Blooming America

Chapter 214: Hong Kong in May

Chapter 4 Hong Kong in May

"Kate, don't worry, the Hong Kong British government can control the situation in Hong Kong."

Bruce comforted Catherine on the phone.

"Dad... be careful."

To be honest, Catherine had no bottom at all, this matter was indeed a bit dangerous.

Catherine didn't know how big the incident would be, and because it was related to her relatives, Catherine was very worried about it.

On May 5, the labor tide began to deteriorate. Some workers in the branch of the artificial flower factory in Hong Kong began to block the factory's shipments. The scene was tense.

Because of the propaganda of the left, the entire East Kowloon area seemed to be turned into a gunpowder keg.

At the same time, the employees of the umbrella company were also transferred to Hong Kong by a large margin.

Bruce began to launch the umbrella company's promotional activities in Hong Kong.

Suddenly, security company advertisements began to appear in Hong Kong overwhelmingly.

"American veterans" and "professional personal protection", these are Bruce's advertising slogans.

On May 6, the police training detachment arrived at the scene for alert, but the workers outside the factory not only did not disperse, but also clashed with the police officers on the scene. One worker was arrested by the police and several workers were injured. Man was sentenced to jail, and union representatives went to the police station and were also detained.

On May 7, workers, representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions and other supporters took to the streets to demonstrate. Demonstrators imitated the practice of Ge Ge, holding "Quotations" and chanting slogans. The police training detachment fired tear gas and wooden bullets to disperse the demonstrators and arrested 7 people.

On May, Lin Shenhe led the brothers into the workers.

In the waves there are white forests and deep rivers.

Although this nickname sounds very good, in fact, it is derogatory. Of course, for those who don't know the allusion, this is actually very popular.

Every time Lin Shenhe slashed, he rushed to the front. His body was strong, and his wounds were almost healed even if it was the gun from last month.

And the origin of this nickname derives from Lin Shenhe's most headache swimming - he will naturally sink when he gets into the water, which completely violates the natural law of human beings less dense than water.

No matter how much he threw, it didn't work.

In order to save face, he once specially invited a teacher to teach him swimming and spent a lot of money. In the end, when he came into the water, he still sank straight, and his actions sometimes had a counterproductive effect.

At this time, Lin Shenhe felt that he was about to sink to the bottom of the river.

"This place in Xin Po Gang is too messy, boss... why are we here?"

"Stop talking nonsense, we will get things done now, and when it's done, everyone will get dollars."

Hearing this, the group of subordinates gradually settled down. They have all received the US dollar deposit, and after the incident, there will be US dollars. What they have to do is to pay attention to the progress of the matter, and report its overview to the umbrella company at any time, so that the umbrella company can react to the matter in the first time.

Lin Shenhe felt that things seemed a little different today, and the whole atmosphere seemed much more fanatical than the previous days.

"Down with the capitalists"

"Down with the British colonists"

Gradually, Lin Shenhe began to realize that something seemed to be wrong, and his slogan... changed.

"No...Is it really..."

He jumped up.

"Big dog, hurry up, you go find a place, then call this phone and tell them that something is wrong, it seems to be..."

Lin Shenhe looked around, and now he is also in the ranks of workers.

"It seems to be... the red tide..."

He whispered.

"Yes, boss."

The thug named Dagou left immediately.

On the other side, Bruce was also taken aback by the news.

This matter actually got to this point

"It can only depend on the British Hong Kong government."

Bruce frowned deeply.

At this time, his company has been taken to the edge of the cliff.

Should we cross the cliff or find another way?

This riot is a big event, but if it works well, it will be a good thing.

This thing can't be impulsive

"Let's wait and see for a while."

Bruce finally made this decision.

On May, the riots spread to Wong Tai Sin and To Kwa Wan. The authorities dispatched a large number of British troops and police training detachments to suppress it. At the same time, a certain newspaper added to the flames.

At the same time, the Umbrella Company’s consultation calls have suddenly doubled.

The famous "May Storm" or "Six or Seven Riots" in Hong Kong's history has already begun.

If this is the case, Bruce may still be happy. After all, this is very helpful for his company's business expansion.

But the problem is that, besides this, the other party actually made all kinds of real and fake bombs.

These bombs are the biggest trouble affecting the company.

If this matter is not resolved, the problem will be serious.

After all, the other party is using bombs and "fraud bombs" to use each other, true or false, false and true, which is a headache.

The situation in Hong Kong has become very delicate.

On Lin Shenhe's side, as a second-to-five son, he was caught in the crowd, and he was miserable.

The friction between the British police and workers is getting deeper and deeper. Obviously, the contradiction is getting bigger and bigger.

This incident has spread from East Kowloon... God knows what will happen in the future.

The situation in Hong Kong is getting more and more tense, but in the future, this cruel situation will continue to permeate...


On the other side, Catherine also set her sights on Hong Kong.

Since his father intends to stay in Hong Kong, Catherine has no way to get him back.

In fact, Catherine also wanted to go to Hong Kong.

The intuition of Catherine's big capitalist made her know that Hong Kong is definitely a place full of business opportunities.

Not just umbrella companies, there are other places.

Catherine frowned, but soon her eyes lit up.

"Buying a house and buying the bottom of the market"

What industry is the most profitable?

What industry is the most profitable?

real estate

You know, the land price of real estate in Beijing and Tokyo in the future will be able to exceed the GDP of the United States. Is it more profitable?

And after June, your company will have funds. At that time, why can't you speculate in Hong Kong real estate?

If the money is still not enough, it’s a big deal that you can mortgage it after you build the factory.

During the storm, economic losses were also caused, forcing some citizens to sell their property and leave Hong Kong, causing the first wave of immigration in Hong Kong.

And at this time, Hong Kong's housing market plummeted, and it was only in 969 that it gradually recovered.

I...I can buy the bottom of the Hong Kong housing market.

However, Catherine does not intend to rush to Hong Kong in one go, but is ready to wait until next year, and then go hunting down... After all, this incident will not end until the end of the year.

And at that time, he can also be richer on hand.

At the same time, Catherine was also going to meet someone-Vicente Fox Quesada.

Catherine has always wanted to hire a professional manager for DreamWorks, and this person, she has been targeting, is this Vicente Fox Quesada.

"Hello, Miss Edson."

The other party was still a young man who just came out of Harvard. When he saw Catherine, the other party seemed to be very curious about what kind of person was able to build such a large-scale enterprise when he was less than twenty years old. ?

"Hello, Mr. Quesada."

Catherine found it very interesting to see the future president of Mexico.

Catherine has seen photos of him in college. He wears a cowboy costume, a broad-brimmed straw hat, leather toe cap boots, and a wide shiny waist belt. He still has a short shepherd beard.

But now, the other party is wearing a proper suit, and the most iconic short beard has also been shaved.

There is no doubt that the other party has real talents and real learning.

The other party is a professional broker, the future President of Mexico, and he also ran Coca-Cola, the president of Coca-Cola Latin America.

——Of course, this is in Catherine's "future".

As for now...he can only work for Catherine.

Quesada was a little cramped.

After all, at this time, he was just a job seeker, but Catherine was the head of a large company.

Although Catherine had found each other before, Quesada still had her own studies.

"Mr. Quesada, what do you think of our company?"

Catherine asked.

Although the other party has real talents, but there are some problems, Catherine feels that she still has to test it.

After all, the other party is just a young man now, and it has been a year since he became president.

"Your company's exhibition is very smooth, but the company's exhibition has been unable to keep up with the market demand, so it is imperative to increase investment."

Catherine nodded, and the other side said something.

"Then what do you think of DreamWorks?"

"What about DreamWorks..." The other party sorted out and organized his own language a bit. "DreamWorks is now presenting a conscience exhibition. Various movies and TV series are very popular. The most important word of mouth as a film manufacturer has already been established. But I I think the company’s film output is still too small. Although there are many films produced and styled every year, it is really not worth mentioning compared to Hollywood. The value of the brand is completely out of proportion to the benefits obtained. I think We are fully able to sign more new stars and directors to expand our exhibition as much as possible..."

The other party paused, and then continued.

"Of course, based on cost considerations, we need to focus on low-cost movies for the time being ~ preferably feature films. As long as this type of film has a good script, there is basically no problem in shooting it, and it is widely accepted. Welcome, and the cost is not high."

Catherine was satisfied with the answer.

The other party has obviously already done their homework.

However, it is impossible for Catherine to make him a president in this way.

After all, DreamWorks is not the same as Inte1.

Catherine sits in Inte1 every day, but in DreamWorks, Catherine can't give him the entire industry so easily.

After thinking about it for a long time, Catherine decided to let the other party stay at the bottom for a year, and then gradually promote his position.

After all, without the experience at the bottom, a person wants to succeed, that is no different from empty talk.


Uh...I am still a little worried about harmony, um, let's do it, Hong Kong will be briefly described later...