Blooming America

Chapter 786: Divano-a place that changes your destiny

"Knowledge alters your fate!"

This advertisement of the Eden Project is strong and powerful.

After the announcement of the entire plan, such an advertisement was also typed out by Catherine.

As the first person in the Ark Group's advertising, Donald is indeed very outstanding. With the overwhelming advertising, the atmosphere created by this entire advertisement has surpassed the kind of joy that the upcoming Olympic Games can bring to them.

However, although this plan was compiled by Donald, this slogan was used by Catherine.

You can see this line everywhere in the streets and in TV commercials.

"Knowledge alters your fate!"

This famous saying that Li Ka-shing has not yet said is heavier, more shocking and more beneficial than Bacon's "knowledge is power".

"When you come to Divano, your destiny is about to change..."

, This is indeed a magical place. Perhaps there is no way to cause too much change in other places, but for Americans, this can indeed be said to be a place that changes destiny.

Generally speaking, if you want to find high-priced housing in the United States, it is not so easy to find it in other places other than metropolises.

But speaking of it, it’s not very difficult to find a high-priced house. Generally speaking, first find out what kind of schools are better in this place—usually sīli schools—and then go to the campus to find high prices. The room is definitely accurate.

Different from China, the better schools in the United States are all sī schools. This is a completely different concept from the fact that China is mainly a strong public school.

In the United States, only "niggers" and "poor ghosts" can go to public schools. In such a school, even if you want to read well, you will only become the object of ridicule. People like Pu Guanshui are typical. He was discriminated against in school, not just because of race. This is also related to Pu Guanshui's attitude towards learning.

Therefore, it is very difficult to get ahead in public schools in the United States.

In the same situation, there are prices in various supermarkets.

Generally speaking. The prices in the rich areas are much higher than those in the poor areas. The poor cannot afford to buy, afford, or use houses in the rich areas. In places outside the wealthy areas, housing prices are much cheaper. You can also get a good house with a loan below the middle class. More importantly, the prices there are also cheaper.

However, such prices are cheaper. They are based on the fact that pork is fed with Clenbuterol, beef is ground beef that may contain manure, and peanut butter may have bleeding and Escherichia coli.

As a result, classes are naturally separated, and because of eating clenbuterol and eating various foods that may be infected, various food safety incidents are also endless-and because of this, there was a period of time in the United States that black people were relatively fat. Many, as for later. Naturally, it is because many white people have gradually become such "inferior people".

Although the prices of the wealthy people are high, their food is safe, public order is guaranteed, and their lives are comfortable and comfortable. It is probably not too much to say that it is heaven. The reason why the rich immigrated to the United States. Many are also for this kind of life and that kind of high welfare.

There are three possibilities for the remaining gold prospectors who want to make the American dream. One is that they may be the smallest, and they belong to the fewest category. These people have made their fortunes in the United States and then become the capitalists and big bourgeois of their dreams; the second possibility is that after many years, They recognize that they have no chance of development in the United States, so in the end, they are no different from those poor Americans. They either live in a poor area or return to China. The third type is also the saddest. They watched. The federal government wove their dreams, and at least some of them were taken out as role models. They worked hard to contribute to the building of the United States. In the end, they had nothing. The saddest thing is that they still love there. In the American dream that may be realized, the saddest time will be when they wake up.

But after this news came out, after the whole Eden plan came out, many people noticed this magical place.

What the Eden Project needs to create will be an incredible place. It will be a city composed of only students, a school district created entirely by students, and it will have almost nothing to do with the external environment.

Such a place is indeed very reassuring.

Maybe many parents in front of the TV don't have the feeling of just being indifferent, but when they see this plan, they will have such a feeling in their subconscious mind.

And Catherine's phrase "knowledge changes destiny" is indeed too good.

Isn't the so-called American dream meant to change one's own destiny?

Isn’t the reason why Americans are so affectionate is to change their own destiny?

They used their hands to create their own future and their own world. Isn't this what they are fighting for?

However, it seems that the American dream is often just a dream.

The gradual solidification of the class has caused these people to lose their confidence. They may still hold their dreams in their hearts, but they already know that their dreams are impossible to realize.

But seeing this news at this time, everyone was touched.

Although it is an advertisement, the length of this advertisement about Project Eden is as long as twenty minutes. The whole plan introduces the whole related plan in detail, especially the learning environment and living environment in this school.

In the school district, every student will get a medical insurance. If a student falls ill, he will be treated quickly.

And every piece of food that enters the school will also be guaranteed to the greatest degree of safety. Every piece of beef and every vegetable is carefully cultivated for the students.

Since a large company like Monsanto has not yet appeared, Catherine simply took out the seeds cultivated in her own laboratory and all kinds of breeding pigs and cattle. These foods are indeed "high-end products".

Of course, these products are still somewhat different from those consumed by Catherine herself.

Catherine did not have any requirements on the output, as long as the amount of food for her alone was enough, and the cost of feeding was completely free.

And these products were actually made by Drizzt Douglas, who was hired by Catherine.

Although Catherine spends millions of dollars on food, there is no pressure, but Catherine feels that if she can't give the people below herself a motivation, just let them eat together and wait for death, then her own food will be improved in the future. Uncertainty will also be hindered.

Therefore, Catherine gave them the same rules as other places in the Ark Group. As long as they can cultivate food for Catherine, other times, they can do whatever they want. And if the product is good, Catherine will also sponsor it.

After all, when Catherine was abducting Drizzt, she also took the laboratory as a promise.

After that, Drizzt also began to develop all kinds of videos. The taste of these foods may not be as perfect as Catherine, but the output is up.

When Drizzt came up with these foods, he asked Catherine, but Catherine was not optimistic about these high-priced, low-yield gadgets—compared to the products on the market today, these foods can indeed be described as low-yield— -If these products are produced commercially, they will easily be put on the ground by similar products on the market.

In the 1980s, Monsanto used output to crush everything?

And Drizzt naturally ran into a wall. After that, Drizzt used the food he cultivated everywhere to seek sponsorship, but in the end he was beaten to blood. If it weren't for Catherine to think of the other party again, Drizzt I am afraid that I will have to wander around for a while before I can sell my products at a low price.

Although such a product is of high quality, it is not the best, and the price is high, and the output is low, it is strange to be regarded by others.

But there is a sentence that is very easy to use.

——All for the children.

Children are the hope of the country. A country that does not attach importance to the cultivation of offspring will eventually decline and decline. After World War II, didn't the Americans castrate the spirit and education of the Japanese so that the next generation of Japanese was inferior to the next generation and eventually became herbivorous men? The class in Japan is one reason, but this kind of society has already decayed from its roots, so it is even more hopeless.

Americans also attach importance to the next generation. Although Catherine's products are low in output, but the nutritional value is very good, so the Pentagon is very interested in this.

In the school district, the food supply for students will be mainly vegetables, supplemented by meat.

This is also different from Compared to China’s vegetables, which are as cheap as weeds-of course, in the 21st World, things like "garlic you are cruel" are also choking- —American vegetables are considered luxury goods. If the meal has vegetables, it is the same concept as having braised pork on the Chinese table.

The living conditions of the school are very good, which is great for parents.

So by the end of March, many people have come to consult about the school.

What made the reception staff a little bit dumbfounded was that many people were asking if they could settle down because the atmosphere there seemed to be very good.

It is only to accompany and settle down. These are not allowed. Under special circumstances-for example, when the student is disabled-parents can apply for an **** to the student. And this will not cause an increase in tuition, the cost of the **** is paid by the school.

"Knowledge alters your fate."

This famous saying will affect a generation of Americans in the next ten years...

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