Blooming America

Chapter 846: Gates' small company

Full text and no ads Chapter 846 Gates' Small Company

"How's it going?"

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The two talking are Gates and Jobs.

Gates is writing software at this time.

This is the latest "business" Gates has received.

Gates is not short of money, but he always thinks that his current career cannot satisfy himself.

So he wants some "challenges".

Because there is still more than a year before he will go to Ark University, Gates now decides to start a company with Jobs first, and then work together.

Coincidentally, when their company was just established, someone came up, and after hearing the name of Gates, he handed over the business to them.

In fact, Gates did not inquire about who the other party was, but the other party had already given a sufficient deposit, so Gates also had a keen interest in this plan at this time.

The other party asked Gates to write an electronic sound software, that is, a software that can make people's voice inaudible to others, and it is best to speak in many different tones.

If they can, if Gates can complete a reading and pronunciation software, they will also need it.

Although he has never done such a thing, in Gates' view, it will not be difficult, so he agreed.

These strange people felt pretty good about Gates' promise, and promised a handsome reward.

Although he didn't inquire, Gates guessed that these people should be rock bands or something, because he heard these people say something like "milk and bread" when they were talking, and they have appeared many times. Look The other party should be a member of such a band.

Speaking of it, it seems that the other party also wants to have a portable storage device, but this is not something Gates can do.

"Hey, hello..."

Gates yelled into the microphone, while Jobs over there was debugging something with the receiver.

At this time, Gates and the others used an ibag cd player to modify the equipment, and then use the equipment in the hands of Jobs to debug their equipment.

The computer on the side will record these debugging contents.

Speaking of it, just such a small amount of equipment, but the money they have accumulated has been exhausted...

"It seems that we can do the first requirement. It is still very simple to change the sound, but..." Jobs seemed to be distressed: "But when debugging, these sounds are too electronic. It may take some time for them to be able to speak in many different tones. Maybe we should find a professional..."

After all, the two are engaged in software. All text without ads

"What kind of people do we want?"

Gates asked.

"Probably someone who is more familiar with sound devices...oh, it seems to be troublesome..."

American kids like Gates are very capable of hands-on, but that doesn't mean they are all-rounders. There are some problems that the two little guys seem to be really confused about.

"This is really troublesome..."

Although troublesome, Gates did not consider shrinking. He is planning to continue this task.

And Gates also feels that the prospects for this product are great.

A software and device that can hide and change your voice, isn't it great?

"Maybe we can use software to realize our ideas..."

Gates said this suddenly at this time.


Jobs also shines.

"Yes, we digitized the sound, then processed the data through the computer, and obtained new data through computer processing...?"

Gates' ideas are good, but they are also naive.

Voice changing software is not that simple to implement.

"Ah... Maybe I need more people. We can start with both software and hardware..."

Looking at the device in front of him, Gates felt that he had worked hard to come up with such a hardware device, and then to develop the software, it seemed that he had to start from scratch again, and his time was only two months left, and he could Have you come up with a complete software in such a short time?

The principle of the audio changing tool is to change the timbre and pitch of the input audio, and output the changed audio, and save it as a digital audio file.

Any voice changing software is dedicated to further imitating the human voice to achieve perfection. However, this is also a subject that has been difficult to overcome in the international sound-changing technology until the 21st century. Because human voices are different in pitch, timbre, and rhythm, you will feel a little distorted in the process of using the software.

Gates hasn't realized this problem yet. He just feels that there may be a big business opportunity in it. If he can discover it, it seems to be very good...

Compared with sound-changing software, sound-changing tools, that is, sound-changing hardware, are easier to develop. For example, in the well-known animation "Reaper Elementary School"/"Ten Thousand Years Elementary School Student", Conan used the bow when he played Kogoro Mouri when he was investigating the case. It was a kind of sound-changing hardware. The sound-changing software is a tool for realizing sound-changing through software, not hardware. The operating platform of the sound-changing software is a computer system.

The reason why Gates hesitated is also related to the computer, because in order to develop the hardware in his hand, Gates bought a professional device to connect to a Pentium computer to record data. If it is replaced by software, his own devices are not necessary. Is it dangling?

"We can take care of it."

Jobs said this to Gates.

"I hope..." Gates shook his head.

"However, we are still researching the equipment we have at hand first, and after the business deal is over, we will study our own software, and when our software and hardware are available, we will go to register a patent."

Jobs nodded.



"What about the other function that the other party said? Should we consider it?" Jobs said.

"Another...?" Gates understood. The other function Jobs said was the reading function.

"This is a bit complicated. We will let the computer learn phonetic symbols..."

Gates frowned. The problem seemed to be more complicated, which made Gates a headache.

In fact, this function is not necessary, if it is completed, he will be paid more, which makes Gates have to be tempted.

This is hundreds of thousands of dollars!

The other party has really lost money, and Gates can't help but work hard, right?

In fact, if it is in Chinese, it is quite simple, because Chinese is a single word, so it is easier to read aloud, but English is different.

Unvoiced consonants, voiced consonants, vowels, and some letters are not pronounced. Under certain circumstances, another sound is pronounced. In this case, unless the computer has the same judgment as a human, it will cause a headache...

But how easy is it?

Maybe anyone can try to read a word they don’t know, but in fact their pronunciation is different from the actual pronunciation.

"The letter is a difficult aspect to solve." Gates said frankly.

"What if we make an error correction pattern?" Jobs said suddenly.

"What's that?" Hearing what the other party meant, it seemed that there was a solution.

"That is, we set a pronunciation rule so that the reading is correct in most cases, and then we set an error correction rule, when we read an unknown word, we can let the user Write the phonetic transcription yourself, and when the machine reads this word or similar words, it will give priority to the pronunciation of this phonetic transcription..."

This is a good idea, and Gates thinks it can.

"Let's develop these two functions... Well, don't rush to deliver the goods, let's register the patent first."

Gates kept an eye on him. Although he didn't know who the seller was, as long as the patent was in hand, it would be fine.

"Well. Maybe we can still take them to continue doing business. I guess the other party needs a device that allows them to keep a hidden chat. Otherwise, it should be...Hey, Gates..."

Jobs seemed to notice something terrible, and suddenly his eyes widened.


"If it were a rock band... Would our idea be... too simple?"

"Will it?" Gates puzzled.

"Why do I always feel that we are developing amazing things for someone..." Jobs frowned, and Gates was taken aback for a while, and he quickly reacted.

No... it's a spy or kidnapper...

"There is too much money..." This is hundreds of thousands of dollars. The other party found this humble small company, and then promised them money to let them develop software...?

Gates began to analyze. Although he is a small celebrity, he is actually not very big. It is only known in the player circle. "Metal Slug" was developed by him.

The other party should also know the news and don't take it to heart. In other words, the other party is someone who understands computers or the Internet but doesn't pay much attention to games.

Computer...Network...Network...Public Opinion...

Gates seems to notice something...

"What should we do?" Gates also began to suspect that the other party was a spy at this time.

"This matter is not We don't know who the other party is, but if the other party is really a spy, we also have a way."


"We can report them!" Jobs said: "Of course, after the other party has delivered the goods, and when it is delivered, we had better not come forward..."

The two little devil heads have already revealed their dark-bellied personalities at this time...

The greatest profiteer of the 20th century does not seem to intend to succumb to Catherine...


So hot……

By the way, it is better to use crt to play games. There is no smear and the color reproduction is high, which is really cool...

There is one more tomorrow...


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