Blooming America

Chapter 1551: A world that is breaking down day by day

East Valley Laboratory. .

Shayelo beside the mountain sitting in the office is looking at the documents handed over by the US military.

"I didn't expect that the Americans would have done so many frantic experiments. With the previous information, it would be really helpful to us..."

There are a lot of materials, from all kinds of animal experiments, even to the 731 period experimental materials, it can be said that there are everything.

And these experiments are excellent and wonderful materials for Donggu Lab.

"I heard that the Americans seem to be preparing to open the Shibuya area to various laboratories. Really?"

"I don't know, but a lot of laboratories have come here recently, probably... it's possible."

Yamanobi heard what seemed to be a conversation between the two researchers next to him.

"It's true." Yamanobe answered their question.

"The Americans are so true. If there were only us in that place, it would be a great place for research, but now it is going to compete with others..."

The researcher seemed to be fighting injustice before.

"We don't have the ability to keep studying like this for a place like that." Yamanobe said, "Our strength is simply not enough, so for us, such a big place is a great waste."

Indeed, the experiments of the Toya Laboratory are more concentrated in the laboratory. The preliminary experiments have been carried out for a year, and the scale has been reduced a lot, so it does not matter whether Shibuya is handed over to others for research.

What's more, now Shibuya can be said to be more and more dangerous.

That place is becoming more and more dangerous for people in Tokyo now.

For more than a year, the Americans completely blocked the underground waterways in the Shibuya area and set up a blank area nearby, but this is still insufficient.

According to the news obtained by Shayelo on the side of the mountain, the Americans are planning to use a wall to completely seal off the Shibuya area.

"However, the sample area is indeed too small." Sayero Beside the mountain muttered with words that he could hear: "If there is only the Shibuya area, such a small sample will not form a complete ecological link in the future. ...At least, it has to be extended to the whole of Tokyo..."

Something full of danger murmured in her mouth.

It would be great if the virus could spread further.

Although this idea is crazy, but... it seems to make people full of expectations, doesn't it?

The size of the entire Tokyo is 2188 square kilometers. If the entire Tokyo is turned into such a place of horror, it is indeed very likely to form a new ecological environment.

Of course, the premise is that these monsters can expand to such a point.

"I remember that there are some recent images of Shibuya here, so let me see." Sayero beside the mountain gave orders to his men.


After the two researchers heard Sayero's words on the side of the mountain, they immediately brought the relevant information.

In this screen, the situation in Shibuya is shown in the recent period.

That place is now completely covered by green plants, and the building has become the "branch" of some plants. This place has now completely become a paradise for monsters.

"Although we did not find any monsters, there is no doubt that those guys who may have intelligence are waiting for us in this place."

The researcher next to him explained so.

"But this place does seem to have formed a wonderful environment."

Maybe... there may be that value.

"Well, let me give it to me for now, you go and see the condition of the experimental subject."


The two bowed respectfully towards the side of the mountain, then turned and left.

On the side of the mountain, Shayelo looked at the environment at this time, but didn't know what he was thinking.

"Are you interested in the situation in Shibuya?"

A voice suddenly came from Sayero's personal computer on the side of the mountain.

That computer is one of only a few computers connected to the Internet in this laboratory.

"Oh...? Who are you?"

Shayelo on the side of the mountain noticed that the indicator light of his microphone was on.

"You can call me'Tomoko'. This name is very convenient for us to communicate and communicate."

"That extraterrestrial life? Is there anything you want to do when you come here?"

"I'm just curious about human life, you don't need to care about it at all."

"I don't care what you are, to me, your existence has no meaning or value."

Shayelo said unceremoniously on the side of the mountain.

"Why do you have such a view?"

Tomoko asked curiously.

"Because what I study is the evolution of mankind, and I absolutely don't want your advice-I want to create my own path of evolution."

"Why are you so fascinated by evolution?" Tomoko asked.

"I don't know if you know about our sci-fi works? Miss Alien." Sayero on the side of the mountain said a pragmatic sentence at this time.

"There are electronic books, I should know them all."

"That's it." Sayero on the side of the mountain nodded: "Many sci-fi works once believed that the heads of humans in the future would become very large to accommodate enlarged brains-but this claim is totally unfounded. Humans. The size of the brain has reached an anatomical limit. If the human brain continues to grow, more mothers will die in childbirth. So in terms of evolutionary selection, this trend will not continue."

"Tomoko" or Alice Phil, the manager of the Holy Grail, did not speak at this time.

"Perhaps you should know "Time Machine". Many people also think that humans in the future world should be like this: after a long period of time, humans will be divided into two subspecies-a relatively low intelligence, a dwarf clown, and The other is taller, more beautiful and healthier, more intelligent and creative, and the latter, superhuman subspecies, will eventually be corrupted by omnipotent technology and become tame animals-but how could that happen? What's the matter? Human intelligence is determined by a large number of genetic codes, and will not lose a trace of intelligence at all. That kind of result will never happen."


On the side of the mountain, Shayeluo's expression suddenly became ferocious, and her voice became high-pitched.

"--But this kind of human being, this kind of evolution, this kind of future, how interesting this is! Compared with our current human beings, isn't this a wonderful change?"

"Why do you think so?" "Tomoko" asked.

"Because from the most reasonable point of view... the evolution of human beings is too boring." Shayelo on the side of the mountain looked at the ceiling with a hollow gaze: "Without the interference of external factors, the appearance of human beings will change. The fusion of races has become the same-according to the calculation, all of us will eventually have chocolate-colored hair and a medium body, and extreme individuals will disappear. Of course, there is no doubt that when it comes to the future of human evolution, we cannot One thing that is overlooked is that the changes in humans in the past are the result of genetic design. Perhaps you can refer to the robotic works of DreamWorks in this regard."

"Human evolution does have a trend in this respect." Sophon also agreed.

"Yes-but such a future... is too monotonous."

On the side of the mountain, Shayelo suddenly touched a photo in hand, which was Catherine.

"So... I think humans may be able to have a more ‘rich’ life. It’s interesting, isn’t it?"

"I can't understand."

Tomoko disconnected.

However, Shayelo beside the mountain looked at the information at hand and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Once the population is fragmented, evolution will also diverge after a long enough period of time and there is almost no hybridization. Although people with shorter lifespans can increase the lifespan of their descendants through genetic engineering, there is a difference between human populations. The level of heterozygosity will still remain low. And segregation measures are not feasible in today's era, and...I can't wait that long."

She looked at another document in her hand.

"But I may have a way..."



Catherine gradually woke up from the hazy environment.

Have you switched to the spare body now?

Too unrealistic.

Catherine was a little puzzled, because when she opened her eyes, she found that her vision seemed a little wrong.

——Now this place is completely dark, right?

But why can I still see what is in front of me in this dark environment...

Yes, there seems to be something in front of my own eyes.

Is it... the cave?

No, it's a creamy piece of meat.

This feeling is like seeing those pieces of meat in the East Valley Laboratory.

"In other words, I'm probably in the East Valley Laboratory right now?"

Catherine felt her **** was sore and swollen, a feeling Catherine had never felt before.

"What did they do to my body?"

Catherine couldn't help but tapped her head with her hand.

But the next moment, Catherine felt something wrong.


It's not the feeling of fingers, but something that seems to resemble a carapace.

Catherine stretched out her hand in front of her.


Catherine sat up in fright.

——That's not a hand, it's a claw.

This was Catherine's first impression after seeing her hands.

And when Catherine sat up, she felt a shock: Because this is no longer a finger, it is more appropriate to call it a "claw".


She has a bad feeling.

What is this weird place?

She looked down, and there were some green egg sacs on the ground, which were similar to what she had seen in the East Valley Laboratory.

At this time, Catherine noticed that there seemed to be a hole in front.

"Wait, it seems that it's not night time in Japan..."

A very bad thing.

Catherine immediately walked to the entrance of the cave, and then looked outside.

A mountain road and jungle, here is undoubtedly the wild.

Moreover, it seems to be an uninhabited place.

"Is this a different world? Ha, a three-day journey?"

Catherine stood up.

She found that her heels had more bones, and her feet were covered with a strange carapace, as if she were wearing a pair of boots.

"not that simple……"

Catherine suddenly noticed that when she stood up, these shells seemed to make her movements easier, and these shells seemed to have a supporting role?

But now is not the time to study these.

"Speaking of which, what have I become now?"

At the beginning, Catherine was not worried about her spare body being treated in a strange way, but now it seems that the situation is not so wonderful...

Leaving the cave, Catherine looked up at the sky, the moon was still there.

Well, at least Catherine felt that she should still be on Earth right now.

Seeing a path, Catherine headed north.

Although it was night, Catherine found that her eyesight seemed very good. Although he is now an "ordinary person" from the perspective of sex, this body is not ordinary.

Soon, Catherine saw a small pond, and a road passed by the pond.


Is it Europe or... America?

Catherine walked to the edge of the pond, and then poked her head over—at least know what she looks like now...

"Broken... This world must be broken!"

Catherine rubbed her face.

Well, she chose the last name and forgot the memory of those few seconds before.

"Oh-what should I do now?"

For the next 72 hours, I will be in this body.

Originally, this was the "escape" time for Catherine, but now Catherine just wants to quickly escape from this already "inhuman" body.

The shame level is too high.

It is even more shameful than the high-standard Gothic school uniforms we designed.

Perhaps God heard Catherine's voice, and a truck suddenly stopped to the side of the road at this moment. A white man came down from above and walked towards the woods, seeming to be solving a physical problem.

Although it was far away, Catherine could still see the license plate.

——At least now she can confirm that she should still be in the United States.

"I hope it's just being regarded as a SPLAY lover."

Thinking of this, Catherine was about to call the man.


A high-pitched scream squeezed out of Catherine's throat, she never thought that her high pitch was so terrifying!

"Who is there?!"

This driver who is solving physical problems cannot ignore Catherine's yelling.

He flashed a flashlight and walked towards Catherine.

", it's okay, you just borrowed the phone."

Catherine rubbed her face, then walked towards the man.

At this time, the light from the flashlight also shone on Catherine.

"These gentlemen--" Catherine was organizing her own language to fool each other.

But she immediately realized that it was unnecessary.

Because the man had fainted with foam at the mouth.


Catherine was speechless. She walked over, and after checking it, she found the man's cell phone.

"Well, it saves me at least..."


Today is the festival**. I have had something in the past two days, and tomorrow I will fire the artillery. This is the rhythm of being squeezed out... (To be continued.)