose is.

Well, it's all plagiarism anyway.

"Of course." Catherine said confidently.


"Because... the future war, I have the final say."

Catherine said.

——Actually, she just relapsed.

But Catherine felt pretty good.

Well, it is best for men to enlist in the army, first cut off the small jj, and then undergo **** reassignment surgery to become a soft girl.

If this world were all soft girls, Catherine felt that such a world must not be far from the beautiful new world in her mind.

Catherine's thoughts of ghosts made Jenny express deep concern.

"As long as the anti-gravity is done, I think there is no problem if I want to equip others. And I think it is not very difficult for us to solve this problem now."

As Catherine spoke, she took the Beta-1 equipment out of the container.

"Unfortunately, this place is a bit small."

But Catherine is just trying it out for a while.

"What is anti-gravity?" Lisa asked curiously.

"It's just the suspension in science fiction." Catherine said simply.

"Can this be done?" Lisa was surprised. Anti-gravity or something, although it often appears in all kinds of works, but basically people with scientific common sense know that anti-gravity is difficult and difficult to achieve.

But there is Jenny next to it. She thinks this is very possible: "It's because of the phantom energy. If you can analyze the phantom energy, you can control the space. Gravity is the distortion of space, and using the phantom energy to temporarily eliminate this distortion... This is anti-gravity."

Indeed, it is much simpler to analyze low-dimensional things from a high-dimensional perspective.

For example, a life on paper wants to go from one end of the paper to the other, but it is blocked by a line in the middle, but for a three-dimensional life, this line is not the same thing at all! Not even an obstacle!

It's not a problem of technical difficulty, but a simpler way. The original technology has been "jumped", so it is easier to develop anti-gravity.

Without the existence of Catherine, this kind of anti-gravity research would have been impossible for the entire 21st century, right?

After putting on the equipment, Catherine seemed to have become a future weapon from the anime story.

"Oh, that's cool."

Both of them couldn't help but admire.

"The armor connection is complete..."

At this time, Catherine was using a universal interface to connect with this copycat is armor.

This equipment uses a pure white coating. Wrapped Catherine's limbs in the armored machine.

Because it is a beta equipment, the scheduled helmet is not equipped, so Catherine's head is exposed.

Soon, a virtual screen appeared in front of Catherine.

Catherine has no electronic brain. This virtual screen is generated by electronic signals fed back by is.

"20mm machine gun, not equipped with...receiving radar, not equipped with...neutrino communication device, working it only melee equipment..."

Catherine said. A black long knife was drawn from the armor, about two meters in length, which looked very deterrent.

"Cut. It's a pity that there is no special move."

Catherine was a pity.

After all, knockoffs are just knockoffs.

Not only can it be used by others, but there is also no way to use Super Kill.

Well, this is not anime, but the real world.

Thinking of this, Catherine also knew that there was no alternative.

"If there is a particle sword, it would be even better." Catherine said.

"But just think about close combat... is that okay?" Jenny still has some common sense of war.

"Of course, we have considered long-range, but if we let people with psychic energy drive at that time...Do we still need to guard against long-range attacks?"

What Catherine said is not entirely unreasonable. Because if you use phantom energy, you can simulate the effect of the Klein field.

Hawking believes that it takes half of the world to achieve this, but if it is for Catherine herself, as long as the theory is perfected, this will not be a problem for her at all.

"Well, but in this case, the future war..."

Doesn't it really become a mecha pk?

Jenny felt her face twisted.

This feeling is really weird.

Having said that, our world is indeed the real world, right? Haven't been invaded by two-dimensional mecha creatures?

This kind of unscientific thing can really kill multiple turrets and kick the RPG?

Fortunately, for my Great Ivan Party, this Mecha Party is not enough...

Well, Jenny is a staunch supporter of the Great Iwan Party. Under the influence of the hydrogen bomb, all the multi-turrets and rpg pagans will be turned into ashes...

"Okay, it's time to try the second set~"

Catherine was in high spirits.


On the other side, a freighter took a long journey from Tokyo, through Hawaii, and then to Los Angeles.

This is a very ordinary freighter, and the people on the ship are just ordinary American citizens.

However, on this ship, there was a strange figure.


The four-legged monster quietly got off the ship.

At this time, the monster had undergone drastic changes from before taking Catherine's spare body.

The monster's head has disappeared, replaced by a mouthpart like a chrysanthemum, and near this mouthpart, there are circles of shark-like teeth.

The carapace on the monster's body is also completely gone, and the red muscles are exposed in the air, which makes people feel terrified.

Although there is no head, the monster seems to be very familiar with the human world.

He knows how to avoid passing crew members and can even bypass surveillance cameras.

It ran into a truck silently, hiding behind it.


The driver Bob seemed to feel some movement in the truck, so he walked off.

" did the car door open?"

He muttered, then closed the car door.

Back in the car, the driver was a little grateful: "I'm going to Utah soon. If the goods fall on the road, it will be trouble. Thank God."

Although most of the United States uses trains to transport goods, trucks and the like are not absent.

It's just that this poor driver absolutely doesn't know what terrifying things are on his truck...


It is still a two-in-one chapter.

To make a complaint, the cleaning of the mechanical keyboard is really time-consuming, and you have to turn the keys back one by one...By the way, a sunflower seed shell was found under the v key, which hadn't been eaten for a long time.

Information that can be made public: Roy Dazuo is from Steelmaking, and he has the ambition to become president and then change the national women's military uniforms into miniskirts. Catherine expressed his enthusiasm for this. (To be continued...)