Blooming America

Chapter 508: CPU multiplier

Gordon Moore actually had doubts about the law he proposed?

This made Kaijilin feel a little absurd, but she still looked down seriously.

If the author of this paper were to be an unknown hairy boy, Catherine would not care about this matter. Even if he was replaced by other famous people, Catherine’s opinion on this would be passed away.

But the author of this paper is actually the original, Gordon Moore, the creator of "Moore's Law."

Since it was the original author here, Catherine naturally had to pay more attention to it.

"The relationship between the transistor and the computer proposed by Miss Edson seems to be in line with the development speed of the transistor. As far as the processor of a microcomputer is concerned, the "center" of the computer every year The integration rate of the processor has doubled, even with the recent GPL

The appearance of the core has not changed this result, but the linkage between the GPU and the CPU has improved the computer's performance. The company adopts new technology every year, and at the same time there will be new architectures. The development of computers seems to be like this curse-like "Edson's Law". "

Is it just a coincidence that he wanted to say it?

Catherine was a little suspicious, but she kept watching.

"However, this "Edson's Law", which is highly praised as the universal development law of computers, has a very narrow applicable range. First of all, it does not consider the issue of power consumption. Other general conditions are In Edson's law, it does not appear at all."

Catherine didn't care about this rebuttal reason.

This kind of language is at best only to say, "low-level spray" and Gordon Moore does not seem to plan to spray Catherine from this aspect.

"The second point is related to our thinking mode. In the development of English, we are accustomed to seeing words in the form of lines. This is the so-called "one-dimensional" worldview. , Japanese, Chinese and other countries that use hieroglyphics, they need to recognize the text according to the picture form of the text, so their thinking form is more "two-dimensional." At the same time, the current transistor technology is completely concentrated on the plane Yes. Mr. Clay’s supercomputer inspired me. He stacked the processors in the computer. The parts of the supercomputer are all three-dimensional. After Miss Edson created the gate circuit, we are just conscious. It’s just that transistors can be added and structured in the plane. But if we put the entire plane structure on the space and transform our products from concave to blade, the number of transistors and the xìng energy of the processor will show an increase in geometric form. It's just that this rise is only in theory for now, and most importantly, we can't solve the heat dissipation problem of this structure at the same time..."


Stereo gate circuit?

Catherine remembered that this thing seemed to have been done in the 21st century, and it seemed that it was not long before Catherine came here...

But this technology seems to be too high-end, right?

And the transistors seem to be a little different from the three-dimensional ones that Moore is talking about now...

If the transistor can develop in a three-dimensional fashion, it seems to be better. But this kind of technology can be said to be unprecedented. Since Gordon Moore can think of this, maybe someone can think of it in history. But why did the three-dimensional transistor technology not appear until the beginning of the century?

, "It sounds good...but it has no actual value..."

Catherine shook her head.

If you are a hardware engineer returning from 2020, maybe you can know this. But it is a pity that I am not from 2020, and I am mainly engaged in software. By the way, I am just playing movies. The early hardware is fine, but the future things can only rely on the efforts of the engineers of this era.

, "How about this paper?"

, "Generally, there is no practical value. If these technologies that Moore said can become a reality, I don't need to stay here for at least ten years. Three-dimensional transistors will not appear."

As for power consumption, it is not a consideration at all. What Catherine is pursuing now is the ultimate in performance, whether it is MBW or Pentium computer, it is a product with high power consumption.

, "This theory is very good to deceive people..."

If you change it to Catherine, who has already entered the nano-level process, you will naturally care about this technology, but now... it seems impossible.

"I think if you want to improve the performance, it seems that the frequency doubling technology is more labor-saving."

Catherine put the paper down and shook her head.

, "Double frequency?" Elsa thought Catherine seemed to be talking about a professional term.

, "No, nothing..." On the other hand, Catherine, who unintentionally said the word "multiplier", suddenly discovered that there seems to be no such thing as multiplier in this era. Initially the CPU frequency and the system bus speed were the same. Yes, but the speed of the CPU is getting faster and faster, and the frequency multiplication technology will be produced accordingly. Its function is to make the system bus work at a relatively low frequency, and the CPU speed can be increased by frequency multiplication.

The calculation method of CPU main frequency is: main frequency FSB, multiplier. Frequency multiplication refers to the multiple of the difference between the CPU and the system bus. When the external frequency is unchanged, increasing the frequency will increase the CPU frequency. In short, the frequency multiplier refers to the multiple of the difference between the CPU and the system bus. When the external frequency does not change, increase the multiplier, the higher the CPU frequency.

In the future, if there is a CPU-Z software, open it and you will know everything. In the lower left corner of the software, the CPU frequency and multiples will be displayed.

As people say, "overclocking" often means increasing the original multiplier of 10 times to 11.

Times, 12 times or more.

As for the other method, it is realized by super FSB.

In theory, the frequency multiplier is from 1.5 to unlimited. In other words, in the Core era, many CPUs have a base frequency of only 10MHZPS, but the frequency multiplier is as high as 21 times or more, thus becoming the so-called 20GHZ dual-core CPU

To give a simple example, a CPU, the default FSB is 200MHZ, and the multiplier is X16. The highest frequency of this CPU at this time is 3.2GHG, and the CPU is running at 3200MHG at this time. This is a measure of how many clock cycles the processor has experienced in one second. A clock cycle is a period of time during which the processor can execute a given number of instructions. So logically, the more clock cycles the processor can complete in one second, the faster it can process information, and the faster the system will run. 1MHG is one million clock cycles per second, so a 3.2GHG processor can experience three billion two million clock cycles per second. The purpose of overclocking is to increase the GHG level of the processor so that it can experience more clock cycles per second.

The first CPU with multiplier in history should have appeared in 1993. This CPU is of Mi technology, with an FSB of 50MHG and a 1.5 multiplier, so its main frequency is 75MHZ. Its operating voltage is 3.3V/5V , BU.

With the development of technology, CPU speed is getting faster and faster, and accessories such as memory and hard disk are gradually unable to keep up with the speed of CPU. The emergence of frequency multiplier solves this problem. It can make memory and other components still work at a relatively low level. Under the system bus frequency, the main frequency of the CPU can be increased infinitely by multiplying

The multiplier is not only the CPU, but also the CPU.

In an instant, Catherine discovered a sunny avenue.

The frequency multiplier can be increased infinitely, but it mainly depends on the physique of the PS. The so-called physique of a CPU is its overclocking ability. Any CPU has a certain overclocking potential. Let it run at a frequency higher than the default frequency, which can improve some performance. As long as the physique of the CPU is good enough,

I can launch some higher-frequency CPUs by myself, which seems to be good.

If there is some difference between your CPU and Motorola, you can get a better CPU with a little collection of small methods, so as to back pressure Motorola, but overclocking will increase the heat generation of the CPU and damage it. The risk of CPU, this is bad.

However, the current technology is crude relative to the future, but it also shows that the current CPU is not so "exquisite" compared to the future.

This can be seen from a very simple aspect, the current CPU operating voltage is usually 5-

12V, and the 32nm technology CPU of the 21st century, the highest voltage is usually 1.4V

No matter how big it is, the OP will not be able to bear it.

Therefore, if the frequency multiplication technology is adopted, and then the xìng of the CPU can be improved through super multiplication, or even super FSB...

And the most important thing is that if you have multiplier technology in advance, your products can be seamlessly connected with future products, without worrying that your CPU will be too high in the future to match the current hardware. Embarrassment.

, "If we study the frequency multiplication, it should be able to give us more chances of winning?"

Catherine thinks this idea of ​​her own seems really good. When the CPU is integrated into the CPU in the future, with dual cores, Catherine can guarantee that all current manufacturers will be killed by herself...

As long as you have a proper architecture and reasonable system settings, the future computer platform will definitely be its own world.

The emergence of the Alliance pointed out a way for Catherine, and she is also doing this now.

Motorola is good, but if Catherine turns her company into...

If you can’t do this with the other party, then 1+1*2 at this time, even if you can’t catch up with the other party, it should be almost the same.

, "Damn it, if only I had ransacked it again before coming!"

Catherine was hysterical.

, "Have a drink of tea."

Seeing Catherine's tangled look, Elsa put a cup of black tea in front of her. @.