Blooming America

Chapter 353: The work of MIB

Chapter 353 b's work

The French are desperate, the British are seeking their own way, and the Americans are beating soy sauce.

Relatively speaking, Americans who are waving the banner of the "free world" are quite superior.

Although the United States has also been influenced by the red ideological trend, it is only a small number of people after all.

The national power of the United States is in a rising stage. For Americans at this time, the "American Dream" is their pursuit.

Just like the "Mr. Terminator" in front of me.

"Don't care about facial expressions, you're just a robot... a robot born specifically for killing... and your expression system is just additional. What you need is to kill the enemy... ok?"

Catherine was explaining to Schwarzenegger.

Although most of Schwarzenegger's performances are Iron Man Terminators with expressionless faces in battle, there are still some plots that require acting skills.

If handed over to an ordinary actor, it may not be able to do it in one step, but Catherine believes that Schwarzenegger can do it.

The identity of the Terminator is simply tailored for Schwarzenegger.

Schwarzenegger hasn't acted in any scene yet. When filming, his facial expressions and even his movements were extremely rigid. Although Schwarzenegger's IQ is very high, it takes a step-by-step approach to improve his acting skills.

This natural feeling makes people feel that Schwarzenegger should be a ruthless terminator, not a real human being.

"So, let's get started!"

There was no part of Catherine in this scene, so Catherine was watching.

This scene is on the streets of Japan.

The extras around them all wore tight-fitting latex shirts, and they seemed to be very interested.

This scene is about the Terminator t800 is tracking Obama, and his programming is not able to cause major incidents, so in a situation with so many people, t800 needs to find Obama who is hiding in it.

After this scene, there will be a parkour show on the roof of the building. Obama, played by Hoffman, will continue to jump and run on the building, while the Terminator will follow him closely.

This scene will be shot in a studio, not in Japan-because this is too dangerous, the only way is to shoot in the studio. And this kind of "parkour" can't let Hoffman come, but needs a special stand-in.

Parkour is Katherine's killer feature, also known as "urban sprint" or ur. In the original history, it should have been born in France in the 1980s. The word "ur" comes from the French "r", literally translated as "running around", and it also means "obstacle course". ur regards the entire city as a big training ground, all walls and roofs become objects that can be climbed and traversed, especially the abandoned houses, an extreme sport of street sprinting, which is very ornamental.

In Catherine's film, she got the killer feature of "Parkour".

She believes that with the aesthetics of today's young people, this kind of "cool" and "dazzling" movement will surely resonate with them.

In this film, there is also "bullet time", but Catherine does not intend to use it on bullets.

——I have used this technique many times, and it is meaningless to fry cold rice.

But what if this technology is applied to people in mid-air?

The result must be very different!

"Okay! It's perfect! Pass it all at once~"

Catherine smiled and stood up.

Because one pass, you can continue to shoot the next one.

The filming of the film did not follow the sequence of the script. The next step to be filmed should be the scene where the protagonist killed the Terminator in the wild.

Of course, the power of the Terminator is powerful, and the protagonist uses the cable behind his head to connect to the computer of the Terminator, and then burn it. Of course, before that, the protagonist has to coquettishly give the Terminator a "continuous technique", which is purely for the audience to feast their eyes on.

Although there are many towns in Japan, as one of the countries with the largest forest coverage in the world, it is very simple to find such a place, and then the shooting continues...


Hong Kong, b's training base.

Xue Ronghua got out of the car, and then circled the car a few times.

This car was made by Chrysler Automobiles, but this car didn't show any signs. It was completely dark and looked very imposing.

His job today is to get acquainted with this car.

And this kind of car will also become the standard equipment of b.

The employment rate of b has been getting higher and higher. However, the places where b can be seen are often in Africa-many tribal chiefs have hired b, and they are willing to pay the price to ensure their own safety.

Africa has become a mess. The mercenaries, a, the Soviets, the forces of old Europe, and even China, the whole Africa seems to be turned into a mess.

At this time, Africa, which had just become independent, began to put everyone at risk, and everyone was afraid of the dangerous future.

As a result, b-waiting bodyguards suddenly became hot.

As the trump card in the trump card, b has been hired by people at a price of tens of thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. Anyway, the tribal chiefs who sell diamonds and resources don't care, they have more than one million or more in revenue.

Xue Ronghua vaguely inquired that such a car is equipped in every b in Africa, but in Hong Kong, there is only such a car. It is because this is a course that he can get on the car.

b is dangerous and boring, but the welfare is very good, and b pays attention to a spirit of honor, so the management here is also very good.

And because of the contract, the company is not afraid that they will quit—unless they defect to the Soviet Union, but in this case, the federal government will be the first to forgive them, even without the umbrella company.

This car is very different from the current car.

First of all, its dashboards are all digitally displayed, and the data-based consultation is easy to understand and more accurate. Secondly, there is a dedicated weapon storage point in the car, and even a security location for a machine gun.

It can be said that as long as fully armed, this car will become a big killer!

If there is no rpg artillery, in Africa, where there are so few tanks, you can simply walk sideways.

But the most commendable thing is the defensiveness of this car, because it is mainly used in dangerous Europe, so the ability to defend against bullets has become very important. Although there may be some danger when encountering rockets, if you encounter ak strafing, there shouldn't be much problem.

Xue Ronghua had obtained his driver's license not long ago, and his work is about to begin.

The job of b is determined according to the difficulty of the task. Generally speaking, what kind of service the customer needs, what kind of service b will provide.

For example, if you want b to protect your own safety, if your house is bombed by enemy rpg artillery, it is not b's task. This kind of task is the simplest.

But if the other party asks b to ask for the identity of the other party while protecting himself, the price will increase. Otherwise, even if b knows the identity of the other party, he will not tell the employer.

——This is professional ethics.

Some people offend too many people, and he himself doesn't know who is going to kill him. There are not a few such people—in fact, there are many people in Hong Kong who are like this.

But these "big guys" in Hong Kong have basically never hired b. They think this is "Hong Kong people's own business" and has nothing to do with foreigners... But secretly, many people have asked about hiring b. Some details.

In Africa, b’s employment fee starts at 20,000, but in Hong Kong, the minimum is 10,000 U.S. dollars. The company and b are half-and-half. More than one hundred bs can bring millions of dollars in profits to the company every month, and millions of dollars in one year.

"This car...can you also get one for the chairman? But what does the chairman want such a car for?" Xue Ronghua's thinking jumped slightly.

"Ronghua, there is a customer who wants to see you."


As the only yellow race b, Xue Ronghua is still very popular.

The law and order in Hong Kong is very chaotic. Many people have immigrated abroad, but some have not left yet. The underworld gangs also became active at this time. Many wealthy people were kidnapped and extorted, and everyone was at risk.

Relatively speaking, what does a monthly employment fee of 10,000 US dollars count? If it is calculated on a yearly basis, that year is only 100,000 US dollars, and these people are worth millions of dollars. To deal with things a little bit, and then immigrate quickly or wait for Hong Kong to settle down. This is the idea of ​​many people hiring b.

A month ago, Xue Ronghua protected a wealthy man who was about to immigrate but was extorted by the gang. In fact, b itself is a deterrent. Basically, Xue Ronghua only needs to fight over there, the underworld They will avoid it by themselves. No one wants to deal with foreigners.

Although the British did not restrict the expansion of umbrella companies, in fact the British Hong Kong government still looked at the umbrella very uncomfortable. However, the British have predicted that the mainland is likely to come, and at that time, they will hand over Hong Kong as an abandoned child to China. Xue Ronghua also knew this, and the superior even had an explanation. It would be better if he could get in touch with the umbrella.

However, in Xue Ronghua's view, this is impossible. After all, the other party is also a capitalist, and it is still the kind of big capitalist who is about to be defeated...


The bugs in the article have been revised. Of course, pirated websites may use unmodified versions, so please don't talk nonsense.

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