Blooming America

Chapter 801: Jenny's mentor

Leroy has always had a grudge against her own ōng department---good-looking novel:. Book mí group 2

Otherwise, she wouldn't even have gotten that kind of awesome stuff in the first place - it's just that Lerila was discouraged by the side effects.

"We can ask Larry to participate in this experiment." Catherine said.

But Jenny was a little bit suspicious: "If the situation is the same as what happened in your blood after leaving your body, what should you do?"


This is indeed a problem.

"But Larryla's xìng orientation seems to match your tǐng, Kate, if you can sacrifice your life, maybe it's not bad~"

"I won't do this!"

Catherine rolled her eyes directly-a good novel:.

"——Let’s use Rebecca to experiment first."

Catherine can only say that, and it is okay to use preliminary experiments to determine the situation.

Using Feng ōng to deceive Larry La, seems a bit unkind...

So now I can only do this.

Next, Jenny began to buy the corresponding equipment everywhere.

She probably already knows what needs to be checked for Catherine, so at this time Jenny has to buy the corresponding equipment and equipment.

Anyway, Catherine gave a lot of funds, although these equipment also cost tens of millions of dollars, but relative to the funds Catherine gave, it is not a lot.

The prices of professional equipment are very high, but Jenny is also willing to do so. After booking enough equipment, Jenny began to recruit talents.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for nvxìng leaders to find enough talents, because few people like to work under nvxìng. Men's self-esteem does not allow them to do this. But fortunately, the population base is large enough, because they work in the school district, so talents are still in droves.

"Hello...Mr. House..."

When Catherine faced the guy named Greg House in front of her, she couldn't complain.

But this person... is indeed Jenny's mentor.

(Such a shining name, isn't it life-killing...)

This guy named House. He is a middle-aged man in his forties who looks handsome, looking from the European and American eyes. He is also an old handsome guy, but his thick dark circles have reduced his points a lot-a good-looking novel:.

But there are so many people with the same name and surname in this world. After Catherine figured this out. Book mí Group 2 did not express the idea just now.

This person is Jenny’s mentor, but in order to get a chance to work in the school district, now he has become Jenny’s subordinate...

Although scientists can apply for a studio here, this is also conditional.

So far, there have been too many applicants. For this reason, the school district had to make a decision: that is to review all applicants.

Before this, there was already an audit procedure. But this review is different from that one.

That is the verification of identity, and this time it is the verification of qualifications, and it will be very strict.

Jenny's mentor also wants to establish his own laboratory here.

But it's a pity... His second trial was not passed in the end.

The reason is not that Mr. House is not good enough, but because there are too many people who are better than him. So he was unable to work there.

Of course it is impossible for Jenny to have such an ability here, but Jenny is relative to her mentor... there are people above her.

Anyway. The person above is the world's largest scientific achievement and golden finger, which is second only to the existence of the protagonist's halo.

"I didn't expect you to be my student's friend..."

Although the man opposite was over forty years old, he was very shocked at this time.

Catherine Edson.

Now all scientists basically know that the Tower of Babel project and the Eden Project existed only after Catherine's proposal-other book friends are watching:.

As a medical professional, House is more interested in the Tower of Babel project. He thinks such a magnificent project is very helpful to his plan.

House's main research direction is surgery, and more specifically, artificial organs. For now, his research object is artificial skin.

It was just because he hadn't made breakthroughs for a long time, and his life was quite difficult some time ago-it was just that a found mén at this time, which made House's situation improved.

But helping a to make things like human skin masks is not his pursuit.

a What is needed is a kind of equipment that is similar to the skin texture and can cover the face for a long time, and what House wants to develop is an artificial skin product to help patients.

If it weren't for this research, there would be no problem, but House was tired of working for a.

"Maybe you need a laboratory of your own?"

Catherine asked tentatively.

It's not that Catherine wants to use her privileges, but that she thinks it's better not to be known by others.

"No, no, I just want a place where I can work safely and comfortably." He said.


Catherine tilted her head.

In this case, it seems that I shouldn't have said anything.

"In fact, as long as there is research on human science, I am very interested, such as the current Tower of Babel project... So as long as I can continue to do related research, it is already Very good choice-other book friends are watching:."

"But in this case... don't you find it bothersome?" Catherine finally tried to persuade the other party.

In the school district, students are not allowed to enter and leave the school district casually because it is fully enclosed.

And the teacher can't leave casually. They should notify the upper level of the news that they are leaving, and then the upper level will issue the unlocking command, so that they can leave.

And only when they reach the professor level, they all have a card. By swiping the card, they can enter and leave the school district at any time. The professors here are not ordinary professors, but refer to the rights of professors who have the laboratory and the achievements and achievements recognized by the school district.

And if you enter the school district as a researcher, you can only get the same treatment as an ordinary teacher, instead of enjoying the relaxed treatment of those professors.

You know, House can have his own laboratory outside, is he really willing?

"I don't have any opinion on this, because I don't have too many social activities." The other party is very bachelor.

Catherine nodded: "In this case, for your research, I also invest a little money to sponsor you, I also hope that you can have your own great achievements."

Catherine decided to simply let the other party do the research on her own.

"Oh, if this is the case, that would be great!" The other party was obviously very happy.

After talking with the other party, Catherine wiped her sweat.

"Jenny, your tutor seems to really want to work in the school district..." Catherine said to Jenny who came in behind.

"Probably, but my mentor is also very capable, and I think he is a reliable person... Maybe we can pass our plan to Mr. House?"

Jenny tried to persuade Catherine - other book friends are watching:.

"No, I don't think it is time yet. I think we should be a little more cautious..."

Catherine didn't want to be sliced, really.

As for the way to keep herself from being sliced, Catherine has already thought of it-that is to make herself strong enough so that she can only slice others by herself, and no one else will slice herself...

Well, this is a must.

"This is the case for the time being." Catherine was not in a high mood at this time.

"Okay." Jenny didn't intend to disturb Catherine anymore.

After the other party left, Catherine shook her head.

Although there is the help of air conditioning, Catherine here still feels hot.

Catherine was in a bad mood at this time.

"Perhaps I should find something to do...Elsa, is there any need or urgent need to solve our company now?" Catherine asked.

"Unfortunately, not yet." Elsa shook her head.

Originally, June should be the busiest time for Catherine, because most American companies only sort out their financial reports in June, which is completely different from Catherine’s habits.

Catherine is used to getting her own evaluation for the entire year at the end of the year.

But in the United States, this is not the case. Because the end of the year is Christmas and New Year, this is not easy to organize.

But Catherine's company is not like this. In the first few days of the year, the company will work overtime to sort out the financial report. The company has been accustomed to this way for so many years.

So at the beginning of the year, it was Catherine's busiest time, but now she is free.

Catherine became even more bored at the thought of being free.

She wasn't worried that she was being sliced ​​decisively now. What Catherine was upset about was another thing-her lithium battery cooperation plan was rejected by Exxon Mobil.

"Damn... toast and not eat fine wine..."

Catherine fiercely hit the space bar on the battery is already one of their profitable projects, Exxon does not need to cooperate with us anymore. "

Facing Elsa's comfort, Catherine curled her lips.

Ex Mobil later cooperated with Sony to develop lithium batteries. How could they think of rejecting themselves? !

This is too strange, right? !

This is what Catherine is most depressing about.

Why are they able to cooperate with the Japanese but not themselves with the same lithium battery?

This is the situation that Catherine hates most.


Three shifts today.

Well, you must save the manuscript now... How can it be repaired! . .