Blooming America

Chapter 618: Nixon and China (1)

Just after Catherine was playing with her partner there, Nixon on the other side is not so relaxed now.

It has been almost a month since the Soviet Union landed on the moon. As President of the United States, Nixon was under tremendous pressure.

According to current intelligence analysis, the power of the Soviet Union is likely to be in the hands of Andro Bōfu.

As the chairman of the KGB, the Americans don't know much about Andro bōfu. Nixon is the same now.

The so-called knowing oneself and the enemy can survive a hundred battles.

But now what kind of person their opponent is, Nixon doesn't know, or in other words, the entire United States knows only a few.

Regardless of the appearance of the other party, Nixon felt that the other party was probably preparing to continue Brezhnev's leadership.

For unknown reasons, Brezhnev is now less in charge, so the current situation is that Andro bōv mainly leads the Soviet Union.......,

"In any case, as long as they are the enemy, our plan can continue." Nixon said.

After the Soviet Union landed on the moon, Nixon and Kissinger decided to continue to win over China.

The contradictions between China and the Soviet Union are irreconcilable. The contradictions and conflicts between the two are very fierce. This is not a problem that can be resolved by ideology.

There are often wars between capitalist countries. Wasn't the First and Second World Wars created between capitalism? At that time, Stalin was still an ally of the United States!

There are no eternal allies, nor eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

For the people of China, their main target now is the Soviets who used nuclear bombs to perform surgical attacks on China, not at them. Americans with friendly hands.

"We should try to get in touch with people from [China]. It would be great if we can visit their country. [China] is an ally we must win. If necessary, we can even give the other party big concessions. ……For example, seats in the United Nations…….

"The seat of the United Nations? What about Taiwan's Chang Shenkai? ... Nixon suddenly thought that Taiwan seemed to be a force they had always supported against the mainland.

"We only need to maintain the status quo. We can support the "China" strategy on the mainland.

For us, if we have the entire [China] as our ally, wouldn’t it just be better than a small Taiwan? What we need most to guard against now is not China, but the Soviet Union. Andro Bōv is the leader of the KGB, and I don't know him. But I think that as the chairman of the KGB, he should be able to understand the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union more deeply. And since he is the leader of the KGB, his style of behavior is different from the Brezhnev, Khrushchev, and even Stalin we have previously known. ,. Kissinger's analysis seems to make sense.

"So we should be careful of the Soviet Union...

"Yes, didn't even Khrushchev, who seems very enlightened, broke out with us in the Cuban missile crisis?,.

The contradiction between the same superpower and the US leading the Soviet Union is also irreconcilable.

At this time, Nixon was trying everything he could think of to check and balance the Soviet Union.

For the moment, it is not impossible to kill the Soviet Union with the United States alone. However, it is very likely that the result will be the same. If you are unlucky, you may even be killed by the Soviets.

Therefore, the Americans urgently need a fighter who can act as a MT to stand in front of the Soviets to carry the attack, so that the Americans can hide behind and use various skills to kill the opponent.

And China, a country that has always had grievances with the Soviet Union, is obviously the best choice.

"But I think if we are allowed to restore the seat of [Chinese] in the United Nations...will it be a bit wrong?... Nixon considered a more practical issue.

In September 1950, under the control of the United States, the Fifth General Assembly rejected the proposal to restore the legal rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations. Prior to the resolution, representatives of the "Republic of China" were allowed to occupy seats in the United Nations.

And then, from 1951 to 1960, the United States even called thieves to catch thieves, using the so-called "[China] to invade North Korea. As an excuse for ten years to prevent the United Nations General Assembly from discussing the issue of China’s representation-China] Is there any more ridiculous reason for aggression against North Korea? But the United States used such a ridiculous reason to prevent the People’s Republic of China from entering the United Nations.

This year, the General Committee of the Sixteenth General Assembly of the UN General Assembly passed a discussion on the issue of China's seat in the United Nations. At this time, the Kennedy government at the time made another move, forcibly restoring the representative power of China as an "important issue that must be approved by the United Nations General Assembly with a two-thirds majority vote...

"This Mou issue should be decided by the majority of the United Nations Congress... Kissinger said.

Nixon was stunned.

Once he knows, the opportunity is here!

"United Nations Congress".

Yes, judging from the situation over the years, there are now more and more countries supporting China. One day, even we Americans will not be able to prevent China from entering the permanent residence. ,.

This is indeed the case.

The General Assembly holds a regular session every year. The regular meeting opens on the third Tuesday of the oral month every year, and usually lasts until the middle and late days of the oral month. The conference is divided into two stages, the first half is the general debate stage, and the second half is the stage when the conference considers various topics included in the agenda. The General Assembly may decide to temporarily adjourn the meeting and resume the meeting at any time during the meeting, but it must be closed before the opening of the next regular meeting.

In history, China restored its status as the United Nations by an overwhelming majority at the 26th United Nations Congress in 1971.

Of course, [China] has been playing soy sauce since then, and it seems that it has not voted against it several times, except for the issue about Pakistan. More often, [China] is abstaining. "This time the UN General Assembly, [China] is also asking for the restoration of its legal status. Nixon is weighing in: "The United Nations without [China] does give People have an imperfect feeling that such a huge country is not even a member of the United Nations.

This reminded Nixon of the former "National League...

Solid United is an international organization before the United Nations, and the Americans are the initiators. But in the end, the Americans found that there seemed to be no benefit in the League of Nations, so the Americans did not participate in the League of Nations.

What China does not need is the status of a member of the United Nations, what they need is the status of a permanent member.

The figure of China at this time, unconsciously, overlaps with the United States at that time.

"It depends on how the United Nations does it...

Is the United Nations really that useless?

No, it's not necessarily.

The key question is who is the leader of the United Nations.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Annan and Gali did better than Ban Ki-moon.

The United Nations where Annan is located is very present. When he was elected as the Secretary-General of the United Nations, even people in China often heard the voice of the United Nations. At that time, China did not It was so developed during the Ban Ki-moon period.

Although the United Nations may have a strong voice, the five permanent members, commonly known as the five gangsters, all want to use the United Nations as their own punching bag.

The current Secretary-General of the United Nations is U Thant from Myanmar, who is also the third Secretary-General of the United Nations.

However, the Secretary-General, he will retire in one year, and in fact he himself is also plagued by his own cancer. If there are no accidents~

It seems unlikely that he will die in New York, USA in 1974.

U Thant was born in Bandano, Myanmar, and was educated at the National High School in Bandano and the University College in Yangon. From 1961 to 1971, he served as the third Secretary-General of the United Nations.

During his tenure, he mediated the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, the India-Pakistan dispute in 1965, and the third Middle East war in 1967. But it seems that there is no inevitable relationship between the settlement of these matters and the intervention of the United Nations...

U Thant is a devout Buddhist and an educator. He has written works on urban history, the League of Nations, Burmese education, and three volumes of Burmese history after World War II.

But to say that U Dan is an excellent Secretary-General of the United Nations. During his tenure, he didn’t seem to have made any influential decisions. Speaking of it, U Dan’s biggest incident was the transfer of his body after his death. The "U Thant Rebellion" caused when I returned to China...

U Thant once maintained a good relationship with the US government but because of public criticism of the US's behavior in the Vietnam War, it deteriorated rapidly. His secret effort to conduct direct peace negotiations between Washington and Hanoi was ultimately rejected by the Johnson administration.

The current US government basically does not treat the other side as the same thing. The United Nations is just a political arena for the Americans, the Soviets, and the British and French.

At this time, whether or not to join a new standard-bearer, the decision-making power of the question is no longer in the hands of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, but in the hands of the Americans themselves.

"[China] has decided to send special forces to our mercenary school to study. I think this is a good start. This shows that [Chinese] people are not as incommunicable as the Soviets.... Kissinger's The analysis is very reasonable.

"Well, let's see if we can help [Chinese] people at the UN General Assembly meeting.

Nixon felt that it seemed that it would be better for him to have a good relationship with each other. Catherine didn't know the decision of the two at this time.

If she knew it, she would be dumbfounded: The United States is ready to support China, what about ping-pong diplomacy after that? ! .