Blooming America

Chapter 821: Hive completed

Chapter 821

"Place things here—"

Jenny was relieved when she watched the workers move the instrument to the place she wanted. ~~

Up to now, my own laboratory honeycomb has finally been completed.

It was really unexpected to finish this kind of work before Christmas.

Excited, Jenny called Catherine: "It's almost done, Kate."

"The laboratory is ready?"

Catherine raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, if it's an inspection, I can start when I finish debugging the machine."

"Well, okay, let's talk about the details when I arrive. I am going to see Eden."

The main body of Catherine's new stronghold, Eden, is almost there.

The design and construction of Eden was not difficult, so it was almost done at this time, and Catherine was going to check it out at this time.

Catherine was in the car when Jenny called.

"Really good news~" When she hung up the phone, Catherine had a cheerful expression: "Elsa, Jenny's laboratory has been built~"

This also means that Catherine's research and puzzle solving can finally begin.

As long as this goal can be achieved, the biggest mystery in Catherine's heart can also be said to be solved.

Soon, the car reached its destination.

The hive is relatively close to Catherine’s Eden, but close to the periphery, it can basically be regarded as a “suburban”. Between each school district, there are some suburbs similar to this. This is not Catherine’s opinion, but those The opinions of the designers, thanks to the continuous efforts of the Green Peace Organization, have resulted in such a landscape.

Green Peace (e) is the abbreviation of Green Peace Organization. It belongs to an international non-political organization that focuses on environmental protection and is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The Green Peace Organization declared its mission: "Protect the safety and continuous development of the earth, the environment and its various organisms, and make positive changes with actions." Whether in scientific research or technological invention, Green Peace advocates Solutions that are conducive to environmental protection. For behaviors that violate the above principles, Green Peace will do its best to prevent them. Its purpose is to promote a greener, peaceful and sustainable future.

Green peace originated from the "No Show of Hands Voting Committee". It was founded in Vancouver, Canada in 1970 by an American and Canadian pacifist. The name is taken from a slogan protesting the U.S. nuclear test march in 1969. At that time, the committee gathered together to prevent the second underground nuclear test conducted by the U.S. military codenamed n under Anchica Island, Alaska.

Bill Darnell's suggestion of combining "green sè" and "peace" received everyone's support, and the name of the organization has since been established. On May 4, 1972, Dorothy Stowe resigned as chairman of the "No Show of Hands Voting Committee", and the fledgling environmental group officially announced that the organization's name was changed to "Green Peace Foundation".

It seems that Soros and this organization also seem to have something to do with...

Catherine did not remember any more sensational actions of this organization in the United States, but the current history is different. The other party is economically stronger than before, so it can be more tossing than in history...

In Catherine's view, Soros is the eighth accomplishment behind this incident. I really don't know how Soros has been linked to environmental protection in this life.

The so-called energy-saving and poor three generations, environmental protection ruined a life... Could it be that he ruined Soros's life...?

But Catherine doesn't have any opinion on this organization right now. The open space here has not been well planned, because the project is hurriedly launched, so the section has not considered too much.

Well, as long as it is not harming their own interests, the Green Peace Organization likes to have trouble with oil companies, and there is no pressure at all...

The hive is not in operation, there are only three layers outside, but Catherine knows that the hive is very deep...

At this time, the workers were resting outside, everything had been moved in, and Catherine also walked in.

Jenny was on the third basement floor at this time, and Catherine went down.

"It looks like it's not bad here..."

Catherine looked at this side. The outer walls were covered with stainless steel plates, and then painted with white paint, which gave people a very bright feeling.

"Kate, are you here?"

Jenny is checking the machine at this time.

"It seems it's almost done?"

Catherine asked.

These machines of Jenny had been purchased from the beginning, so when the decoration here was completed, they immediately moved everything out.

"It's hard to imagine, it seems like a year ago, there was still a big hole here." Elsa also said with emotion.

"It's basically done, but all the machines have to be debugged... and the supercomputer hasn't come over yet."

"I will let them prepare as soon as possible."

Catherine said so.

One of the cores of the hive is a supercomputer. With a supercomputer, all research can be made faster and more convenient.

"When can I start using it?"

Catherine asked again.

"In this case, it should be operational after Christmas."

Jenny is still checking various equipment.

"Oh, all right."

It would be much more convenient if you could get everything done before Christmas.

For Catherine, the most important thing is not the school district or intel, but the secret of her own body. Only when this problem is solved, Catherine can finally feel relieved.

The honeycomb has a total of 8 floors, of which 3 floors are on the surface. This is also the place for ordinary research. Jenny also has the research she wants to do; the underground 1st and 2nd floors are places for more in-depth and more confidential research. ; The third underground floor where they are now is where Jenny used to "study" Catherine. It is placed in the innermost place because this is where the most confidentiality is needed; and the "Red Queen" supercomputer will be placed On the 4th floor underground, as for the 5th floor, the backup generator is located.

"There is no shortage of equipment now, and some of the basic products I ordered are already on the way... Well, now there is still a supercomputer and a backup generator, and it is almost ready to operate here. But I have to say For testing, just wait for the final debugging... Kate, let’s test after Christmas. I really want to know what happened to your body..."

The other party looked at Catherine with interest.


Why do you think this look is so creepy?

"By the way, Jenny, go and see my'new home'!"

This was originally Catherine's purpose.

"You mean Eden?"

"of course."

"Oh, then I'm going to have a look. The workers talk about the most iconic building in the Second School District every day."

"is it?"

Although Catherine felt that her design seemed a bit avant-garde, it didn't seem to be too much, right?

"Of course, now the tallest building in the second school district is also the best-looking building."

Catherine shrugged, looking from here, it seemed that only Catherine's Eden could be seen.

The two went out from here, got in the car, and headed for Catherine's new home. There was soot outside now, they didn't dare to walk over. Now the entire second school district is a huge factory. There are all kinds of smoke and mist here, which are really uncomfortable.

It was only a few minutes away, but Catherine had already seen the road full of pieces of wood and gravel, which were all traces of the building. It's actually okay here, because there are not many construction sites. If you go deeper, it will be even more tossing.

Eden is in the āo boundary between the first school district and the second school district. Strictly speaking, it is considered a "suburban", so the environment here is better.

The style of Catherine's Eden is a little different from the traditional house. After all, the name is "Eden". Naturally, it needs a little Eden atmosphere.

The final shape of Eden is higher than that designed by Catherine, because according to Catherine's tossing method, if you don't add a few more layers, some swimming pools or something can't be placed in it. The middle of Eden is hollow, and there is a small huā garden in mid-air, but now there is only a "garden" and no "huā". In the middle of the huā garden, according to Catherine's idea, an apple tree is to be planted, and this step will be the last to be completed.

In addition, people can walk from the house to the huā garden, or walk inward along the stairs outside the house while admiring the scenery of the school district.

When I approached Eden, it was almost done here, but the interior decoration was much worse.

"It may take more than half a year to get it done..."

Catherine murmured something like this.

"But the scenery here seems to be very good. Maybe we can look at the entire Second School District from above?"

Jenny looked up at it from a distance.

"Ah... I had known that if it were higher, maybe you could overlook the entire school district..."

Catherine thought of this suddenly.

"This is not the Empire State Building..."

Jenny felt that Catherine's statement was a little unreliable.

"Why don't we go up and see now?" Catherine asked.

The cold wind blew shivered.

"Wait when you have the opportunity to go up again..."

Catherine shrugged.

"But these days are so fast, it seems that it was summer yesterday, and it is already winter today..."

The weather was a bit cold, and Catherine couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, Catherine thought of the design of Baduwa's temperature-controlled clothes.

If it is used in winter, it seems to be ok. If the other party's design can come true, it will be great...

(Well, let’s talk to Lisa these two days, and then talk to Mr. Homan...)


There is also~ The update is constantly extinct, haha~
