Blooming America

Chapter 910: Public opinion wars on the Internet?

Chapter 910 Public Opinion Warfare on the Internet?

The bō sound technology is very good. It is not only used in the aviation field. In fact, it can be used in many places. In the future, even if you just invest in bō sound, you may not make money.

According to Catherine, the bō sound will inevitably be blocked these years, and the situation may be dangerous, but in Catherine's view, this is not necessarily a disadvantage for herself.

——In the 1980s, the world's shipping industry was on a downward slope, including the economy of Xianggang.

But by that time, bōyin will inevitably turn the risk into a breeze, and at this time, if you have investments and shares, you will not lose money.

It is based on these that Catherine has the intention of investing in bōyin and even further acquisitions.

"By the way, where's Big Meow? Didn't seem to see it?"

Although it has been two days since Catherine came back, she didn't think of the poor big cat until this time.

"Jenny said she was going to experiment on animals, so she took it away..."

Elsa's expression didn't seem very good.

"Oh? Now that we can do animal experiments, it means we are almost done..."

"Da Meow is fine for the time being..." If something happens now, Elsa wouldn't be in front of her like this, right?

"Oh, that's fine."

Although she doesn't care much about her pet, Catherine will be worried if something goes wrong.

It's my own thing after all.

Speaking of which, if this little guy didn't deal with him at the beginning, how could it have reached this hard-bearing field today?

"How is Jenny's experiment preparation?"

Catherine asked.

"I'm not sure, but she seems to say that you can use your protein itself as a processing plant to produce a kind of...a kind of...a thing with almost the same effect anyway...but Jenny said that the experiment has not made any progress yet.

Do you want artificial production?

But after hearing Jenny say that there was no progress, Catherine shook her head.

This is not just something that can be done by one person.

Catherine thought for a moment, this thing must be handled by a large number of talents...

"Elsa, how about we buy an island as a secret base?"

Catherine suddenly had such an idea!

"Small island? Secret base?"

Elsa is puzzled, having said that, isn't this something the Pentagon often does?

And in the movie, it seems that they do this, but they are all villains...

Speaking of which, Catherine seems to be here...

"We are on an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean and then transformed into our secret base. Isn't it great? And if the environment is better, we can also spend our vacation there."

Catherine's words made Elsa nod her head, sounding like a pretty good one.

"But really want to do this experiment...? The question is, who will go to that uninhabited island with us?"

Elsa asked strangely.


Catherine scratched her head, and after thinking about it for a long time, she realized that this plan was really not feasible.

Yes, I really have this island, who will go with me?

No one!

I am not a national organization. In such a situation, who would be his own?

What Catherine needs must be expert-level characters, but these people are indeed characters. How can they bird themselves?

If it is normal, then forget it, but the problem is that I have to send these people to an uninhabited island and hide them in secret. This kind of conspiracy has always been unpopular, so I won’t come to myself when the time comes. Trouble, this is already great news!

"Well, there will be a way and a chance to go nòng again in the future..."

Catherine has made up her mind and has no chance now, but this does not mean that she will have no chance in the future!

In the future, I must nòng a secret base that the legendary villain only has!

"Is there any news recently?"

After all, having been away from the United States for a month, Catherine was afraid that she had overlooked something more important, so she asked Elsa.

"Everything was normal last month, and the company did not have any major issues. The supercomputer has also been shipped to Xianggang. It is now being debugged and it looks like it will be available soon."

"Then it's nothing big?"

It seems that everything that should be understood is understood.

"Uh...this is not the case, but there are many important things that have nothing to do with us..."

Elsa looked at the scroll in her hand and found a lot of things.

"Well, last month, the two giants on the Internet...Well, it was Tianya and Yiwang who were making trouble. It seemed like a big trouble."

"is it?"

Catherine had no information at hand, so she took the report and read it again.

Then Catherine turned on her Apple computer and logged on to these two websites.

The Internet is operated by Catherine, so they must also understand related matters to prevent scandals and the like.

And after seeing this document, Catherine was embarrassed to find that the two giants of the Internet were really fighting each other on the website chún.

Easy Net was previously operated by a. Later, A felt that such an organization was unnecessary, so he packaged it and sold it to the Dikai community. Under the leadership of the Dikai community, eNet was also thriving.

However, if an anòng website is released to the KGB spy operation, what chemical reaction will it produce?

Catherine is not clear about the joints between these, but this does not prevent Catherine from watching the excitement.

After being acquired, EasyNet put forward the slogan "Easy Net with Attitude, Media with Attitude".

There were a lot of users of EasyNet in the past, but after changing to the more brainwashed KGB, EasyNet became more popular. Of course, the slogan of their website felt that this website was very vigorous and tough.

But I don't know why, this website seems to have provoke the Tianya society, which has always been a soy sauce crowd, and then both parties quarreled.

Tianya community was founded by her own men, and Catherine knew it.

In Catherine's view, this is also the largest soy sauce community on the Internet. Here, people talk about everything, but they don’t have their own opinions. The whole site has a soy sauce atmosphere.

But most people are actually soy sauce fans, so their traffic and advertisements are very good.

But not long ago, Tianya Community used a post from its founder "Immortal Gregory": ", don't deceive us with your attitude! A post like this was a horn, and the two sides began to chún each other.

After Catherine opened the post with more than 10,000 replies, she discovered that the post originated from the immortal Gregory's anger at Yiwang.

After being taken over by the KGB spy Niu Nǎi and the Bread Team, Easy Net opened a new column: Discoverer.

In the column of Discoverers of Easynet, some "network scientists" are hired to provide them with manuscripts. They talk about cold knowledge, which is very popular.

However, these network scientists themselves are ill-intentioned. Could something go wrong as a result?

"It's really bad intentions..."

Catherine entered this website and took a look, but didn't know what to say.

Starting from the first discoverer, Catherine discovered that this website is really unbearable for some people who may have a correct outlook.

For example, the first few articles: "The Misread Rabies", "Doping, Testing Will Never Keep Up with R&D" topics.

The former talked about rabies, and Tianya Community was the first to get this.

"Because of the widespread awareness that'healthy dogs can carry and spread rabies virus', many people injured by dogs have been in extreme fear for a long time. It is only some domestic doctors who do not know the truth that support healthy dogs to carry the virus. The doctor’s response to dog bite patients is usually: healthy dogs can also carry the virus, and the incubation period of rabies is very long, up to ten years, twenty years, or even thirty years, so it may also be sick. Therefore, it is necessary to vaccinate rabies. It is best to measure the antibody level of the rabies virus in the serum to understand whether the vaccination is effective. This answer is the main reason for the public panic about rabies. According to the latest report, it is very rare for healthy dogs to transmit the virus."

Americans have a lot of pets, and most of them are vaccinated against rabies, so in fact, the probability of the incidence of rabies in the United States is very small-although many people are bitten every year.

More importantly, this is not the 21st century. The 1970s are the time when the United States is committed to eradicating rabies.

And at this time, Easy Net suddenly came out and said: Don’t panic, everyone, there is no need to worry about rabies. Through the ten-day observation method, it is found that the dog has not died for ten days after biting you. You won’t get sick~ So when you find that the dog is dead, don't go for an injection~

Anyway, this tone really made Catherine feel a little...subtle.

Very strange feeling.

The Tianya community also has a weapon to fight back: they first cited the most recent incident of a poor child who died because of rabies-this man died because he was not vaccinated, and then they found a three-year-old child. The fact of death. Every time the child had a bowel movement their puppy would come to clean the other party. Then a year later, the boy was infected with rabies inexplicably and then died.

"This is not hype...?"

The argument over there is exaggerated, and the challenge here is active, Catherine feels like hype.

The second part of "Doping, Testing Never Keeps Up with R&D" is even more so, because it was said during the Olympic Games in 1972.

However, this article received a good response at first, but later hit Black September, so I couldn't get any topic out of it.

"What's the matter with this wonderful sense of sight?"

Catherine róu took róu eyes.


First today~

There are two more~
