Blooming America

Chapter 584: "Fate" Volume 9

The Dajun World Expo in 1970 was an unprecedented success. At that time, the population of [Japan] was 1.04

100 million, on average, one out of every four [Japanese] people visited the Daling World Expo, and each [Japanese] visitor entered the venue on average 24 times. Among the 64.22 million visitors to Daling World Expo, [Japanese] visitors accounted for 62 million.

According to later statistics, the Daling World Expo will create economic benefits of nearly US$1.5B, and at the same time greatly promote the construction of transportation, high-end housing, commercial facilities, tourism and cultural exchanges in Daling and even in the Kansai region.

Catherine did not know how much economic benefits the Dajun World Expo created, but she knew that the official World Expo would make Catherine almost collapse...


In the presidential suite, Catherine felt that she was going to be numb.

"Wow~ have you seen it? My clothes are everywhere! There are rǔ gel coats designed by me everywhere~"

Lisa looked very excited.

Perhaps it was the trend brought about by the popular broadcast of "Ling Hún Reaction Four Four", or because of the Expo, many people came to Daling, and many people also wore rǔ gel coats that symbolized "nobleness". .

Catherine could never imagine that in such a world, rǔ gel coat would turn into upper-class clothing...Well, "Ling Hún Reaction" was just Catherine's ridicule and spoof.

"I'll take a shower first, take a break... 

Catherine's tuǐ was shaking.

"Go, go~" An ambiguous **** appeared in front of Lisa's eyes, and here, the unconscious Catherine finally took off the hateful inner ring when she was in the bathroom.

Soaking comfortably in the pool, Catherine burst into tears.


There is nothing more refreshing than soaking in hot water when you are collapsed.

Catherine's body is different from ordinary people. After removing all the things that bound her, Catherine felt her body begin to recover. After about ten minutes of soaking, Catherine felt relieved.

I have to say that "physique" is sometimes such a magical thing. Catherine feels like this now. Her good physique makes her body infinitely healthy.


When she came out of the bathroom, Catherine saw the strange, ambiguous smiles of her companions. "What's the matter with you?" Catherine suddenly realized that she seemed to have some ominous premonitions?

"Kate, you used to win by your endurance alone" This is Ada's unwilling voice.

"Kate obviously loses more times by yourself than we add together." This is lìlì.

"But the last victor is still you" Elsa also joined the gibberish legion.

"We must collect the debts this time!" unanimously.

"Wrong?!" Catherine was startled, but, soon, the group of hungry wolves rushed forward...

Just when Catherine and her friends were almost crazy, Gregory was smiling with joy while holding the ninth volume of "ATE" in his hand.

The cover character of this volume is not someone else, but the villain in the animated version,


Father, Krekrist.

As for the new plot, it is even more incredible.

Although CASTER escaped at the moment of crisis, the sudden appearance of the black shadow swallowed CASTER and officially became the second heroic spirit of the lunch box "Actually died in this way..."

Gregory never expected that the end of the plot would be like this, making people unable to complain...

According to Catherine's past urination, if the plot ends at a critical time, it will definitely turn around.

In the story of the previous book, Gregory guessed about death, but soon guessed that Catherine's bad style, so he thought that things would turn around.

As a result, the caster who had left behind "surely escaped.

But what is going on with the sudden appearance of black shadows, bastard!

CASTER was swallowed.

This is the next development of the plot.

On the other side, CASTER and Shiro actually had a conflict.

God knows what's going on.

In the following plot, Rin established a contract with Saber in order to save Hero.

At this time, HER saw that Saber had a new owner, so he escaped.

In the mushroom version of "FATE", SABER should have restored the original outfit at this moment, but Catherine has also changed a lot according to her own wishes. SABER has been transformed into a physique suitable for controlling Eudemons, and her clothes at the moment were created by Catherine with reference to the original SABER-FY.

Originally, Catherine considered the SABER for the "Brides of War", but it was a Nero version of the SABER equipment, which was slightly inappropriate for Altolia.

According to SABER's own theory, this is "a side effect after the ability to ride the Eudemons, and there is no way to change it."

As far as Gregory is concerned, as far as the clothes are concerned, Gregory prefers the present one.

In the past, SABER was more inclined to a "king", but now SABER feels more like a "girl".

SABER himself said this: "When I was with CASTER, I realized that although CASTER is a legendary witch, in terms of her own personality, she is gentle and kind. Maybe if I didn’t pull it out. With that case, everything will be different..."

With just this sentence, Gregory realized the weakness of SABER under the mask of strength, and people couldn't help but want to take care of it.

No matter in the novel or in the anime, SABER gives people the feeling that it is always so determined and decisive. It never gives people a kind of "girl" feeling, but a kind of "knight".

Feeling like this, Saber is like a sturdy warrior who is fearless and fearless in the face of a giant dragon.

But just such a sentence made Gregory feel the girlish desire of Saber than deep in his heart.

She never speaks like a girl, she is a knight, a king of knights.

But here, SABER gives people the feeling, but people have a feeling of love and pity for her.

Her size determined that she would not speak like a young girl, nor would she cry like a young girl, everything she has can only be transformed into one word: strong.

Yes, Saber is so strong, but the deep wound has never healed. She bleeds like this, faces everything with her firm face, and then just like this, never saying much. Walk down.

However, the wound was heartache and unbearable.

In the following plot, the secret of Ma Tong Ying is gradually revealed.

Makiri Sakura has an older brother who likes Tosaka Rin, and the characterization of this older brother is very poor.

To be honest, if Gregory feels that there is any character in the plot that is more hateful than Krakrist in the end, then there is only this Makiri Shinji.

Unconscious, arrogant, self-interested disgusting guy.

In fact, to be honest, Gregory had a very serious sense of sight for this guy Ma Tong Shinji.

Ji Gregory thought about it carefully, and he seemed to realize that this guy is not a portrayal of the unconscious, arrogant, and self-conscious U.S. middle school students and college students now?

Catherine used a [Japanese] to ridicule those students in the United States. Of course, maybe that group of people would not have such self-consciousness. After all, Catherine shaped this kind of personality to the point that Americans now consider themselves "the biggest threat". "[Japan] On my head, perhaps, these guys who were ridiculed by Catherine's group will go with Catherine to scold this Tong Shinji...

Just like everyone else, Shinji Matong also has a dark history, but Shen'er as a child can't make people think of Shinji now. To be honest, Gregory really doesn't think that these two people are the same...

And then finally appeared.

This guy, who was originally named Yanfeng Qili, was renamed by Catherine Krekrist, is the final story in the anime.

A conversation between Krakrist and Jin Shining.

And over there, the conflict between Shiro and HER gradually broke out. God knows how the plot could become like this.

HER later, the contradiction between the two actually caused a "duel".

Hero and HER decide to fight in the abandoned castle of Einzbern.


How could it become like this?

What a strange development.

too weird.

However, although the story has developed in this way, it is strange, but there is no problem with the logic at all...

Therefore, it can only be said that this plot is really difficult for people to describe this battle is very classic. Although the battle between the two is not "strong", it is definitely very fierce.

In the battle, Shiro was completely driven into desperation by HER, but Shiro also gradually understood the skills of Both of them used projection to fight.

But Xiluo didn't want to make Yiliya suffer, so he was determined to use his own power to defeat the opponent, instead of drawing magic power from Yiliya.

At this time, HER was fighting with each other while yelling at each other.

At this time, HER finally said: "My name is"

At this moment, Jin Shining appeared.

Gregory is vomiting blood...

"Too... bloody..."

One of the biggest mysteries of "FATE" is about to be revealed, but it happens that the plot is interrupted by Catherine forcibly and cheating!

Then... then there is no more...

Gregory pounced on the street...

Three more complete ~ @.