Blooming America

Chapter 743: "Star Wars" special effects

Lucas was nervous. "Domain name, please familiarize yourself"

The same goes for Spielberg, who is standing next to him.

On the screen, "Star Wars" is being shown.

It's just that Catherine, who is watching...or reviewing the film at this moment, didn't say a word.

Although Catherine is not very old, as Catherine who has already filmed "Wasteland" and "Red "sè" Vigilance", it can be said that they are the older generation of Lucas.

Let Catherine watch the film, and then comment by the way. For many young directors, this is something you cannot ask for. Although Catherine is "nv" and "xìng", her strength cannot be underestimated.

Looking at Catherine's seemingly "yīn" face, Lucas and Spielberg were a little nervous.

It's really different...

If they understand that Catherine's mood at the moment is not like her stern face, I'm afraid they will be dumbfounded, right?

This is actually the reason why Catherine is eager to take this film now.

"The effect of the movie is very good."

Now that the film is about one-third of it, it is Bruce Lee's part, and Catherine nodded.

Bruce Lee in the film does not have the feeling of a martial artist in the past, but has a kind of light feeling.

Well, it always reminds people of a creature named "Master".

Bruce Lee in the film is full of master style.

Catherine was very satisfied.

I don't know if Bruce Lee will...should he not? He has a medical team dedicated to "mén" who is responsible for regular checkups...

Catherine suddenly thought of it at this time, it seemed that Bruce Lee was about to reach the "limit" in history.

On July 20, 1973, Bruce Lee and Zou Wenhua were discussing the story at Ding Pei’s house. The two were about to go out to eat. At this time, Bruce Lee suddenly said, "I am sick and have a headache."

Ding Pei immediately took Bruce Lee's aspirin and exceeded the standard. After taking "yào", Xiaolong lay down to rest. At around 22:00 in the evening, Zou Wenhuai had something to discuss with Bruce Lee, so he called Bruce Lee, but Xiaolong had no response. Zou Wenhuai felt that the situation was not good-he immediately called the doctor, but everything was too late.

But Catherine felt that the current history might have some small changes from the original history.

Not only Bruce Lee, in fact, the first-line movie stars of DreamWorks are accompanied by doctors who specialize in "mén". These movie stars even have to consult these doctors if they want to eat "yào" and take "yào" without authorization. It should not appear anymore.

As for the poisoning of "yīn"... Catherine doesn't think that Hong Kong people really dare to play "yīn" with Bruce Lee who is under her cover. Bruce Lee is a contract artist of DreamWorks.

Bruce Lee is now different from the history. He has now become a big star in the United States. Bruce Lee's fame is the appeal of the box office.

Now, the most widely talked about on the streets of the United States are probably Bruce Lee and "Chinese Kung Fu."

This is probably also related to Nixon's visit to China.

His own plan has been "āo" for Pu Guanshui to do, and the other party has to find a place that is most suitable for opening a university in the United States.

Not only that, but the other party has to give "nòng" the preliminary school plan.

Although Catherine's temporary plan is just an ordinary university, according to Catherine's plan, her school will become a college community in the future.

Well, the Pentagon also paid for it.

In this case, the plan seems to work.

To persuade the Pentagon, as long as there is a complete plan, it is not that difficult to realize it. Catherine can be said to be an old acquaintance of the Pentagon, so if she comes forward, there should be no problem.

It is the Cold War period. Catherine believes that the Pentagon will be interested in "jīng" and "cutting-edge technology."

This is also the method that Catherine used to "yòu" and "huò" the Pentagon, to gather the "jīng" and the British, and then develop the high-tech. What is more rare is that it saves more money than the Manhattan Project. .

The matter "āo" passed on, and at this time, news came that Lucas's "Star Wars" was almost made.

Of course, "Star Wars" has not yet been completed, but the basic film is already complete, so it doesn't matter if you look at it.

The whole film uses special effects obtained from Catherine's supercomputer. In Catherine's view, these special effects are even ridiculous.

For example, those splashing ice cubes don't even have a shadow, and the effect of dust splashing is not satisfactory.

But Catherine felt that for Americans now, these should indeed be described as "magnificent."

It's just that Catherine didn't think it was enough.

"Can you only do this with special effects?"

Seeing half of it again, Catherine asked.

"During these times, we have done our best to make the picture this way."

Lucas explained.

"You want to catch up with the Christmas schedule, right?" Elsa asked.

Lucas hesitated, then nodded.

"This film should be on Christmas time, but that's not this year—but next year." Catherine said.

"Next year?" Lucas was taken aback by Catherine's words.

"Your special effect "huā" takes too little time, and this kind of effect is simply not appropriate." Catherine said to Lucas straightforwardly.


"And if possible, the film should have a higher contrast. We are shooting a science fiction film, not a documentary of vicissitudes. The film should have a futuristic atmosphere. In a hall full of machines, the picture should be cool. In the desert, you should use the bright yellow "sè" tone."

It is also a very important thing to give the picture a sense of hierarchy.

Catherine's hope is to make this "Star Wars" better than in history, not worse.

The story described in "Star Wars" originally was that the Galactic Republic was overthrown by the rebellion "luàn" that took place in the galaxy, and the Galactic Empire with Da Mojin as the supreme ruler began to rule the galaxy.

The Galactic Empire established an extremely powerful "Death Star" to suppress the rebels, and the residents of various galaxies in the Galactic Empire suffered from violent politics.

At this time, Princess Rhea of ​​Alderland sneaked into the imperial base and stole the secret weapon that could destroy the tyrant-the central structure of the "Death Star", but was discovered to act and was killed near the desert planet captive. The princess enters the data into the computer of the robot 92. The princess’s robot r2d2 and-that is, the trash can and the humanoid robot-escaped to the desert planet. With the help of the young man Luke, they found the old warrior of the Gidi tribe, the only remaining in the battle against the empire. The Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, and asked him for help. In order to avenge the relatives killed by the Emperor, Luke is determined to act with Obi-Wan. They took Captain Thoreau's cargo ship to the star field where the planet Alderland was destroyed by the Death Star, but they were captured by the "Death Star".

After a desperate contest with the black knight on the "Death Star", Luke and others finally rescued Princess Ria, but Obi-Wan died under the black knight's lightsaber. Luke and Princess Leia came to the rebel base and participated in the rebel's general attack on the Death Star. After discovering the weakness of the "Death Star", Luke finally destroyed the Death Star, and the Resistance was victorious.

Well, it's a classic story of the victory of light over darkness.

But Catherine also noticed that the plot was different in this, when Luke went to look for Obi-Wan, the plot was different.

At this time, Luke met Bruce Lee.

At this time, Bruce Lee was doing "āo" hands with Obi-Wan. The powerful Bruce Lee did not use lightsabers, but attached the force to the surface of his body, and then he was on par with Kenobi-and the opponent still kept his hands.

And then, there was also a dialogue between Bruce Lee and Obi-Wan, which also led to a story about the history of the Sith, and the good and evil and the use of the force became one of the things the story wanted to explore.

The Force user played by Bruce Lee does not have a name. This is also Lucas's "nòng" mystery, because people are always interested in such stories.

After inviting Obi-Wan, Bruce Lee temporarily joined Luke's team, and Luke also began to learn the use of the Force.

What Obi-Wan represents is good, but what Bruce Lee represents is a pureness that is neither good nor evil.

Although Luke thought Bruce Lee was very good, this typical American youth chose Obi-Wan.

However, at this time, Bruce Lee still patiently taught the other party knowledge, and then left.

Of course, the following plots were all seen by Catherine on the script, but in fact, the current film has not been shot to that level. This is a part of the battle between Bruce Lee and Obi-Wan, and then the war with the imperial soldiers. The plot of the series.

Lucas has also contracted some of Catherine’s vices. In the first film, the Sith and the Empire were already blacked out. If you just watch the movie, everyone will probably notice that this seems to be a Very simple story.

But in the second part, Bruce Lee, who has the most drama, will reverse the image of Sith...

I have to say that this is a Catherine-like evil plot.

As far as the script is concerned, Catherine is still very satisfied. What she is dissatisfied with is the special effects of the film.

"I don't need to save money anymore, it's all spent on special effects."

Catherine said so.

Both Lucas and Spielberg looked at Catherine with strange eyes.

"Don't care about the money, but the picture must be good! Only a perfect picture is worthy of such a story!"

The special effects party Catherine said so naturally.

Lucas and Spielberg nodded dumbly. The two pure children were broken by Catherine at this time...


There are two more~

Don’t stop~ Don’t stop~ Please remember the website, if you like to call me ""huā" Kai America" ​​written by Lord God