Blooming America

Chapter 409: Lisa's Japanese school uniform strategy

"nailed it"

Lisa has never been as excited as she is today. (network)

――The company just recommended the skirt to a Japanese university: Aoyama Gakuin University (Note 1).

To be precise, it shouldn't be a recommendation, but the other party came to the door.

So Lisa took the opportunity to take out a piece of clothing she had designed and slightly modified it.

This dress is made of silk fabric, the upper body is a tight shirt, and there is a beautiful bow on the neck, which looks very ladylike, and the lower body is a black short skirt.

In addition, this school uniform also uses the design of suspenders. Originally, Lisa had always considered between suspenders and pantyhose, but in the end it was designed as suspenders. There are two sets of garter socks, one black and one white, and the school uniform is also two sets.

Catherine once reminded Lisa that if she keeps wearing short skirts, it is likely to cause elephant legs. In Lisa's opinion, this phenomenon is absolutely unbearable, so she designed this kind of garter socks for these students, and the reason has been explained to the school, and they readily agreed.

"Maybe I should visit a few more Japanese schools to see..."

Lisa suddenly thought that she had recommended her own school uniform to her alma mater in the middle school not long ago, but she was politely rejected by the other party, which made Lisa a little unhappy. In this regard, American schools are much more conservative than Japanese schools.

But since the Japanese can come by themselves, why don't they go to Japan to find business opportunities?

This is a good opportunity for my own company exhibition

Maybe it’s because they just got rid of the shadow of World War II and became the world’s economic power. The Japanese now like foreign goods the most. Although Japanese manufacturers often chase and block them, clothes are not as good as electronics. Goods such as products or cars are as easy to be blocked. On the contrary, the scarce such products on the market, the higher the possibility of being sought after.

Angel fashion design company is now well-known in Japan-in the image of luxury goods.

Because of Catherine’s filming of "Soul Reaction" in Japan, Japanese people generally became interested in the clothes inside. Rubber is used instead of latex clothes designed and made by Jenny-probably because of this reason, the true latex clothes that should have been born have also become "fake". (Note 2)

However, the latex materials Jenny produced are consumables. A piece of clothing is not only expensive, but also difficult to maintain. The longest life span cannot be over a year, so it is a real "luxury". But perhaps because the Japanese have made money in the past two years, many Japanese have also begun to buy such consumables, and because they are American products, many Japanese also have an attitude of trust in them-the father country can This little Japanese loli has been tuned for n times. Although the little loli is also a bit rebellious, but her father’s country spanked her, and she came here once without misfortune, and the little loli was obedient again. Until the 21st century, this little loli has always been behind her father's country, looking forward to her father's country.

Not only that, because latex clothing has a tight-fitting effect, many people take part in various exercises in order to keep themselves in a good shape, which in turn drives the exhibition of fitness venues in Japan in disguise. Nowadays Japanese people, both men and women, want to have a good figure so that they can wear those beautiful clothes...

The Japanese themselves buy latex clothing that is a luxury item to show off their wealth. It is for this reason that the popularity of the angel clothing design company has rapidly expanded in Japan. In the eyes of the Japanese, this company is synonymous with avant-garde, luxury and high-end.

"Unfortunately, Jenny is not here, otherwise it would be better if she had an idea..." Lisa and Jenny were a bunch of golden partners before, but now something happened at Jenny's house, so Jenny will not be here for the time being.

"Let me think about it, what kind of clothes would the Japanese like?"

Because the Japanese came to the door, Lisa's heart naturally became hot. Now she can hardly wait to expand her products to all schools in Japan, from elementary school to university, and then let everyone They all accept the "clothing education" from their school, so that each of them will like their clothes obediently, and sing praises for their clothes...Although it is a bit exaggerated, this is indeed Lisa's dream...

"Perhaps I should go to Korea to see it?" Lisa once heard that Korean traditional clothing is specially made for breasts, so it seems very interesting. If short skirts or something are placed over there, it should be very good, right? But after another change, Lisa rejected this view. Although South Korea is close to Japan, it is unlikely that there will be any business in this poor country. On the contrary, the opposite North Korea seems to be rich, but it is a red country, Lisa I have never considered that my products can go there...

"So... only in Japan?"

Lisa has not considered the local American market for the time being-if she really promotes the school uniforms with short skirts, those parents with traditional ideas will definitely parade again and again or directly report them. Up. The Japanese are rich now, so their attitudes from top to bottom have become positive and open. On the contrary, the United States is a Puritan country, so there are still many Americans who retain traditional ideas. These rigid ideas are absolutely It will become a resistance to her own development of the American market, so Lisa has no idea of ​​recommending such a short skirt school uniform to American schools for the time being.

"If the skirt is too short, just make it longer, right?"

Because of the fact that Japanese schools came to the door, Lisa especially inquired about the relevant regulations on school uniforms in some schools in Japan. In many schools, students can change their school uniforms-which means that they can design some of them. It was originally a short skirt, but it has been lengthened because of this. Students can modify it into a short skirt by themselves...

"But in this case, can't they do it themselves? They don't need us?"

Although full of enthusiasm for clothing, Lisa has also contracted some capitalist problems. Now she is thinking about the benefits she can get-according to her own vision, this matter is also related to her own dime. No

"Why... use the name of a functional school uniform?"

Lisa's eyes lit up.

She suddenly thought of some orthopedic clothes and shoes that she and Jenny had made for Catherine a long time ago.

In the teenage years, the behavior of students is easily influenced by the outside world, bad sitting posture, the habit of being single-shouldered and so on.

"A catty of milk a day will strengthen the Japanese."

Lisa suddenly thought of this Japanese slogan.

In that case, it might be good to use the slogans of "prevent bad habits" and "correct body posture"?

Catherine once also proposed an idea that seemed to be able to introduce posture-correcting clothes.

Although she has never heard of the common saying "hanging sheep's head and selling dog meat", Lisa now thinks that she has thought of a good idea.

"It's not just Japan...In this case, it is also possible to launch in the United States..."

You don’t necessarily need a short skirt at the beginning, you just need to make a step-by-step approach. Let the other party gradually get used to the existence of the angel clothing design company, and then, in a subtle state, turn your product into a culture and become the other party’s active pursuit A kind of thing, that's it

"But the business thing... let's go find Kate..."

Old Homan is now expanding his business in France. It is naturally impossible to find him, but it is okay to find Catherine.

"Hello, this is Edson." Just do as you say, Lisa immediately called and went to the No Pop Novel Network.

"Kate, this is Lisa... I am going to push our short skirt school uniform to Japan."

"……what did you say?"

Catherine had just returned home after watching "Big Brother Tangshan", and Lisa immediately got a call. The first sentence of the other party shocked her.

"I said, I'm going to recommend our angel fashion design company's brand to Japanese schools." Lisa thought for a while, using this sentence to convince the board of directors, it seems to be much simpler than "short skirt" or something. Aoyama Gakuin University in Japan came to us to design school uniforms, and we have finished."

"I know this."

Catherine reads the report every week.

"Then, I think this is an opportunity. We can promote our products to Japanese schools. I am going to use'correcting students' bad posture' as a breakthrough point. You know, Japanese people always have all kinds of things. Problems, inner horoscope, round legs, hunchback..."

(This is Ting underwear series...)

There suddenly appeared in Catherine's mind the advertisements of various posture-correcting underwear that she had been very famous in her previous life.

"But are you sure that the Japanese will definitely adopt our company's strategy?" Catherine was still a little worried. After all, the Japanese can't do anything, but copycats are indeed top-notch. If your products are copied from the past, it will be troublesome.

"Well, this is no We can find some experts, and then design clothes that are most able to meet the perfect golden ratio. Then it will be fine."

"That's not bad... Anyway, get the board of directors to ask, Lisa, I support you."

(Speaking of which, after the ages, Japanese short skirts and school uniforms are very popular, right? If we launch a very fashionable new product, maybe it will become popular in Japan...) Catherine once again recalled the "future history" in her heart. "...


Note 1: In the history of Japan, Aoyama Gakuin University was the first Japanese school to introduce short-skirt uniforms. The elephant legs of Japanese girls are more serious (mistake).

Note 2: I was dragged away by my family today...rz, don’t say anything, there are three more roars~~~. ..

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[...Chapter 9 Lisa's Guide to Japanese School Uniforms (1) The fastest text update...] a! !