Blooming America

Chapter 589: Flesh and skin, Japanese

Yin Wu was fidgeting a little at this moment.

1. In fact, any Yi Mou man will be at a loss when he is caught between two women, especially when these two women seem to be quite enthusiastic.

Yinwu understands English, but with his own names popping out from Hatsune and Larryla's mouth, Yinwu knows that they must be discussing themselves.

And judging from their weird tone, it seems to make people feel a bit chilly.

At least Otonashi feels like this now.


Although he hadn't spoken all the time, in fact, Otonashi was about to roar hysterically.

There is no sound, I shouldn’t have come to visit the World Expo at the beginning. If I didn’t come to the World Expo, I wouldn’t meet these women from the US: If I didn’t meet this group of women, I wouldn’t have the present. thing……

At that time, it was much more comfortable.

But reality will not be changed by human will after all, and Otonashi cannot change his fate of being caught in front of the two women.

(Ok..., so difficult...,)

The body part full of strange fragrance is on Otonashi’s head, which makes Otonashi feel very uncomfortable now. For Otonashi, this feeling really makes him uncomfortable.

It may be too comfortable, but in this case, Yin Wu is definitely trying to get rid of "Um...this is not bad..." and Catherine next to her is constantly focusing on the exhibition hall at this time.

"By the way, Hatsune-chan, if you say that, is there a lot of Yinwu-chan?

What? "

Catherine was speechless!

"E? ​​Of course there is. The last time Yin Wujiang went to accept the interview, I had been insulting Yin Wujiang. It's a pity that Yin Wujiang didn't cooperate at all. It was so disappointing... "

And Catherine next to her was secretly wiping sweat.


Thank you for being able to talk so easily!

e. Basically, the Chinese is turned into bones and skins, but this so-called skin is a group of pursuits and celebrities (can be movie stars, singers, writers, etc.) relationship (in most cases it is **, a few cases are spiritual ) The general term for people (generally the star chasers).

This kind of social phenomenon appeared during the booming rock music exhibition in the 1960s and the booming star-chaser group. It specifically refers to those female singers who tried to have a relationship (or maintain a romantic relationship) with rock stars. Some people even simply Use "Stan-ken" to replace the word e.

Even in the time of China, after the reform and opening up, Beijing rock music played in the 80s of the last century.

When the age was booming, a group of flesh-and-blood groups also appeared, but in the Beijing rock circle, it is not called flesh-and-blood. Instead, it borrows a word from the old Beijing artist's Spring Festival: "guoer" or "sharp fruit".

Nowadays, most of the flesh and blood are the female song mí or the female movie mí who hope to have a relationship with the male idol.

It is precisely because of this that Catherine seems to have not encountered such a situation for the time being.

Otherwise, if Catherine meets flesh and blood... uh... this...

That would be terrible...

It was absolutely terrible.

The phenomenon of flesh and blood is a cultural phenomenon in the United States, or it has become an integral part of rock music. There are three words that are always connected by Westerners: xìng, drugs, rock and roll. Every rock musician has a problem. The story of the flesh and blood. A large part of the relationship between rock and xìng refers to the relationship between musicians and flesh and blood.

After this, this relationship has extended to the entire singing industry and the entertainment industry. The fashionable [Japan] seems to be more conservative, but here, there are unavoidable fans of this or that kind of weirdness.

If it were in the original timeline, this kind of flesh and bones will change the taste of the more prosperous flesh and bones with the appearance of heavy metals in the 1970s. The "Led Zeppelin" Orchestra (spit n) Yang Ran has made extraordinary achievements in music, but almost all members of their band have a tendency to pervert, Jimmy Page has a tendency to abuse, and drummer John Bonhem often forces girls to strip off their clothes and jump in. In the bathtub with octopus, and taking it for pleasure, this may be the earliest tentacle emperor. In the 21st century, the tentacle control must recognize John Bonhem as a prophet...

After entering the 1980s, it was even more absurd. All kinds of unconventional behaviors performed on the flesh and blood almost became the "reservations" of later heavy metal bands.

Some bands have installed a condom device on the tour bus, and some bands simply hold a SEX carnival after every performance,……………

As for the post-90s, it is even more difficult to tell.

"Mistakenly? There are boys?!" Lerila's voice was eighth higher, and at this time, Yin Wu was shivering. He didn't know what strange things the two were talking about.

"Yeah, Nashen~ Actually, I really want to see what they look like when they serve Otonashi..., that seems to be interesting to say..."

"Hmm~ The happy feeling of a man and a man being together is really indescribable. Leroy and the other party seem to have found a new topic in common.

And Catherine next to her could not help leaving, she decided to go to the toilet and solve her problem by the way.

When Catherine came back, the conversation between the two seemed to be almost over. "By the way, why don't you come to live here with us~"

"Song? Is it really okay?!"

In the end, Lerella also invited the other party.

After that, Lerila could look at Catherine pitifully.

"......, well, this is not a problem..."

(Could it be that Lerela is going to push back the sound without...?)

At this time, Catherine was not holding a good idea, or that Catherine, who had just solved her physical problem, had a good idea now.

If you can see the price of the reverse push, it seems tǐng good?

(...But will Leroy's target be Hatsune? Is it Crystal Palace?)

Or... this is simply a double flight of buy one get one free?

Catherine glanced suspiciously at Yinma, who was as thin as a woman.

He might really be able to play such a high-end... [Sport]?

Catherine went out of her mind, but as time went by, the sun gradually set, so today's itinerary will be no more for the time being.

So everyone went back to the hotel together.

But this time there are two more lovely children in their team.

To be honest, the two girls looked like cute girls after their cross-dressing, but among the two girls, one of them was original and the other was non-original.

Because of the different types, clothes and makeup, they look like sisters.

But if the two people's shape, clothes and makeup are exactly the same, then there will be a pair of twins.

Even Catherine wanted to see this situation where the appearance was exactly the same, and they were afraid that they would appear in the same clothes.

That seems to be really interesting 


But when Catherine came to the hotel, her discordant thoughts were immediately emptied.

Once she was stopped by someone, she was in the hotel.

"One who are you?"

"Oh hello, Miss Edson."

When the other party saw Catherine, they were very happy now. Obviously, they had been here for a long time.

"We are here on behalf of companies like Sony and Nintendo"

The other party told his origin.

"Sit down and talk." Catherine said to the others, "You will go first and I will stay here for a while."

Catherine asked Elsa to stay, and then talked with the two men themselves.

It turned out that these two [Japanese] I were prepared by [Japanese] our company after learning that Catherine was planning to come to [Japanese]. They came here to talk to Catherine about the Internet in person.

One they want to build a submarine optical cable to connect the Internet with the United States.

In 1968, [Japan] put forward the policy of "knowledge-intensive industrial institutions". This policy can be said to be the beginning of [Japanese] society and [Japanese] industries moving towards knowledge and informatization. It is better than Daniel Bell in 1973. The table "The Coming of the Post-Industrial Society" is 5 years earlier, and it is 12 years earlier than the "Third Wave" predicted by A. Toffler in 1980.

Of course, they are still half a year late compared to Catherine's "Information "Revolution". In this sense, the process of informatization in Japan is relatively early. Even so, the Internet exhibition of [Japan] itself was not very effective in history.

The exhibition of the Internet in [Japanese] Although [Japanese] has always attached great importance to the information industry and started the process of informatization early, at the beginning of the Internet, [Japanese] did not pay enough attention to it.

Finally, in 1993, the US media published a comparison report on the informatization process between Japan and the United States, and mentioned the backwardness of information technology in Japan. It was then that Japan suddenly realized it and began to vigorously develop the Internet.

But this "power" seems to be questionable, because [Japan]'s own Internet was still tearful and sad until the beginning of the century. It was only after this that it gradually developed...

It seems that these post-war elites of [Japan] seem to have more foresight than their descendants... No, they are far more foresighted!

If the [Japan] of this era has developed broadband, what will happen?

If the submarine optical fiber cable is really laid according to [Japan]'s own assumptions, then [Japan] will be able to instantly understand the views of Americans on the Internet.

[Japanese] I am very good at collecting all kinds of data. After collecting those data, [Japan] will pass the data through their analysis and turn it into a product of value for use.

Obviously, if [Japan] can also access the US Internet, it will be able to deepen the relationship between the United States and Japan.

Their request made Catherine take it seriously.

There are many computers in the [Japanese] version, but the computers in the [Japanese] version are all "stand-alone" and do not have a complete Internet. And the patent of the optical fiber is in Catherine's hands, so they can't imitate it.

Therefore, [Japan] I want fiber-optic Internet now, but I can only find Catherine.

At this time, Catherine had to admire [Japan]'s intelligence gathering ability. She had only come to [Japan], and they already knew where she was.

In this regard, Catherine’s intelligence station is not as good as theirs@.