Blooming America

Chapter 604: Bruce Lee and "Star Wars"

OP "This is the script?"

Bruce Lee took the script about "Star Wars" in his hand, and flipped it back and forth.

After filming "Jing Wu Men", Bruce Lee returned to the United States, and now he has the script of "Star Wars".

In this script, Bruce Lee plays a mysterious and powerful Jedi.

Or ......, Force user.

Bruce Lee has seen the settings of Lucas and Spielberg. This "Star Wars" depicts a very magical universe.

In this world, users of Force like the Jedi and Sith represent a kind of magical power. This feeling gives Bruce Lee the feeling that it is similar to the "internal strength" in martial arts novels. . But speaking of it, it is a little different, because in this "Star Wars", whether it is the Sith or the Jedi, they use a powerful lightsaber. This kind of lightsaber can even bounce off a light gun. attack.

But the character played by Bruce Lee is a bit strange.

To be honest, this character is similar to Bruce Lee’s original performance. In the film, he plays a mysterious ascetic. This ascetic does not use lightsabers, but only uses his body as a weapon. This is for Bruce Lee. , It's not a big problem.

But Bruce Lee looked at the script and didn't speak for a long time.

And Lucas next to him was also patient, just letting the other person keep thinking.

On Bruce Lee's side, it seemed that he had completely sunk into the weight of this entire character.

This character is very powerful, but on the other side, it feels different from the feeling that Bruce Lee broke out when he was fighting.

When fighting, what Bruce Lee played should be a real martial art.

But in this, Bruce Lee had already clearly seen that this would be a fight that needed to be watched very much.

One, if, as a character of the first level of a grand master, when fighting, it doesn't look very good..., then it doesn't seem feasible.

"I can accept this script... but it may take a while for me to perfect martial arts moves and the like..."

"No, you just need to follow your usual actions!" Lucas smiled mysteriously.

But Bruce Lee shook his head. He was a bad temper, and it was difficult to change what he believed in.

"If that's the case, I think my actions may be a bit lacking compared to this movie. What such a sci-fi blockbuster requires is not the fierce fighting like the action movie, but the need One kind" Bruce Lee is somewhat indescribable.

The keynote of the film is in that place, and the keynote of action movies or kung fu movies is slightly different from science fiction movies. If you copy it mechanically, it can only lead to various problems in the end.

"A true sci-fi feeling?"

"Probably that's the case." Yes, Bruce Lee's films lack a true sense of "science fiction".

Although "Red Alert" and "Who Am I" can be said to have the color of science fiction, there is still a big difference from the real science fiction film.

"Don't worry about this!" Lucas smiled confidently: "We have secret weapons this time. I believe that with our secret weapons, we can definitely make a magnificent scene!"


Bruce Lee became interested. Although Lucas looks unreliable, he shouldn't fool himself on such a major event, right?

"If you have time, maybe you can come with me. I can take you to see a very powerful special effect..."

"It's the kind Lou resembles in "Ling Hún Reaction"?"

Bruce Lee frowned.

"Ling Hún Reaction" burned nearly 100 million. This kind of luxury delivery is not comparable to other film companies. Even Hollywood can only pay tribute to Catherine's ultra-luxury investment.

"Of course not..." Lucas smiled bitterly.

Although Catherine's special effects burn money, they are really easy to use. To put it bluntly, this kind of sharp special effects cannot be said to be outdated even in the 21st century.

First, you must know that the money for special effects alone, in the 21st century, already has nearly 400-500 million dollars... just for special effects!

Let Lucas burn money like this, he can't help but LD.

Therefore, Lucas can only be second best.

Lucas, who has always liked special effects, turned his attention to the supercomputer at this time.

If you can use a supercomputer, it will not be a problem at all to do special effects.

In fact, when he personally sent the script to Bruce Lee, it was because Lucas already had a lot of confidence.

Although a little suspicious, Bruce Lee followed George Lucas into the car.

"Where are we going?" Bruce Lee is now in San Francisco, which is also a rare Chinese settlement.

"Go to the Thunder Lab."

"Xunlei Lab?" Bruce Lee was a little strange, but he soon understood: "The Xunlei Lab that made the supercomputer you mentioned?"

"Yes, it's there." Lucas said: "I will give you a surprise......, a very big surprise..." It didn't take long for the car to come to the Thunder Experiment mentioned by Lucas. room.

Then Lucas took Bruce Lee inside.

"Our" gadget needs a supercomputer, but the supercomputer here is not easy to move, and we also rent it out, so we can only stay here. "

Lucas explained this to Bruce Lee.

Soon, Lucas brought Bruce Lee into it.

"Oh, Mr. Bruce, really welcome!" The other party greeted Bruce Lee warmly.


...Hello, Mr. Spielberg. "

Bruce Lee looked at the red face of the other party, feeling a little strange.

"Steven, I'll take Bruce Lee to see our "children~"

Lucas smiled at Spielberg.


Bruce Lee was shamelessly thinking about being crooked at this time...


But when the opponent put a CRT fighter in front of Bruce Lee, he understood what was going on.

In fact, Bruce Lee was also stunned.

In the middle of the computer screen, there is a planet that has already been drawn. The greenery of this planet looks refreshing.

"This planet is a new ball we only made Ed méng, let Mr. Bruce see the weapon effect of "Star Destroyer!" "Spielberg suddenly called a technician who was sitting next to him.

"Good Mr. Spielberg."

The other party entered a command to the keyboard.

Then the planet in the picture burst open, and the whole planet seemed to be really broken!


"One of these are all computer special effects. This special effect simulates the grand scene of the Star Destroyer destroying the new ball in the script... Isn't it wonderful?...

Lucas took the conversation.

"It's really powerful."

Bruce Lee also nodded.

"But it's not just this that surprises you."

"Let Mr. Bruce see the effect of the wind and snow!"

Soon, the picture changed again and turned into a snowy night scene.

Then, flying snow huā appeared in the picture. Although it seemed a bit crude, the shock was indeed amazing.

"Is this kind of picture made by a computer?" "We just did it briefly now, and the effect is still very crude." The technician named Ed méng said: "If this kind of picture is made into a movie, it will only It is laughable and generous. If you want better results, you have to wait. Without ten and a half months, we can hardly say that we can make a scene that can be on the stage."

"Isn't this huā money?, Bruce Lee still thought of the "Ling Hún Reaction" that burned money abnormally.

Spearpig looked at Lucas: "It's probably about 20 million investment."

"Twenty million?" Bruce Lee was frightened.

You know, Bruce Lee's goal is to earn 10 million U.S. dollars in 30 years of life's money. Knowing that so far, Bruce Lee has achieved this goal.

But if you want to make a profit of 10 million, Bruce Lee felt that he had to estimate it a little bit...

However, Lucas explained at this time: "In the film, we can wrap the fluorescent tape on the outside of the lightsaber. If we use salt pellets when simulating lava, we can save a lot of cost."

"Use salt grains to make magma?" Spielberg also looked at Lucas strangely.

"Of course!" Lucas was full of confidence: "We can at least regenerate one or two million in this area..."

Bruce Lee suddenly stood on the open space on the side, and then tried to punch himself, then he thought about it, shook his head again, and punched At this time, Bruce's mind kept on The flash of his performance on the lens.

What kind of special effects should I add to such an action of my own?

And Spielberg and Lucas next to each other looked at each other and didn't speak.

Li Xiaowu now has a good box office appeal. Such box office appeal is very important for "Star Wars".

And the actor played by Bruce Lee is also a very important actor in the film.

Bruce Lee’s character will be a key to unlocking the force between the positive and negative forces. He is a chaotic complex. He does not use a lightsaber. He only relies on his body to drive the force, but he has unmatched power... …


Bruce Lee took a deep breath.

"I feel this seems to be a good movie...,..."! .